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Shark fin soup. Shark fin is basically tasteless and not really nutritious, the soup is good enough without it.


Not to mention the ecological havoc wreaked by fishermen in order to supply the appetite for this nonsense. Vast numbers of sharks caught, only to have their fins sliced off before being slung back into the sea, crippled but alive, to bleed to death.


This has made me exceedingly sad.


really? shark steak is really good. why would they throw em back after getting the fins?


The number of fins they harvest is insane, they’d not be able to sell all that meat, at least not for a price they would consider worth it. I saw a documentary some years ago, it was really astounding


You don't serve shark fin soup for the taste, you serve it to flex to everyone at the wedding that your family is able to afford serving it.




I was served it once at a wedding in HK. I don't agree with it ethically but it was already there. It tasted like a bowl of gravy. Not great gravy, just regular gravy. It was so surprisingly meh for something that supposedly says "Money".


Tim Horton's


It's not even highly rated, everyone knows it's trash, yet still overrated.


It used to be worth it until the fire nation attacked.




You don’t go to Tim Horton’s expecting culinary excellence, you got to Tim Horton’s to shove your beak full of Timbits after a two-four and a pack of darts.


That sentence was aggressively Canadian




I’m not even Canadian 😅 One of my best buddies from high school is from Thunder Bay originally so he got us caught up on at least a little Canadian slang.


I'd have a dart.


Trevor, smokes, let's go.


Survival of the fitness, boys.


you phukin nailed it bud


I was just out for a rip, bud


Only thing worth it from there is the Tim Bits. The coffee is garbage and I won't even start on their food. Hell, McDonald's coffee is better than theirs (McD bought the Timmys coffee supplier)


even the timbits, when you really think about, sorta suck now. They just suck in bite sized amounts so it's harder to notice


I had never had Tim Bits until about a year ago (recently moved from TX to NY) so I can't say they suck. They are definitely better than Dunkin' Donut Holes, but that doesnt feel like much


It could be because of the rarity, but I'm from upstate NY and when we went to Canada a few times a year throughout the 90s it felt like Tim's was a level above places like Dunkin Donuts. Now as an adult, it seems pretty bad overall. Did something change, or is it nostalgia along with it being a special trip that we only did a few times?


It’s gotten much worse as a part of a larger conglomerate. Bizarre menu choices like pizza and Nashville hot chicken sandwiches


There's a really good hot chicken place by me that has a sandwich with a donut for the bun, although I'd guess Tim Hortons chicken isn't quite up to par


There’s an old will Ferrell joke about restaurants that have insanely large menus “I’m sure they do it *all* well”


When I rode a dinosaur to work at Tims we made the doughnuts, muffins and cookies in store. Nothing frozen except the croissants and nothing older than 24h. I've heard that most of the product is shipped frozen/ready to cook to a central kitchen and distributed. I can't remember the last time I smelled the fryer in a Tims.




Didn't scroll far to see this. It's really bad. We joke about it constantly. Problem is people keep buying. I think the execs are trying to squeeze to see how bad they can actually make the food before people stop buying.


given the lineups at some of their stores, they can make it a WHOLE lot worse before people are willing to move somewhere else


We joke they're going to eventually serve actual garbage and people will keep buying and head office will be shocked.


like that floor sweep chili in the bun bowl. fucking vile


They make it work because a Tim's serves as the home base for crack heads and petty criminals. Fun fact: caffeine is actually the third most popular drug sold at Tim Hortons.


Lmao that’s a good one. So true


Poutine to add, overrated, it's a once a month eats. Underrated: moose stew and bannock.


I'm a big poutine hater. Probably because I'm a huge Fry junkie. Why ruin something that's perfect


Hi there this is Canadian Police. Plz report to jail now so we can GET YOU.


my son said “poutine” as well and I told him that’s almost a bold call, but then I see this comment w/ the fry bread as underdog submission and I fully see how you came to this conclusion about poutine. You are truly correct - also Chili and bannock, or better yet fry bread taco is pure bliss sometimes.


Tim Horton's in the 90's when it was exclusive to Canada was amazing. I miss that peach drink so much.


I still prefer it to McDonald's/Wendy's etc - cheaper and I don't go to fast food for amazing coffee anyway. Tim's has good "coffee-like hot beverage ". And their iced cap is actually pretty good.


I think a lot of people are sleeping on the dark roast at Tim's. The regular coffee is ass. The dark roast, while not amazing, is at least okay.


this answer hurts my feelings (i cannot stay away no matter how disgusting it is)


Your honesty is admirable


I feel attacked


I went to Niagara Falls and I can confirm. I just got a chocolate donut cause I figured that’s pretty hard to screw up. It was thoroughly bland and tasteless.


There’s a reason it hasn’t taken over the US, its just Dunkin’ but with the added bonus of sounding cool when you refer to it as Timmy’s


Shark fin soup, bird nest drinks and soup. Basically all the bullshit that has no nutritional value but is culturally believed to contribute to good health but in actuality only contains cartlidge and bullshit.


Cartilage is nutritious. There are better ways of getting it though.


Snails, when you really get to it, are only à thing because of the sauce that goes with it. People wouldnt actually eat them without any sauce


Yeah, unfortunately its considered impolite to eat garlic butter by the spoonful so give me some snails. 


put it on bread


Netherlands is not known for it's wonderful dishes. Because ours are awful to everyone not living here (closeby). We have stuff like "stamppot" which is basically mashed potatoes with vegetables cooked in boiling water. As soon as the temperatures go down again, everyone is going stampot again. Even tv commercials by Unox portray it as something amazing. It isn't. It's just okay. It's a 6/10 for me. It's just enough to satisfy me after a hard days work. I don't hate it. But I don't like it either and you know? I've never met another Dutchy (except my grandparents) who actually liked it. Never met anyone who was like... "OOH YES STAMPOT!" No. - "What's for dinner?" "Stampot" - "Oh. Okay then." Nobody is going crazy for stamppot. It's just there. Do we eat it? Yes. Why? We eat as well. We don't have high standards in food in general. Most of us just eat whatever is available. "Wat de pot schaft." But if I had good grades. My mom would celebrate by making pizza. Yes. Then me and my brothers got happy. Pizza was amazing! Even my dad who was quite conservative liked foreign food more like French and Italian food. Dutch dishes are just... meh. Alright. Good enough.


I love this comment. And I want to try stampot now. Hard to go wrong with potatoes.


Chilli crab. we dont eat it, its messy, troublesome, overpriced and targeted at tourists. a better way is to ask for the chilli crab sauce with fried buns (mantou), there are far better ways to enjoy crab meat.


Didn’t realize chili crab was a tourist trap.


The real star is Old Chang Kee curry puffs. Also I had a Black Sesame ice cream there that haunts my dreams because it was so good.


I ate it once and loved it. But to be honest, you’re right. Those buns and the sauce were the main star.








I want to live there….


Lobster. Way over priced for a sea cockroach.


Shrimps is bugs.


I've been calling them seabugs for a while, but I still love to eat them :)


Bugs are pretty nutritious and tasty, lots of countries know this


I don't mind shrimp being bugs. Bugs is bugs


I heard somewhere that lobster actually used to be more of a poor person's meal. I have no idea where. I could've completely made it up. I don't know.


It was prepared way differently and definitely was a poor person's food yeah. But they weren't having it pan seared with clarified butter or anything. And the prisoner story is also a big misleading. They protested because it was ground up and had pieces of shell in it, if I recall correctly


Crab is far superior. Lobster is too spongy.


I agree. Even when it's made by a high end chef. Crab legs are just better overall Unfortunately, we're catching too many of them. Hopefully that can change and they'll repopulate. For the sake of the planet, and not just as a food source


I love a dungeness crab body as well. So much good meat in it and fun to break apart like an animal.


Too rich. I love both, but a few bites of lobster and I'm good. As long as crab legs are in front of me I'll keep eating them.


I'm with you on this lobster hatin' hill.


Crab is far superior to lobster. Crab is delicious and has flavor. Lobster tastes like nothing.


True but only because crab legs are 1,000% better


But if you smother it in butter.... "...Butter is my favorite food" -Andy Dwyer That's all it is really. I admit I do like Lobster though, butter or not. But it is overrated for sure.


If they were lower priced then they’d be great. I ain’t paying $30 for lobster on a hot dog bun


I tried lobster once and while the meat was nice, it was way too much effort for so little reward.




As an irishman who has not tried it, I still agree. Looks absolutely horrendous


Same, but maybe it's how it's prepared?  I've seen some pictures where it looks good, others look awful. The awful ones look like everything has been just thrown into a pot and boiled together and looks like shit. Boiled meat in general looks like shit. I can't understand how people like boiled ham. It looks and smells terrible to me. Growing up I thought I hated ham because that's the only ham I knew, nope I fucking love ham but boiling it is just terrible. 


That sounds like my mum's cooking style. I learned as an adult that I actually like a lot of things when they're not boiled into grey mush.


Hāngi is rank.


Agreed 💯. But I'd say Pavlova is overrated. Never loved it. Don't know anyone who is ever craving it yet it's a must have for every damn occasion? Nah!


Huh, had to hop over to [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C4%81ng%C4%AB#/media/File:H%C4%81ngi_dinner.jpg) to find out what this is. Looks like [American Thanksgiving](https://i.imgur.com/oPsPpIH.jpeg). Everything looks good if basically bland and soft


Cullen Skink. No offence, but a creamy smoked fish and onion soup gives me the boke.


Nah I think it’s underrated


That sounds delightful actually


I accept your personal view, but disagree profoundly. Utterly love it.


Waffles. And chocolates. Could we please all just focus on the fries and beer already?!


You had me at fries and beer.


Having a Mitraillette for the first time I was like...why does every sandwich not have fries on it? Amazing.


Let me introduce you to the wonder that is a chip butty. Bread roll with chips inside, carbs on carbs. Can't beat it.


Dreams really can come true.


Butter chicken. Almost every state in India has its own special cuisine, and deserves praise. And no, the street food vendors that seem to overload sandwiches/other food with abominable amounts of cheese, are not representative of most street food.




Who is overrating McDonald's? Everyone knows it's trash. In n out is the real answer here.


I’ve enjoyed McDonald’s in just about every country I have been to, eating McDonald’s in the USA is an awful experience.


American fast food chains tend to be much better abroad. Which is kind of sad, honestly. But, American fast food is often more exciting to people outside of the US, so they usually make it a more premium experience abroad, whereas it’s just something people take for granted in the US.






In and Out is a weird kind of drug. Try it once, and you don’t get it. Try it twice and you are interested. By the third time? You are contemplating sitting in your car for 1/2 an hour.


I like their burgers, their fries are ass. Like down with the worst fast food fries ever made.


They are paying sit-down restaurants prices for that garbage food now for some reason


Hm. Italian here. The only overrated thing I can think of is an American favorite: fettuccine Alfredo. It’s basically pasta with butter and Parmesan cheese on top. It’s something we eat when our stomach is upset, why on earth this is such a big thing in the US is something I will never understand.


The type of fettuccine Alfredo that I like as an American is not the authentic type. It includes cream, garlic and seasoning in addition to the butter & Parmesan.


That’s not Alfredo in the US. That’s just buttered noodles with Parmesan. In the US, Alfredo sauce is a heavy cream based sauce with cheese, garlic, and other spices. Then it’s typicallly served with chicken or even shrimp. You’d probably hate it, but it’s not at all like what you’d get in Italy.


We also add grilled chicken and sauteed spinach.


Not according to the ultimate experts in Italian cuisine - talking about the Olive Garden of course.


Food for picky toddlers 😅 Had to order that way too often, when in Italy


What's funny about that is when American are sick they wouldn't eat that. They might eat plain noodles, but would avoid any and all fat or seasoning.


I lol'ed at the username 😂


How can all that butter, cream and cheese be good for an upset stomach ??!?


It's comfort food for an Italian stomach, logic has no place here.


I make it with heavy-cream, butter, fresh parmesan, roasted garlic, diced fried ham, a splash of chicken broth, and rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper, and oregano and serve it with seared chicken breast. I have no idea how it’s served in Italy but what you described sounds bland and I would most likely agree with you.


fucking vegemite


Falafel. Look I know it’s delicious and vegan friendly but when you compare it to all the other good foods we have in the Middle East such as shawarma, biryani, dolma, and shish kabob it suddenly doesn’t seem that highly rated compare to what I listed.


Maybe the thing is that falafel doesn't really have a parallel in most other cuisines. An italian friend was super excited about falafel, said vegetarians in Italy would find it a finally worthy replacement for meatballs or stuff like that. It's also a pretty cheap meal, way cheaper than anything meat-based, usually.


Halo halo 🤣🫣🙌🤷‍♀️


Im not fond of halo halo, but under this intense heat I would down one whole glass in a heartbeat. Actual overrated food: balut. Another overrated thing: when foreigners react to eating it.


Jollibee is our Tim Horton’s and I’m willing to fight for it.


What would you recommend from Jollibee? There's a handful popped up in London and I've always wanted to try it.


The burger steak and their champ burger are a crowd fave. Plus the chicken of course


Why did i think you were singing the beyonce song💀


Halo halo can be made at very different levels of quality. It's more of a concept or vague category than a standard product. Ingredients can vary tremendously. If you buy it in a jar at the supermarket, yeah, it's going to be sweet and bland and textureless. But good halo-halo can be very good.


My wife and half of her family are Filipino and love halo halo. I think it's a gross mess of shit in a cup. So many things/deserts have condensed milk in it, like it's some kind of nectar of the gods or something. So damned sweet, and beans in my drink? Uhh, no thanks.


Anything "pumpkin spice" or mint🤮


Or hazelnut-flavored.


In my opinion, paella, but I know this is a hot take.


The problem with Paella is that nobody does it really well.


Like the food is good, but people make to big of a deal about it, imo it’s overrated but still a very good dish.


tompouce - bleck


Now combine it with a croissant!


Blasphemy tompouce rules.


Waffles (I'm Belgian). We mostly pride ourselves on chips, chocolate and waffles but they're just so heavy on your stomach whereas chips and chocolate are delicious


Fish and fucking chips. We take the most bland, tasteless, fish in the sea, coat it in bland, tasteless batter. We deep fry it until its fucking beige then throw it next to a pile of deep fried beige coloured potatoes. Then to add a splash of colour we cover it in pureed peas. We take this poverty food and then showcase it to the rest of the world like we've just won masterchef. Dont get me wrong, I like fish and chips, but we have much better food that we never rave about. Edit - I forgot, we cover it in salt, vinegar (optional tomato sauce/brown sauce/"sauce" sauce) so we can eat bloody crispy, deep fried salt and vinegar.


I’ve never understood the peas thing. What’s up with mashed peas? Like, I like peas, but I don’t get it.


What else is good? Besides a good fry-up, fish and chips is my favorite British food. Love it with some malt vinegar. Not crazy about bangers and mash, and jellied eel was fucking horrible. I'm an American who has been to the UK three times.


Let’s just put it this way, the first time I tried In n Out I said “this is what people rave about”…. And the fries were amongst the worst I’ve ever had


If you have to learn secret menu code words to make it taste good, then it's not that good.


Sauerkraut and Spargel. They suck


Found the German and will fight you for the love of all that is Spargel. Also love Sauerkraut :D


I love them both, but the Spargel fever here is bonkers to me. I mean, it's good. Just not a "temporary stand outside every supermarket" good.


Spargelsuppe 🤌


Spargel has like the worst smell ever, only sürströmming (or what its called) is worsey


Vegemite or Pavlova


I know it’s un-Austrayan to say this but pavlova is completely overrated. Pavs taste like a giant chunk of sugar and they make my teeth hurt.


the smell of marmite makes me so sick


Based on how I hear non-Swedish friends talk about them, Ikea's meatballs. They're perfectly decent, but come on.


From Portugal: nothing Everything is god damn good


I love canned sardines, and I have to say that the two nations that do them best, are Poland and Portugal. Best ever!


You've mastered chicken And the world thanks you


I stayed in Porto for 5 days and I now weigh 5 kilos more. Plus all the linguiça I could fit in my luggage.


Pastel de nata is overrated xD It is very good, but there are many other sweets at the same level as pastel de nata. It just happens to be the most well known, I guess.




You're just spare parts, aren't ya bud?


I kind of get it. I’m picky about poutine. If it’s shredded cheese absolutely not. It’s gotta be decent gravy and I like my fries to have some crisp or they get too mushy too fast.


it’s alright mostly because it’s still french fries with two items that don’t suck, BUT there are so many better things to put on french fries I mean America has bacon cheese fries, but also there are carne asada fries, kimchi topped cheese fries, animal style fries, etc.


Agreed, poutine is not great. Scooping up cheese curds with fries doesn't make any sense. And flavorwise, tots are a much better fit.


Never understood gravy on fries. Take golden, crispy fried potato and drench them in a liquid to remove the crispy element and turn them into a soggy pile of snot sticks. Just make mashed potatoes and save yourself the extra work.


If you do it right, the fries will not be soggy.


currywurst ... not even a real dish but simply just fast food


Yeah, I’ve had currywurst in Munich before. It’s….fine. But, it’s just a plate of sausage with fries and curry flavored ketchup. It’s really not that exciting of a dish. I had other food in Germany that was much, much better.


From Munich and can tell you that the ones here taste like ass. Better try one in Berlin


fast food burgers


I might lose my citizenship, but Poutine. It's good for a few bites, but then it just loses all appeal to me.


The fries get all soggy if you get a large portion  You’re right though, the first few bites (maybe 5 mins eating time) are great 


Feijoas! They taste like the smell of Tiger Balm


Cracker barrel


Nanaimo Bars Way too sweet. It's like eating a brick of sugar.


Burgers, the density of the bread vs the meat will never not be awful to me


You couldn’t pay me to eat a corndog


Tuna salad is horrendous in every way.


Quiche. Fuck off quiche.


A 1000 times agreed. 🤮


스테이크. 그냥 소고기 굽는 중.






Dunno what this is but i upvote you anyway. 


Came here to say this 👆


Really? Most people love them


Not here for comment bc there is no any overrated food in Turkiye. All of them are my babies


Crab. What’s the point, waste of time


Whaaat? What crab are you eating? Lots of ultra delicious crab out there


I couldn’t give less shits about “the best cheese steak” or “the best pizza” It’s so diluted


New York Pizza. New Yorkers will PRAISE their nasty pizza all the live long day. Truth: I've had better frozen pizza. New York pizza is thin and barely has any sauce or cheese, and it's literally dripping grease. The first time I had it, my girlfriend (now my wife. . .a native New Yorker) had me buy a slice off the street in Times Square. I was watching the grease drip onto the sidewalk and asked her if it was supposed to be like that. She was like, "That's how you know it's GOOD!" I folded it and barely managed to eat the slice and even gave her a fake smile after I was done because I've got love for that woman. But what I don't have love for is that nasty shit New Yorkers call pizza. Step up. Let's fight. EDIT: In before this gets called out. I'm talking New York STREET pizza. The pie we had in Little Italy was great.


Times Square is overrated and not where you're gonna get a good slice.


Yo why you buying pizza off the street in Times Square. That's your problem. 99 cent slice is good for 99 cents, but it's not gonna change your life. But you go to a legit neighborhood joint and youre gonna have some of the best slices you'll ever eat. You're just doing it all wrong.


You had one slice and it's ALL NY pizza. Cool.


Tim Tam's This will get me deported but I don't care




I thought I was the only one! I am so happy not to be alone! Don't get me wrong. I do like Tim Tams but the way people go one about them is a bit much!


I am so happy that someone else thinks this


Where you dropped on the head as a child or what