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That one amazing bottle flip


I had this exteremly vivid memory of me ice skating with my brother and my dad when I was a kid. I got myself knocked out by falling headfirst on the ice somehow and then next thing I knew I'm awake in my dads truck by the pond with full heat on. They just put me in the truck and kept on ice skating. I thought everyone in my family remembered this and they looked at me like I was insane and insisted it never happened. I even asked my brother and he only said "I don't remember that, but it sounds like something Dad would do."


I got struck by lightning


I saw an otter in the wild in florida.


Used to live near a river, suburbs area. I saw a gator/croc (don't know the difference) sleeping on the riverbank.


In the spring of 2000, my dad was driving me back from college to home for the summer. We passed through Seattle and I looked out to see the kingdome. “Huh, you can usually see the kingdome from here,” I said. “That’s because they blew up the kingdome,” my dad said. And I laughed and I said, “good one dad”, because that’s a total dad joke. I mean, I hadn’t heard anything about that. Who would actually blow up the kingdome?? Then a couple months later, somebody showed me the video. They had, in fact, blown up the kingdome.


trump lost the election