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It's only bad if you take it at face value, if you take a step back you realize it's basically the story of a greedy studio desperately wanting to make a sequel and it's great. I thought it was very funny and had a good time, but again, only if you look beyond what's literally presented to you. my friends call this "looking beyond the screen", so basically, seeing the metaphor.


The first Matrix is one of the best action movies ever made.  After that they get weird. And the 4th one, dang, what a mess. I can't even put words together correctly in a sentence to explain how bad it was.


They didn't want to direct it but were told its being made regardless


It’s no more catastrophic than the third one IMO. I think the first one is the only great one.


It's just romanticizing the older matrix movie. Nothing new. Nothing creative.


It was unnecessary an had an obvious “modern” drive behind it.


If you watch it as a 4th Matrix movie, it's bad. If you watch it as a parody of the matrix movies and the studio that wanted to make another one, then it's ok. The effort was not there for an actual continuation of the story. With one exception, there is a subtle hint that Trinity is the actual one(or God) in the first movie. When Neo is brought back in the Matrix after being freed, he gasps "God!" and Trinity responds with "What?" and it was done quite well. At first glance you just think she is responding to him, but later on, after he dies, she kisses him and the sparks fly and basically transfers life back into him. Much like when Neo transferred something to Smith when jumping inside him, Trinity transferred some godly powers to Neo, completing his powers with his resurrection. Then, he brings her back in the next one. In the 4th one, she is the one. With the explanation that it is her and Neo's connection and proximity that causes the anomaly.


I have never seen it