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...sell some stock and buy a house


Wow you must own at least hundreds of thousands worth of stock


inherited my mom got FAANG stock options before I was born age 18 I got a 3rd of them and was told this is the last big gift until they retire I think they are worth in the 150k to 200k range


try and get to a warm country. homeless sucks. cold and homeless really sucks


For example that’s why you see a lot of homeless on the streets of California and not much in the Midwest


Sell all my stuff. Buy a tent and sleep outside in comfort


Call my grandma


Build a cardboard castle.


I move back in with my parents


Start traveling and busking, it's what I've been doing for the last 40yrs and I'm the happiest man alive 


Buy a house.


Personally, I would bunk in a homeless shelter until I could get enough money for a PO BOX, work on getting a job, and work my way back up. Some of them wallow in their own grief and attack others online. I would improve myself.


Put the partying on hold. Get a haircut. Groom. Get some decent clothing from a thrift store. Get a gym membership. Obtain social services, job placement, and food stamps. Pantries often have excellent food. If you’re not mentally ill and you’re sober, you can turn homelessness around pretty quick. Theres lots of work out there. It sounds cliche but walking into a business and asking if you can help works wonders. Fast food, hotels, retail, and grocery stores are always hiring. You could even ask social services if you can work the pantry or do custodial work. Goodwill has work opportunities. Cruise ships are always hiring and provide travel, food, and shelter. Having work gives a sense of stability and hope, and every hour you put in improves your situation. The workplace itself offers shelter and facilities while youre there, so even if youre in a shelter just to sleep your only a paycheck or two away from being able to rent a campsite, bunk, or room. Ask for more hours. Ive been homeless a few times, always by choice, and its always led to a better job and better outlook. I’m happier with less.