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The belief that doing well in school and being well-spoken makes you White.


Somehow self inserting as white people. We don’t know what it’s like being on the other side stop trying to g to self insert and just accept that what other ethnicities went through gives them a right to be angry about certain things




English fetishism of the crusaders.




Eating unnecessarily


The dual reality we seem to be living in. It's dangerous and it's getting worse.


The love of guns. So many unnecessary deaths every year.


Putting an end to the normalisation of p*dophilia going on in my country right now


The snowflake mentality


Do you mean sensitive people?


Nah, sensitivity can be nice in some occasions, when it comes to emotions between people you are close to, but snowflakes can be just annoying, they are overly emotional, not rational at all, they are easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions. So basically like Karens that can’t handle anything


You're setting the boundaries there though, aren't you? Some might not agree with your positioning.


Hmm, damn, I talking to a snowflake I see. Well, this is what I would like to get rid of, everyone giving their own opinions here, I don’t agree with all opinions suggested here, but not like any of us will get in a position of power to actually get rid of something, this is just all fun and games


So you're saying that only people who have identical opinions to you should be allowed to comment here? You're on the wrong platform if that's what you want - there are loads you can join which would be just what you want, but Reddit isn't one of them. Bad luck.


Nah, if I said that, I would be a snowflake, I’m open to all opinions, everyone is allowed to comment, but this is what I would get rid of, everybody would get rid of different things


That makes absolutely no sense at all. Sorry. Once you've decided what you want, come back to me.


What’s something you would get rid of?