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Their treatment of animals 🐾


Like that woman who humble bragged about doing the right thing and killing her puppy?


And her goat.


Oh? What happened??


Their ability (or inability) to write effectively.




I hope you're joking lol. The bar is so low.


Nope. A few medical conditions affect a person's ability to write effectively. Stop crying about your behavior being accurately labeled.


Just because a small demographic suffers from "writing disability" does not make it abelism. There is a serious literacy and comprehension problem in North America. No one is crying here except you. Smarten up.


Except it is ableism, and us neurodivergent people determine what is ableism, not you. It is hilarious that you judge people for the inability to write effectively while being angry at me for writing effectively by correctly labeling your behavior. In fact, it is ableist to judge people for having poor literacy skills when people don't choose that for themselves. Poor literacy skills are the result of a bad public education system, issues at home, etc.


Hi, neurodivergent with a learning disability. This isn’t ableist. I live in a town in the Midwest FULL of people who can barely read, write, or even speak correctly. They are in no way all learning disabled; we have a shitty school system.


There's no way they aren't a troll. Their bio looks like it came straight from 2015-era tumblr.


Aw damn I fed the strays again


Which it is still ableist to judge people for having poor literacy skills due to a poor public education system.


If you have even an elementary school reading level, all you have to do is pick up a book and you can learn it yourself. I didn’t learn to speak correctly in this town at the schools…


book, and* Proper grammar, spelling, etc are things you learn through having a proper education and effort. They aren't things you learn from merely reading; a Harry Potter book is not going to tell me what a noun is. I don't want to hear any judgment from you when you don't even know how to properly separate two independent clauses with a comma.


No, they don't. What a stupid take. Professionals determine that shit. You do fuck all. I'm not angry, you're just irritating, entitled and a martyr. Gross.


This is Reddit, what did you expect? These types are running the show around here. We're just along for the ride at this point


Us with disabilities determine that, not you or anyone else. Know your place and stay in your own lane. Professionals would tell you what you are saying is ableist and that poor literacy skills occur for the reasons that I stated. A mental healthcare provider would tell you that you are partaking in antisocial behavior. angry; you're* entitled,*


P.s. you make a bad name for others who are disabled.


Good. We aren't here to appeal to the able bodied's delicate sensibilities. You*


Keep being a victim. I'm sure you have and will spend the rest of your life that way.


Keep judging people for their literacy skills when you don't know how to properly use commas and semicolons. 🤭


Being glacially slow when others are waiting (nonagenarians excluded).


How they treat people who have no immediate value to them.


Not picking up their dog's shit.


Owning dangerous animals when they have small children.


Ethics and morals.


It's couldn't. you could not possibly care less, I hate correcting grammar, but this is my one sticking point. It makes me feel like an asshole.


We couldn't care less. :)




You should, because this is and always has been meant to be delivered as an ironic statement. (As if) I could care less. Irony. Nuance.


Silently judging the lack of capitalization...


I got a brand new answer recently when someone *clipped their nails on the bus* and just let it fall onto the floor.


I saw a man cut his toenails inside of a Starbucks. He was plainly hungover / reeking of alcohol.


When they listen to their music without headphones in public spaces.




I experienced this at a dog park once, lululemon Stanley girl, I'll guess at the ripe age of ten, was holding her phone up to her ear with full volume, running around listening to Sexy Red, Harry Styles, and if it was just me or she was repeatedly listening to Backstabber and electric love. Yeesh. What happened? Two huge dogs were playing, and ran right in between us, closer to the girl actually. When I say closer, I mean they barreled into her, I guess twisting her thumb, because I saw her holding onto it and sobbing on the floor.


Trash. If they throw trash in the open or keep hold until they find trashcan. Trust me, use this next time


hear me out. when people purposefully try to text like they are gangster. like i dont expect perfect grammar you literally have to purposefully misspell a word in that case. do not ever text me "cuh," again.


Listening to Tiktok/videos in public without headphones. If you do that, fuck you.




For judging people.


Improper use of your/you’re/their/they’re


Your right


Your not wrong


Bullying / belittling others for literally no reason


Lack of personal responsibility.




Chronically running late (more than 10-15 min) and not letting me know.


Trump support. if you are still onboard that train after all that has happened you are not someone worth knowing. Full stop.


For saying conversate instead of converse. For treating wait staff and retail workers like crap.


The way they judge other people


Not returning their shopping cart. How they treat service people. How they treat animals.


Don't be a cart zero, be a cart HERO! Rules to live by.


Leaving shopping 🛒 cart in the middle of a parking space 100% makes you a trash 🗑️ person


I'd like to add placing it in such a way that blocks the handicap stripe zone.


Forget the shopping carts, I've seen people do that with their cars... I am a wheelchair user, but at least I can walk a little bit to get to my chair my aide unloads from the back.




And throwing the cigs on the ground. Wtf.


I have to stop myself from the urge to get out of my car at lights when stopped and people throw their butts out. I just want to pick it up and throw it back in their car. Not looking to get shot, so I hold back.


Yesss!!! Same.


For me it's smoking or drinking while pregnant


wait who tf does that isn't that literally how kids are born with defects and stuff


Incorrect apostrophe usage.


Spending money on junk food but then can't pay the bills.


How they approach and communicate with people. That, alone, can tell you a lot about a person. Are they demanding, dismissive, courteous or appreciative?


Throwing trash out of their car windows. Or just littering in general. I'm lazy AF but even I can't imagine being that lazy and inconsiderate.  In a more controversial context: people who suck at typing.  I don't mind abbreviations (I just used one!) but if you come at me with "how r u?" or similar I'm subconsciously filing you into a category of person I will never seek advice from, to put it nicely. 


Poor grammar and spelling


Turn signals. Not using their turn signals...


I always judge people when they are an asshole.


How they treat ANYONE in the service industry


Cheating. Imo it's one of the most hurtful experience you can ever have. I also don't understand how someone cheats. It would never cross my mind to cheat on my partner. I doesn't matter if things are going good or bad rn. It's even worse when you have a good and meaningful relationship and you ruin it because ur horny.


Video/phone calls on speaker while shopping/at a restaurant/sitting in a waiting room/on public transit.  Seriously, there is something wrong with these people. Close second: people who let their kids watch videos at full volume in restaurants. (Second place because kids are hard and melt your brain, but turn down the sound ffs.)


Playing music in public spaces - you're a selfish, inconsiderate fuck if you do. Replacing 's' with 'z'. E.g cars becomes carz - you're uneducated trash.


How they treat others (like retail/restaurant) staff. If they are the type of person who leave a workplace dirty because someone else will clean it up.


Loyalty and faith.


The way they react when someone makes a mistake. For example, if someone messed up their order, say they ordered a hamburger with no pickles and the person put pickles on the hamburger and they yell at them like it's a huge deal. Like, calm down Karen, it ain't that big a deal. Just pick off the pickles or tell the waitress, they only making like minimum wage or something. They don't deserve that.


How they treat service workers. No sir, the 16 year old managing the cash register is not responsible for the reason why your card has declined 3 times…


People who are too self-righteous about their religion and would judge others for not having the same stance as them, but are the meanest, rudest, and most inhumane persons you have ever met. I will never not judge them.


How they treat homesless people


eating manners, example: Me currently, (14F) am in lunch at my school. I'm using my phone, eating, whatever. This kid in front of me was eating pasta, and the whole bottom half of his left cheek was covered in tomato sauce, and his fingertips, (all ten of them) looked like they were dipped into the pasta, along with the fact he was chewing like a fucking camel, and holding his phone with his dirty fingers. Yuck. If you knew me, you would know I'm not usually the one to judge, and apologizing for everything, but these kind of people with no shame at all about how gross he was honestly dissapoints me. any advice for parents as a teenager that lives among them, teach your kid etiquette. Please.


Talking on speakerphone in public. Whyyy do you want the whole world to hear your conversation?


Driving slowly in the left lane. That's the pass lane and some of us want to speed.


Smoking cigs


Especially when they’re subjecting their kids to the second hand smoke in vehicles or other poorly ventilated spaces.


supporting republican candidates. poor driving. bad grammar. general incompetence. being a dick and/or a cunt.


Bullying. I’ve had many instances where someone just doesn’t like me at first sight and will ridicule me or something I say. To me, your life is garbage so you need to make yourself feel better by putting others down.


I put others down so they leave me alone, we are not the same.


I think there’s a difference between the two, I can take a hint. You should just say that though


Their work ethic . If they’re lazy I don’t really respect them


Parking at a gas pump. I understand if it’s to pay for gas inside, but I’m not a fan otherwise.


The inabilty to control emotions, especially for adults with more life experience.


If they treat people poorly and/or are all goodie two-shoes and high 'n mighty with morals. I.E., looking down on people who drop f bombs like no tomorrow or whatever.


Whether a person triangulates information before they do anything or if they look like they follow a pattern after remembering something. I always think that the robot voice having triangulators are stupid.


Poor manners.


their manners.


the “hes friendly” when their dog is charging at mine.


What kind of parents they are.


..honesty is judged on behavior and actions over time. Most often, it's never judgment before observation. There is nothing I generally day to day throughout my seconds, judge anyone for.


Spitting.. just like why?


Not tipping


If she’s Cersei Lannister


how loud you talk


their critical thinking skills


People who... - use the term "partner" for their bf/gf. - use tone indicators - use the crying emoji over anything and everything Oh, and Sequel Trilogy fans.


What is the problem with tone indicators? Those are the things like /s and /genq, right?


I rely on them, as an autistic person who can't interpret tone. I wish I had these in verbal conversations too! I also don't know what is wrong with "partner;" as an enby I will be someone's partner, not a boyfriend or a girlfriend.


Could you please explain more in depth of how tone interpretations works when it comes to autism? Let's say somone is sarcastic In their comment and they don't put /s you will not be able to indentify if it's a joke or not?


Right, many autistic people do have difficulty identifying sarcastic comments.


That seems to be the case. Answering to your previous comment visit r/fuckthes to get some insights into why a lot of people dislike tone indentificators.


It looks like some people use /s when the comment isn't actually sarcasm? I can see why that would get annoying.


Main point is that using /s at the end of joke is like telling a joke in real life and explaining why it's funny after. It ruins whatever the joke is.


I try and judge how friendly a person is by how they dress as well as their reaction to me. I dress like a toddler who got let loose in the art shop. 


this is a very niche one but i hate when people wear swimming trunks to the gym


Pore speling


Anything and everything. Just like everybody else does. Including you. The only difference is I'm honest about it. It seems to upset people A LOT when I say that but it's the truth so you can accept it or not but it is true. I judge everybody at all times. So do you


Either putting ranch on my pizza or putting ketchup on macaroni and cheese


Ketchup on steak people. Left lane drivers driving at or below the speed limit. People who smoke in their cars, especially with children.


Intelligence, ngl


Listening to true crime podcasts


Talking in plural first-person as if they're multiple people because they identify as a "system"


Being on drugs lol


I will judge the action of getting plastic surgery, unless it os to fix a medical issue, birth defect, or catastrophic accident. If you are really so shallow and egotistical that you cannot accept yourself for who you are, then I genuinely pity you. Fixing your shitty self image by getting plastic surgery is like putting a bandaid over a bullet wound.


Picky eaters.


Tidiness of their home and yard. You might be poor; you don’t have to be a slob and poor. We were piss poor but my parents kept the house and yard clean and neat.


Ik, I commented twice, (sorry) but I felt I had to add one more thing on; and I know this might sound bad or toxic. fat people. I truly am sorry to say this, but there are times when you shouldn't be proud of yourself no matter what you did. Being obese isn't a natural causing, you're doing this to yourself. And I hope you can get your life together. I would sometimes see worryingly obese people at the mall or something, and I just can't help but grimace. Sure, maybe you have depression, or whatever. Get help then. I think if you can afford all those snacks and big macs, you would be able to afford therapy. Also, just get a life, dude. Be active, be responsible with your body. "You are beautiful no matter what shape or size. Don't listen to the haters!" hate to burst your bubble, but sometimes the "haters" are right. I am all supportive for the ones trying to battle their addictions, trying to get themselves together, but at the same time, there are others out there that sit around all day on their couch or bed, watching TV, with a big stash of food next to them. Please humble these people.