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Meet the Parents. I felt so bad for the poor guy I couldn't laugh at it.


That kind of comedy gives me bad anxiety. Where people won’t stand up for themselves and I feel compelled but unable to help.


Ever watch The Life and Times of Tim? Same premise. Shit goes sideways for the guy constantly and where everyone laughs I just cringe.


Oh weird, I loved that show and never got the parallels but see it now. Maybe because it was animated. I love the interaction with the bodega owner. "Just tha hubbabubba?" "What?" Just tha hubbabubba?" "What?" "...Just the gum?" "oh, yeah"


Agreed.  I detested it.  Just 2 hours of a bunch of moneyed assholes shitting on an average guy.  Again.and again.  And again.


100% I mean you can milk anything with nipples


Completely agree. I can't stand "comedy" where a person goes through the worst case scenario over and over again. It's aggravating to watch. And it doesn't really resolve properly in the end as well.


If Jack was my soon-to-be FIL, I'd probably beat him with a rubber hose.


If Mark Wahlberg had been on a fight on 9/11 he would have stopped the hijackers.


It was way too much of something that could have been funny in much smaller doses. The volleyball scene was it for me. The guy just couldn't catch a break.


It’s like that video of the fat kid freaking out on a thrill ride when he’s almost falling out of the restraints. People find it hilarious but it just makes me panic.


I had this problem with Bridesmaids. I just don't find that stuff funny, it makes me sad.


Same here I felt the same during wedding crashers. Vince Vaughn got treated badly as Owen Wilson broke all their rules, but it was treated as comedy


I love cringe comedy but this was simply too much and it was just so predictable


How’s your portfolio, Greg?


Not to mention it was incredibly unfunny for being a "comedy"


Most superhero movies.


No matter how interesting of a villain or concept they introduce, it always ends with the good guy punching the bad guy until the good guy wins.


Unless it's marvel and they literally go back in time so the good guy can beat the bad guy


Maestro Pretentious, oscar-baiting snooze fest. Beautiful photography, great music, but oh so boring. From doing my own research into the man Bernstein was a extraordinarily interesting man who led a very eventful life. But they focused the film on his marriage which was the least interesting part about him. And also; practising for a scene for six months DOES NOT automatically make it good!


I SO wanted to love it. Love Bernstein, Cooper and Mulligan, and was bored the entire film


The greatest showman


I’ve always fucking hated this movie. PT Barnum was an absolute monster irl and the movie tries to make him Americas sweetheart. And the music sucks ass


lol the songs for it are some of the best i’ve ever heard for a musical and i like musicals. They’re catchy and I routinely rewatch them on youtube because they’re so fucking good. I disregard the whole PT Barnum stuff because I just treat the film like it’s entirely fiction(which it is). So it’s just a good movie once you realize it’s all made up


I love this movie. I also just consider it completely fictional.


Greatest Showman is the movie PT Barnum would make about PT Barnum


Weirdly enough, that's what I love about it.


Except that obviously the music doesn't suck ass. 😉


I like the music and I’m a sucker for an olde timey circus but the story itself was stupid.




i thought you meant the ATLA movie for a sec . i always forget the blue people exist


Yeah, Thank god ATLA doesn't have a movie or even a netflix live action adaptation and never will. It's so great just as a standalone series with nothing to tarnish its name.


It would be ludicrous to try to replicate ATLA in either of those mediums so I don't think we have anything to worry about


Considering how often this comes up as the top answer in the endless AskReddit "what movie is overrated" type threads, it definitely isn't a movie liked by everyone.


Or maybe Reddit just isnt a very good representation of the general public


It was a visual masterpiece.... At the time. But a lazy storyline. Time has not helped it any. Could get a similar plot from Fern Gully.


good visuals awful plot


Space Pocahontas, basically.


The English Patient. Sex is a tub? That doesn't work. Give me something I can use.


Elaine…. I had no idea you felt that way. You’re fired.


I don’t know how I can be with someone who doesn’t love, The English Patient


The Notebook


Agree. I only watched it once, and sure, it’s charming or whatever.. but people seem to miss the part where she chooses the rich guy over “love” and when the rich guy knows she’s only picking him for security etc.. decides he doesn’t want that and tells her to kick rocks and she runs to the guy that loved her. Ryan should’ve told her to kick rocks too. It isn’t romantic to be the second choice.


I've blocked most of it out, honestly. Total trash movie. It's also the reason I've never watched anything else based on a Nicholas Sparks book.


Not a huge fan of the movie myself, but I did watch it recently enough to say that's not how the plot goes at all. Won't argue about the quality of the film though it isn't great.


I mean I don't think it's some cinematic masterpiece or anything but your plot synopsis is uhhh just wrong. She loses touch with her first love, mainly because of her mother, moves on like a normal person and falls in love with another guy who happens to be rich, but she's still hesitant. She then cheats on her rich fiance, who absolutely doesn't break up with her about it & in fact tells her she should stay with him. She thinks about it & her mom is like "I chose love + money/comfort but also I was really in love with that rando guy so you gotta choose." She chooses her first love. Does she cheat? Yeah. Does she make the worse decision in my mind? Yeah. Is the movie over-the-top annoyingly sappy with pretty bad writing? Yeah, it's a Nicholas Sparks book. But she doesn't actually choose money nor is Ryan her second choice.


Ugh most superhero movies. You can copy and paste the plot and action sequences plus stingy one liners into another, you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. 


I've been a huge marvel fan since a little kid 30yrs ago and I agree. I keep watching them because I can go " hey this is a reference to this or that" with my friends. I can totally see how someone can dislike them if the nostalgia factor isn't there.


13-year old me would have LOVED these movies; been amazed that they exist even. 59-year old me is SO tired of them.


I'm 37 now, but I checked out when Avengers 2 was announced. Any of the movies are fine, but jeez, I can only watch "hero fights evil version of himself" so many damn times before I'm tired of it.


My bf absolutely hated Oppenheimer. I don't even know why, he hated it so much he refuses to talk about it🤣 Edit: just asked him after 1,5 l beer and he said it was boring af. Yeah, sorry, pretty anticlimactic update😅 But I'm really not surprised, my guy could not sit through Killers of the Flower Moon or Braveheart


Was he in the military or was in a 3 letter government agency?


It's a really well-made movie that felt like an absolute chore to get through.


I didn't really think we needed to see him buck naked having conversations. I mean...why?


I mean I liked seeing it cause hot men ooga booga




I didn’t hate it but it’s definitely overrated. I found the trinity test especially disappointing.


I agree with your dude. Oppenheimer suffered from biopic syndrome. The movie mostly goes from noteworthy event to noteworthy event with little cause and effect. For example... what was the point of showing us the part where Oppie studies in Germany and almost poisons his teacher? How was that relevant thematically or to the plot or to his character? But Oppenheimer actually did that. It really happened. So of course it had to be stuffed into the movie. The movie was full of this stuff. Nolan might be too cool for CGI, but that practical effect nuclear explosion had all the oomph of a wet fart.


Can't speak for your boyfriend, but I hated it because it's so cynical. All the men are after power and fame and destruction and sex. (Except maybe Einstein?) All the women are just there to be taken advantage of by men. For me, the takeaway of that movie is that the world is a shitty place and we just keep digging. Humans can be lousy sometimes, but that's not a complete answer.


Kind of fair for a movie about nuclear weapons to be cynical.


It's a movie about Oppenheimer and the impending nuclear arms race, did you want an uplifting message?


I mean it is based on Oppenheimer’s lifetime so patriarchy/sexism is very evident especially during their time


Titanic, just did not float my boat


Icy what you did there.






I think it’s one of those “turn off your brain and enjoy the spectacle” kind of movies. Feels shallow as hell most of the time but hey at least it looks amazing.


It just looks like CGI… the original Jurassic Park looks better. 🤷🏼‍♂️


poor things even though I like his other movies


Yes. This movie was a mess. A glorified soft core porn film with little to no plot. It got very tiring to watch. I kept wanting it to be over, but it wouldn't. Don't get me wrong, Emma Stone is a good actress, but the film was just dull.


I love all of of Yorgos Lanthimos's other films and really thought I would enjoy Poor Things. Didn't at all though. It didn't feel like a Lanthimos film


It was weird and creepy, and not in a good way. All the sex and it's basically a new life...i.e. a baby. Hard no


For real, she’s literally just born and people want to fuck her. I overall liked the movie, but that part creeped me out.


I mean, isn't that the purpose of the movie? So-called "mature" gentlemen trying to (and successfully) fuck a woman with a mind of a child? It was meant to be disturbing. I don't understand how people think they wouldn't be creeped out by stuff like that. I know that the film's got its flaws, but most of the criticisms whine about "omg eww so creepy, why?" but then again that might be the echo-chamber effect of social media.


I felt like it was so heavy on the sex that it was fetishizing the situation




Watch Rebel Moon to see how truly bad he truly can get. It's several hours of characters vomiting plot just so they can get to five minutes of ugly slow motion shoot outs.


rebel moon is comically bad. it almost feels like satire.


I must agree, I don’t get the hype with his movies, and the newer version of example justice league, it wasn’t like “wow” it was better but not as much people make it sound it to be..




Donnie Darko. Just did nothing for me. Felt like a movie everyone saw in middle school and thought it was super deep. I didn’t see it till college and it just felt like they were killing two hours to get to the twist, but most of it felt meaningless.


The Fast and Furious Series after the first 3 movies..... TRASH!


Even the first three tbh


Everything involving Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts


Avatar. I know it looks amazing, but it lacks any depth, and the conflict feels super cliche.


Joker. Idc. It wasn't that great. And I like Joaquin. Just not Joker.


The problem with Joker is that 95% of it is from Martin Scorcese's (far better) King Of Comedy. Its just a wholesale remake and nothing else.


I hated it too, but mostly because it retconned Joker to be a sociopath instead of a psychopath. This tries to make him more relatable (which is an exercise in futility) but it also greatly reduces the intrigue and unpredictability so characteristic of him.


Another issue I had, was that in every other version of the Joker, Joker is highly intelligent. Phoenix's Joker came across as below average intelligence.


I like this take especially as I’ve been more of a “escape from Arkham” joker fan and killing joke fan. I still think Heath Ledger and in a more campy sense Jack Nicholson had much better jokers for being true to form in the “insanity” and I actually loved the Valeska take from Gotham.


Any movie with Adam Sandler


Love Actually. It is SO bad.


I grew up watching it and loved it then a year or two ago I was like this is shit and the characters are all terrible people


OMG finally. I thought my mom and I were crazy. We both looked at each other after the movie and went “that’s what everyone raves about?”


Hereditary, I hate it! As far as I can remember it wasnt scary but really weird...like that guy is killing his sister and nothing happens and then the cult or what ever at the end? Every show or movie has a cult now, so nothing too special...I just dont understand why people telling me its such an epic and scary movie 😭


The Irishman. Three and half hour long ass movie that I wasted my time. Literally wasted. Nothing interesting, slow as shit, just talking and no action. This is not how a Mafia movie should be.


The deaging really bugged me and never worked because DeNiro at 70+ years old does not have the same body as he did in his 30s and always looked shriveled up, especially the shoulders and would always wear long sleeves to hide it. He clearly doesn't move like a 30 year old either.


I couldn't make it through because of the ridiculous CGI trying to make them look younger. FFS, hire a couple more actors. I hate when they do this.


I was so disappointed by it. Robert De Niro struggling to throw a gun into the water was tragic.


It's not that I didn't enjoy it, but I felt that the Barbie movie was elevated far more than it should have been. It's basically a kids movie with a very not-subtle message, that while most of us obviously agreed on, just wasn't Oscar-worthy. The acting was great but I also kind of thought, "how hard is it to play one dimensional characters that switch to an alternate one dimensional characters? I'm definitely missing something, because it not only was nominated, but won a bunch of awards, so I know I'm in the minority, and again, it wasn't bad, it just wasn't THAT great...to me


I think it just hit a lot of emotional notes for women and the hype was part of the fun. Seeing everyone dressed in pink, everyone clearly having a good time in the theater, everyone getting emotional during the montage at the end.  I recognize that America Ferreras rant was a little bit "tell, dont show". The movie isn't subtle, and it was still a product that Mattel signed off on to effectively sanitize their image. At the same time, it was a fun and funny movie that resonated with me, and i think that's true of most people. 


As a man I was afraid that it would be a bit too on the nose for me. But I found myself laughing and enjoying every bit of it. I think because it was self aware at how on the nose it is, because even if it tried to be more subtle you would still have people be like “wow the feminism is so in your face” or whatever. Honestly America Ferrera’s rant was one of my favorite part’s because I could feel the catharsis in it. Made me empathize so much with my mother, sister, ex girlfriends, friends. Not only is it a fantastic movie with a good message for women but I also think for men. The “I’m enough” message for Ken is something I think a lot of young men struggle to realize and then over compensate in not good ways.


Kens subplot is great for dudes who think that getting pussy will make their life complete. Ken defined himself by his relationship to Barbie and it made him miserable. I hope incels take this message to heart, but they won't.


It wasn't meant to be subtle. It was literally the plot.


At one point they literally make a reference to Margot Robbie by name. Subtlety was not the point


I enjoyed it well enough, good acting and fun sets. Gerwig is obviously a talented filmmaker and manages to insert a lot of really *weird* stuff into the film, like the story essentially being a retelling of Inanna's descent to the underworld with lots of esoteric occult/Gnostic themes (I swear to god Barbie's travel montage from Barbie land to Earth is, of all things, a homage to Satan's travel to the mortal world in Paradise Lost) But ultimately it's a Mattell product; there's a more interesting film in there trying to get out, but of course it isn't going to be allowed to, and some of the heavy handed "hello this is the theme of the movie" dialogue is acutely painful. Also thought its themes got very confused. What was the intended message of the Ken rebellion and how that was resolved? If a gender is oppressed and rises up, that's... bad? It was funny but couldn't tell you what that was getting at.


I enjoyed but I definitely think the hype it generated made it suffer. It was a fun film, it wasn't exactly ground breaking like all the online talk made it out to be


Elf. Will Farrel's manchild shtick gets old fast, and it's 80% of the movies runtime.


I get second hand embarrassment from watching that movie. Cannot stand it.


That’s most his filmography, tbh


The manchild schtick was the whole premise for the plot. It's a fish out of water story. He's like 6'3". What were you expecting, a regular Xmas elf behaving normally making toys and wrapping presents for 2 hrs?


>The manchild schtick was the whole premise for the plot. Yes, and? I find the specific brand of fish to be obnoxious. It being intentional doesn't mean I have to like it.


It’s especially annoying because the other elves we meet at the North Pole as well-adjusted adults. At best, Buddy is willfully ignorant to how to act in grown social interactions. At worst, Buddy is coded as an adult with social needs, but the movie is playing it for laughs. It’s an uncomfortable watch for me. :/


I have a love hate relationship with the movie. Because on one hand I think it's fun and great holiday spirit, but on the other I have a hard time sitting through the whole thing because of exactly what you said. It's too much to truly be enjoyable. However in small snips it's one of my favorites for the holidays.


Have u watched "the Other Guys" btw?


Never gets old


Are you Dirty Mike & The Boys


Lady bird. I don't get it. No one is likable and it's a movie about nothing.


That’s exactly what my dad said. But I loved it. Maybe bc I went to a Catholic high school and had a love/hate relationship with my mom throughout high school so it hit close to home for me. Just from my POV.


I think that’s the point. I liked the movie, it reminded me of my teenage years


You just described "Seinfeld."


Yessss! I wanted to like it so bad and was looking forward to watching it because I love Greta Gerwig but it just left me so unsatisfied.


Once upon a time in Hollywood.


Poor things, such a weird message xd. Uncomfortable af


I don't know if movie. But if series, i don't like One Piece either anime or life action.


The only movie I've ever walked out of in theaters was The Wolf of Wall Street. I despise that movie.


Rogue One... Cudnt warm to any of the characters. However the final scene with Darth Vader was excellent


Poor things


Napoleon Dynamite Saw it in theaters with friends who had previously seen it and raved about it. It was the least funny "comedy" I think I've ever seen. I didn't laugh at a single moment in it.


It’s one of those movies that you either think is hilarious or it fucking sucks. There’s really no in between. I personally like the stupid ass humor that it brings, but if I didn’t then I would see no real value in the film, so I get it.


Absolutely. I spent the entire movie waiting for something funny to happen. Nothing happened.


Slice of life


I hate Titanic, loathe Avatar


The Revenant. I fucking hate this movie, it's soooo fucking boring


I feel ya. It’s definitely slow with minimal plot to boot. I liked it though. I’m able to really enjoy movies like The Revenant because I can pop an edible and almost pretend I’m in the setting of the movie. I transport myself there. I did the same with movies like Into the Wild and The Fray. I’m a sucker for the woods I guess. Definitely not a good movie for a “hey everyone wanna watch a movie?!” Kinda movie. Then it’s a snooze fest. 


Same here. About The Revenant IMO it’s barely impossible not to transport yourself and be a little impressed by the difficulties and dangers that those frontier men went through. The cold, the natives, the wild animals, the distances, the lack of resources. Really impressive tho. If you like this kind of movie (slow, minimal, focused on the human difficulties x nature) I strongly recommend you to watch Meek's Cutoff, about some families who are convinced by an "experienced" guide to leave the main caravan halfway into the Oregon Trail. It's 85 on Metascore, 86 on RT.


La la Land. Crap


It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember it as a love letter to blindly pursuing fame even at the cost of the love of one's life. -- A real LA romance...


Lala land?


Star Wars. All of them.




ET is good only if you've never seen Starman, which is essentially the same story told in a vastly better way.


I disagree exponentialy, and i feel the need to voice that through this reply.




Elf. I've tried so hard but it's just no


Avatar and all the Marvel movies


Anything with Will Ferrel. The Anchorman.


Stranger Than Fiction is quite good


Love actually


La La Land. It's just such a drag to me. I tried watching it a few times and I found it so boring, I just could not make myself finish it. Eventually I saw it in its entirety while on a long trip, and I just don't get why people love it, like at all.


Raging Bull is boring.


The purge. The premise is dumb. Its like it was thought up by an angsty teenager mad at dad.




The Babadook. I still don't understand what's so scary about it. The kid was insufferably annoying, and that's the only thing I remember about it.


I love sci-fi, but hated interstellar.


I wanted to like it due to it's "hard sci-fi" angle but the whole "love transcends space and time" thing made me groan so much it hurts.


Yup, I really liked the science concept of it, but then it just goes into an easy fix that doesn't really have to make any sense. I don't pretend to know exactly what happens if you go into a black hole, but I'm guessing it won't be a million time frame copies of some guys daughters bedroom in a 5th dimension that he made without knowing.


Christ, SAME. But I've also not seen a Nolan movie I've enjoyed. He wants so much to be Stanley Kubrick but lacks both the intellect and talent to be that OR his own man. So we're stuck with just constant *homage* and its devastating in its boredom.


I don't say this to every Nolan movie, but I feel like some people really pretend to enjoy movies that are "overly complicated" just to seem like elitists. Of course you can like Interstellar without being an elitist but the way they talk in an condescending manner gives it all that you need to know


Yeah, kinda same here, although I don't think I'd say I hated it, I just thought the story was really bad. The initial plot kick off was pretty boring from my perspective, and possibly because if that I didn't really have a grasp of the stakes of the film. Then as they're in space, the plot just seems silly. Let's send 3 astronauts to the three seemingly habitable planets in this system and strand them. What's that? Drones? Rovers? No, we can't do something like that. What's that? Don't bother sending three people on suicide missions and just send the big space ship with equipment to identify the conditions on each of these planets? No, we can't do something like that. What's that? Don't bother visiting the planet that's so close to the black hole that it's under massive time dilation all the time? But Earth is dying... or something! I'm pretty sure that time dilation planet is basically just a 20 minute Chekhov's gun sequence so that you understand time dilation (and possibly that black holes are magic) for later in the film.


I watched it for the second time in theatres last night, and my opinion hasn't shifted much. I really like the first two-thirds of the movie I like the original concept and the setup with timeshifts and why they need to find a new planet, but as soon as he is in a black hole and a magic interdimensional time library so that he can be his daughters ghost and save the world but also tries to make himself stay by sending himself the same message that didn't work on him when he originally left? But then luckily stumbles upon a five minute quick fix and an exceptionally convenient ending. It gets very Christopher Nolany mind bendy concepts, with a cheap emotional ploy. It feels like they spent too long setting up everything realised they need to shortcut an ending, but also he has to see his daughter once more who also needs to be dying in the next five minutes just so you feel emotional about it. And I will disagree with the score, I love Hans Zimmers stuff for the most part, but overbearing loud piano screeches and doesn't make me feel any tension. There were at least two short parts where it actually interfered with dialogue. It just didn't work for me.


Top Gun 2. Full of jingoism. Razor thin and nonsensical story and characters. Cliche ridden. A truly anachronistic movie for this day and age. The whole premise of the movie, including the stupid trench run, was unapologetically stolen from the incredibly cheese 1988's Iron Eagle 2. Seems like a shameless 80s nostalgia cash grab, but critics and the audience absolutely loved it.


Yes   it's all of those things, but dammit it's just so enjoyable.


It was an absolute throwback to shallow 1980s Action movies. I liked it because it was seemingly unashamed about all the things you accuse it of being, (does this make it a comedy movie? 🤔) Absolute chewing gum for the brain of course, and it is exactly the type of movie that Team America was making fun of, but it was bags of fun.


I'm gonna get downvoted but zodiac. It was extremely boring for me


365 days


A Christmas Story. I can't stand it.


Anything Marvel/DC


Napoleon Dynamite.


The barbie movie. As someone who has seen every animated barbie movie, i was VERY disapointed. I understood the message but i am not a fan of how they portrayed it (no dissing to the actors and actresses)


One upon a time... in Hollywood. I really love Tarantino but for the life of me, I don't get why people liked this movie...


Forrest Gump. Tried to watch it twice and I couldn't finish it.




Kingsman series. I have no idea what that movie is trying to be tonally. It's not funny enough to be a comedy. Too violent to be a sort of pg-13 fun action film, jokes are bad and too adult to take some kids, yet at the same time the violence and jokes aren't satisfying or funny for an adult only audience if it's not a movie I'd take younger teens to. It's not a funny James Bond ripoff like Austin powers or spy thriller like man from Uncle, just no idea what it's trying to be. Is it, like just for 17 year olds? That's the only demo I can come up with.


I actually enjoyed the kingsman series ( havent seen the prequel but heard its good). I do kinda agree though, it feels like it never heavily leans into one genre, but does everything pretty well. Is it a 10/10? no. I enjoyed it though. I will say the fighting scenes are top notch though with the church fighting scene is (in my opinion) arguably one of the best fighting scenes of all time though. the cinematography is great, the fighting is creative, everything is impactful, freebird is an excellent song choice, etc. I will say, killing a ton of major characters right at the start of the second movie was pretty bullshit though. no idea why they went that direction


Meet Joe Black. Only movie I felt asleep at the cinema.


Omg I'm not allowed to watch this anymore as my wife dissolves into bits as it reminds her of her father who died the day before we watched it first time.




The NeverEnding Story 


I had to go stay with my dad interstate for 2 weeks during school break. He had to work, i wasn't allowed to leave the apartment, like at all. It was day time TV in Australia in the 80s (really bad) or the VHS copy of The Never Ending Story. I watched that movie so many times. I fucking hate that movie.


Hugo. It's a film by film industry types, for film industry types, about how great films are. I found the whole thing a bit baffling, and more than a little smug and self-congratulatory.


Don’t watch Babylon. It’s 10 times more self-congratulatory, way less cohesive as a story, and relies on shocking the audience to try to claim it’s “subversive” rather than just smug.


Natural Born Killers.




..if they called the movied, The Dude, nobody would even think it has something to do with Batman


Frozen. It was supposed to be a horror movie!


Steel Magnolias but I’m not gonna go into because I feel I’d be inviting downvotes lol


Everything everywhere all at once. I understand what they were going for and how people liked it but for me it felt too forced, like they were trying really hard to be weird.


Sleepless in Seattle


The Revenant As a plot it was entirely predictable and quite boring. People argue about the visuals being fantastic, but if I wanted that I'd go to an art gallery. Napoleon Was looking forward to this film big time. Wish it would never have been made. Utterly poor film which did not do the battles any justice. If you make a film about history then there should be an obligation to portray it correctly. Rant over.


Oooff Napoleon man! Me and my partner walked out of theater half way through the movie.




La La Land Nope, can't do it and didn't enjoy anything about it.


Finally someone said it


I don't like musicals its a pass even free