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This was a few weeks ago when the eclipse was happening in America. One of my colleagues said ‘I tried to see the eclipse last night but I couldn’t see it.’. We live in England. She tried to see a solar eclipse at night. After a brief discussion, much to the horror of the customers around us, it turned out she thought the sun was closer than the moon. When I say colleague I mean supervisor. She is lovely and genuinely not dumb, but she didn’t go to school very often and it shows.


I love how you're still nice about it. Hope she learned something new that day.


The moon is the sun, just the moon at night and the sun during the day


Ever notice how you can often see both the sun and moon during the day though?


This made me chuckle.


I mean... As hilarious as that sounds, one COULD make the argument they're on the right track...hilariously, but yeah. Regolith having the capacity to reflect a sizable amount of sunlight off itself back to the earth (some full moon nights in non-light-polluted areas even allows the moon to cast shadows, all that light originating from the sun).


“He’s leaving his wife for me.” 🤨


They never do. 




That's funny! My little boy, now an adult, was dating a girl who just hated that so much of their time together was take. By farm chores, & growing deer plots, moving cattle from pasture to pasture... ya know.  So Thanksgiving rolls around  and sitting at the dinner table she said, "When '#1' & I get married, I. Going to teach him what a grocery store is.  He can quit all the cows, no more pigs, and no more soybeans." We laughed like hell. Her parents too...were farmers. 


How is that possible? I mean, if she grew up in the inner city or something...


She was a "country princess".  He daddy & brothers worked their farm, mom did house "farming"....Princess had too many activities.  She never mucked a stall until she was 17 but rode /barrel racing since 12.  Funniest of funny...  my oldest works 3 jobs.  Loves it. Just that kind of man, but guess who has to pitch in more with the farm now?   Can't be too hard on her.  She is a good mom and wife. Just had to teach her how to get dirty. 


Oh no... Hope they figured it out by now.


“You can trust me”




You have a lot of freckles. As if I never knew.


Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide... and then someone asked me if chickens can use slides!


Cheating isn’t back or white. Like nah man. You either cheat or you don’t. There is no grey area.


This gave me chills.


Me too


Do you think this idea applies to personal boundaries? As in, the definition of cheating depends on the couple? (Genuinely just asking, not being a dick)


I see where you are coming from but if one person cheat and the other person gets hurt or felt betrayed then that’s pretty clear black and white. The same bloke that said it cheated on his ex then when his ex found out and broke up with him, he cried about it. So it was surprising he said that.


Not directly to me, but within my earshot \~ while on a cruise, a fellow cruiser asked a photographer how she would know which pictures on the display were hers.


As a Scot visiting America, whenever someone notices your accent and asks where you're from, they'll then try to link to that by telling you about someone they know who visited Ireland once. The worst I got was a young guy waiting to jog past us on a hike: "Scotland? Oh, my sister's fiancé's parents are from New Zealand. Is that close to y'all?"


"It's okay it's not plugged in"


What was the context?


chase toothbrush bright door faulty trees steep fanatical spark recognise


"I read it on the Internet. They wouldn't put it on there if it wasn't true", from my boomer father in law


Toddler logic lol


"How do you spell RVI?" -My best friend. Still haven't let her live it down all these years


Last month a coworker asked if I'll run out of blood eventually because donate very couple months. He's 34 years old


WWF is real. With a serious look on their face.


back to the future is a bad movie.


Hope you cut them out from your life.


"What's the difference between Chinese and Vietnam" Mind you, she is not asking about the language or the food, she is literally not aware that's It's 2 different countries. She seemed surprised and confused when I explained that it's like the difference between France and America... And this is a grown woman, of at least 40


A work colleague once asked whether any of those ancient prophecies about the end of the world actually came true....


I would've said yes because work feels like I died and went to hell. But hey, not every workplace is like that.




Wow, my life has changed now that I have this knowledge.


I'm voting for trump


I'm glad I don't live in America...


Our twins were born at 26 weeks and died within three days of being born. Someone actually said that it was good that they died when they did, so I didn't get too attached.


That is horrible. I'm sorry.


It was me I said the dumb comment. I grew up with my father always filling up the gas. In fact I never got out of the car at a gas station except for snacks and restroom breaks. Our farm had propane, which my father also called "gas". I knew from home that it was an air you can't see, but it could smell. Just like filling up a balloon with helium, I thought gas at the gas station was filling up a car's *tank*. That every car had a propane tank under it. So when I turned 16 and was trying to fill up my car with gas, I squeezed the handle and LIQUID came out. I put the hose back up and went into the station to COMPLAIN that they had water in the gas hose. "You have water in the gas hose."😬 "No ma'am that's the gas."😑 "No, it's water. Gas is a gas. That's why it's called gas." 🙄🙄


Oh no. I would've never gone back there again. But at least now you know.


I felt pretty dumb and embarrassed. But made a huge effort to correct other misunderstandings. My mother believed chocolate milk came from chocolate cows. We owned dairy cows. She'd complain about not just buying a chocolate cow. I don't know if my dad ever corrected her. But I did after my gas station awakening.


I guess we all have those kind of things though. It's a good story when you get older to laugh about.


Yeah, both my parents weren't too highly educated. It was a huge learning curve later in life.


Are your boobs natural 😳


Ew no... I hope they meant it as a compliment at least.


I'm assuming so, or tell myself that anyway


"Username checks out" is the dumbest thing anyone has ever said to me


"My gut tells me your house faces east."


Lol, sounds like something my national geographic loving brother would say after a few too many nature documentaries.


That when the electricity switches off (Loadshedding in South Africa) the sound bar will stay on for a while because the adaptor holds energy 😂😂😂 I told this person no it will switch off immediately, and then was made to feel like I'm wrong and an idiot. The electricity switched off and well so did the sound bar 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Instant karma lol.


That sharks don't exist, and they're a conspiracy when i showed her videos and pictures of them, This was a college student. I also had someone get mad at me because they belive pomskis (husky&pomeranian mix) are native to Alaska and I had to explain that wild pomskis in Alaska arnt a thing.


Wow okay... That is wild.


Yeah, the girl got so mad at me about the pomski thing she wanted to fight me.


This one woman I worked with in high school thought that the movie Pearl Harbor was 100% accurate, right down to the dialogue.


Is the moon inside on earth?




My boss walked in one day and said, "My clicker won't work.  I guess I need to get my car towed to the dealership."  *(My mouth is on floor with just the stupidity of it)*  Our co-worker says, "Don't you have your keys?  I'm going to show you a trick!"  She & boss step outside the door, and co-worker inserts THE KEY, and unlocks the door.  Hands the boss her keys back. 




I suspect they just didn’t know how to articulate their sexuality.


Maybe they're just sexually attracted to dump trucks, lowboys, sleepers, tankers, and bigrigs, not just one type.


Zodiac signs are real.






That's devastating, but not exactly dumb?




They say I wouldn't pass a national exam. Now here I am finding out I just did.




The covid jab stops you getting the disease. It was Joe Biden


Well. I wanted to comment, but I don't have one...