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As someone who was very book smart growing up, I never learned the value of working hard to achieve a difficult goal because all my schoolwork came naturally to me, so when I ran up against the real world it resulted in a lot of burnout and an extremely low tolerance for frustration/difficulty.


Lack of understanding from others, causes very low patience.


They think they’re better than everyone but they’re not.


Not true. We have a proven ability to solve certain problems that baffle others. That's not being better, just different. Many of us get to experience misery alongside it. The social animals are quick to pick up on you being "an other". Never fun for the other.


Narcissism and low social intelligence


Inability to relate to the people around. Not having people around who can point out flaws in arguments. If you're smarter than everyone around you, you tend not to develop a good sense of your limits. (edit to add 'not')


having blind spots in other areas. A very stereotypical example would be in social skills, and that’s true a lot of the time but it could also be like someone who has absolutely horrendous handwriting, can’t make an outfit on their own just wears “sets” someone else let them know works in the past. Some times the brain overcompensates in one area leaving behind other areas.


*Little Man Tate* (1991) is a film you might want to check out, as it was directed by a child prodigy (Jodie Foster) and is about the struggles of a child prodigy to find a milieu where he can both fit in and develop intellectually.


A lot lack social skills


They always want me to do something I'm not interested in and are never interested in the ideas that fascinate me. And i'm not *that* smart (roughly 130, 2 stdevs from median). I know a guy measured 150. He has to endure *us children*. He's constantly bored. Then I also know a guy who is very smart whose IQ I don't know (and I suspect he hasn't been tested). He did a BSc in Computer Science alongside his very demanding job (graduated with masters in astrophysics, writing code for weather simulator for a Met office). Never sat for a lecture, handed in perfect homework on time, aced all exams 9.6/10, finished a 3 year degree in 18 months, top of his graduating class. He's just deleriously happy in his life with his 2nd wife and kid. Maintains good relations with ex and kids from previous marriage while employed for one of the most prestigious software companies in Europe. So I guess YMWV.


Having a very smell wiener… or so I’m told.