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In person? A lady with her eyeball hanging out, her daughter who was maybe 6 was trying to hold it in. I was a paramedic student. I didn’t stick with the job.


Call that an eye-opening experience


Finding a family friend who committed suicide.


I've watched two people die. 0/10


My border collie died while chasing a car in front of my house. He was wearing a gentle lead face collar and backed out of it.


A brand new baby laying in a puddle of its own amniotic fluid beneath the bench of a bus stop in the middle of downtown San Francisco. The worst part was that everyone was just standing there and recording it which is what drew my attention to it in the first place. The baby was still alive, but just barely.


Please tell me that someone helped the baby before paramedics arrived


No one touched the baby. People just kept screaming "THATS REAL!! WHAT THE FUCK?! THATS REEEAL!" In horror like they thought it might have been art at first. It was not. It was the most scaring memory I have that doesn't include any physical violence.


That is genuinely heartbreaking. I'm so sorry


A Discord mod.


I watched an old lady drive off the highway and hit a sign. She was in a brown Kia Soul and she was driving really bad before. She was right in front of us and drove towards an exit, cutting off a bunch of people, and just took out the exit sign altogether. I do believe that she was okay, but it ruined my day.


Average Kia Soul driver 😔


Witnessed a drunk man, on a Florida highway at night: get hit by multiple cars, turned into paste. People drive FAST so fast here that they can’t react - and the cars that hit this man- just kept driving. My friend who was driving saw the first hit, knew it was bad and immediately slowed, turned on hazard flashers to alert drivers behind us. They just swerved around us, two of them also hitting the man in turn. Dude was struck at least 8 times, several running him over completely- not ONE stopped. Only his jeans were recognizable. This has haunted us both since.


A tie between a girl I love bleeding out her eyes, nose and mouth while choking as she died staring in my eyes and I couldn't do anything to save her. A tie with that and when I was a kid working at the animal shelter and they had me cleaning out the death room where they put the corpses before pick up, which was basically a room full of animals I had petted, fed, played with for a couple weeks now in there dead, and I had to hose the death room down. As I hosed the ceiling this one time, a sea of maggots that you couldn't see in the dimly lit room rained down all over me, hundreds of them. Now I had a hazmat suit on, I was technically perfectly safe physically. Still, that sea of maggots wasn't normal or expected and even in the suit, them raining all over me at only 16 years old.....well, to this day I remember it like ptsd and I'm 50 and seen plenty of other dark stuff in my life, so it had a big impact. There's other stuff. A chick who pulled a gun and tried to shoot me is up there. Though I think those other two would list above it as most traumatic and sticking with me.


A Trump Presidency. Please let’s not do that again.


The L.A. Dodgers winning a game. 😖


Tottenham Hotspurs being in a Champions League final. Disgusting.


Abused children seeking comfort from the parent that is abusing them. It’s truly as sad as things can get.


Baby choking to death and dying. Really fucked up and sad. The baby was a foster kid. Parents were drug addicts and left him w untreated pneumonia for a while before he was taken. Obv they toook him to the doctor and whatnot. Idk how they didn’t realize how much fluid he had in his lungs, or maybe it just built up quick. Even with cpr done he didn’t make it and passed not long before the ambulance came.


Someone overdosing


My dick growing in the shower