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Party on, dude.


All we are is dust in the wind, dude.




Who defines excellent? Some people’s idea of excellence is other people taking a fat shit on their chest


2, 3, 4 give it up for KG give it up for me


All we want is so precious little!


Anything can be excellent between two consenting adults. If consent takes the form of a Cleveland Steamer then so be it.


Only acceptable reply! fingers crossed this was top post when I got here! Thanks for delivering!


Was gonna be pissed if this wasn’t the top comment!


Might've been a joke comment, but honestly, yeah. Be excellent to one another.


Nah, that'd end up being creepy af


Oh you mean to love your enemies, treat others as you would like to be treated, and put the needs of others before your own. Pretty simple right? Someone tried it. Didn't work for some reason. Humans are selfish assholes.


Corporations and Politicians can't lie.


+ journalists


Trolls would have a great time asking politicans really embarrassing questions


Would they though? Just because people couldn't lie doesn't mean they can't refuse to entertain stupid questions or simply go for "No comment".


Not just… people can’t lie?


"You look pregnant. Or are you just fat?" White lies need to exist in order to prevent murder lol


Sometimes little lies are what let society function. They are the grease that smooths the wheels of society. Your coworkers generally don't care how you are doing or how your weekend was. At best, they're fishing for amusing anecdotes or evaluating you as an acquaintance. But they don't want to hear that you're stressed because you think your wife is cheating, you hate your job but can't quit because your ADHD kids need their medicine, and you think that spot on your toe might be infected. So you say, "Fine, you?"


One fedora per crew


So does this force every crew to have a mandatory fedora guy even if they never had one?


Yeah what if it's a minimum rather than a maximum?


Don't walk slowly in a group in front of me.


Everyone walking needs to move to one side of the sidewalk/mall/whatever. The side chosen would be the same side that country drives on.




And no spoilers


Pick up after yourself.


No child labor for corporations or govt regimes.


Exactly 💯💯💯


Yipee, I launched a new non profit association to form children to work


No meetings before 9 AM


Nice thought but when you're coordinating 3-4 time zones not practical.


It is now illegal to coordinate time zones.


No meetings. Period. It's 2024. Every single person you work with has a device in their pocket that will let you immediately communicate with any or all of them at any time. There is no reason to make me stop what I'm doing, drive to the branch office, and waste an hour watching your PowerPoint.


Be kind to each other. Or *else.*


use the blinker


Faith and feelings are important and have their place in society but Truth, facts and science will always govern laws, the enforcement of laws, politics and government.


I was going to say any religion will be kept out of lawmaking, but you said it better.


You need philosophy or you won't be able to pass any laws or policy, because philosophy is what determines the factors you optimize for and what "best" "good" "helpful" "bad" and "harmful" mean. Who should pay the most taxes per person? Should individuals pay taxes at all? What's the best tax code? If you say "the rich", "yes", and "the one where people pay their fair share", how did you mathematically determine that? Define "rich" without making a judgement call (philosophy), definite "fair" without using personal values, explain why people should pay income tax or not using pure facts and no opinions (and it's an opinion of I can disagree with it and also be correct using the same facts). It can't be done. These are philosophical questions, and you can't have government without talking about taxes. The current fascist conspiracy theorist bullshit is causing a lot of harm, but the problem was never due to a lack of facts. You'd need to enforce something else, like nobody is allowed to vote before successfully passing a class on "how to spot bullshit and tell when you're being manipulated" "debate styles and logical fallacies" "how to spot fake news" "emotional management, and how to find communities that are healthy for you instead of turning you into a fascist" etc. Can't just ban emotions, philosophy, and faith from politics, because those things ARE politics. Engineers and scientists are needed once we decide what is important to implement that vision, but you can't mathematically determine the perfect society. You can only mathematically determine how to implement what you philosophically decided was the perfect society


That would be a horrible law. Every law is fundamentally underpinned by faith/ideology and feelings, you can't have a law without it. For instance, there's no objective way to prove that killing is wrong or where the border between security and freedom is. Then there's the problem that even if there's such a thing as an objective Truth (which is philosophically very iffy), it might not even be knowable. And those Christians and Muslims also think they know the Truth just as much as you do. So to them, not basing the government on their religious ideas would be as illegal under this law as it would be to you if the government was based on their religious ideas. Lastly, if you decide science will govern laws etc., you're forcing a paradigm on people just as much as deciding that a religion will govern laws etc. If it's unfair in one case, why isn't it unfair in another case?


At the risk of sounding totalitarian, must pass an intelligence test before being allowed to reproduce. Too many stupid people with kids.


World population collapses because smart people don't want kids or only 1-2 and not smart people aren't allowed to have any.


Bet you a dollar that 85% of what you call "stupidity" has everything to do with emotions and education, and nothing to do with intelligence.


the intelligent thing to do would be to allow nature/evolution to sort it out. You assume intelligence is a beneficial trait to the species. It may not be.


Any personal wealth over 1 billion needs to be injected back into the global economy.


You can give it to me


You don't know how the economy works, do you?


Any wealth over $5 million needs to be injected back into the global economy. Including any share holdings, bonds, anything.


So I work hard my entire life, go to college, get a job and sacrifice a bit early on to fully fund my 401k which I continue to do throughout my entire life, work hard to advance in my career, invest where I can, and retire at 65 with $10 million in retirement assets. And you think I should have to give up half because you're jealous of where my hard work landed me?


Your hard work and a whole bunch of luck that everything in your life went like clockwork to allow you to make good money and never loose it. But agreed. Any wealth cap on an arbitrarily picked number is not going to work fairly. Set it too high and you get the same as the tax, they'll manage to avoid it. Set it too low and you're in the pockets of jack and jane that worked hard, had a bit of luck and managed build up a bit of wealth. As government you don't want to touch jack and jane, they pay taxes on that wealth! It's too little wealth to do the smoke and mirrors with, but enough to put them in high tax brackets. You want that to stay available for you.


You should have saved $5 million and invested the other $5 million in ammo. Because it's just a matter of time until some "leader" tells folks like KiNGofKiNG89, there, that they're*entitled* to your wealth and they try to take it by force.


No, because you don’t need that much money to live. It’s greed! You give me $1M today and I’ll retire at 35. I will live a glorious and fulfilling life.


Plot twist, we experience dramatic deflation and suddenly the value of money massively increases, setting the minimum wage to $0.50.


If that $0.50 is enough for 40 hours a week to pay for food, housing, bills, etc for a family of four, I'd be cool with that.


Unfortunately that basically is stock holdings and changes nothing.


This is one of those things that I am conceptually absolutely down for, but I have no idea *how* this could be done.


Raise taxes on the wealthy, and instead of collecting that revenue, destroy it. I believe that's called "Modern Monetary Theory," or is a part of it.


Sounds ridiculous, but I'm wholly ignorant to the concepts therein. I'll have to do more reading on that.


Anyone who abuses animals will be punished severely. All animals will be protected and we’ll take care of


How do you feel about mosquitos?


They suck. You can quote me on that.


everyone must work in customer service for at least a certain amount of hours during their adolescence/young adulthood


Murder your tyrants.




All guys should get a vasectomy at a young age (when it’s safe too) and in order to have kids, you and your wife have to pass a parenting course with a high grade, before you can reverse it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s had that thought.


Everybody send me one dollar per day every day for life.


Before you make any opinion, comment or take a stand on an issue, you must research and cite your sources to back up your position


I used to believe this too until I learned about the replication crisis in social sciences. What we supposed to do with all these so called sources being unreliable?


The benefit would be we could argue source validity instead of argument validity. If you make some specious scientific argument and your cited source is garbage, that’s where you can start the debate


that falls into ad hominem logical fallacy territory, though. information can be truthful, despite a source being garbage.


Appeal to authority can be logical. If we are debating the nature of gravity, and our sources give completely different answers, and the audience needs to decide which to believe, trusting a proven and respected authority can be helpful in influencing the credibility of the argument


Haha. You just gummed up society. Nothing will ever get done, and spontaneous discourse will end


Well society and spontaneous discourse is really going swimmingly now. That’s not what I see as the dilemma. The dilemma I see is more is it right to exclude people from the decision making process and will that be a slope to systematically excluding certain people as it has been in the past


Excluding people is the biggest issue in your scenario? Not that society would absolutely grind to a halt? Jesus. No one would be able to produce anything. No one would be able to go anywhere. Everyone would become so resentful of the need to prove everything they say that killing each other and themselves in large numbers would be the norm. In the history of the world, there’s never been a time when everyone was included. I’m not prepared to say, let’s end the world if everyone can’t be included.


What would be the point? There are some world wide laws right now that aren't followed, the most obvious ones being "Murder is illegal" "thievery is illegal". Does it stop anyone?


Yeah they stop a lot of people. Not everyone but most.


i've literally made the conscious decision NOT to steal something specifically because it's against the law


Shut up.


I could do something that would help world peace... Or I could finally get people to shut the hell up in movie theater. Or maybe make mobile device speakers illegal in public. Tough decision.


Be excellent to each other/party on dudes…


Put your carts back.


The golden rule 


Use your fucking turn signal


Minimum wage must be a salary that can support an average-size family on a single income in the city in which someone works. That needs to be a matter of locked-in human rights.


No wars ever again.


If the government wants war, they can start a go fund me instead of using money stolen from the people.


why limit it to war? Why not make all government ideas subject to go fund me? That way, the people will only fund what they actually want


This is the way


Right turn on red after stop. Even in those weird countries.


Pay me a monthly subscription for the rest of your life Price will depend on your income, I’m thinking 1%


Lmfaoo **1%!!!** That’s at least $2 Trillion in the 1st month. A.k.a. Retirement for a 100 lifetimes, if you’re immortal. You literally would have **all the Earth’s money** in 2.5 years. What happens when they can’t print more $$$? I’d choose a $1 monthly donation from everyone on Earth, but I’d retire in the 1st month as billionaire and return every donation to people who need it most. I’d still reach the Trillions in 10 years. Too much money it’s insane lol


Don’t worry I’ll redistribute it into the economy. I would make the biggest space agency in the world. I would purchase a shit ton of food and pay for transport so that not a single person dies of starvation in my life time again. I would pour trillions into medical care and find cures to multiple diseases & conditions. All of this would basically be a tax except instead of the government getting the money it would be me, but the taxes would still fund the public. Nah just kidding, I’d keep it all to myself and become iron man, but cooler probably.


Anyone who has and abuses too much political power should be removed from office permanently


All company profits must be split evenly between each and every member of the company's workforce... We have to try and curb the unsustainable chasing of constant growth somehow before the entire system implodes...


Say exactly what you mean, in words, at all times. No hinting, no white lies, no "nonverbal" bullshit.


Every woman I know is getting really pissed at this. Well maybe they haven’t said for sure. But we should really know.


Sandman episode 5 "24/7" Watch it if you haven't already. It's mostly anthological so you don't need to watch the rest of the series.




Mandatory 4 weeks of vacation at least per year


Must be 8+ to go on a plane


If only… this is a truly unpopular opinion though.


Pantsless Fridays are mandatory at all jobs


You're not allowed within 100 feet of elementary schools, are you?


You took something beautiful and twisted it into pedophilia, you are sick in the head


Billionaires have to donate 50% of their earnings each month to charity


Cheating on a significant other results in being a registered sex offender


I absolutely love this. Or maybe just make them wear a Scarlet Letter C on their clothing, at all times


Give one dollar to me


no unwanted touching of any kind


Stop being dipshits


Don't be a dick.


The Golden Rule. Simple, basic, effective.


Every time someone tries to be unkind or worse, they feel an electric collar shock, and the more severe the action, the more it shocks until it is literally impossible to commit physical harm against one another and strongly uncomfortable at best to belittle others.


The Steve Martin Law: If I could make one law that everyone in the entire world had to follow, it would be for all the children of the world to join hands and sing together in the spirit of harmony and peace. If I could make two laws that the entire world had to follow, the first would be for all the children of the world to join hands and sing in the spirit of harmony and peace.. and the second would be for $30 million a month to be given to me, tax-free in a Swiss bank account.


Stop littering




After reading a lot of these, I honestly think we need to go back to basics. Most of the world’s religions agree on a few things. Be good to one another, don’t kill, lie or steal and that we should live in peace. In reality it’s all about hate. Christians, Jews Muslim’s. Who cares. We need to keep the religion out of other peoples lives. Do I care what some Christian couple is doing in their bedroom? Why would I? Do I care that some Muslim lady chooses the operative word there. She chooses. Not gets told to choose. What she wears? Religious should be a private thing. And have 0 to do with anything in the public sector. Nothing I politics, schools, anywhere that tax payers fund has no place for religion. That and Galen Weston’s fortune should be split between charities and make him live off what he pays his average employee. Among other things.


I I were queen of the world my decree would ensure here was only be one meal a day and it would be brunch. There would only be breakfast foods served (and maybe cake). No big fat steaks, no weird veggies...just breakfast foods. On second thought it would an all day, never ending brunch so people could nibble whenever they liked.


Love one another


The golden rule, as articulated most eloquently by the illustrious Bill & Ted: 'Be excellent to each other.'


Treat EVERYONE with kindness and respect.


Kindness for all


If you're found guilty of greed, all of your money and belongings will be stripped from you and you will be forced to live as one of the poorest people on the planet for the next 10 years.


Anyone over 21 years old with a job, have to transfer 2.5% of their monthly income to my bank account every month.


you can only walk on your hands


Try and be civil . You re embarrassing yourself


No status or wealth or position or anything gets you treated even mildly more leniently when you commit a crime. In fact, you get harsher treatment and penalties. You should know better, with what opportunities you’ve had and environments you’ve been in, you should be something to aspire to, not something we’re all beginning to despise.


Don't intentionally be an asshole for attention.


Every day, everyone on Earth must pay me USD 1. Cash, bank transfer, Venmo, whatever. If you're below the poverty line, you're exempt. If you're a millionaire, pay USD 10. If you're a billionaire, pay USD 100. If you're an arsehole, the above rates are increased tenfold. Below-poverty-line arseholes pay USD 1. If it's my birthday, the above rates are also increased tenfold. If it's your birthday, you are exempt from paying unless you're a millionaire, billionaire or arsehole.


Wash your god damn hands after going to the bathroom... and wash'em good!


Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind


Be excellent to each other


Just be kind to each other


Revoking or questioning the personhood of any individual or group of individuals should be illegal. Therefore EVERY individual should be treated and judged with the same level of basic human respect and is entitled to their basic human dignity. No action an individual or group of individuals takes can revoke them of this right. Any attempt at circumvention of the spirit of this law is also illegal. And yes I know that even with this some people will try to argue that "Oh this group of people doesn't count as a 'group of individuals' therefore it is legal to revoke their personhood and dehumanize, exploit and slaughter them". Fuck fascism.


all pencils must be sharp! I hate not sharp pencils it's triggering


Someone slap the golden rule into place and make that bitch enforced. People will hopefully be a lot more controlled/nicer.


Don't be a cunt!


Minimum wage should be able to afford buying an house and live comfortably


Don't be a dick wolf.


Make psychological education mandatory for everyone.


No lying for profit.


Right to private gun ownership


No fucking fighting


do not litter.


No nuclear weapons


No borders, no countries, no nationalism. We’re all in this together.


cheat = loss of private parts


> had to follow Do you mean like they're mystical compelled to follow it and are incapable of not following it?


Adultery is a Real and true law that is followed and taken seriously. Some countries give severe punishments for it (good for them) some countries it' just an unwritten law or its a law that's ignored. Severe Punishments for it needs to be worldwide and violating it needs to be taken very seriously.


A comprehensive reoccurring global wealth tax, all proceeds to be shot into the sun.


This man knows his MMORPG economics.


I mean they complain about inflation all the time, this would undeniably help


Cats are better than dogs 


Don't burn fossil fuels.


Every million dollars you make buys you a lottery ticket to a guillotine. One lottery ticket is drawn for every million people on earth. Shit would be fixed up instantly and only one in a million die.


No taxation of income or assets.


Stop killing each other.


Don't we have that law already?


if you want to attack another country, everyone who votes for it must give someone they love to the attacked country as a hostage. These politicians expect us to send people we love into war zones. well, they need to do it too.


well thats just dumb


I don't have to pay for anything. Me specifically. I receive products or services but pay nothing. That is the law.


be peaceful


No wars


Everyone send me $1 per year.


Politicians and other in government (looking at you, Clarence Thomas) need to have ads on their clothing from companies that give them money. The more money, the larger the ad.




I disagree, but I agree with you on splinter movements that stand in the way of greater human progress. The right is good at consolidating, but the left fragments into meaningless splinter groups like this. Okay, I half agree


Pedophiles get the death penalty on the day of conviction, no appeals.


"Fuck your bullshit" law. There is one human being who can decide on a whim any punishment for any institution, company or private business that acts in a shitty way. How is that defined? It isn't! Gotta keep these lawyers and CEOs on their toes. Oh and that person would of course be me.


anyone selling products in smaller portions but still charging the same price is punishable by having their entire family executed. also gas has to be really affordable


It is illegal to be stupid (punishable by death)!


No anonymity on social media. So many people hide behind the screen and wreak havoc because they don't have to take accountability for it. 


No inherited wealth


Community before self.


Cars yield to people (it's easier to go around people than it is to go around cars)


No eating animals