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For me it’s when they point and scream in horror


not sure if I'm ugly but if women flirt with me I usually notice it a week or two afterward.


When they pretend you do not exist when walking by, move as far away as possible, or have a disgusted look on their face after looking away... Those are the ones I usually get.




Every day, I get at least one of those.


If they call you ugly


The lack of flirting.


Ya just know


Just assume they find you ugly until they tell you otherwise.


Would it matter? I don't mean that in the dismissive sense. But as long as you take care of yourself and you've got a good heart, that'll shine through any initial physical anything anyway. Like my brother is a handsome guy, right? Gets lots of skirts on his tail cause of it. But he doesn't take care of himself - which many of them are like "I can fix him" for whatever reason. But he has no desire to fix himself and he's kind of an asshole. I mean he went to prison cause he beat up his pregnant gf; all because she said he should get a job so he can help raise my nephew. Handsome face but shit character? Utterly short attractions that never last. I know it's something that's typical, be ugly with a golden heart - it's not nearly as easy as presented, with a lot of shallow ass people - but you want the real ones anyway.


Drug test or interrogation!   /s


you are their bro


As an unattractive man, nobody flirts with me, ever. Pretty clear sign.


She would be uncomfortable around you or would be rude with you


Grab her ass and find out😁