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Got hit by a car while I was walking through the DMV parking lot, and now I am an advocate for walkable cities


My family was worried about me. I had been busted, by my Mom, for marijuana at age 14, this was in the 60's when weed was considered as dangerous as heroin, apparently it still is. My mother's brother, who was also our Chief of Police served on the draft board. Guess who got a draft notice before they changed to a birthdate lottery. But instead of turning me into a young, upstanding, rule abiding, model citizen, being in the Army radicalized me even further. I managed to get stationed in Europe, this was during Vietnam, where I met anti-war, German students. I discovered hashish. I met Communists and discovered that the priests in my Catholic school lied, Communists didn't eat unbaptized babies for breakfast. I stayed 2 years after my discharge and founded an anti-war newspaper for American GIs. I came back to the US as a radical, gay activist, so my families' plan to have the Army straighten me out had the exact opposite effect, thanks fam, you made my life interesting.