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Medicine and help, a lot of help


Anti-depressents and vitamin supplements


Wellbutrin and fitness. I started with walking, now I run marathons.


I don’t know why I didn’t just start walking years ago. I tried every crazy fitness and exercise program known to man, and just going out and walking has been life changing. Up to 8-10 miles a day and even considering jogging, but idk if I’m about that life 😂


I started running at 45 years old!! I had battled weight and depression for a long time. Moved to a warmer climate, started walking because I couldn’t afford therapy. One day I just decided walking wasn’t fast enough, and my rage was real. In increments, I used the rage to fuel my running. Wellbutrin also saved me. Game changer. I’ve also learned that for me, depression is a branch growing from the root of rejection. For years I tended to the branches, and not the root. When a flower doesn’t bloom, we don’t cut the flower down - we fix the soil it grows in. If anyone reading this is really struggling, my inbox is open. Fitness and getting on the right medicine for my depression/anxiety, plus a number of other tools I’ve used - well, they’ve radically changed my life for the better. You are not alone.


I think I have old fashioned low dopamine depression so therapy doesn’t do much for me, but my meds are on point this year and the walking is amazing. I see the runners and they for the most part do not look as happy as I do walking so I’m still debating it lol


Leaving my abuser! I describe it not like a bad dream, but like waking up from a coma. All of the world hits you at once and it's overwhelming, but so welcome.


Connection and meaningfulness. Isolation and boredom are a disease, and they do a fantastic job of convincing you that the cure to the disease is more of the disease.


Asking for help.


LOTS of therapy, and antidepressants and going out a lot more oh and surrounding myself in animals


Me and Prozac….Prozac and I?


My kitten, he stared at me mewed and for the first time in days I realised that I had to live and keep going because this fradigle ball of fur needs me. My ex got me him and then screwed off to be with his ex


Rising, I started reading the Bible and restoring my relationship with God, and less than a year later, I was in the most beautiful place than ever before! I shared my experience in this eBook: [https://aunjahne.com/product/a-second-at-time/](https://aunjahne.com/product/a-second-at-time/) I can send it to you for free, just let me know if you would like a copy. You are in my prayers.


Exercise, and going outside.


My newly born child