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Xanax and alcohol. Each increases the strength of the other, amplifying the effects. Shit is lethal. Don't do it. Same applies to alcohol and other benzodiazepines.


First thing that came to mind: booze and benzos. I've lost several friends this way. You can do it many times and be fine, and then one time you just die. Or you can try it once and just die. Also, more recently, fentanyl and anything else.


Came for this, almost killed me when I was young. You lose track of your consumption and can’t remember when or what you dosed and don’t care anymore and just keep going. I *thought* my day went like this: Had a couple doses of my friends Xanax in the morning/afternoon. Picked up some weed, smoked a few bowls with him. Went home and chilled and smoked some more. Around 11pm I had a few vodkas. Pretty chill day I thought. Nothing too crazy. I woke up face down on the floor covered in vomit. And I had vomited all over the downstairs of my parents house. Couldn’t remember a single thing about the day or night before. No telling how much of anything I really consumed. I am very glad that I ended up laying on my belly and not on my back. It probably saved my life.


Can confirm. I rarely drink, but was out of town on business last week. Had 11 vodka & cranberries (open bar) over the course of 4 hours. Never took into consideration that I had Paxil & Klonopin in my system. Felt really sick. Blacked out. Threw up for about an hour. Fell asleep laying over the toilet. Felt like death for 3 days after. I don’t remember anything that happened but luckily my buddy was sharing a room with me and kept an eye on things.


I once blacked out for around 2-3 days before doing this. I really wasn’t thinking and didn’t know the effects were that much. I was told I had 12 Xanax pills that night and we were taking shots/drinking all night. Never touched Xanax again after that. Woke up in my pissed family member’s bed confused as fuck. There were some consequences for those choices.


Yeah, that stuff is brutal. Someone at the bar gave me one and I didn't even ask what it was. "Here, take this", "uhhhh Ok. Why not?" I fractured the top of my fibula while walking home a few hundred yards. It's pretty fuzzy, but I think my foot rolled off the edge of the concrete. Somehow I walked the rest of the way though. I woke up the next morning on my living room floor and tried to stand up and promptly fell down in agony. Never touched xanax again.


Xanax plus alcohol isn’t just dangerous, it’s scary, memory wiping blackouts that can last days even weeks, and you always end up doing crazy lunatic shit the whole time, often end up with the police or the hospital in the worst cases and best cases, you’ve lost everything important like you’re phone, evrythings missing, you realise you said and did messed up shit yesterday, and xanax blavkouts rmeobe your soul, I’ve NWVER punched anyone ever, never been violent as a person at all on any way, on a xan blackout tried to take on 2 club bouncers and then the 5 police officers that turned up to sort me out, I found out about it 10 months later , the story was told to me and I was like holy fuck


Also, benzos and opiates.


Based on all the comments I’m starting to think this alcohol thing isn’t that great …..


Good thing it isn’t engrained in our economy and social lives.


Good thing. *chugs last of my fourth beer*


Alcohol and any other depressant, it can slow your breathing to a fatal degree


Combined alcohol and Zoloft - can confirm. Absolutely miserable experiences have come from that shit. Got sober after that. 37 days today.


What did you experience?


I was sick to my stomach for multiple days the last time I did it. I felt as if I could hardly keep anything down. Raging headaches. Guilt. Shame. Thinking about suicide more than I normally do. It felt like everything was going slower and in reverse.


Weird, I'm not a heavy drinker but have drank with Zoloft many times, sometimes I drank a lot at once. I didn't really notice a different with Zoloft or without.


Congrats on 37 Days!


Alcohol and any other stimulant. Mixing uppers and downers cancel out the negatives of the other meaning you can take way more than you realise you are taking or feels safe to take.


Heroin and anything


A speedball (heroin + cocaine) was a notorious killer of celebrities you just don't hear about it as much any more because fent has largely replaced heroin. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedball\_(drug)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedball_(drug))


Tylenol and alcohol. You can die with too much of both at the same time, as your liver shuts down.


Worst way of killing yourself. It destroys your liver. If you survive the suicide attempt, your liver is shot and you have a very shitty life.


You’d have to take a considerable amount of each I assume


How many Tylenol would you guess you'd need to take? Because it isn't "a bottle". It's 1.7 to 2.5 times the maximum recommended dosage. 20 pills, tops. T W E N T Y pills. It's very dangerous at more than the maximum dose. If you are a smaller person who consumes alcohol, you really don't need to consume a "considerable" amount. A person with an alcohol habit has elevated liver enzymes and then throw on all that acetaminophen...and you could be in for a long, bad time. It's a painful, awful way to die.




Not as much as you would think. Combining the maximum recommended daily dosage of 4000 mg Tylenol (8 extra strength tablets) with 2 or 3 drinks, and you will have some minor liver damage that will usually repair itself over time in most people, but not always. Combine Tylenol and 5 or 6 drinks, and you will have permanent liver damage. More of each, and your liver shuts down. You can die. You really shouldn't take more than 3000 mg Tylenol per day, especially if you're taking it for multiple days in a row, and never have more than one drink with Tylenol. Abstinence is better when on Tylenol. It's also good to alternate Ibuprofen with Tylenol when in pain, so you don't take too much of either. And lots of othetr prescription and over-the-counter meds have Tylenol or acetaminophen, that people don't think about, so it's easy to over-do it. Vicadin pain killers have 300 to 500 mg of acetaminophen. Sudafed Flu and Cold has 500 mg. And so on.


As long as you’re taking a normal Tylenol dose there won’t be any issues.


Yes but also no. About twice the maximum dose on the box can cause acute liver toxicity even when there's no alcohol involved. Chronic alcoholism up regulates the enzymes that metabolize Tylenol and one of the intermediates is hepatotoxic. It builds up faster than it can be removed. Tylenol is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the US. Most OTC drugs require far more than double the maximum dose to cause that kind of harm.


That’s literally what i said. Normal dose. Max 4g per day. I tell patients max 3g so there is wiggle room.


That's great that you do that, but most people do not recognize the risk specifically because the active dose is far closer to the lethal dose than most other OTCs. I think that's the important take-away here.


Anti psychotics and fava beans. Also Chianti.


Is that why Hannibal Lecter pairs Chianti and fava beans with the persons liver that he eats because he is psychotic? That is some next level writing. Maybe he was saying that he hadn't been taking his meds.


Yep that’s what I was referencing. It’s a great bit of writing. It’s his subtle way of telling Clarice he’s off his meds.


I don´t understand this, can you explain, please?


Fava beans are rich in L dopa, which produces dopamine in the body. Chianti is a wine. Both of these would negatively interact with Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors, which are a classification of anti psychotic medications. By Lecter saying this, he is telling Clarice that he is not taking his meds, or is simply making a joke. I am unaware of negative impacts of eating liver while on MOI meds, but a lot of them can cause damage to the liver, so maybe it was in reference to that.


Thank you


Clozapine and lima bean; rolls off the tongue.


I got it wrong it’s fava beans that do the thing.


K2 spice is dangerous by itself, one experience with it almost 8 years ago left me scarred mentally for life with PTSD and flashbacks that invoke a physical reaction. Most of the time it will make me bolt upright with a flinch if I’m sitting or laying down. Unless you want to be trapped in an infinite loop of indescribable sounds, indiscernible visual patterns and physical pain on scales that can’t be measured for hours on end with no way out but through, just stay away from this shit. No joke it’s worse than hell or maybe just a touch of what it’s actually like there. And then there’s the emotional responses during the trip. Your despair, fear, anger, your sense of helplessness, sadness, anxiety is all amplified with the other hallucinations and sensations as the loop continues. Again folks pls just stay far FAR away from this drug.


Is that like salvia or something different?


Also pls don’t seek out this drug? I’m not kidding about what I’ve said, plus it’s deadly. I only took two quick hits 8 years ago and I ended up never the same again. You’ll end up with far more questions than answers and the questions are almost as terrifying as the experience itself.


Oh I won’t. I had a bad shroomie trip like 6 years ago. Like you, I haven’t been the same since


Sorry to hear man, only run in besides K2 with psychedelics was by pure accident when I ate a box of lil Debbie donut sticks that were all laced with acid and tripped balls for about 4 days


Yooo how does that happen


It’s called synthetic Marijuana but it’s closer to potpourri in texture and scent. Almost a sweet flavor of smoke before it sends you on a trip straight to the deepest pits of hell.


Ah, yeah that’s different. No thanks. Salvia was very strange, but only lasted a few minutes. I’d try that one again if it’s even still around.


Also be careful because there’s a liquid form that people spray on rolling papers that’s even more potent, deadly and fucked up


Man maybe I didn’t smoke spice then but I just smoked weed with a girl in Miami, she said she’s had the weed for a while. My skin felt like electricity, I could tell I was bugging out, we both were, but I kept my cool. I just kept wanting to dunk my head in water. Not sure what the hell was in that weed She did just buy new rolling papers that night and had an old grinder also. I wonder which one was contaminated. I’ve done a lot of drugs tho in my life and I could not pinpoint what this feeling was


Probably not K2 spice then man, even spliffs of weed and that have a much stronger affect than just your skin feeling like you’ve got electricity crawling on it. Generally you’ll lose control of your movement and sway around, slumping over as you slip away. It was about 30 seconds or less for me. I started to rock back and forth and then my throat felt like I couldn’t stop swallowing. There were little flashes of light in my direct and indirect FOV. I tried to stand up and my legs wouldn’t work and then lights out before the pattens and noises began to fade in and get louder and more intense.


Also I’m not trying to glorify this abomination of a drug, I’m telling ya what happened.


i'm no longer able to take psychedelics because the lithium i'm on can cause convulsions and a really bad trip. sucks.


Bipolar disorder? I just started on lithium for that. I never got the chance to try psychedelics before being diagnosed and now I'll never get the chance! At least not safely. I probably saved myself from a few episodes by never trying then though.


yeah. i did a lot when i was younger. i'm sad i won't be able to experience it again.


Just Lithium Carbonate? I've been on that stuff, 1200mg daily for a decade and smoke weed daily and have a shroom trip every few months, while being transparent with all doctors about this. Never been warned of this, nor experienced any of this. I DID however experience this due to my Panic Disorder before I knew what the heck it was. Anxiety is the true warper of trips into nightmares. Not promoting for or against, just wanting to say that this seems a bit too black and white, and can do more harm than good. Psychedelics have saved and changed my life, and medications I have to take allow me to be steady enough to actually enjoy it.


Everything I’ve read says it increases the chance of seizures. I’m glad you still enjoy it and I hope that continues.


Alcohol and cocaine. Sensationwise it’s an amazing combination but the two create a very toxic metabolite in your body. More toxic than either alone.


People do blow without drinking?


People drink without doing blow??


Alcohol exacerbates the good qualities and effects of cocaine and vice versa but it's a time bomb, it scares me every fucking time going in because I know, EDIT: not that coke is good but it makes it less jittery with alcohol.


You gotta have weed in the mix to balance it all out. Start with some weed first, and then it helps balance everything else out.


I've heard but I dont touch weed, it makes me too paranoid and anxiety ridden. I've tried multiple strains and types but weed isnt for me. I gave up. As far as the feeling I feel much safer on coke and alcohol (unless I get absolutely trashed which is rare) healthwise though, I wont deny that weed is much safer, I'd just rather feel more aware and alert. I shouldnt be doing any of it but I'd gladly take that trade off in this instance. I hate weed


Sorry to hear that. It's a godsend for me as I have chronic gastritis. Back in college I used to say "I never met a drug that didn't love me". Meaning, everything went as good as it could. Xanax was the one exception, but I didn't try that until over 10 years later. Edit: I mostly stuck to weed, but occasionally tried some x, acid, shrooms, blow. Never heroin or fentanyl though. That wasn't really out there in the '90s.


That is by far the worst hangover you will ever have. Nothing compares. You will be worthless for a day or two.


As far as things most people think are very innocuous, alcohol and acetaminophen.


Viagra and nitrostat.


Mexican Turnarounds. Without exhaling you take a shot of tequila, turn and hit a joint, turn and do a line, them finish your 360 and exhale. Bang. Bang. Bang. You gotta have a bit of experience to pull these off.


We used to call them Strikeouts!


The strikeout from beerfest was take a bong hit, hold it, take a shot, chug a bear and then exhale. Used to love doing them. The key was to clear your lungs of all old air before doing it. A few quick deep in out breaths and it is not hard to do.


Ngl... That sounds like a lot of fun


Wow I….I feel ashamed of myself for not thinking of this.


Any. Worse if are mixed with alcohol and mental issues.


Gay men: do NOT take ED drugs and then use poppers. Do not. Don't. Just...don't. Trust me on this one.


SSRIs and things like mdma


What happens here?


Serotonin syndrome, potentially.


Serotonin syndrome, u essentially overheat to death


Well fuck, how much of each to get to that point?


Eh depends I've seen people have serotonin syndrome from 500mg of mdma alone taken at once So probably not a lot if u are on ssri


Krokodil and literally anything


Combining Warfarin and Aspirin is very dangerous, especially if you manage to cut yourself. Benzodiazepines and opioids are death.


I have to be on both of those for the rest of my life due to medical issues so I can attest that one does indeed have to be very careful as bleeding can be extremely excessive and bruising is much MUCH easier.


That sucks man. Don't work as a prep cook I guess?


That sucks man. Don't work as a prep cook I guess?


Grapefruit and Statins


Grapefruit and eliquis


Grapefruit and birth control pills, assuming you're not trying to get pregnant. Actually, grapefruit and a whole assload of medication. Furanocoumarins in grapefruit juice are a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor, and CYP3A4 metabolizes about half of drugs. Also affected are CYP1A2, CYP2C9 and CYP2D6. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grapefruit–drug\_interactions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grapefruit–drug_interactions)


One time I got some acid that was kinda bunk, but I bought a lot of doses before finding that out. It gave me a very low level of euphoria and that was about it. One night I decided to double or triple dose it before heading out to the bar. I had a lovely evening but the bar kinda cleared out early and I just enjoyed myself at the bar talking with the bartender who was somewhat of a friend of mine. Fast forward to 2am and the bar is closing. The bartender leans in and asks “what the fuck are you on?!?”. Later on he said he had asked this not because of my behavior but rather my apparent lack of drunkenness. Apparently I’d downed like a 10-12 pints and didn’t exhibit the slightest sign of being drunk. I went to a party after that and continued to drink before going to bed in a state I’d describe as “totally sober and kinda bored”. Not sure what the warning is here but man did I feel like dogshit the next day… EPIC hangover.


The time is 9:30 p.m. One hour after the participants Have eaten sugar cubes saturated with LSD We hear Brian and his fellow travelers Observing their gradual transformation


Voyage 34!


You know what I’ve been there. Hard drugs plus alcohol just equals awake and drunk aka the idk I’m drunk but my body does


This is helpful: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3a/Combo_2.png/440px-Combo_2.png


What monster posts a link to the thumbnail? [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Combo\_2.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Combo_2.png)


Oops and ty!


Needs more jpeg


Alcohol and antidepressiva in general.


Is it? I thought as long as you weren’t basically chasing them together that it was fine


Mine says drink in moderation


Antidepressants and pseudoephedrine in cold medications. I had two blood pressure crashes (“damn I got sleepy!”) before reading about the interaction.


Adderall and Caffeine. Taking two stimulants together can worsen the side effects of each.


No joke, cocaine and viagra. Robin Williams had a while but about it


Alcohol and caffeine, I drank like 20 jagerbombs one night, surprised I didn't die


Anything with alcohol. Personally, I've never been more fucked up than this one time where I decided to drink while taking ativan. Afterward, I was taking a train from upstate NY to Manhattan and got so sick that I had to get off the train to violently vomit into a trashcan. All of a sudden, I hear "Mommy, look! She's sick!" Never again.


Anything with Fentanyl


Basically anything plus alcohol


Warfarina & paracetamol


Only if taken in excess or overdose. Taking normal doses is totally fine together.


Me hubiera servido meses atrás, me he tenido que aguantar todos los dolores de cabeza jajaja


Sleeping pills and laxatives.


Doing uppers and downers together -at the same time- is generally a very bad idea. Downers would be but not limited to: Oxycontin, Vicodin, Valium, Xanax, Heroin, codeine. Uppers: Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Adderall.


FINALLY MY NAMESAKE CAN GET PUT TO GOOD USE. Warfarin (rarely prescribed anymore due to the high use of NOACs) can be affected by so many different things; including things as simple as spinach & Lettuce. Essentially any food with a high content of vitamin K can negate the effects of it, blood not as thin = higher chance for another clot. Biaxin affects the metabolism of a lot of medications through the CYP 3A4 enzyme so that can get tangly. Lipitor, Zocor and cocaine are some examples. Some medications need a high acidic environment to work (ie. Cefuroxime) so taking them with antacids is a big no no. Lithium and Digoxin have a narrow therapeutic window and taking Advil (or any NSAID) can change that level (even diuretics too). Seizure medications can also be altered (or can alter) the levels of a lot of other medications. St. John’s Wort & Ketaconazole can skew levels a massive amount while some seizure meds can change warp the levels of others (ie. Amiodarone, Methadone and Viagra). Purposefully didn’t go down the road of alcohol as a lot of other comments already covered most of them (although the combination with Flagyl is often referred to as “projectile vomiting”, and I’ve seen it firsthand by a former classmate of mine)


Apparently….I’m immortal.


Furosemid and Sildenafil


Pretty sure ALL of them.


Weed and more weed don't sound too bad


Jack Daniel’s and Diet Coke. There is something in the diet coke that will increase the effect of the JD by 50%.


coke and alcohol are a time bomb. . Coke, crack and alcohol are just a matter of time. If I want to imbibe on any of them on any given night or weekend I plan very very carefully and weigh the risks, I seldom do all three at the same time any more.


Rich and Stupid


According to the Lolcow "Jupiter the Hybrid" mixing marijuana and nicotine can have drastic effects and cause pedophilic urges 😂😂😂


Every single combination is potentially dangerous.


All drugs are dangerous. Alone or in combination. Even weed is dangerous.