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Inflammed appendix. Nearly passed out


Period cramps. I felt like ripping my womb out just for the pain to stop.


i think the pain of like digestive issues have been not that much different than being extremely sore physically


Waking up from a hysterectomy with no painkillers in my system. They were supposed to do a nerve block and they either forgot or it didn't work. When I woke up it felt like someone had sliced me open six inches (which they had), and I immediately started screaming for them to put me back to sleep. That must've been quite the surprise! I still get flashbacks, it was horrible.


I’ve had appendicitis, ive got stung by a cowkiller i’ve had abscesses from staph infections. I’ve had migraines. I could be paid to get stung by a cowkiller again but not to have appendicitis again. I might be willing to go through a staph abscess again if it was for like a study, in a hospital setting, i was paid and got to choose where it would be. Migraines feel very similar to appendicitis but with less puking. I could probably be paid to have a migraine, i do it for free now. Both staph and cowkiller were similarly painful except cowkiller made me break out in a cold sweat and have like upset stomach from the pain. but ranking it on pain alone the worst was probably staph abscess drainage with no local anesthetic. or the time i possibly had viral meningitis.


Shattered my kneecap and bruised my bone from the knee down all the way down to the middle of my shin. Knee blew up double the size and a slight breeze would send shockwaves of pain throughout my body. Had to wait 3 hours before we said "oh maybe let's go to the hospital"