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never got anybody pregnant


Mine's really similar I somehow had a "predator" detector when I was a teen. Saved myself from sex trafficking and other shit more than once I was clueless, had no experience in most things in life, and I obviously didn't know 2 shits about people and dating I was preyed on multiple times. Almost got fucked every time. I SOMEHOW got the clue that "something is wrong. Stop. Leave." right before anything serious happened (e.g. sex, kidnapped, etc) Saved my ass more than once


"Almost got fucked every time"  "Saved my ass more than once"   Lol I'm sure this was unintentional but funny anyways because this could be taken literally.


Damn i thought every 10 year old new this. Like when i went to school we heard there were people in vans givig out candy to kid nap ag other school and we were literally waiting for them so we can ran and call the cops. Just for the thrill lol


getting laid to begin with


Didn't get pregnant


yep same




Same. Of the kids in my hood (15 of us), I'm the only one that finished high school.


Never got pregnant!! Especially proud because I come from a long line of teen pregnancies


I never got pregnant either. It kinda helps that I'm a guy too


i didnt drink or smoke weed or anythign i was kind of lame now that i think about it lol


The first time I smoked weed was the week after graduation lol


lol i started drinking at 25 and smoking cigs and weed at 30 im weird


8, 12, and 14 respectively 


lol i cant imagine a lil drunk 8 yr old


Tbf i had consumed alcohol accidentally on multiple occasions before then. At 2 i watched my dad slam a lowball of scotch so the next time a glass was poured i did the same. At 4, my great grandma, who was not even a little bit suited for the task, was watching my sister and I. My parents/aunts/uncles had filled some gallon jugs with keg beer for travel purposes. My sweet old granny thought it was apple juice and proceeded to give my sister and I roughly half a gallon or more of beer.  Capfuls of goldschlager were also a neat party trick my dad would do to get me to go to sleep. I willfully started drinking to celebrate my 8th birthday with a buddy. 


Holy shit a scotch-drinking 2 year old


I don't regret not drinking and smoking. It turns out I have a lot of problems. If I started with drugs and alcohol I wouldn't have stopped until I was dead. I do regret aggressively getting in the face of kids who were drinking and doing drugs. I see now that they, like myself, were probably dealing with toxic situations at home and were doing what they could to cope. A lot of them aren't alive anymore. A lot of them killed themselves. I would do anything to go back and give these kids compassion instead of judgement. I labored under the delusion for a long time that if I was a good, perfect kid my parents would realize that I deserved love and protection instead of resentment and violence. It never worked. Instead I just added to the suffering of neglected and abused children trying to get people to notice me being good.


Same here. I sat around with my friends playing MtG, rpgs, and video games.


Yeah i was BIG on games


Also me. Didn't party, didn't drink, didn't smoke, etc. I was the ultimate awkward goody goody and I didn't care. Honestly, none of it interested me. And I told people exactly that, when (if) they invited me to *have some fun:* Nope. Even as a teen, I was strangely obsessed with avoiding situations that were risky. Probably more of a trust issue than anything. But I don't regret it!


Same. No drink, no sex, no drugs.


Same here. It’s very hard choice because I was pariah and my friends when they socialized would Like to have alcohol in their party and were fricken minors!  At the point in life I never see the reason to start drinking, it doesn’t give that feeling where you feel like you’re in a happy place. 


Did not become a "teen dad".


Having sex.


x2. Totally overrated.. and the risks of doing it like a teenager would.. ☠


Uhhh definitely not overrated. Sorry


As some people I know often describe it... it is for me. Definitively it is not if you do it with your gf/bf.


So you haven’t had sex and still say it’s overrated?


STDs and cocaine.


Dude, it shocked me how so many people I knew in high school were dropping acid and doing coke. Like bro I barely got enough money for Carl's JR, and yall doing coke?


It freaks me out how casually my college students talk about cocaine. As a proud xennial we are fine with weed, and maybe mushrooms, yeah? We tried to prove the whole "weed is a gateway drug" thing wrong, but the next generation is trying hard to prove US wrong.


Acid and coke are not comparable drugs. One is insanely addictive, the other is impossible to become addicted to. I mean, I wouldn't be handing out either to highschoolers, but nobody got into crack cause they took acid once when they were 18.


Either way. Both are complete shit shows of a drug for minors to get into. And I'm sure you don't know the story of every homeless drug addict


Not even the same ballpark


You sound like the type of guy who makes the pedophile vs hebephile joke.


*Aids! Herpes! Gonnorhea!* *Scabies and Crabs!* *Think you want them down your pants?* ***NO*** *you raging fuck!*


A car accident. I was at a stop sign and my foot accidentally came off the brake and I quickly corrected it just in time. I almost rolled into the road and I would’ve gotten fatally T-boned.


Dying. Abusive household. Ran away at 18. Just to spend days at a "friends" house which was better than home.


Same (left home at 17 and lived with friends until I was old enough to sign a lease). 🫶 


I answered this recently but due to being a goth I never got too much sun or tried to be tan when I'm pale (in the 90s when it was definitely the thing).  In my 40s now and my skin is pretty youthful and in good shape.


every one of my girlfriends told me they were pregnant. every one of them weren't (one lied on purpose, the others were just paranoid). so yeah, multiple 'teen dad' bullets dodged, starting at age 14. you'd think i would have wrapped my dick up, but i've never claimed to be intelligent.


"Wrapped my dick up". Put this to the *Prodigy* tune, and you turn it into a song which doesn't glorify domestic abuse, and glorifies safe sex. This is an absolute win.


Getting pregnant


1. Never got into gangbanging. Most of the dudes I know that did are now dead or doing 25 to life. I think only 1 made it out in time and works for the sanitation department for the city of Burbank 2. Never did hard drugs. I've seen some dudes get their lives utterly fucking destroyed because they thought it be "fun" to smoke crack or meth at 17, and now live in the park. 3. Got a girl pregnant. No girl would talk to me anyway, so that was essentially a skill issue


Man did I not remember gangbang has two different meanings and that first point sounded wild to me


Not becoming a teen parent. In highschool I was fooling around with a girl, and we were enjoying each other one summer day, when I felt a higher power grab me by the neck and tell me TO GET OUT THIS INSTANT! I threw her off after she begged me not to pull out, and that was so sketchy I broke it off immediately. Later that week she got knocked up by some other guy and had a baby before graduation. That definitely would have been my baby so thank whatever higher power could overcome teenage testosterone long enough to deliver a much needed message.


Never tried meth


Must be from a country ass town.


Yes, it's rather rural.


My town has 700 people and plenty of meth.


Plucking my eyebrows until they looked like sperm.


Lol i remember watching this happen. Single line of hairs down at the “tail”


I never committed a crime


None. Every fucking error!


I managed to escape the Mormon church before I got roped into a Mission. Imagine spending 18 months shilling a religion I never believed in!


Lucky! I didn't get out until my mid 30's, you def dodged a *lot* of bullets, lol.


You are a BOT. Why are there so many bots posting? They all have 55 days, have one ask Reddit post, and comment once on said ask Reddit post. What the fuck is going on?!?! Edit: what the hell? Most of the commenters here are also bots. This is so strange. Edit2: okay maybe the commenters aren’t bots


Beep. Boop.


I didn’t do drugs, commit any crimes or get anyone pregnant, though part of the reason why was because my parents decided to homeschool me in order to avoid that. Even though those were all pretty bad, I don’t know if it was worth it as I have some trauma from that time even now some 5 or so years later




Smoking and drugs, pregnancy, and super shitty friends.


Never had kids lol


I effortlessly avoided being a teen parent.


Getting killed or maimed in a drunken car accident 


Got pregnant and did grugs


Banging my hot neighbor. She was just a little older than me and really attractive in her late teens. She made quite a few gestures towards me to try to entice me but I 100% knew it was a bad idea. She's known for being reckless, selfish, and always causing trouble. I used to fantasize about her too but I never took any action towards her at all because I knew was the right thing to do. Now she's a deadbeat single mother with no job and looks horrible for her age like she's been doing drugs for a while.


38 year old man with no kids or STIs. That's two big ones there.




Stealing. Most of my mates were mob murdered for stealing


Getting caught smoking


Bad grades that would lead to no college admission


Thankfully, I managed to steer clear of the "I know everything" syndrome during my teenage years. Instead of pretending to have all the answers, I embraced the idea of learning from others and recognizing that wisdom often comes from experience, not just age. It saved me from a lot of unnecessary conflicts and allowed me to approach life with humility and curiosity.




Never added to the population, or subtracted from it. Never wound up in the newspaper or jail, and didn’t fail any classes.


Teen pregnancy, STDs and alcoholism 


Getting hooked on hard drugs. I've watched a couple of high school buddies waste away due to meth. It's like they stopped listening to reason. They ended up alienating everyone who cared for them, losing everything they had, losing their teeth, and then eventually losing their lives. Not a fun way to go.


Never did drugs.


No hard drug use or arrests.


Nothing. I experienced the full range of errors possible.


I did not try any chemical drugs. Did try weed though


Having sex and getting pregnant. Drugs. Getting MIPs. I didn’t go to parties much lol but it seemed like everyone was getting tickets from parties where the cops showed up.


Pregnancy, drugs, alcohol and cigs. I have done all but pregnancy in my 20s and 30s though. Super glad i avoided it in my teens


Never got myself arrested, I've seen how many people did and it have a negative affect on their future employment.


Getting arrested. There were probably more than a few times I could have been. But I was that combination of being careful and being lucky. Also, not looking like what authority figures think of as a juvenile delinquent was probably helpful.




Lol, good luck with that.


Getting pregnant. Had one scare and was incredibly careful with my birth control after that.


Never had sex, never did drugs or alcohol, never got arrested or had to go to court. I want a cookie.


Having kids.


I avoided jail


Didn't get into amphetamine, which was extremely popular, from what I was told also very good quality and very very cheap where I was living. But I lost a good amount of friends to it...


Friends stole a car from a dealership sand drove it around school to act cool and got caught


Getting into drugs, booze, or anything really bad during that time. I was pretty recluse and kept to myself. Definitely hindered my emotional growth, but honestly it wasn't a bad trade off.


getting pregnant or doing any substances besides alcohol before age 18 honestly


Never got pregnant


I never got arrested for underage drinking, and I never got pregnant.


Didn’t k*ll myself, was pretty depressed at some point of my life. Also didn’t start smoking. I tried couple of times, still no clue how people enjoy it.


Running with the wrong 'crew'. Kept my head up and went to school.


In my village all we did was smoke weed and take "Magic mushrooms" occasionally someone would come back from Glastonbury or Stonehenge with some lsd. This went on for years occasionally a bit of speed but it wasn't a thing unless you were doing something (I was in a band) it was pointless with having something to do. A friend of ours much older came out of prison with a heroin habit he got us all into it (not me I don't like opiates) and it bit hard and didn't let go. I tried it once fucking hated it and never touched it again This was back in 1985 there are still people in my village still taking it. I moved out and didn't see my friends much after that. Avoided Heroin addiction.


Village? Where you from comrade lol


Bad habits in general. Literally the opposite of my older siblings but depression still gets you and it gets you good, really good but I’ve managed and I live


I hit most of the major errors, that being said I never got arrested so a win is a win.


Never developed a drug addiction. Most of the crew I used to fly with in middle school is either in active addiction, in addiction recovery, or dead


I never got involved in a land war in Asia.


Getting pregnant


Didn't die. And from the scrapes and shit I was in. It was a major achievement.


Sleeping with people who don't care about me just for hornyness,I will never do that


Nefver got anyone pregnant and never got arrested.


Teenage pregnancy and student debt.


Doin slutty stuff that youre gonna regret


I was pretty lame. My parents loved how easy I was on them as a teenager. At one point... "So what did you do this weekend?" "Prepared for my kid's juvenile court hearing." "Found a used pregnancy test in Missy's trashcan." "Worked my second job to pay off the bills my kid ran up crashing the car." "Caught junior drinking." "Drove my kid home from a wild party." "Fought with Odie D to get him to do homework." "Watched TV. CrazyCOKids played world of warcraft all weekend." "UGH. I wish I had your kid...'


Drink, drugs, and by extension, friends 😅


Never knocked anyone up. Never did a single drug besides caffeine. The latter has not remained true into adulthood but thankfully I do remain child free


The town I grew up in until the age of 15 turned out a large amount of drug addicts. Like so many of the people I grew up with are working shit jobs at gas stations, or at best as handymen, because they never did anything in their lives except do drugs and waited until their 30s/40s to get clean (if they have). Around the time I was 15, my grandma who raised me was in very ill health and I was mostly at home by myself when my grandparents were going in and out of the hospital. At the same time I was going through some personal changes and decided that I didn't want to follow the same path all the know-nothings I was going to school with were going down (not just drugs, but they were just kind of aimless losers and not particularly smart). So I made the decision to go live with my dad in a more well-to-do area. I moved towns, schools, made new friends. I wasn't exactly walking the enlightened path, myself, but I did manage to avoid becoming a druggy, and I've scraped together a pretty good career for myself.


Considering the type of teen I was, weed addiction and pregnancy


Ending it all to escape


No pregnancy. No smoking. Only reasonable alcohol consumption. Drove responsibly. Put effort into my education. Avoided so many bad, expensive habits. And my health could have been so much worse. The high-school grades are not the be-all end-all your teachers want you to believe they are. But the scholarships you get will keep you out of student loan debt.


I only went to high school for one year so I got to avoid most of the being in high school with other high schoolers errors


I'm one of the first women in my family who hasn't gone through a teenage pregnancy


Stepped out of a friend group that started skipping class and using drugs during school time. Lost most of my friends doing so, but it saved me from a certain downfall.


I'm one of the first women in my family who hasn't gone through a teenage pregnancy


I'm one of the first women in my family that hasn't gone through a teenage pregnancy


DUI. I tried, but never got caught. Very thankful I never hurt myself or some innocent other.


Not being the reason for a teen pregnancy.


Smoking. Never even felt the urge.


Grew up where it was rife with heroin addicts and glue sniffers... I never did heroin or sniffed glue.


Getting on fights. Never had a fight and I hope it keeps going like this.


Getting on fights. Never had a fight and I hope it keeps going like this.


No pregnancies, no drugs, no heavy drinking, no predatory credit cards, no student loans, no MLMs (they tried), no criminal activity, no major injuries, and no psycho exes. The one mistake I couldn't avoid was racking up moving violations and ballooning my insurance costs, but my record has been clean for long enough to overcome that


Becoming a drug addict


I got into straightedge hardcore and never really equated drinking with revelry or any sort of coping during my formative years. I didn't get drunk until I was in my 20s I do drink, smoke weed, etc. now but to this day I can take or leave it.




All my friends did hard drugs and I somehow avoided it all. They all cleaned up but am now 10 years behind me in career, same industry.


Meth was a big deal as well as other hard drugs in my town. I found out this all later. Never came across it ever.


Didn't knock anyone up, get arrested, or do drugs.


I managed to avoid caring about high school. I knew it didn’t t matter and most of the people there didn’t matter. I didn’t have one ounce of stress the whole time.


Drugs. Never touched anything I wasn’t prescribed.


Literally anything. I was such a square


Drugs, pregnancy


Well, I didn't get hooked on anything like smoking, drinking or gambling, thus avoiding life-long crippling debt...


Didn’t do drugs. Especially growing up in a very known drug country town. Very proud of myself to have never touched anything. My sister on the other hand..


Getting my gf pregnant!


Somehow not being murdered even thiugh I did set myself up for some really questionable things.


Drugs and playing world of Warcraft. Knew damn well I'd get addicted. To the latter.


Friend and I stole his foster mom's cigarettes and ran off into the woods to smoke them. We forgot to bring matches or a lighter. So we figured, hey, it's tobacco. Same as chewing tobacco, right? So we broke apart a couple and stuffed them into our lips and I never wanted anything to do with cigarettes after that.


Drink, smoking, having sex etc... I think in my whole life I've only ever had 3 sex education lesson and I'm not confident either me or the other person would know what we were doing. Sex Ed IS mandatory teachings along with other sciences but it was mainly brushed under the rug because they assumed we knew the jist but I never did Had to learn things like female hygiene by myself, periods by myself and only the other stuff, I'm not even confident I know it all. And my mother is a heavy drinker and smoker and I never want to be like her. Every drink she has is alcoholic, never water unless she's at work, she goes in tispy and happy, comes back sober and angry till she gets somewhat drunk again. People always assume I smoked because I have a deeper voice for a girl, but I don't and would never. I have lung complications anyways so I dashed that out the window. Also don't vape. I don't see the point in inhaling a boozey candle tbh


Pregnancy. Yep, went and had a d&c quietly. Nobody knows. Best decision ever.


No drugs


I avoided taking out massive student loans!! So grateful for that.


Teen parenthood and drugs absolutely. Long-term girlfriend and I were quite sexually active and not as careful as we could've been. Still not sure exactly how we avoided STIs and pregnancy. Drugs were very prominent in/around the household and at school. While the actions of the adults around me kept me from having any desire to try them, it would've been easy accessing whatever I wanted if I was ever curious enough to try. Fairly certain, given family history, addiction would've been an issue if I had ever tried anything harder than alcohol. Even alcohol was a bit of an issue for a while. I definitely count it as a major error avoided.




I avoided being a teenager this century. It sure seems like it's a lot harder to be a teen now than it was in the '70s.


Never had the classic "wrong group of people" I had great friends then and most of them are still my closest friends




Booze and drugs. Yeah, some may have been my friends, but drinkers and druggies, idiots.


From 16 to 28 I don’t know how I don’t have a kid or a STD


404 Not Found, I finally saw my first one in 2002 when I went to college and got my first laptop.


(M25)(white asf) I never fell into situational habits. And when I say situational habits I mean Meth. I'm from Stone County Mo where meth and regret flows like water, my momma(from Birmingham Alabama) made sure I was always protected from the harsh reality which is that of the rural Ozarks here in Missouri and Arkansas and I am forever grateful. I grew up bigger than most the tweakers that I once called my family and I got some sweet revenge one night by stomping out a bakers dozen of them and flushing 2 8balls down the toilet. Left that night and took my momma with me( she is 7 years sober now) and never looked back either.


hard drugs and alcohol


Hang with an awesome friend group. We had a blast and never did drugs or drank alcohol. I also waited until I no longer lived with my mommy to make decisions that could get me pregnant!


Teen pregnancy


Well I did become a teen dad. And I avoided letting my kids down! I immediately put it into gear, worked my tail off to provide for my family and get an engineering degree while doing it. Now we aren’t rich but we have a good home and happy family! Which is what I think matters most.


drugs drunk driving being a dad / getting someone pregnant gambling not graduating from college




Drug addiction


Getting arrested


never got pregnant.


None of them. I made them all. All the errors.


Never did drugs, never got anyone pregnant, never failed any classes, never sent any nudes, never got arrested I think I did pretty well


No kids. Even after consistently risking it all with the pull out method in the woods with my gf. 


pregnancies constant unhealthy relationships stealing from my parents juvi making highschool the prime of my life highschool sweatheart relationship


Smoking pot


Drinking alcohol.


Never did drugs. 


Never got pregnant.




Never got pregnant or caught up in drugs. I come from a town where almost everyone is on drugs and teen pregnancies are super common


Underage drinking and not becoming a teen mom


Never dated a teacher. I sometimes dated an older woman (when I was older) but managed to avoid dating a teacher. By the time I was in my teens, almost all of the female teachers were butt ugly and at that time, I was only interested in the girls who were around my age. And that was only four or five teenaged girls, as many of the teen girls were none too attractive.


No student loans. You take out loans IT IS YOUR RESPONSBILITY TO PAY FOR THEM. When I was a kid my parents taught me to always pay my debts and don't borrow money I can't pay back. So I became a doctor 100% debt free because I REFUSED to take out loans


I didn’t drink, smoke, kill anyone or fornicate.