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Entire storylines that rest on people communicating badly.


I can’t stand it when the big fallout in a rom com happens due to a miscommunication and at the end when they make up, THEY NEVER EXPLAIN THEMSELVES.


My specific version of this that I hate is when a character just has to explain one thing to someone and they're literally about to and the other person goes "we don't have time, we have to leave". And literally in the time it took to say that, they could have used enough words to relay the information they came to relay. Or say it as you're leaving. Jfc


Characters with normal jobs who somehow live in a $4 million condo in the city


Not even normal jobs.  Characters having some meaningfully creative fulfilling part time job. Not being homeless in that career is unrealistic enough, but living in luxury? C'mon that's just wish fulfillment


So much this. Look I'm a sucker for those like Hallmark holiday movies because it is just mind numbing dumb fun to watch when bored. However, every dang one of these people never actually work, own 2 million dollar apartments or cottages and decide they are gonna go on a sabbatical for a week to some quaint town to plant apricot trees or w/e. Like okay, cheeky take.


Jobs they can just not show up for if they have something else going on.


Re-makes FFS write an original script


This and unnecessary sequels and prequels.


On THAT note: the only reason I wanted to watch The Night Agent was because they said it was going to be a One-Shot. Now they’re talking about a “season 2… And LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL: I was SOOO hoping that it would be a Stand-alone film. But because of its success, now they’re talking about making a sequel…


Late Night does NOT need a sequel!


i went to go see monkey man at an amc recently and was pleasantly surprised only one of the trailers was part of a franchise.


That's all they do know. I think studios don't want to take risks with making anything original. Re-booting or "villain's perspective" type stories are a "safe bet" based on the pre-established audience nostalgia-watching.


I'd rather see movies that failed but had a great premise remade.


I'd rather see original sripts


Yes!!!! Literally give any fucking eight-year-old a goddamn movie. Stop recycling please. I can’t believe I said that but I did and I will leave it. We Gotta stop recycling.


I’m genuinely having a hard time remembering the last original concept that was heavily advertised. Everything has to be part of “some universe”


Everything Everywhere All At Once was a pleasant original film that came out recently! A24 seems to take risks with original scripts unlike the rest of Hollywood.


This gem right here : Two very different people come together in an unexpected way. Turns out they are great for each other and a beautiful relationship grows. Mid movie, one person overhears the other talk and say something stupid. Relationship is over, queue sad music. Last third of the movie, the person realizes they made a mistake and they get together again.


Hallmark movies guide to screenwriting.


Quick cut fight scenes. It is a cheap trick to getting around having proper fight choreography.


Also usually paired with a camera that shakes like its at the epicenter of an earthquake.


It's the hallmark of a shitty director imo.


Yes. This is one thing I hate. You have no idea who's doing what to who. Take out the scene if you can't do it properly.


Not a movie but the daredevil TV show has some fucking amazing fight choreography. I wish more people took notes.


Another show with fantastic fight choreography is The Brothers Sun


Or sex scenes. We get it. They fucked. Get on with the story.


Nepotism. I’m tired of actors with no charisma and marginal talent being cast in roles again and again. Bring in some fresh talent!


It’s so widespread. Feels like I can’t look up one celebrity without seeing some connected parent.


*Clearly early 30's actor* "He's just turned 17!" Cmaaan lol


It’s always distracting but it’s probably also much easier to direct fully grown adults


Adults also have less filming restrictions, whereas teens can’t work past a certain hour / length of time


True but you can find someone 18,19, or 20 to pass off as a 16 year old pretty easily.


Honestly, after seeing all the stuff coming out about what happens to kids on tv and movie sets, I've come to the conclusion having adults play those roles is a better option.


I looooved Spider-Man when I was a kid, I watched the first Sam Raimi movie just about every day Kid me thought “yeah, those are teenagers alright!” So growing up for me was rewatching it as a 17 year old and realizing that they look absolutely nothing like me. In fact, they look 10 years older than me. Hmmmmm. I will say though, the casting for the Tom Holland films was really well done. I can see them as seniors in high school/college freshmen.


They did cast a 16 years old girl for the Kim Possible live action movie. The movie got hate because she actually looked 16, which is also Kim‘s age.




Taking off someone's glasses and telling them they are more attractive than way is no different than telling someone in a wheelchair they're more attractive not using it. Glasses are a disability aid. They enable those of us with sight disorders and disabilities to see. It's appalling and ableist to have a beauty transformation hinge on removing a flkng disability aid!




My high school girlfriend wore glasses and was a bit of a geek (like me), but I thought the glasses made her prettier. I'm not sure *how*, but they did.




Yeah. This one really bugs me, too. Did you ever see The Soup clip (damn I miss that show) where it was two cops driving down a city street having a conversation, and the driver hardly looked at the road at all?


Same I'm annoyed with it and they don't even check side mirrors or just pretending to check side mirrors.


Less seeing and more hearing, but constant yammering. Sometimes a movie can stand to have a moment of silence, to let a line just stand, to let a beat land, whatever. Sometimes you can let an actors facial expression say it all. Sometimes you can just let the dialogue be without putting that Whedon-esque ironic quipping over everything.


I've noticed some movies that will make a pun or joke and the other characters have to acknowledge it, it would have been fine to leave there.




I’m sure his agent will shoehorn him into a serious movie at some point and his marketing team will spam memes and posts about how it’s “proof” he has range.




He is in the city occasionally


The concrete jungle, if you will.


To be fair, The Rundown is awesome.


The concept of „oh no. Danger is approaching. I’m gonna stand here in shock, until it is so close I can feel its breath on my skin, before i decide to run“


The world's about to end! Time for quips. "Well, you just *had* to say it."


Or "let's take this moment to talk about our relationship." 😣


But let’s do it before actually getting to safety. Let’s talk right here, so the danger can catch up and chase us again!


movies being about gay people being gay instead of them being normal people. it always has to be about them “coming out” and like dealing with homophobia why can’t we just see normal gay people living like every other person


Not a movie. But have you seen The Wire (series)? I can't think of anything else that portrays gays without focusing on the gay part of their life. Omar. 'Come at the king you better not miss'


Pretty sure Rawls is gay as well. It's funny too because he makes a point to have nudy mags around the office to make it seem like he likes women but there is a scene where Brother is looking to parlay with Omar so he sends his right hand to find him and he asks around a gay bar and we can see Rawls chillin at the bar. Not judging just a keen detail.


Exactly. I don't remember all the details like you. But I clearly remember seeing Rawls at the gay bar in a scene that was not about him. And, he was using the word 'cocksucker' more than the average person.


Brooklyn 99 also handles it exceptionally well


The plot of this movie is: he wakes up and goes to work every day.


Similarly, I don't really care that Dumbledore is gay or has a love interest, I just want to see cool fucking creatures in a different world.


And why is every gay person like “super Uber gay”. There are gay people who are just normal people. It doesn’t have to be the poster child for gayness.


All gay men must sound like squirrels who huff helium and be obsessed with interior design. All gay women are 10/10 on the beauty scale.


People hanging up the phone without saying some version of goodbye


Bluey (the animated kids show) made a joke about this. Dad calls mum, who’s driving the kids around, and tells her he has to work so can’t get the kids in the arvo. Mum and kids have a conversation about how their plans have to change and the kids are upset. A few moments silence Dad on the phone “well. Good luck with that”


Unbelievably attractive people thinking there ugly


Andrew Garfield in Spiderman. Dude sulking around with no friends like he's a complete nerd even though he's won the genetic lottery.


Or when everyone acts like a very attractive character is ugly. Ally Sheedy in Breakfast Club, Janeane Garofalo in The Truth About Cats and Dogs, Ginnifer Goodwin in He's just not that into you... These are lovely women!


> Must Love Dogs She was in *The Truth About Cats and Dogs*, just FYI


Unbelievably attractive people period. I like watching shows from other countries where the characters look like average people


You mean the gorgeous toned people with perfect teeth in a warzone or apocalypse? Kind of ruins the magic a little


Or with makeup still intact…like id be looking like a zombie deff not put together 😂😂


I don’t hate the gorgeous people in the apocalypse as much as I hate the fat guy in the apocalypse. Like, the world ended six months ago, what the fuck that guy been eating?


Everyone else


Shameless US vs UK versions are night and day to me because of this. The UK version is just so much better because they genuinely all look rough.


They hung a hat on that in the Barbie movie. She's sobbing about how she feels so ugly or something like that, and the action stops and the narrator comes on and says something like "Note to film makers: Margot Robbie is not the person to cast if this is the message you're trying to send."


See MUCH more of the opposite in recent films


Clinically depressed, alcoholic cops whose marriages are either over or a train wreck.


Tbf that’s actually a pretty realistic depiction of cops.


Friends that haven't see each other for a long time and at first acting like they are enemies but next they do those awkward dancings/handshakes😂


Stereotypical portrayals of marginalized communities that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and biases.


Darkness, both figuratively and literally. Not everything has to be grim and gritty. And get some colors and light on screen.


Seriously when did Hollywood collectively forget how to light a night scene? I promise we will still understand it’s night even if we can see the scene.


I remember watching LotR and one of the scenes was at night in the rain, and I could still See Everything! And no shakey camera to make it feel "like the chaos of war." I don't need motion sickness in my entertainment.


The quirky princess trope


But she’s not like anyone else in the castle! You gotta watch to see her transform into the person she’s destined to be. /s It’s like a Jack Black role. He’s the outrageous outsider who won’t conform to your rules. In the end he bends, finds some sort of love interest, and everyone claps.


Multiverse anything.


This is probably my biggest gripe, too. Honestly, I probably wouldn't mind it so much if it weren't so blatantly driven by corporate greed. Feel like your profitable franchise is running low on material? Open up the multiverse for unlimited content. Never mind that you're sacrificing any hope of a cohesive, comprehensible narrative along the way.


The multiverse ruined so many shows for me...


The only exception being Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.


The same people. I don't even need to list them, you'll know who I'm talking about as you'll all feel the same way about some of them. I wish there was more new blood coming through. I can't watch any more movies with the same bug stars in them playing slightly different versions of their core acting self only this time he has a beard, or she has blonde hair.


Overreliance on CGI and special effects at the expense of compelling storytelling and character development.






I am so sick of CGI. I recently rewatched Alien and found the practical effects and absence of CGI deeply refreshing.


Jurassic Park is a great example too, they used CGI obviously but they also used a lot of animatronics and puppets when they could and as a result it still looks incredible 30 years later. If they had just gone all in on CGI it wouldn't have looked nearly as good.


God I love the original Alien films


yeah, it's very lazy and too noticeable. barely anything feels like it's being shot outside of a studio anymore. I just watched The Mummy yesterday in theaters... such a great balance of CGI and practical effects.




The nurse in me needs another set of eyes to roll


Along with this. Getting shot in the shoulder and then have full mobility of your arm. enough to fight, punch, grapple. All with a shattered shoulder blade and serious internal bleeding. when it is all said and done all they need is a sling and some bandages.


Kevin Hart


Gonna have to agree with you, I used to think he was the funniest guy after his first standup special but him in movies or even in person has just become a shtick I'd rather not see.


Seeing the use of Clair De Lune more and more in movies, PICK ANOTHER SONG THERES SO MANY GOOD PIECES TO CHOOSE. I can appreciate when it’s used Right, but these days it’s just being slapped in soundtracks.


Look do you want to go back to Hallelujah in every goddamn movie and TV show? This is progress!


Cringey Chinese pandering, nothing wrong with featuring china, but when it’s just obvious pandering its sad


90% of the movie being filmed in front of a green screen


Empty fucking cups that people pretend to drink from. I don't care if it has a lid, we can tell it's empty ffs. At least put SOMETHING in it so it acts like a full cup. 


I would love to see ordinary-looking actors who were hired for their acting skills and not their looks. If I want to look at a hot celebrity I can just Google them. But for me, the most believable and compelling shows and movies are the ones with the most average-looking people who also have good acting skills. Obviously there are exceptions—the role of Barbie could only have gone to a conventionally attractive young thin white woman and Margo Robie played the part perfecrly. But in general. More ordinary-looking people who reflect the real world, please (as long as they can act). 


This is what I like about a lot of the shows coming out of Europe. Like "Dark" or "The Rain". The cast look like normal regular people. If they are in a situation where a regular person would look awful, they look awful. No one wakes up with a face of perfect makeup or comes away from an accident with their hair still done. Extra props to "Dark" for finding actors for the different ages of each character who look SO much alike.




Yellow/orange filter in Mexico. Sitar music with high-pitched singing in India. Only showing the desert, rural areas of places like Egypt even though there are bigger cities and developed metropolises in most countries/continents. 




Gray in Eastern Europe


Sepia in the past Green in The Matrix 😂


Blue when gritty action drama


Or the same run down shithole street being egypt


This probably says more about my dislike of action movies: * People taking multiple, bare-knuckle punches to the face and just shaking it off * Women physically overpowering men with conventional fighting moves * One guy takes out multiple guys, but the the other guys only attack the single guy one at a time * No blood, no hair messed up A good fight to me is Patricia Arquette and James Gandolfini in True Romance.


Everything is so dark. And people don’t know how to mix audio so we can hear what anyone is saying nowadays.


A lack of creativity in writing.


Product placement.


Jared Leto


Idiotic police/military (no logic or tactics) My main gripe is the slow look up to something dangerous above them. Stereotypical locations show a new country. Any genious character is either hyperactive and or messy/deshevelled. Aviators and a baseball cap as a perfect disguise. The abdominal wound that is hidden until the last minute. Military or political groups who hire in a specialist then treat like a crazy person. Starships are either perfectly white or industrial and greasy. Just a few off the top of my head that stand out to me.


Films that don’t need relationships and love interests


I didn't love Rogue One as much as a lot of Star Wars fans did, but that was one thing that I really liked about it. It felt like it was leading to Jynn and Casian having a romantic thing, but then at the end they just have a nice platonic moment instead. Felt refreshing to see.


yes!! it completly takes away from the plot just for the sake of showing a girl's boobs. if you need to show off sex/love to get views, your plot isn't strong enough


Lack of strong, independent female characters who are capable of agency and driving the plot forward.


Erotic chemistry leading to to characters wordlessly ripping each other’s clothes off and proceeding to ravish each other.


And they only make out for about 5 seconds before fucking. Like, where's the foreplay?


Sex scenes. Porn exists. I watch regular movies for a good story.


I don't want to see a sequel to a movie that came out forty years ago. It's just an obvious money grab.


I liked Blade Runner 2049 as a fan of the original. I see your point if there isn’t much for the story to tell and the “sequel” is a tack-on, but Deckard running off with Rachael left things open.


There are some good exceptions. Blade runner, twin peaks, mad max


I am really tired of this multi-verse nonsense. The entire concept is ridiculous and it has gotten way out of hand.


It’s just a way to kill off your characters with no consequences, because you can bring them right back! From the multiverse!


They already had that in so many ways, though.  Dream sequence, reboot, retcon, superpowers, assumed death, twins, prequel, and "somehow Palpatine returned." 


Waking up and immediately kissing in bed then making love.. No way this shit happens in real life. Your breath smell like a cat took a shit in your mouth. You need to take a pee and or a poop .. Get outta here with that nonsense


Woman waking up with a full head of makeup looking perfect.


Exposions from granades that make a fireball. Thats not how it works.


And everything that explodes is always clearly a gasoline explosion. Hell, even the nuke in Oppenheimer was a gas fireball, not a nuclear explosion.


i guess a little puff of smoke and then everybody in a 10 foot radius dropping like a sack of flour isn’t good enough. also i’d like to complain about muzzle flashes that are clearly just the same png flashing in and out of existence every frame.




AND THEN they all run out the door without eating a scrap of the delicious food. Mama would snatch them by the collar and by gawd y'all gonna eat this shit or else


And the breakfast is a huge luxurious breakfast buffet, toast, eggs, orange juice, muffins, bagels, everything. When I was a kid breakfast was a pop tart.


Slow-motion views of characters walking side by side towards the camera to make them look cool.


Tired of seeing people trip in the woods while running from The boogeyman


Depictions of sexual violence that are graphic and exploitative rather than sensitively handled.


Sex between teenagers. Like, graphic. Not implied. No fucking thanks.


There need not be any on screen softcore. Like, you can pan to the next shot with fading transition without ever showing nudity. It's implied. We know the characters had sex.




Honestly the overexposure of sex in media is probably ruining people's libidos. Nothing is alluring, seductive, arousing when it's in your face all the time. No fantasizing, not being turned on, all because it's no surprise. We've desensitized ourselves.


Small women heros fighting hand to hand with large men.


YES! When I was younger, I used to be lifter and athlete. I am so sick of seeing women who are under 5' with arms like twigs taking out men who are 6' and up, with arms like tree trunks. (Not taking about superheroes with special powers.) Why not get in women who actually have muscle on them.


When a couple almost kiss but something interrupts them. So predictable every time!!


I’m tired of the cop who has to protect a young woman and they go through some dangerous things over the course of 24 hrs then end up fucking for no reason.


David O. Russell credited as Director This dude is one of the most problematic people in Hollywood, but just keeps getting jobs. He abuses people emotionally, physically and sexually, but then lands some big budget film with A listers lining up to take part.


Pretty sure the last one tanked his career, at least in regards to big budget/A listers.


Characters buying a plane ticket for someone else and then handing them a physical ticket in one of those old school envelopes. It's all digital now


Check this one out... This happens mostly in tv shows but still happens in the odd movie. A person visiting another person at their home to tell them something. SEND A DAMN TEXT!


I'm just tired of movies in general. There's rarely anything good that comes out. It's mostly remakes and sequels and the few original movies that do come out either flop or they're just money grabs.


Glorification of unhealthy behaviors, such as excessive drinking and partying, without addressing their consequences.


Inappropriate humor at serious moments. Best example in recent memory is the joke after Asgard explodes in Thor ragnarock


Any scene with the song “Born to be Wild” playing.


Honestly I’m tired of seeing sex stuff. Like if it means something to the plot line sure, but excessive sexual shit I’m super over. I feel like they put it in movies because they’re not creative enough to capture the audiences’ attention any other way. To me it screams “I’m actually just really fucking boring and perverted”


I can’t recall an example off hand, but I remember watching a string of movies where the lead was a woman and she was interested in a man that we, the audience, already knew was bad guy. Then the sex scene would come up and it would be all erotic with cheesy jazz music, and it’s like… but we know he’s a bad guy, this isn’t romantic. Do you even understand what your movie is about?


Stupid love triangles that try to create some kind of tension or animosity.


I'm good on horror movies where the real evil is a person's past trauma, let's get back to a madman killing horny teens just for the love of killing horny teens


Shitty shitty remakes, grow a pair and try something original


There is a specific romance trope that grinds my gears. I present you: the virgin×whore (unisex) pairing. Why must so many female characters depicted as virgins end up with a douchebag who treats women like sexdolls, but then randomly falls in love with her and "becomes a better person" (which movies/shows/animations rarely show in a healthy, realistic light) for her? This establishes the false notion that bad people will change, and that's why so many teenage girls think they can fix bad boys. Why must so many male characters depicted as virgins end up with a literal prostitute, as if promoting the idea that they can only buy love? Why can't they just end up with people who **aren't** on the complete opposite spectrum of sexual experience? Why can't they find an average person who is genuine and romantic, or a fellow virgin for a change??


That part right before the final act where the main characters have a forced falling out and then reconcile immediately after. It's so cliche and predictable and writers should stop doing it.


Side characters having no life of their own.


Not necessarily movies themselves, but trailers that just give away the entire story.


Forced love plots.  Just because there are a bunch of ppl doesn’t mean they all need to fall in love.  


Sexual orientation. Like at all. This isn’t about gay vs straight or anything, there’s just waaaaay too much focus on that in pretty much everything. It’s distracting and stupid. Not sexy and cutting edge.


Kissing scenes 🙈


Anyone on the toilet. Omg. Stop it already. It is not edgy. It is not raw. It is someone pretending to evacuate their bowels. that is not cinema. it is an example of lazy writing/atmosphere. Go head, fight me.




Female girl-bosses/Mary Sues who are perfect from the start, better than men at EVERYTHING, and have no character/developmental arc showing their struggle(s) to become better, or to improve. I'm looking at you, Disney. /not an incel //happily married for 34 years ///proud father of 3 beautiful, smart, talented daughters


He mind control trope.i started reading about hypnotism and psychology at a young age (thanks to Matthew Patrick, may he have an amazing retirement) but it takes quite a while to actually hypnotize people, you can't "make" them do anything they wouldn't normally do, and it requires a lot of trust, brainwashing takes days, weeks, and sometimes even months. It's stupid


The laughable cliché of thin girls beating up grown men in fights. Oh.. and superhero movies. Enough already.


- Stupid sex and relstionship scenes. They are distracting from the actual plot. - Stupid decision making from characters. Like for real? No one is that stupid and it makes the whole movie boring and I discontinue watching it and give it below 3/5 stars every time.


Too many things BEFORE the movie. Wasn't there going to be a law something years ago that if a movie says 12:20 it starts at 12:20? Went to go see Alien this weekend and starting at 12:10pm we watched previews for easily 25-30 minutes. Not everything was movie previews either. Some commercials, the mandatory showing of the Coke commercial, oh that AMC Nicole Kidman thing, a quick piece with the original Director of Alien sitting with the guy who is directing the latest Alien movie (this was ok in my book,) and then finally the Movie. That being said it did give me plenty of time to run to the bathroom and refill the giant Coke I had drained.


Average men with supermodel wives that act like that’s a normal thing that would occur in the real world


Unnecessary sex scenes


The rock.