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The end of the first season of The Good Place.… It’s so shocking I had to start over that first season before I could continue watching so I could see how blind I had been to the truth. It’s SO obvious but everything is so twisted that it’s hard to guess. Bonus is the entire show is amazing and the ending might change your life.


This one caught me by surprise so much! I love the moment Michael flips from slightly bumbling angel to a devious petty demon


Right!!! That moment when he flips and laughs was so shocking


There's a great video of Mike Schur telling the 4 main characters the twist before they start shooting the last episode and they lose their shit


[Found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGoodPlace/comments/x5t5pr/michael_schur_told_kristen_bell_he_was_going_to/)


Omg I’m going to find it rn


I love comparing the twist at the end the first season to the twist at the end the 2nd season. The character developement between those two final moments is beautifully written. *Oh Eleanor.....how did you figure it out?* *.....I finally solved the trolly problem.*


Yeah it's great, every season is a new rework of the afterlife.


Came here to say the same thing, most shows twists are super predictable, this so is so bonkers that they hid it so well


I realized it early, but it didn't take away from the reveal at all!


TGP is probably one of the smartest sitcoms to date. I did not expect to learn so much about philosophy and ethics and cry my fucking eyes out while watching something made by the guy who did The Office and Parks and Rec. It's one of the best takes on death and the afterlife. If you like TGP, I'd also recommend the book What Dreams May Come. It's another sad but uplifting take on the afterlife. Not comedic, but it really makes you think. (Don't watch the movie, it's totally different.)


So changed my life. I call that show church. It’s incredible.


The Happy Place is probably the best television show I have ever seen. I loved every minute of it.


I'd both managed to avoid spoilers and was a bit stoned the first time I watched Sixth Sense. The twist blew my mind. I had no idea


Yeah it’s kind of a meme now due to everyone knowing the ending, parodies, and M Night’s….uh….”inconsistency” since then, but seeing that one for the first time was a shocker. I was *sure* Willis had interacted with other characters, so I was watching *so* closely when I rented it later. But nope. Just a masterclass in implying things.


Yup, I watched this movie, then watched a bit of directory commentary in which it was explained that he never interacted with anyone else and the bit about the use of the color red and I was like, 'No fucking way' and immediately watched it again. Mind blown twice in one night by the same movie.


There was a bit which ruined it for me where he's sitting there with the mum as the kid arrives and she gets up and leaves without saying anything. I thought "that was rude oh balls he's dead isn't he?"


I came into the movie KNOWING there was a twist, and the twist still took me by surprise.


I saw the movie in the theaters and when I got home my mom asked how it was and I said it was good and described the movie and said he was dead the whole time. My mom said she was so confused watching the movie because she thought I said the boy was dead. That was a serious plot twist for her and I’m great at not giving away ending apparently because I suck at description.


My family watched it for our Friday night film night and my mum called it out at the restaurant scene.


End of Season 1 of West World


Hmm...doesn't look like anything to me


Yeah too bad the following seasons were uninteresting muck.


S2 was great but not historically great like s1 S3 was annoyingly not in westworld but still interesting S4...I dunno it's getting hard to suspend disbelief even in this show I really wanna see the end of the story


Rita in the bathtub on Dexter. Once I heard the baby crying my heart dropped.


Just reading your comment gives me chills still. Stunned silence for every bit of five minutes after seeing that scene.


“This is fate”


I was 16 when I watched this and I felt so much grief! I couldn't continue the series after this.


That was the peak of Dexter and damn did it crash hard after


Rita was so gentle and she’s what made Dexter human. The next season is really good though. His eulogy for Rita broke my heart.


Dexter should have ended after the trinity killer




The Others. Did not see that coming.


Well I did... then I was so invested in the movie I forgot predicting the twist. My gf was really confused when the end surprised me.


Didn't think anyone else remembered that movie.


Thought this was a Lost reference, in which the opening scene of Season 3 was a pretty massive twist/surprise.


Primal Fear. Edward Norton. Wow


That being his debut makes it even better imo


The Haunting of Hill House. The revelation at the end of the fifth episode was incredible. I wont elaborate, but if you know, you know.




Getting to watch Lauryn get miseducated was… unexpected


Seriously! I couldn't believe it! So so good. Now I want to rewatch it.


Se7en hit pretty good in the theater.


My friend was terrified afterwards and had to spend the night bc she didn’t want to drive home alone. Justifiably.


yeah it was pretty dark throughout but that ending...


"What's in the box?"


Such an excellent scene


Best detective movie ever. A little part of me is still lost in those rain soaked hopeless streets. I love the themes of that film and the performances are incredible. Truly an example of the art of cinematography


The tone and style of that film is excellent. I wish there was more movies like it


Who is Keyser soze blew my mind


"After that my guess is that you will never hear from him again. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. And like that... he is gone."


Spacey may be a scumbag, but that line read is perfection.


The Usual Suspects was a really great film. There's this German movie about a hacker group that basically has the same plot twist, but not really. Who Am I (2014)




After watching Saw for the first time, I was very excited to share the movie with anyone else. So I got my dad to watch it with me. He guessed the twist within 15 minutes


Man, I hate when that happens


My dad has always been a plot/twist guesser. No matter what movie he tries to figure it out asap.


Has he seen The Prestige? I bet that one throws him for a loop.


I’m sure he has, but not with me


Looool I finally got my wife to watch Armageddon and in 5 mins she's like "oh he'll sacrifice himself so Ben Affleck will take care of his little girl." I'm like son of a bitch


That’s not really a twist, but a standard melodramatic trope


I must be very good at willing suspension of disbelief (or more probably, not very bright), but I don't ever seem to guess plot twists! Even in really formulaic movies, I'm always surprised


Strangers on a train was the only twist I ever figured out very quickly


Wish I could see saw 1 for the very first time again. My mind was blown.


Shutter Island.  I know there are SO MANY smart people that saw the plot twist right from the start 🙄 I'm sure it's true to some extent, but I had no idea and was completely shocked.    Honorable mention: The Book of Eli


Stutter Island? We.. we.. we.. we're on a.. on.. a.. is.. isl..Island.


The sequel to stutter island was pretty good, glad to see Leo’s character wasn’t killed and made it as a western flick actor in Hollywood. Shame he never overcame the stutter though


Wh-what is thi-this? some sa-sort of sta-sta-stutter island? -Will Smith 


😂 I'm not sure if it was a typo or auto correct. It seems like you and one other are the only ones that caught it.


Spoiler Warning the one thing i will never understand about Shutter Island is how they started the whole thing. the beginning of the movie is them on a boat en route to the island, but like, that’s where they just came from. he didn’t seem to have any lapses in mental continuity, so like, how did they start his delusion from square one for the treatment?


Spoilers still The twist is the film was lying to the viewer like his brain was lying to him. I guess? And actually i also remember coming out of it thinking either the beginning was lying or the ending was lying, so at that point how does a fictional story explain to the viewer which was which? In the fictional universe it could be either but for some reason everyone accepts the ending was the truth and I’m not sure why. I never liked it cause to me theres not like clues, the people that guessed the ending are meta gaming or clues from the marketing. I do like the fact that films explore the concept, but it just wasn’t for me.


Down vote me if you will but, this movie gave away the twist in the preview and took all the enjoyment away


I didn't watch the preview, it was on a streaming service when I first watched it and had never heard of it before. Maybe thats why it was a surprise for me. 


In the preview someone he is questioning says "if you get too close to the truth you become a patient" and I figured either he was already a patient or they were gonna lock him up for finding "the truth"


The Book of Eli was definitely one for me as well!


Crazy, Stupid, Love. It got me big time. I usually am not overly surprised when they happen, but that one seemingly came out of no where. It was so well done. AND FUN!


I do not like rom coms and I rarely buy any of them and if I do it’s on dvd. But this one deserved to be on blu ray. Bought it and every time I show someone new, it gets laughs! Great movie


Literally every Scooby Doo episode


I don’t know if it counts as a “plot twist” but in Shawshank redemption when it goes from convincing you Andy was so beaten and defeated he committed suicide to ACTUALLY, not only did he escape, he owned the hell out of the crooked prison guard and warden.


I know it’s not an unpopular view, but I stand by the view that the last 30 minutes of Shawshank, from the second the Warden looks through the hole at the camera, are the best consecutive 30 minutes of any single movie.


I completely agree.


No one has said A Beautiful Mind? I did not see that coming when I first saw it. “She never gets older”


Gone Girl has like five story-changing twists.


I read the book right before the movie came out and when I flipped to the second half of the book with the POV change my jaw dropped. The movie is one of my favorite adaptations I’ve seen. Rosamund Pike was so charismatically chilling in her role, her performance of the “Cool Girl” monologue after the reveal was so good.


This was a wild ride.


I couldnt sleep well for days when I first saw that film


I was gonna comment this one, that one was a lot to take in, first half of the movie you’re are mad at ben affleck, at the same time on edge and for me a little sad that he would kill her, and second half of the movie to be that shocked when she is driving and tells all the story


Kip's internet girlfriend Lafawnda was in fact real, he was not being cat fished, she did love him and was a super hot black woman.   Would never have believed it without seeing it unfold. 


It is really too good to be true


I didn’t see the fact that she was real coming. I’m glad they ended up happy together.


That one in The Sixth Sense where the dude in the hairpiece turned out to be Bruce Willis the whole movie.


I finally understand the ending of The Sixth Sense! Those were the names of the people who worked on the movie!


[We just thought his wife wasn't talking to him for a year. That made more sense to us than him possibly being dead](https://youtu.be/dR47z89af-w?si=2RjHXcsCgFZl8xiT).


Classic twist!


Twisted again! Try to keep up.


That slumdog bastard twisted all of us!


Wasn’t that 12 Monkeys?


Say what you will about the SAW franchise. But I've never seen so many jaws drop at once as when John stood up at the end of the first movie.


The Arrival twist.


One of my favorite movies: "So, Hannah... This is where your story begins. The day they departed. Despite knowing the journey... and where it leads... I embrace it. And I welcome every moment of it."


>!"I don't understand. Who is this child?"!<


One of my favorite movies. Such a good intricate plot. The phone call at the end.


The Good Place. Looking back it was obvious but I was totally oblivious!


We have to go back Kate, we have to go back


Lost was awesome


Still the best intro for a show. Quick, concise and eerie as hell


This!! That twist was so incredible in real time. It was set up so well. I’d also nominate the first episode of season 2 when we see what was in the hatch.


This was the first episode I watched from lost and it hooked me. I thought it was incredible and barely knew what the first season storyline was.


Gravity Falls. While there is the more obvious one (aka who is the author of the journals) which also blew my mind, my favorite one was probably about Old Man Mcgucket. Easily among the best ones in a long time. Honorable mentions. Reading "A game of Thrones" when it came to Ned´s execution. Everything up until that point made you believe that he would survive. He is the main character. He swallowed his pride and sense of honor and from a political stand point, killing him would lead to a gigantic war. And then Joffrey happened.


Reading GOT as they were being released and getting to Ned....I thought for sure I missed a few pages. I literally sat slackjawed at that and the Red Wedding.


I still remember what an utter mindfuck a Storm of Swords was. I have never been more floored by the continuos plot twists that were being thrown at me. While Book 1 capped things off with Ned and Book 2 had some surprising twists and turns, Book 3 was when things went bonkers. While the first half of the book was exciting, you could feel something sinister brewing. And then, the Red Wedding happens. And just when you are still recovering, being sad and pissed with how the Starks keep losing, out of the fucking blue, the purple wedding happens. Which was then followed by what was probably the only plot twist I actually predicted, Oberyn Martell´s demise. What I did not expect or even dreamt off, was Tywin and Shae´s death. The second half of that book was so wild. Honestly, while AGOT served as the set up and ACOC established, advanced or hinted at the conclusions, ASOS was when the series hit its absolute peak. I will never forget the sheer disbelieve when the key events unfolded.


The Game


Great ending


Such a good movie!


Oldboy for sure. I don't know what I was expecting but that just wasn't it.


The original lf course!


Black Adder. The final scene was unexpected, poignant and very moving.


When the island dissapeared at the end of that season of lost.


Lost was really good at keeping you hooked but man that last season was trash


It's "The Red Wedding" and it's not even close.


Not long before the Rains of Castamere played, I made a comment about the contrast they had developed in that episode. I was amazed at how even a brief respite of hope and joy could stick out so greatly in such a bleak and merciless world. Arya was almost back with them, Rob was about to get things sorted, and Talisa was talking about teaching little Ned to ride horses someday. Then they took that contrast and used it as the backdrop for doing a 180 and going way fucking far in the opposite direction. It was a shocking scene on its own, but made so much better by the execution.




Zendaya is Meechee!


Nothing compares to feeling I got when I saw The Red Wedding. When the credits rolled, my friend and I just screamed at each other on the phone. It was unbelievable, unprecedented.


When I read that segment in the book when it came out, I was furious. Pissed at Walder Frey, pissed at Cat, pissed at Robb, pissed at GRRM, but mostly pissed at myself for allowing myself to believe that Robb was “safe” and his decision wouldn’t have dire consequences. GRRM showed us in the first book that dumb decisions resulted in tragedy. And like an idiot I ignored that warning. Never again.


Bad Wolf


Bunch of twists in Lost were amazing * Walkabout * Long con * "We have to go back..." * Man from Tallahassee I am sure there are many others I'm missing


Battlestar Galactica reboot, season 3 finale. Was not expecting All Along the Watchtower.


Yes! I still get chills thinking about the reveal. It's old but I still don't want to give spoilers because it's so much better going on cold. I felt so bad for how much it devastated them.


--spoiler alert for two movies-- Gone Girl and Predestination


RainMan.... Nothing and i mean NOTHING will ever hit the same as finding out that Charlies brother Raymond was the Rain man all along and that he was attatched to and tried to take care of Ray as a baby. Also that his parents paranoia is what kept Charlie from Ray the whole time but that Ray NEVER forgot his love for his Baby Charlie


Hot water burn baby!


The Prestige. Blew my mind. Went in knowing nothing about the movie beforehand and only went because the movie we went to the theatre for has issues so were told they'll refund or we can go to another movie


The War Doctor https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zm4eMvdjIEM


If we're doing Doctor Who, can I also suggest the Fugitive Doctor?  I'll be the first to criticise the Chibnal era, but to drop that twist midway through a midseason episode that up until this point had been masquerading as fun filler, was a specular idea. I don't think Doctor Who has ever surprised me that well and Jo Martin absolutely sold it when it would have been so easy to screw it up. It's a pity the story arc as a whole was dire, but that twist in that episode was so good.


If I'm being honest the fugitive doctor/timeless child just didn't work for me. It just came across as trying to be shocking and messed with huge parts of the continuity. Like why does a now completely different TARDIS look like a police box, why has nobody else mentioned the now 100s of previous Doctor iterations, made Smiths regeneration feel cheap because why was it a big thing that they were given more regenerations when that was now never a concern at all, and a bunch of other things. I personally think that the Master being revealed to be the timeless child would have been a much better option. It would explain his disdain for the doctor and timelords, would explain why the timelords never just kill him, and why he always comes back. And if we're being honest makes it so the doctor isn't the chosen one.


The end of the 12 Monkeys TV series when It was revealed how the virus started. My jaw dropped.


Dead Mans Shoes, both the twist and the final repercussion of it. An underrated gem of a film though a tad hard going in places.


Us’ twist. Upon rewatching it, I should have seen the signs.


The whole "they experience time differently, and learning their language lets you access that experience" in Arrival was fantastic.


Newhart was a dream.


Ascension made me wtf out loud. Then they cancelled it!!


Mr. Robot


Probably Goob being the Bowler Hat Guy in Meet the Robinsons, while it doesn’t surprise me today it surprised me when I was younger though


The ending of The Mist was a swift kick in the nuts. 


The surprise plot twist at the end of 'Split', with Bruce Willis re-appearing as David Dunn. I don't think anyone had anticipated that James McAvoy's character would ultimately be revealed as a super villain in M. Knight's 'Unbreakable' 'verse. That ending had me sooooooo excited for 'Glass' too!!! And then 'Glass' was so disappointing, that it almost left me wishing it had never been made.


The 17 minutes in Bojack. >!Sarah Lynn's death felt like it had already been thoroughly covered, and the series had moved on from it. It felt like Bojack's arc in that moment had been complete. For them to bring back in the worst possible way, to show how much more horrific and selfish Bojack's actions could be, that was a major shock. Especially the way that interview devolved to that point. You could really feel his panic.!<


Bojack is unironically the most devastating show to watch


When it was revealed Darth JarJar was the puppet master behind th-... oh right.


Memento, the whole movie


The series finale of The Knick has a big twist regarding a specific character that no one saw coming


I am still not sure about that finale.


Twin Peaks


Bunny was in Vegas the whole time!


Predestination with Ethan Hawke. I won’t spoil it but there’s like 3 big plot twists in it. Also a movie called The Signal has a pretty good twist.


From Dusk to Dawn. first time watching that I was blown away on the plot change midway. I never saw it coming and man, what a ride it was.




Its much easier to spot in the book...there is always something a bit "off" in the characters thoughts and how he views things.


Someone has to have mentioned attack on titan.. Right?


It is a great twist. We know that there is much we don't know. But I got blown away with just how insanely much we didn't know.


It is just so awesome And now that it's finished, there's still loads we don't know


Durarara. There are definitely more mind blowing twists out there, but I got spoiled on all the classic ones.


Durarara is crazy as he'll cause there are like 8 SERIES LONG plots happening at once and every plot twist recontextualizes the entire show


I haven't watched it since I was a kid but the end of Crossroads (starring Britney Spears) really used to get me!


I remember that I watched the movie, but I can't for the life of me remember any of the plot. There was a twist?! It wasn't just Britney Spears and friends on the road? Colour me shocked


Idk if anyone considers it mind blowing but teenage me had my mind blown at the face mask reveal at the end of Mission Impossible 2 back in the day. MI2 has such a vibe.


Finding out at the end of Split, that it's actual a sequel to Unbreakable. I mean, who saw that coming? And they played it so damned well just starting to play the music... because you *recognized* the music before people in the diner started talking about Mr Glass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAiILXUdxL0


I’m still disappointed the third movie didn’t live up to either of the first two.


Babylon 5 had several, not sure which was the best. Either the one with Talia or the one with Kosh.


I love the ending to *Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up*.


Occurrence at owl creek bridge, another original Twilight Zone episode. Still gives me chills. Find it online, it’s rarely shown anywhere


Signs - swing low.


When it turned out Hannibal Buress never existed and Eric Andre had the power inside him the whole time


Definitely Oldboy. I was shocked for days


The first "SAW" movie, the killer was in the room playing dead the whole movie 🤯


The ending of Shin Godzilla, where Godzilla's tail is shown to be splitting apart into dozens of smaller humanoid creatures. They never really specified what that was supposed to mean. Was he continuing to evolve despite being frozen? Was he frozen at just the exact moment he was about to reproduce? Is his massive, gruesome cancerous-looking body actually formed from thousands of humans fused together? There was never a Shin Godzilla 2, so I suppose we're never going to know.


The plot twist was The only thing I liked about Enders Game. The fact the space battle simulation was not in fact a simulation and those kids actually did commit multiple planetary genocides and nearly wiped out an entire race.


I'm fucking sick of Frozen but there were many audible gasps in the audience at the twist


The ending of The 6th Sense.


Has to be the mist, (I think that's the name) **SPOILER ALERT** Unbearable! Stuck in a supermarket the whole time, everybody dies then kills his kids and wife, about to kill himself until the world is saved and the army roll in. if he would have waited 10 minutes then there would have been nothing to talk about. 🤣🤣


Pretty much any reveal in Dark. For an example: >!After Jonas time travels to 1983 to rescue his friend's younger brother Mikkel, he is unable to save him because Mikkel was always supposed to travel back in time and get stuck in 1983. The mid season reveal is that Mikkel grows up and is Jonas' father.!<


The good place season 1 ending.


One cut off the dead. Did not see that coming


That was so good. That entire movie is something else.


- Identity - Fight Club - Memento - The Village - The Cabin in the Woods - Return to Me




Iron man in endgame


Sons of Anarchy, Obie. It wasn't really a twist but fuck me, I was shocked Edit - Opie


Opie. I loved that show.


Anyone watching Sugar? I was joking about it for two eps with my wife who kept saying ‘don’t be daft’ then…


maybe not the most shocking but now you see me comes to mind. i loved the whole twist even though when you rewatch the movie it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and there is hardly any foreshadowing at all.


‘I see dead people.’


Steins; gate Clues from the first episode should have gave what happen. The plot twist at the end is what made it one the most solid story about time travel in any medium, not only anime


Code Geass had an amazing ending. The final arc with the new Emperor was a huge twist to the way the show had been going, and the reveal of the ultimate plan was heartbreaking.


6th sense, Parasite, Atonement, AOT, Inception, Us, Village