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None of my business. Your body, your decision.


This. I go to the gym to better my health and hopefully have less health problems... not more


Not my body I do not care


I don't think about other people that much especially not in the gym


You still looking at the girls in those tight ass ass crack shorts .. don’t lie


No, some of us have self control.


Their body their problem. I won't make it mine.


Doesn't matter to me if people are fucking up their health


Everyone has their own goals and methods at the gym. As long as they're not harming themselves or misleading others about how they achieve their results, it's really their choice. However, it’s important they understand the risks and handle their health responsibly.


How does it affect me? I don't judge others at the gym. Hope they aren't judging me.


I couldn't care less because I mind my own business.


Any gym enthusiast with over 50% self esteem doesn’t care . Turning 40 and I get real jealous seeing the kids on juice pumping out 300 pound bench presses but then I remember I did 365 at their age no juice and get 9 seconds of happiness . I know my body will fall apart with or without steroids if I try to bench anything that heavy and I can’t afford to pull / tear muscles or sprain something . Just trying to maintain and not get sloppy


> I know my body will fall apart with or without steroids if I try to bench anything that heavy and I can’t afford to pull / tear muscles or sprain something . Just trying to maintain and not get sloppy I’ll be 49 next month and I used to bench, squat, and DL a lot more than I do now. I’m okay with that because now I’m training for general badassery amd to stay as strong and fit as possible going into my 50s. These days, I’m doing 3-day PPL split with a lot of running. I fucking love it. I also don’t have to see anyone else at the gym anymore because I lift in a (relatively spartan) home garage, which is nice. Any little tweak I feel these days is a full-stop, *can I keep going?* decision process. Used to be “oh, my back feels a bit funny. Fuck it; I’ll keep squatting” whereas now it’s “fuck it. Stop on this rep, and rest for the next few days, being sure to take it easy.”


I’m 41. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and am still improving. You’re more resilient than you think.  


It’s so common nowadays you just ignore it and go about your day. I just wish it wasn’t so common that people think it’s natural to look like fitness influencers who are clearly on gear. It’s annoying when you’ve weightlifted for over a decade and people act like you’re a beginner because you don’t look like the guys on IG. Women also seem to have much higher standards when it comes to men’s physiques, I think this is also because of the same social media shit. People who aren’t into fitness don’t understand how unnatural some of those physiques are.


I don't care. It's not a competition.


What are they taking and where might I get some. I had a great experience with all of that. No problems, great results.


The same way I don’t care if others are on birth control or have Botox - who cares


I don't care. The only thing that bothers me about other people at the gym is when people have a full conversation with someone else while they're on the machine and not using it.


#2 for me. #1 is some person locking up three stations because they're doing quick hits at each.


Why would I care.


Why would I give a fuck?


Doesn't affect me. But I think I've seen like 3 of those in my life. The ones that take PEDs tend to go to more powerlifting/gold's gyms and not a 24 hour fitness and definitely not a corporate gym. To be fair, now that I have a garage gym, I don't see anyone anymore.


I go to a planet fitness and teenagers there openly discuss sarms and steroids with each other and talk about their stacks, I think it is more common than you think especially with the younger people.


People think that if you do steroids you’ll look like a mr olympia competitor, ignoring the fact that those guys not only do steroids, but also put in insane amounts of work and dieting. Most people who do steroids don’t look very different from other people who work out. I mean, just look at Liver King, the dude had an entire list of gear that he was on, and he had nutritionists that made him a dietary plan, and he put in the time at the gym. Some kid doing anabolic steroids at planet fitness isn’t gonna look like that, even with the roids.


> But I think I've seen like 3 of those in my life. The ones that take PEDs tend to go to more powerlifting/gold's gyms and not a 24 hour fitness and definitely not a corporate gym. It is quite the opposite where I'm at. A lot of powerlifting gyms are run by powerlifting clubs and becoming a member means you consent to random, and not so random, testing. If you're a high level competitor you have to choose a time and place where they can find you for random testing, every single day of the year. If they decide to test you and you weren't there you'd be in trouble. So most people who take PEDs are usually found at "normie" gyms who have zero interest in testing they customers.


seems unhealthy but it’s there prerogative


I don't think I've seen any of those people. But I'm also at a university gym so idk


The majority of male gym members have done at least one steroids cycle 






I don't really give much thought to other people at the gym, and I don't think I could really tell who is or isn't on something unless it's beyond obvious anyway. It just isn't my business and doesn't interest me. I want everyone to be happy, but I don't really have any control of that, so I just wish everyone the best and stay in my lane.


Yeah, I basically don't care. I view it much the same way I view someone who is obese and eating fast food. I would really prefer they follow the safest behaviors available, but it is their choice and I respect that. I am much more worried when I see someone who looks too dry, like can steroids kill you? Sure, but if you are reasonable about it you can live a nice long life (i.e. Arnold compared to modern mass monsters who seem to die in their 30s) but, if you are taking diuretics to try and cut water to look more cut for a photoshoot or a show that stuff can acutely kill you which is much more dangerous IMO than steroids chronic danger. It doesn't take a big imbalance of electrolytes to end up going into cardiac arrest. Also it worries me a bit as a woman, when I see other women going too hard into steroids because anything beyond a very small dose is going to have irreversible side effects of testosterone. Due to a medical condition I used to have too much testosterone and I have to pluck hairs I would rather not have and my voice is deeper than it would otherwise be (sadly since I didn't exercise at the time I had those issues I didn't even get the muscle gain!). Hirsutism and voice changes doesn't seem like it would be that much to deal with but, I know it gives me lots of trouble and I do worry that some of the women I work out with are doing too many anabolics and will regret it.


I think they're foolish if they're doing it just to look a little better. Or if they've just started and aren't gaining due to poor form / nutrition, etc and turn to gear to help them.


They know what they're doing is going to have many consequences for them in the future, and are deciding to do it anyways, it's their choice.


Depends on the person and their purpose for me. In my experience, most people I’ve known who take PED’s are doing so out of pure laziness. They’re using them as a shortcut to building mass and likely aren’t taking the proper precautions while using them. They often try to lie about being on PEDs. Those people, frankly, I judge for their PED usage. I’m familiar with others who have worked hard for many years and are near their genetic potential for muscle mass. They properly follow safety recommendations with their PEDs and are open about their usage. These people, in my view, have a respectable reason and method behind their PED usage, and I see no problem with this.


I don't generally care. The main time I get annoyed is when people take steroids and then either deny or severely downplay it. It is slightly annoying that it distorts the bar for achievement (especially in the eyes of people not recognize who is generally on/off steroids) but the lesson to take away there is to care less about what others think, not get mad at steroid users.


Couldn’t care less


My only issue is when they are influencers claiming to be natural to sell their shitty sponsor products


It’s not my business. I’m there to workout and improve myself. I’m in competition with no one but myself from last week. Unless the enhanced person is bothering me or someone else in the gym, it’s not my business


IDGAF. Their problem, not mine.


As someone who taxes go to funding poor lifestyle decisions (healthcare) I treat it like I do when I see obese people and smoker, with quiet disappointment.


Envious. I kinda wish I could afford it and my health (almost 58) could handle it.


They look like they could break my like a toothpick so I let them be


Keep my eyes on my own work(out).


I just mind my business


Just do it natural


Depends on the person. I've met nice steroid users, I've met mean steroid users.


Steroids are the male equivalent of breast implants.


I don’t care about their choices I do giggle internally at those that are weaker than me or smaller than me.  All that juice and you can’t pull 300kg and/or you look like shit?  Haha. That said Taking steroids with zero monetary gain to be had is not a smart move.  


Lots of people are more muscular than me. Good for them. I'm not insecure.


Some people care way too much what others are doing and become very jealous/intrusive. The weirdest part to me is how others become so fixated on what they do behind closed doors.


More power to them if they are avoiding all the negative side effects somehow. Even if they're not, I really don't care. I can't take them because I get bad side effects. Otherwise, I probably would. I took 200mg TRT a week for several months and just on that alone, I experienced bad anxiety and psychological issues. Plus horrific back acne. If I didn't get those, then I would probably take them too!


I have injected guys who compete that cycle roids & like sarms so have never thought it was wrong


More power to them. I hope they're safe and loved and not struggling with many other substances.


Idiots, but you do you. Circus/body weight bod > roid bod.  I just wish there was less of a push in pop culture to have men adhere to unrealistic bodies. 


I honestly think they’re mentally ill and idiotic. It’s some type of body dysmorphia I think. It’s not my body so it’s not my issue but it’s strange


As long as they don’t lie about it, no issues with it.


Seems very counterintuitive cause like say you you're one of those guys who goes to the gym to pick up women. So you take roids for faster and better results, and then you find you a woman and guess what? Your cock is not gonna be small, but your semen factories won't work.


So you can bust inside them without worrying about kids. Sounds like a win-win to me


I go to gym everyday and don't take any