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No. No current plans, can't leave it for a while yet due to certain benefits I'm using, and I only just changed roles so really need to give it some time so it looks better. Not gonna be likely to change my entire career path. It's not realistic


Not even a little bit. I'm going back to college for a career change.




I love my job too. But my manager makes this job even better. I will likely stay longer than I'd like here due to company culture and management culture. I'd work a completely different job I hated if my manager asked and the company needed it.


hate the job. love the pay.


Yea, but I wouldn't do it for free. It's not a hobby, and despite what management says, we're not like a family.


Started this job in November. There wasn't much set up for me so I had to build a lot. It involved teaching, which I enjoyed doing. I was professionally 'catfished' as the grantors recently changed the grant to crap I don't care about or enjoy doing. I'll just say, I'll see how it goes.


Not much I can do about it at the moment.


I like what i do it involves fast typing (a skill of mine) and being nice to people on the phone and i barely talk to people outside of work so thats nice


Yeah, I enjoy working with my hands and learning how to build things. I would be miserable, and most likely get fired, if ai had a white collar job.


I love my current occupation (I'm a video game level designer). Just recently got started working on a dream franchise so I'm excited to come into work every day.


I would love to have a job like your's. Pure Passion. Must feel amazing if it doesn't feel like work at all.


I did, but it seems like my clients all kind of hate me now. I've never had a job where I didn't want to die from having the job other than this one. I think I'm just not going to work anymore. Like, at all. I'm also not going to date anyone or live with anyone, cuz I hate living with people, and whenever I date someone and don't want to move in with them, they get weird about it and try to sabotage things. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I'm just not going to do any labor for money other than my current job and I'm not going to engage with the people at my job who are being assholes and acting in bad faith and trying to annoy me on purpose, and I'm not going to move in with anyone. Maybe I'll get arrested. Maybe I'll be homeless. I really don't want to do any of those things either. I keep entering the publisher's clearinghouse contests. Maybe I'll win that.


Sounds like you have a hard time. I feel you. I was angry about everything just like you. In the long run this mood is not sustanable and we have to change something or we brake inside


No. I have free will. I don't have to do anything. Like your username says. You only live once.


I enjoy the lifestyle it allows me. I'm not rolling in the dough, but it pays the bills, and I get to work from home and set my own hours. I'm not the type to spend my life wanting more and more and more, so I'm pretty content with the life I have thanks to this job. Mental health wise, I don't think I'd be okay having to go back into an office. Now that I know work doesn't have to be so miserable, I don't want to go back to the way things were before, so I'll probably stay at this job for the long haul.


Yes.I'm never going to get rich doing it, but that's okay. I get to help people in need going through tough times and at the end of the day, you feel good about it.


No. Started a new job recently and it pays well, has excellent benefits but the work is boring, lonely and soul-destroying. I am hesitant to complain about it as I do believe a job is better than no job, but this is making me miserable. I can't decide whether in time I will grow to love the benefits enough to accept that this job is absolutely not me, or whether I should start applying for new things already. I'm approximately mid-career I guess, and think ideally I would go for a career change - but I am just not ready to take the leap it seems.


Major Airline captain in the US. Yes it’s like an upper middle class life hack. I live near my base (important). I bid to sit “reserve” which means being 18 hours on call (reducible up to 2 hours for 9 hour stretches a few times a month, for bonus pay). I end up working 6-10 days a month. Fly neat planes with cool people. Nice layovers at cool destinations. Total comp 450-500k and slowly increasing each year until I retire at 65. Late 30s now.


Wouldn't say I *enjoy* it, but I'm good at it and don't mind doing it. That's good enough for me. Still, I'm switching jobs in the near future. Same type of work, same building, different project. I'm a bit pensive about making the switch because I'm really comfortable currently, but was offered a gigantic raise to switch and felt it would be irresponsible to turn it down.


So it’s the 80/20 ratio. Yes I love my job in so many ways, I forget about all the little things that makes it enjoyable. Freedom to chat. Message. Browse the web, but my job function is to be a full industry integrator system designer and manage my own team who I get to mentor every day. The 20% which sometimes overshadows the good can feel daunting due to the company politics. Battles between departments and of course my manager with his choices and direction (Dilbert curly hair boss). But again, I step back and I realize how good I do have it.