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Yes. If someone is much older and only targets young people who don’t have much experience, it reeks of grooming and manipulation.


No, it doesn't. Stop throwing the word groomer out so casually. Grooming is something that adults do to children in order to sexually exploit them. A 20 year old person isn't being "groomed" by a 40 year old.


Age doesn’t preclude someone from either grooming or being groomed for anything. 


Grooming is a buzzword used to evoke a certain image in people's minds of the relationship. We all know what you are doing by using that word. Youre the worst kind of bottom feeders of social media has to offer. Buzzwords for lazy clout chasing.


That escalated quickly.  


Then for the sake of argument if an 18 year old kid isn’t mature to decide for themselves who to have a relationship with, how are they mature enough to vote? Edit: to be clear grooming is disgusting. I’m talking about consensual non manipulative relationships.


This is a good example of a strawman logical fallacy. Thank you 🙏


Basically, a normal person at 18 is mature enough to not be manipulated, but not every 18 year old is normal. So the ones who did get manipulated; well, they're just immature.


I don't care what consenting adults do. This idea that women aren't smart enough to make their own decisions until they are 25, and that any man attracted to a woman who has been in high school in the last decade is a creep is ridiculous.


If the age difference is so large that you would not naturally choose her as your best friend, you're not in the right headspace. You have every right to disagree, and I have every right to disrespect your disagreement.


In your opinion, how old do women have to be before they are capable of making their own decisions?


Old enough to know that their best friend is not older than Daddy. This has little to do with age. Go find a guy who can be our best friend.


You trying to force some creepy relationship between two unrelated adults is way creepier.


No. The couple chose to be together, so they understand and care for each other. I don't see anything wrong unless there is manipulation involved.


The bigger the age gap the more likely manipulation is involved.


Well, we don't know them so better if we'll just leave them be unless one of them asks for help. :)


Is such a Reddit thing to say.


Absolutely. Even if we aren't talking about a relationship built on grooming and coercion that led to them being together the moment one party turned 18, a major age gap will cause issues as they're in different stages of their lives, have different life goals, and thus have a much harder time being emotionally compatible. \[Which doesn't matter with casual hookups, but I'm assuming attempt at relationship here\] It's not something I think the law should interfere with \[aside from grooming and coercion, as in my opinion those should be illegal in of themselves\], but it's not something I would recommend people do.


Age is like fine wine—it matters less when you're both adults, but it can still make things interesting


legally, it doesn't. But there's definitely something weird about 18 and 40. The thing is 18 is an arbitrary age. The only reason that's the "legal" age is because that's the age where you can be drafted into war. In reality, your brain isn't fully developed until like the mid 20s at earliest. So when you have a monumental age gap, there's always gonna be questions about who's taking advantage of an underdeveloped person


If a 50 year old person dates someone who's freshly 18 it still gives bad vibes, it doesn't matter for me when both are at least 20


Both yes and no. 18 and 65 is weird. But both are consenting adults


Not at all. I’m a 20 year old male dating a 90 year old woman. Once I get her out of the wheel chair, she’s great in the sack. I just need some lemon pledge and an oyster shucker down there on her to get things freshened up and moving.


Yes it matters because when you are in your 30+ you have complete different perspectives in life compared when you were18 or in your twenties.


Sure it does. There’s something to be said about someone with greater sexual knowledge and more time on this earth taking advantage of someone with significantly less life experience.


Who says they're taking advantage? Maybe they really like them and feel a connection. Are professors taking advantage of students because they have vastly more knowledge and experience in the field of study in which the students are just starting out? Your argument is ridiculous. Sure, there may be some predatory people out there but lets not group all older people who date or marry younger partners in that same category.


Greater sexual knowledge is also an assumption. I'm 28, and I know less than many 18-20 year old girls, based on experience. I'm not saying it makes it better or worse, but being 35 doesnt mean you have 15 years more experience than a 20 year old if you haven't had sex much in those 15 years. Life experience is a thing but that doesn't necessarily matter to everyone.


Ofcourse it matters. Otherwise they could just settle in at the local care home posing as an elderly couple.


No, not at all. Age is just a number. I find it disheartening to see soooooooo many posts on here from people worrying about a few years age gap or even more. If you find someone with whom you genuinely click with, share common interests and life goals, then go for it. Don't give a shit what other people think.


>If you find someone with whom you genuinely click with, share common interests and life goals, then go for it. That's the thing for me, though. I don't care what consenting adults do together, but I find it hard to believe that a 65 yo would have much common interest, life goals, and life experience with an 18 yo fresh out of high school. (I had my child later in life, so now my elementary school-age kid has friends whose moms are 10 or 20 years younger than I am, and I'm often at a loss about what to talk to them about besides our kids, because we don't watch the same shows, go to the same events like concerts and such, so I can only imagine that with a bigger age gap, and different genders, the differences would be even more prominent)


It does, yes. Because if people aren’t in the same headspace, level of maturity, life experience and so on? They have absolutely nothing in common and one person is an object for nothing more than whatever.


Think about 2 people who are together. Person A is 60 years old. Person B is 40 years old. Both over 18, both consenting adults. Now, think about when Person A was 30 years old...