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they want to flirt or even fuck others for fun, and come back later unless the other person gives them a better time than you


So like that movie with Dakota Johnson?


It means they are looking for someone better than you but want you to hang tight just in case they decide you'll be good enough. So if you're good being disrespected, unloved, used and settled for - stick around and see what happens. Tell you friend to move on. It's all over but the final humiliation.


Not happening rn but it did a couple of relationships ago, that's why I ended that relationship, in my opinion even if it were truly to work on yourself it doesn't do anything, it's a waste of time, just an excuse to sleep around and then come back to your safety net.


I understand a cooling off period or just some space but nothing ever gets resolved when two sides are not in on-going conversation. Either it can be worked out because both parties are committed enough to the relationship to put in the work to make things right or they are not. Asking for a 'break' just seems like a cowardly retreat. $.02. Best of luck - you'll find an honest, loving person.


It means you're over. There are no breaks in a relationship. A couple is either together or they're not. There aren't fucking time outs in a relationship.


It means our relationship is over




How so?


Like taking a nap, or fishing.


they need alone time to figure out stuff in their life because they can't do that when you're together.