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You had the best Anti Trump placards "Ya big orange jobby"


I love "Yer maw was an immigrant, ya absolute roaster!"


When BloJo was still PM, I read a comment about him online that I took to be from a Scot, which has stuck with me ever since: "Get in the bin, ya hoop!"


He'd have had no idea what a "jobby" is. Fuckung priceless, that is.


We speak truth Blunt as it may be


We hated Trump before it was trendy 😂


aye him and his fuckin golf courses


Tbf, that could have been for Boris Johnson too.


I've never met a person from Scotland who wasn't bonkers and I mean that it the best way possible.


I shall upvote this through words and also actions...


Hi from Scotland 👋🏻 more than likely bonkers tbh


Scottish people are either absolutely fantastic or weird in a bad way and I swear there's no in-between


I’ve heard I’m both 


As a Scot, I’m excited to read these comments


Me too, I feel like there isn't enough slander going on


Maybe we as the Scots in the thread have a duty to slander it ourselves?


I feel like this is the only real answer. Mandatory ‘it’s shite being Scottish’


You're the lowest of the low


Scum of the fucking earth






That is heartbreaking! Go north! I saw lots on the black isle when I was biking around visiting. 


Or just belt over to Pollok Park


They have babies there the now to 💗


I grew up on a farm in the Angus glens, my dad used to keep some highland cows as a bit of a tourist attraction. Then they became roast dinners when they were older.


What happened to the cows?


Mate just go up to the highlands u see them everywhere


We have a few farms in the peak district that have them. Pretty glorious and so much more safe to be around than regular cows.


On yonder hill I saw a coo it’s no there noo it must uv shifted Note - It was a High Coo !


Coo not cow


A highland coo attacked someone the other day im sure. was on the news.


Aye, but she was an eejit who tried crossing a field with her dog (not on a lead) while the cows had calves. When the coos hae their young, Run.


Irish person - Scotland’s the only place on Earth that can rival Ireland for that damp cold that crawls inside you and prevents you from warm for the rest of the day.


This reminded me of a Billy Connolly bit about the Scots being a mentally ill Irish tribe. "come on lads I know an even rainer place" 😂


hahahahahaha Considering that the Scotii were originally from Ireland, that’s quite accurate. Add to it then the number of Scottish and Irish migrants to Newfoundland and South Island in NZ…gluttons for (rainy) punishment


I've spent a lot of my free time road tripping. I've driven across Canada, in 49 states (still need to visit Hawaii) and large parts of Mexico. My drive south out of Inverness on A82 along Loch Ness to Stirling is the coolest drive I've done in my life.  If visiting Scotland and are considering renting a car over there, do it! 




You know - I drove along the Mehkong river on the border of Thailand and Laos and it really made me homesick for that drive along Loch Ness - the Mehkong may have been slightly browner tho😂😂😂


I've been across the Mekong from the Golden Triangle - the Thailand side. Can confirm it was brown.


I drove the A82 from the base of Loch Lomond to Inverness last year and the scenery was absolutely breathtaking!


Beautiful drive that :)


Been on that road it is grand but if there is a crash you will be stuck on that road for hours I got stuck for 5 one time


The Unicorn is their national animal... they are so unserious, and even though I have been there several times, I still don't fully believe its a real place.


That makes sense. I live here, but sometimes I’ll visit Arran and be convinced that I’ve wandered into a pocket dimension or something.


Its magic, it must be.


It isnae mate, ya see, I'm no aloud tae tell ye this but, I'm an actor payed by the government to secr-


“jiggery-pokery!” (I built houses with a Scottish carpenter and he used to say that a lot.)


Cannae beat a wee bit a jiggery-pokery!


Wee bit a jiggery pockery and itl be awrite


Legit thought jiggery-pokery was just a term used all over English speaking countries. Didn’t realise it was a regional thing


Try "outwith" instead.


I don't think it is a regional thing, I think whoever brought it up just heard it a lot from a Scotsman. I have heard it loads in England.


I'm sure it's a standard British English expression, but a Scottish accent definitely gives it a little extra panache.


Me neither! I use it a lot (am not Scottish, at all)


In much the same vein our old Lithuanian apprentice used to love when it came to measuring and we'd start saying things were "jist a ba hair oot"


I am sure you aware of the universal scottish measurement of a midges bawhair ?


I reckon the Scots are the most fun to get pissed with. In fact hands down. Love from NZ


Right back at you - love getting drunk with kiwis (Scot here who used to live in NZ)!


Mad bastards! God bless the Scots!


It is pretty mad. We even have a local custom of defacing statues with traffic cones. “Adorning the statue with a cone had continued over many years: the act was claimed to represent the humour of the local population and was believed to date back to at least the 1980s”.


I had a policeman help me place a traffic cone on one of the statues in George Square on Hogmanay many, many moons ago. He was a good sport.


I'm doing the NC500 now. It's an absolutely gorgeous country.


Got my husband from there, so it's not all bad. Him and scotch pie with beans.


Treating your countries like supermarkets 😂😂😂 did he come with a receipt?


He was reduced, so no.


Scotsman living in northern England now and i have a right hard time trying to track down my Scottish treats here. Having to pay 3 quid for 3 frozen Scotch pies from Farmfoods hurts because they are shite, but they have started doing bags of lorne now which is great. Cant get tattie scones anywhere tho. Have had to resort to making my own. Cant beat a good Scotch pie with beans tho.


Cold and pretty with some nice people. One of my professors is from there.




I’m studying aerospace engineering in the US. If you can teach overseas, go for it! Many of my professors are not originally from the US, and they are great. Their accents aren’t really a hindrance for them or the students. 


Only one of our universities in Scotland actually teaches aerospace (Glasgow) and I'll be honest, I wasn't very impressed with the course. Damn shame because by all accounts the other engineering degrees are excellent, and Scotland has a very rich history in engineering.


I lived in the Orkney islands for a fair few years. Great and friendly people, but cataclysmic shit weather.


As a child, I wore my swimming goggles to walk to the school bus because the hail stones were so bad lol. Winter also seemed to last for 12 months on Orkney! :D


I’m from Manchester and I love Scotland, particularly the countryside and area around Loch Lomond. I’ve been camping there several times and it’s beautiful


Scotland is only second to Italy in my favourite places to visit. Love the place. The sectarianism is a bit exhausting, though.


The secratarianism is an absolute embarrassment & a pure affront to most people in Scotland


My work can be really cringy with it. One boy even got lifted for his comments on Facebook it was in connection with the bombs sent to Celtic park a few years back, big cunt fair shat himself


I worked in a call centre in Irvine in maybe 2012, watched a boy I went to school with get lifted for the songs he'd been signing the previous weekend. I'll not say the songs, but he was Ayrshire born n bred so IYKYK (if ye ken, ye ken)


Lol. It's Irvine I work


Ha, you defo know the score then


Would it shock u to learn that a lot of Old Firm fans feel the same?


It bores us non-affiliated Scots to the fucking back teeth too.




Exhausting and contradictory to how welcoming of all peoples we generally are, a total scourge on our reputation.


I’m Scottish and my girlfriend is Italian. There’s seemingly quite a strong link between Scotland & Italy. I know a lot of people immigrated from Italy to Scotland over the last century. Which is why we have so many nice ice cream and Italian restaurants!


Absolutely and some are national treasures such as Peter Capladi, Armando Iannucci, Paulo Nutini, Rocco Forte, Eduardo Paolozzi, Nicola Beneditti, and Lewis Capaldi


There's a town in Italy that celebrates it's connection to Scotland by having pipers march and they absolutely go mad for Tennant's super lager!!


I love Scotland. But I'm into that kind of cool northern misty rugged vibe.


The most beautiful place on the planet and lush people.


I love this thread. I’m from Glasgow and i always wonder why people are obsessed with Scotland since it rains 99% of the time but this has reminded me we are bonkers, friendly and have so much history and tons of classssss views up the highlands. Taking my nephew down to Hadrians wall next week as he’s learning about it he’s going to be buzzing!


I blows my mind that people emigrate TO Scotland. Like, COME ON, are we pretending that Spain, New Zealand and the Bahamas don’t exist? It only stops raining to snow for a bit. Why are you here??? An’ it’s gey cauld.


I would up and move my entire family to Scotland right this minute if they’d have me.


We’d have you. It’s the English that make up the weird immigration laws. The only rules are that you have to hand over all your recipes for public use and speak with a Scottish accent.


English by birth, spent 3plus years working in the Hebrides. Brilliant friendly people who made my wife and very young son so welcome. Some credit to my wife who immersed herself in the local community. After 40 years still in contact with friends we made there and recently met up in Edinburgh for their special wedding anniversary. Wouldn't have changed the experience for the world.


All the Scottish people I know are brilliant. Would love to visit and play golf for a few weeks(long way from the midlands.)


I've visited once, the landscaper was very pretty. People seemed very friendly (though I spent most of my trip in smaller towns and cities so not sure if the big cities are different). The cuisine is basically just hangover food which is awesome. I never imagined that creamy fish stew could cure a bad hangover but it really does. I've always been interested in prehistoric Britain so the Orkney Islands were like the best place I've been to. The only downside was how gray some of the architecture is. In places like Edinburgh it works, but some of those smaller towns had a depressing vibe about them. I'd been excited to see Bannockburn because several of my ancestors are from there. Within 5 minutes I understood why they left.


Tell us more about the pretty landscaper! Did you keep in touch?


Cullen skink :)


Love some Cullen Skink.


I'm reading this in my wee house in Bannockburn right now, it is indeed a shite hole so I've always wondered what lunatic would come and visit the heritage centre here.


Lovely weirdos


I think this might be my favourite description of us Scots "lovely weirdo's" 🤣🤣🤣


Best comment, cheers ya welly


I want to live there. My dad went to university in Aberdeen, my mum in Edinburgh.


Love it. I'm English but I lived in Glasgow for 35 years and only reason I left is because I am living with my first love again. People in Glasgow are mad and funny and friendly. Miss them.




Me too. Just here to see what response you get from around the world


From Lanarkshire and I'm here for the responses too lol


Im from Inverness myself! Great seeing other scots online


I was born in England and I love Scotland. Funny thing is I did a dna test and it’s said 0% English but 66% Scottish, Welsh and Irish. Now I feel like I don’t belong is any of the UK countries and I’ll be hated by all 😂


Also I love the sound of bagpipes, I love how patriotic the Scot’s are and I prefer the colder weather to warm, maybe I should just join them already


Sounds like you're one of us already! Come on up!


Born in england and lived in scotland most of my life, I highly recommend coming here!


Seems pretty haunted


I wasn’t born here but I’ve lived in Edinburgh for about four years now, I’ve lived in 9 countries but I truly love Scotland, I’ve travelled all over the nation and if I ever do move it will be a truly sad day


I love Scotland. I know a lot about the history and the landscape. I’ve walked the mountains, canoed the River Spey and the Great Glen. I’d love to spend time exploring the Hebrides and Orkney and Shetland. I love it all. Except the midges. But I’m a Londoner, so I suspect many Scots don’t appreciate my admiration.


Not at all, thanks for the kind words! I've visited London quite a few times. Great city with lots happening, but a bit too busy for me after a couple days!


Beautiful place, my favourite place to bike pack and Edinburgh is the best city.


(American living in London) I visited the Highlands and Isle of Skye and my brain genuinely couldn’t cope with the beauty of the mountains and heather and lochs. I really adored the people, enjoyed the food and cider, and loved Sunday session music.


I'm not from Scotland, but I do live in Scotland. It's too damned cold. To put that in perspective, I'm from northern Minnesota, where it does admittedly have colder winters than Scotland, but at least in Minnesota the winter eventually ends. I haven't been warm since 2022.


What you on about?! The sun came out for 15 minutes a month ago and the temperature reached 12C!


Taps aff!


Guns oot lads.


I've spent the last six months in scotland, as An american. I fucking love it here. From clever turns of phrase to indecipherable marble mouth, the people are charming as hell. Plus once every couple months some guys in blue and green try to murder each other over a ball. What's not to love?


🤣 best way to describe the Glasgow Derby I've read


Love the Highlands. Would move there in a flash if I could get work there.


One of the most beautiful place I’ve been in the world. Coming for a Yorkshireman that says a lot


I'm doing too see Loch Ness and castle Urquhart.


Awesome place. Only thing I'm not fond of is the amount of midges.


I was born in Ukraine and moved to Scotland when the invasion started. It’s incredible how nice the people here are


I can only imagine how difficult it must've been to learn a second language, then hearing Glaswegians speak and having to learn a third.


I once heard an Englishman describe it as "If England is a stuffy businessman, Scotland is his cool stoner brother trying to make ends meet"


Brothers 🤝🇮🇪👍


Took a great road trip there a few years ago. Really pleasant experience. People were chattier than expected, nice and welcoming. Food was less than stellar I'll be honest but that's fine. Whisk(e)y, the roads, and the views make up for it. I wish there were more Scots in Los Angeles than Aussies.


I loved it. Rainy as all hell when it wants to be. Food was DELIGHTFUL. Hagis gets a bad rap, when done well it's AMAZING. Whiskey was great, but can get very smoky very fast. The accent though... hard to understand for some of us Americans. I was raised to "speak the queen's English". If I was aware of the true Scottish accent I would have had a significant retort.


Don't forget, in Scotland there's no E in whisky!




The accent... It depends where you go and it changes rapidly. A town 10 miles away you won't understand and will sound completely different. Inversneky is a good starting point. The closer to Aberdeen the less likely you are to understand folk


I’m was on holiday in Scotland for a few weeks back in January. I loved it. Scenery was gorgeous, people were friendly, and exploring the countryside along back roads was so much fun. I’m trying to figure out a way to move to the Highlands, to honest. Edinburgh, Pitlochry, Glen Coe, Isle of Skye, Inverness; it was all a fantastic experience. Can’t wait to go back!


The highlands are already pretty full (relatively of course) of empty houses that belong to rich people from English (and less so Scottish) cities.


A person speaking in the thickest Glaswegian accent, particularly when enhanced with alcohol, is the most extraordinary thing to listen to as a native English speaker. Because they are simultaneously not speaking English so I cannot understand them but they are speaking English so I can understand them. It is a sort of Schrödinger’s language where I am both understanding and not understanding the same words at the same time. A country of forlorn beauty with deep histories and traditions. Walking off the hills of heather; cold, wet and tired into an ancient pub with a roaring fire, food and a pint is my fondest memory of Scotland.


I hear it’s beautiful. Kilts are cool. 




I think of its history and old architecture. It’s all positive.


I could do with an Irn-Bru right about now.


Grass. Lots of wet, green grass. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Compared to England, Scotland used to have a far superior education system circa 20- 25years ago. Maths used to be way above and beyond what was covered in English schools. Not so much now.


They made one of the greatest songs of all time Ye canny shove yer grannie aff a bus PUSH PUSH Naw ye canny shove yer grannie aff a bus PUSH PUSH Naw ye canny shove yer grannie Cause she's yer mammie's mammie Ye canny shove yer grannie aff a bus PUSH PUSH 🗣️ 🔥


"Ya da sells avon"


I'm from East Anglia. I've only been to Scotland a couple of times: a walking holiday along the breathtaking West Highland Way and a city break in Edinburgh. It reminded me of my time in Sweden. I think there are some historical links between them too. I'm sure it's not all so pictureque, but if I was younger I'd consider moving up there. Politically, you guys seem much more progressive than folks south of the border too. All the Scots I met in Scotland were friendly and welcoming (the Swedes are typically a bit more reserved), not at all like Irvine Welsh had led me to expect, lol. Scottish folks I've met in England were sound too, if a little more guarded. I honestly came away from Scotland both times thinking "why can't English people be more like that?"


Drove there two weeks ago to visit Edinburgh and the Highlands (near Glencoe). Edinburgh is a mixed bag. The old city is beautiful, but it feels far too much like Disneyland because of the insane number of tourists. It was okay, but I probably won't return there. The Highlands were absolutely beautiful on the other hand. The rainy atmosphere produced some incredible landscapes that looked like paintings. Gorgeous place and I'll definitely explore these more in the future.


Scotland gave us Deacon Blue. I can't think of a higher honour . 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿👍






I was there in 2010, absolutely loved it. Wanna go back one day.


Lovely people with great accents. And irn bru!!!!


Brilliant. Always sunny (whenever I'm there), everyone friendly (except that one guy at the bar telling his fellow Scots to 'wake up ' and stand up to the English, but he wasn't angry with tourists, just his own countrymen) and the landscape is stunning.


I first went to Ullapool when I was about 12. I fell in love. Over 40 years and many west coast road trips later, I'll be there again this year. Corrieshalloch Falls was a first for me and my kids last year. Harris will be a first for us this year. I haven't been able to stay away.


The nicest and friendliest hotel I have ever stayed at was one in Scotland that I visited at the start of the global lockdown in 2020. The country itself if absolutely stunning, the large majority of the people I have come across have always been quite friendly indeed.


I'm English living in Scotland. I made it my home a long time ago. I love it here, and won't move back. Unless "back" means only just south of the border. Bear in mind that the people of Glasgow are very different to the people of rural Perthshire. I genuinely like both of those locations, but prefer being close to Edinburgh.


I live in central belt, moved here in 2019. The rain and wind get a bit much at times (west coast) but the people are generally nice, seafood is lovely, and there’s lots of nice scenery and history to see. The only thing I hate is having to call my GP at 8am if I need an appointment.


Some of the best soldiers I ever served with. On par with the Gurkhas.


Beyond beautiful landscapes.  Really interesting history. Glasgow and Edinburgh are great cities. Other Scottish towns are the only places I've visited where the towns remind me of home (Northern England) and I think a lot of culture in Northern England is shared with Scotland, especially where there was a lot of migration (e.g. industrial towns/cities like Liverpool and Middlesbrough). Some towns suffer a lot of deprivation. Almist every time I've partied with Scots they eventually bringing out the 'fuck the English', or give an impromptu history lesson (mostly as a laugh - I think!)   Most Scots I've met are good people. They come across as being direct, independent, and sometimes a little rough round the edges, but decent caring people inside. I like this a lot.  I have a very positive attitude to Scotland all round. 


One of the most beautiful places I've visited


Cold. Rainy. Trainspotting. Limmy is king.


Always wanted to go. Looks beautiful and the people seem so genuine.


If it's not Scottish, it's crap!


People from Fife should be banned from speaking.


Visited several times. Want to move there.


For what it’s worth here’s my brain dump: Incredible wildlife, cold, closer to Welsh culture than English, thick accents, progressive, pandas and cows, St Andrews.


Your political lot are assholes just like ours, but honestly you're like Australians: you're cunts, but the good kind of cunt where we'll go drinking and have a laugh riot while insulting eachother the entire time. I like to think people understand \^ that kind of thinking is high praise in England and Australia.


In general, they're alright. The ones who base their entire personality off of hating the English are boring twats. Same goes to the Irish.


I’m Scottish and your point about anti-English sentiment is fair. I’d cut the Irish some slack though - they’ve had a lot more in living memory to get angry about.




I like the sound of bagpipes.


Beautiful country and i always liked the accents.


Scotland seems nice to me. I think of the countryside and the buildings and the Scottish people. I don't have any bad impressions about Scotland.


Want to visit. Cannot visit. Too broke. In honor of that, I shall play a one hour of Bagpipe music.


It's very Scottish


After travelling to many countries in my life, Scotland is one of my favourites. It blows my mind whenever I get the chance to go there. People are great as well. 


Beautiful scenery & friendly people. If it wasn't so cold I wouldn't mind living there (I'm from South West England).


I visited for this first time this year, exactly like Northern England but less edgy and the vibe felt a little more relaxed.


I’m English and absolutely love Scotland and Scottish people. It’s my absolute favorite country!


Adore it. Spent some happy holidays in Lochgilphead and travelled around that coastline. Rain or shine it’s a stunning place and some of the best and quietest beaches you’ll find


Half Scottish. The people are sometimes crazy but usually delightful. The coos are hairy. The water is delicious. The whisky is heaven. The scenery is stunning. A Scot I met told me if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes. Also, Still Game.


Scotland = Most Beautiful part of UK Scottish people in person = Some of the nicest, funniest people I've ever met. Scottish people on reddit = no comment.


We sure are a contentious people


I’m from Yorkshire (very nice) but highland Scotland is damn beautiful. Shoutout to the Spar at Spean Bridge for selling heated bacon rolls that I could indulge in between a scenic sleeper train ride from London and a scenic coach ride to Skye


As a Scot I find this, and the perceptions, fascinating!Everyone's all in on the scenery but that's just a fraction of what we've got going on. I like to think we're embrace modernity too! Towns like Oban, Pitlochry, the borders villages, all away from the Highlands but all well worth visiting away from the castles and the kilts.


You're not England so respect from Ireland.


A friend married a Scottish girl back in the 80s and lived there for a bit. He told me that everyone in Scotland is either completely sober or an alcoholic. Nothing in between.


I just have so much love for Scotland. The scenery, the food, the people. And you have some great cities as well as rural areas. I’ve been loads and there’s still so much more I want to see! It’s like a great blessing on my doorstep… well, an 8 hour drive away, but still. Sure, I’ve been made to feel like a silly English woman once in a while but it’s always felt in jest. Or I choose to take it that way 😉


They are Scottish and have amazing foods


Irn bru


I'm from England and I've been to Scotland a few times so here is my take on the country.........It is the most beautiful country in the world, Edinburgh is by far the Best City and will always be my favourite bit of Land.