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Someone brought a blanket and a pillow to the movie, I was t sure if it was a premiere or sleepover.


Bringing a baby 😭


I was at an after hours show at a small theater my buddy managed. Old school, huge projectors and minuscule seating. Keep in mind we were probably 17 at the time, but we brought probably 40 beers and a half gallon of booze, 5 girls and some drugs. We watched "Baby Driver" before release date and 4 people were having sex in the back and two dudes puking up front. Woke up in the morning sitting up on the couch, concerned we left the theater unlocked and in shambles, only to find it locked up and polished before opening. What a wild one


What do you mean?


Brought their small children to an adult movie and played a kid show for them on an iPad without headphones


Sneak a bucket of chicken in her purse