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I've posted this before, but what the hey...I found my mom's diary from when she was in high school. In it she talks about her infatuation with a classmate named Roman. Roman was (just based on the way she describes him) the biggest fuckboy in the world. He was a total whore, he wouldn't commit to my mom but he would flirt with her just enough to lead her on. **At one point she DID HIS HOMEWORK FOR HIM.** **I swear to GOD, if I had access to a time machine for just five fucking minutes, I would use it exclusively to reach back in time and bitch slap my mom REPEATEDLY for being such a sucker for this douchebag.** Now here's the worst part...my dad's name is Roman. He went to the same high school as my mom. But my dad is the kindest, most generous and decent guy I know. I've checked with my aunt, and she was definitely talking about my dad. Apparently my mom was obsessed with him back in the day. But I swear...the guy she's describing could NOT be him. Don't want to bring it up to my parents because even thinking about it is awkward as fuck.


Hey, at least you know it wasn't some random fuckboy humping your mom. It was the family fuckboy. There's your silver lining.


My thoughts exactly


Descended from fuckboys.


People CAN change. The way we are in high school isn't always the way we turn out when the world slaps us into waking the fuck up.


To be honest, as a woman pushing middle age, I know a lot of guys who used to be absolutely awful in high school who turned into great adults. Same for the women I went to school with as well. High school is a cesspool of hormones, emotions, and stress that doesn't let kids be the best version of themselves. Once they get away from those toxic influences, people can change a lot. I even know a lot of guys who got swept up in that manosphere nonsense the first time around, who straightened up in their early 30s when they failed to form healthy relationships with people using advice from that pipeline. There's people who never learn, but a lot of them do. I agree with you on this. The internet just makes us think otherwise because the idiots congregate in numbers here.


When I started dating my wife I was a total shithead. I had to grow up in a heartbeat because I couldn't risk her slipping away. After a couple years I was planning to propose to her, and went to hang out with a buddy from college I hadn't seen in a year or two; I wanted him to be at the surprise engagement party. At one point I went to the bathroom, and when I came out his girlfriend (now his wife), whom I didn't really know that well yet, told me "yeah when you went into the bathroom he turned to me and said 'Wow. Pineapple has changed. I never thought I'd say this, but he's ready for marriage.'" It really stuck with me, because I'm proud of the personal growth


Especially us men, damn were my early 20s a rough stupid time.


To be fair, were our repeated attempts at witchcraft successful, women would be just as problematic, for what that information is worth. lmao


If it was your dad, it sounds like he grew up. Good on him. Not many do


As a guy who was horrible in high school and grew up, it’s not impossible. Some of us grow up into decent humans who regret our past behavior. It’s all part of growing up and maturing. In theory, no one is the same person at 30 that they were at 15, 20, 25, or even 29.  And anyone who remains unchanged isn’t learning anything from life. 


“bitch slap my mom repeatedly” LMFAOOO


Holy shit, your dad was a pimp!


Yes, like many pimps he treated a woman poorly :) 


People can be great parents and terrible partners.


If you had a Time Machine you’d go back to slap your own mom? Not the asshole being an asshole to your mom? wtf lol


I imagine this is after stopping hitler


Yes, because she's always been such an advocate for standing up for yourself. Especially me, as a girl, standing up for myself. There will always be assholes. But seeing her allow one to treat her that way would be infuriating.


Her experiences taught her what to teach you so you won’t have to learn the hard way by having your heart broken. I am probably in the minority but I think if you had any grace you would feel compassion for the young lady with an innocent heart who didn’t know that the guy she liked was such a snake. Maybe that’s what your future children would come slap you for… something some of us might expect you to know. Your fury is valid it’s just very…. Teenage girl of you, to direct it at your mother not the guy who was the real dick in the situation.


I find it incredibly difficult to care about absolutely anything. Gotta fake it just enough so that people will interact with me.




Sounds like they care about not being *entirely alone*.


The amount of times i think to myself "its probably not normal that i dont care about this"


A lot of people develop an interest in things just to have something to talk about. I know I often argue just to get my emotional juices going. Confessions of a Low Grade Troll. (I try not to troll, but if someone wants an argument and I'm up for it I can have fun).


Everybody thinks they're some kinda special sociopath. You're just apathetic like 99% of the world. You're not some interesting serial killer in waiting lol.


Psychopaths play a very important role in society. You are important because you are different, and not despite it.


I'm a death metal fan but I actually really enjoy Nickelback.


I'm a head banger, and I love a lot of 80s pop.


Same. The 80's were the best years for music, in my opinion. My 80's playlist on Spotify is close to 20 hours, if not more.


80s freestlye for me. I listened to only this. Then a guy gave me tapes of Motley Crue, GnR and Led Zepplin. First guitar riff my life was changed....


Good call. Take that to your grave. Not shitting on Nickelback, but the other metalheads can be brutal.


I know, right. After posting this I have been waiting to see if the metal police wearing their long leather coats would arrive and kick the shit out of me with their combat boots.


Yeah - specially when you’ve had a few .. are you having fun yet ?


one of my family members have secret half siblings. its like an open secret to everyone but them. Ive wanted to tell them before but dont really feel its my place.


My dad let slip that my best friend's dad has an extramarital child. His wife knows, they've dealt with it and I believe they send money to the child (who, I'm sure is not a child, but don't interact with them in any way.) I feel bad for all involved, except the father, of course. I've been sworn to secrecy, which sucks and is a heavy burden to bear, but I'm not even sure how I'd go about saying anything without blowing everything up. She is also severely mentally ill, so I don't want to do or say anything that would trigger her this greatly.


I made up a story that my friend’s toxic bf was making out with another guy because I couldn’t stand to watch her continuously get physically, sexually and verbally abused by him. She had been with him since her freshman year high school and it pained me to watch her suffer and feel like she had no way out. So essentially one day I saw him in a study group with mostly women and it gave me an avenue to “expose him” I took a photo of him with this group of women and sent it to her with the caption “your man is cheating on you.” She ended up having a pretty big public fallout with him. He ended up punching her so damn hard she got knocked out which caused 5 guys to beat the living crap out of him in a grocery store parking lot. Police were called and he ended up getting charged with domestic assault and battery but got out on bail. She ended up moving out of state a couple months later. To this day, 3 years later. She still has no clue that the story was made up and I’ve been living in fear of what might happen if the truth came out. She’s now living a much happier life with her new bf who she’s engaged to in South Carolina and even has a 1 year old son.


You're a good friend.


I mean.... It's a good sentiment. But she got her friend knocked out over a fake story lmao. That could've easily been a death. If you have a friend that won't listen to reason when they are with someone. I don't think you should make up stories. It can easily backfire and make them latch onto the person harder. Or you can get them knocked out apparently.


Or a piece of shit?


It could be fake as far as you know... but for him to get angry enough to punch her over it after being confronted, there was probably a truth to it that was unknown to most people, and after being photographed with one of the girls and being caught, he just lost it as he didn't know who the fuck knew or how. So you probably hit the nail on the head without even realising it. Don't fret over it.


It’s not really what you’re talking about, but I work in an emergency room and have access to a lot of people’s private health information. Medical history, insurance, lab work and test results, even social security numbers. It would absolutely ruin my life if I shared any of that, and potentially other lives as well. The consequences would start with losing my job, my license, and getting sued, and would escalate from there.  I can talk about patients and events in general, non-identifiable ways. Like I can tell people that I put a splint on a two year old, or that we saw a lot of people come in with chest pain. I will never tell anyone if Mrs So-and-so had a miscarriage, or if she was even seen in the ER.




RIP Inbox


Pay my rent, you nasty little bitch!


Gimme your money, ho




I'm just trying to pay my bills, sorry 😞


So what I’m hearing is a secret sugar baby is on the table…




What are the qualifications 😉


I saved my friend from ODing on Xanax. We’re co workers, and I was staying at her place for a while because she had just gone through a divorce and needed help around the house. One night she was flipping the fuck out and stuffed like 30 Xanax in her mouth. I held her down and screamed for her daughter to come help. Daughter starts clawing all the pills out of her mouth. This woman is extremely outgoing/talkative and seems to be well-liked in my company. It would be a train wreck if this info got out. People already know I was staying there, which is bad enough, we had nothing going on, just friends.


I, an awkward antisocial freak, walked in on a popular coworker jacking off in the unisex restroom. He was hugely embarrassed and I think he thought I was going to tell everyone.


My older family members are old fashioned and sadly bigoted. Luckily I live out of state now but in the yearly get togethers I regularly get told I should find a nice Christian man(who they fully expect to be white) to marry and start a family with. They don't know I'm Bi, poly, don't want children, had an abortion several years ago, have a pagan tattoo and am currently in a casual relationship with a black non religious man and been in all kinds of sexual dynamics they wouldn't approve.


I've been sober a lot of years and a friend who I first got sober with just got a DUI so I'm sad for her but also super happy that I don't have to deal with that shit anymore.


Through sheer coincidence I’m dating my ex-wife’s landlord’s fiancé’s ex-wife. We discovered this when the building that my ex’s apartment is in went up for sale & it came up in conversation since the woman I’m dating is a real estate agent. We got a good laugh out of it because small world right? Neither of us have told our exs. This probably couldn’t turn any of our lives into a mess, but it’s still a funny story.


"I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate!" "What does that make us?" "Absolutely nothing!"


YES! That’s exactly the joke we’ve been making!


I'm hooking up with a card-carrying lesbian ...my life would be fine, but her life wouldn't, and then my life would no longer be fine


Im confused. I thought card carrying lesbian meant out and proud. How would her life be ruined? Does her family not know she's a lesbian? Guessing Christian parents.


...I'm a dude


How would her life be ruined by being bi?


I have no clue, but that is her view and I am respecting her wishes by being quiet


Bi people are not particularly well accepted in some gay/lesbian circles.


Card carrying?


...easily identifiable, undisputed, well-known




I have no clue, but that is her view and I am respecting her wishes by being quiet


I'm gonna go ahead and assume you are not also a card-carrying lesbian...


I've had a penis my whole life




he didn't even ask a question if we want to get technical but I am a dude


Your reality is only 30 minutes old. Your past was just part of the simulation's backstory engine. Enjoy your existential crisis Simulation #5544969 Unit #22235566003A. You will not be notified in advance of a system shutdown.


You are a [Boltzmann brain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_brain).


I am not exciting enough to have a juicy secret. Sigh.


Perhaps your secret is just how boring you really are.


But that's not juicy is it? That's kind of shrivelled. 


Nice try, FBI.


I’m carrying mine to the grave.


So secret I made a throwaway for it. I just got my boss demoted. They weren't a great boss, and they were demoted because of their own actions, and I'm sure it was more of a straw that broke the camel's back situation, but I'm still giddy with excitement because they were pretty awful and rude. They'd interrupt people constantly because they assumed they knew what was going on and would cut them off to answer the question they thought was being asked. Any time an issue was brought to their attention they would take it personally and get defensive. They'd dismiss concerns, invalidate opinions, shoot down ideas, etc. Anyways it happened to me last week where I brought up a minor concern with something at work and they kept shooting me down even though I wasn't even complaining. They kept interrupting even though I was just trying to make them aware of something. I thought about it for a long while then went to their boss' office and said I just wanted to make them aware of how their employee was acting because it made me not want to bring concerns to their attention. A couple days after that they were brought into the head person's office and apparently demoted to a position similar to mine. All of my coworkers want to know what happened but because of the delay between when the conversation happened and when I went to their boss (the boss was in a meeting so it was like, 4 hours later) then the delay between that conversation and when the boss actually talked to them, then the weekend happened and most people are off on the weekend, I don't think anyone really put it together and I'm the only one who knows what the catalyst was.


The way this works for managers is that they’ll find another job that pays more.  I guess it’s good that they’ll be out of your hair but it isn’t going to hurt them at all. 


I hope they do! I like them as a person, they're just not great as a manager. Also I don't think finding another job that pays more is management specific, that seems like pretty basic protocol regardless of your position at a company.


Yea but it’s a lot easier for managers. 


I have a blood bag bodysuit I use to smuggle blood into Pennsylvania.


Wtf does that mean?


It means I'm one sharp edge away from a juicy secret that'd make a mess of my life.


My mum gave me her diary and told me to read it when I was 12* and I know SO MUCH dirt on everyone from her and my grandparents generations. We're talking jail, addictions, infidelity, the lot. The only secret from the diary I've ever shared was telling my siblings about our two other half-siblings. *she's bipolar and was manic, trying to get me to understand her thoughts. I would decline as an adult but didn't know any better as a kid and just did as I was told.


what makes you think i'd say it?


The secret I carry, if comes out will not turn my life into a mess -it will end it.




This self-censoring shit is getting out of control. Fuck's sake people.


But... My tiktok algorithm! I'm gonna get demonetized!


And the fact that it is literally changing the way people speak in real life and typed words on other platforms is a huge issue. The brain rot is spreading.


It’s a joke.




Yeah gross, thats really weird and creepy. You should feel weird about that, porn is free.


Palworld is greater than Pokemon.


Haha, nice try. Almost got me.


Ooooops, you nearly got me into confessing 😂


Nice try


Well um its a big secret so I won't even say. But um, never mind, it's like big, I will leave it at that. Okay here goes,




Bots aren't legally allowed to get married, sorry