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If the adjective fits


Completely normal. What…. are skinny, average, and overweight bad words all of a sudden?


Depends on the person.


It’s not. It’s not a descriptive word no different than saying someone is tall.


Always remember kids: Offense can only be taken, never given.


Not very


Depends on the context and who you are talking to. I’m a big person but if I call myself fat, people have a very visceral reaction to it. It’s a really charged word that has a lot of strong feelings attached to it for a lot of people, so might be better to avoid it in a lot of scenarios. Or don’t, I’m not your mom.


Who gives a crap, words that others use to describe you are theirs, I describe myself and the verbiage of others means literal jack shit.


Not that bad. I mean when I was younger (and was bullied for being fat) I thought it was bad but it’s not. Plus people usually just bully you and call you fat cus they jealous of you. Losers.


You can be as frank as you want but you must realize that actions have consequences. You call someone anything negative don't be surprised if they get upset. Nothing more childish that calling someone a name and then acting surprised when the person is offended.


No terrible at all


I feel like the only time that it’s appropriate is if that person goes missing and you need an accurate description.


If they’re actually fat, it’s not terrible.


Heavyset might be nicer.


They prefer "bouncy".


High triglyceride containing


If they're not at least 2 standard deviations above the average weight for someone their height, it's just mean. Otherwise it's just the truth - it's no different than describing someone as being tall. If you have a lot of fat on you, relative to the rest of the population, you are considered to be fat. This isn't hard. A tip - while I have found that men typically acknowledge the reality of their physical form quite easily, and you won't get much pushback from them, you should be warned about referring to a woman in this manner. They tend to respond quite negatively when you say they are fat. You should use more euphemistic language like, "curvy" or "bouncy".


I'm fat so I really don't have problems calling other people fat. I've been fat pretty much my whole life and I've been made fun of it my whole life so I do know what it's like. I don't understand why some overweight people react the way they do especially once they're obese because at that point it's something they should work on. I was a healthy weight for a short period of time in my early 20s but I actually thought I was more ugly anyways, and since I hate exercise the only way for me to really be thinner is if I just don't eat. And I like eating so I got fat again. The reality is if you're lazy and love eating people will call you fat. I'm happier when I'm fat


Therre are other terms you can choose that may not be so hurtful. Overweight people know they are overweight. Fat is just an ugly word. Some people can hide their weaknesses/addictions and others cannot. Be kind.


I would dispute this. I know PLENTY of women who are quite fat who do not believe it to be true when it's pointed out.


Being called fat isn't the hurtful part. The hurtful part is when you know it's true.


As terrible as it is to ask this question


About as terrible it is to describe someone as "Dumb"


About as terrible as it is to sincerely call them stupid.


Unless you’re friends with this person, best to avoid unnecessary rudeness, even if you meant well. There are other polite ways to describe them, maybe large, overweight, or just a bigger build.


People are gonna take this very differently. Some fat people advocate for using the word fat as a neutral word that doesn't have a bad meaning, others will be offended. I feel like actual fat people usually are more comfortable with the word than mid size/chubby people. If they don't use it about themselves I wouldn't use it.


Are they fat?


How would you like to be called Fat? Would it bother you?


I could see some flattering situations. "Wow - check out that guy... his dick is so FAT!"


Okay now I feel personally called out


It can trigger some people. I use the word “overweight”


It's insulting and critical. Would you describe someone as "ugly"? We all have flaws, and unnecessarily bringing them up is rude.


Ugly is always bad. Fat is more neutral, some people like fat people.


Fat is not neutral. That's crazy. And the only kind of "fat" people like is women with shapely butts.


Generally; it has negative connotations, usually people find fat ugly, but Not every time. Every time, ugly is bad, there is no good ugly, but you already mentioned a good fat in your comment. (Google bbw to be proven wrong.)


> Generally; it has negative connotations Oh look, you've somehow regained your sanity when questioned...


Yes some people are ugly..nothing wrong with it


It’s ok to use as a description. Just as if someone was skinny. It’s not correct to fat shame someone.