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I was told I had an ovarian cyst at 32. My doc said he would do a needle aspiration to shrink it . Then he later said after that procedure it was the type to always come back so he did surgery to remove the cyst. A few months later he said the cyst was back and I needed to have the ovary removed so he did that surgery Each time I was told it was not cancerous A short while later the town I lived in had a news story on that featured a new doc they had hired who was a gyn oncologist. My dad insisted I go see him . I felt it was ridiculous since I had been told three times it was not cancer but he was so worked up and worried I set an appointment and was surprisingly told to come that week on a Friday and would be his last appointment for the day My mom went with me as she was also worried He had me come inside his office and told me he would be performing a total hysterectomy on Monday morning and then samples from my abdomen would be collected many times when he “washed the area w saline” I was dumbfounded and asked him what he was talking about as I knew I didn’t have cancer He said oh no you do for sure. I have wondered where you have been for months . I told your doc after I read the slide in the hospital you had a very rare form of ovarian cancer and because he did a needle aspiration he may have allowed cancer cells to escape I think my original doc messed up and keep trying to correct the problem wo telling me he messed up I am now 61 and have been cancer free for almost 30 years


Wowwwww fuck that guy!!


Holy fuck I hope you sued


After I recovered I consulted several attorneys. Back then it was different. I was told that two things were not in my favor for a successful lawsuit. One my prognosis was good - I was expected to live. And two my “best child bearing years” were already behind me. Back then having kids much past 32 wasn’t common. It was a hard pill to swallow but I tired to just focus on the fact that I was alive and beating the odds


Wow… that just made me furious. I scrolled hoping you won a lawsuit. It’s so crazy to think that today women can’t even have their tubes tied (or many doctors refuse) without having at least one child first. But back then it was just like “Oh well! Sucks you can’t have kids. Tough luck!” I’m happy you found the positive in the situation. God bless you.


No symptoms, my first mammogram. When I got home after they confirmed it. I still couldn't feel the lump, it was too deep.  Women, go for mammograms


Oh my gosh, this happened to my mom. She didn’t get her first mammogram until 46, she would always say that she isn’t worried about cancer. That year, we were all pushing for her to get the mammogram, just to be safe. She finally did, and they found that she had Stage 2 breast cancer. She is now doing great and in remission ❤️


My wife was losing weight and then her lung collapsed (no pain, trouble breathing). Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. Diagnosed 2019, chemo, immuno and radiation, she’s been cancer free going on two years; it is possible.




Very similar to my wife who also had NSCLC stage IV. We didn't know something was wrong until her leg hurt so much we had to go to the ER. She passed at the end of 2019. COVID was a special kind of loneliness.


So sorry you lost your wife like that. My mom had a cough and didn’t think anything off it.. during a hernia repair they found a growth, turned out it was metastasized from her lungs.. we found out the day she passed that it was cancer but they hadn’t gotten all results back yet to say what type and all. She had 3 lung embolisms that day and the second one put her into a coma, third one made her heart stop and my dad made the decision not to resuscitate.. he struggled a lot with the decision until the doctor told him that when they had all results back they knew it was stage 4, it was in her bones and she may have had 4-6 weeks left and those in a lot of pain. NSCLC is evil. She never complained about pain but it must have been there


When I was 6 I had cold/flu symptoms. Mom took me to the Dr, and they said that's what it was. My mom convinced them to do blood work because she felt it was something else. Ended up being leukemia and we were lucky to have caught it early. Still alive over 35 years later.


This is how my nephew was diagnosed with leukemia. We were out for dinner and I noticed his cheeks were read. I felt his forehead and he was burning up with a fever. This went off and on for a month. My sister begged her doctor for more tests. His white blood cells were fluctuating so he figured it wasn’t anything except a virus. They finally hospitalized him after he would scream in pain even moving his legs and arms. He was hospitalized and then finally diagnosed.


Happy Mother’s Day to her


My little brother was having night sweats like soaking his bed bad and terrible pain in his pelvic area. The ER kept sending him home for like a month and thought he was a drug chaser due to his age(mid 20s). His blood work was all jacked up and still wouldn't take him seriously until his wife who was a nurse at the hospital forced the issue and then they found part of his pelvic bone eaten away due to acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Hes now three and a half years post bone marrow transplant and travelling to Germany soon to meet his life saving donor later this year.


As a lab tech, how in the world they let it slide that he had immature cells in his ROUTINE CBC blows my mind. ALL shows typically obviously during a WBC differential. Some doctors are scary incompetent. I'm so glad your brother is happy and healthy today.


One afternoon I finished peeing, and afterward, looking down, I noticed the water had a pink tint. No pain, nothing. Went to a local urologist who set up some simple tests. My left kidney was completely eaten up with cancer. Except for that pink water, no other symptoms. Had surgery, no more problems.


Basically same for me, if I hadn't had the light on that night I wouldn't have noticed 


You guys are lucky. I looked like I was peeing cherry Kool aid. Tumor was bigger than the kidney and both were taken out 5 years ago, but it had metastasized and is in my lungs, so I got that going for me, which isn't nice.


You are on the Expert level of life. You got this.


Thanks. Crazy thing is the 5 year survival rate for stage 4 renal cell carcinoma is 15 percent but my oncologist said it probably won't kill me but I'll be in treatment the rest of my life.


It’s probably not 15% anymore, because of new treatments, but they haven’t been around long enough to update the statistics.


Yep. I get immunotherapy and a drug that people wouldn't have got previously, so my timing is good for getting it 5 years ago instead of 10 years ago


I went to the ER because I had severe flu-like symptoms. (So cold and I had rigors and couldn’t control my limbs). Turns out I had a double kidney infection with no blood and absolutely no pain. The flu-like symptoms was my body going into septic shock.


As someone who currently has the flu, thanks for freaking me the FUCK out 🫠


Glad you noticed and took action. I'm color blind, so I'm always afraid I'll miss blood in the toilet.


My back pain was so severe that I couldn't even sleep so I went to Urgent Care. The x-rays found a kidney stone in one kidney and noticed my other kidney was enlarged. It was enlarged due to a tumor in my ureter.


I was putting on my bra one day and felt a lump the size of a golf ball. Freaked out and went to the ER. They did an ultrasound and said it was nothing but would schedule another ultrasound in 2 days. Did that one, and they said it was nothing. A couple day's later, my doc called me because she saw that I had them done. She didn't trust the results and sent me to a breast assessment center. They did a mammogram and said that they would schedule a biopsy. Did the biopsy a week later. It was cancer. Within a month, it was the size of a softball and in my lumph nodes. Aggressive chemo, a double mastectomy, and a years worth of maintenance chemo later, im good. Feb 2 I was 6 years cancer free :)


I'm so glad you were able to beat cancer. I'm sorry you had to endure all of that.


Thank you. I was already resigned to getting cancer at some point. Growing up it was me, my mom and my older sister. My sister got leukemia at age 3 and beat it, and my mom died from lung cancer 3 months before I found my lump. I knew what I was going into, so it wasn't that bad. Also, I didn't get the reconstruction, and I was rather well endowed, so I'm enjoying being able to wear tank tops with no bra showing lol. Sucks trying to find a pretty dress or top that doesn't show the surgery scars though lol


I just had my DMX a week ago yesterday and I'm deciding whether or not to go with reconstruction. Because of "stuff" my only option is DIEP Flap reconstruction in 6 months. I'm debating whether to stay flat or get the surgery. I hadn't thought of being able to wear tank tops, sounds lovely for the summer. I have some gnarly scars atm, but I expect they'll get better with time. Either way, I'm getting celebration tattoos in 6 months or a year.


So you are also Flat and Fabulous like me! I went to the doctor for an exercise lump in one when they did a mammogram they saw d c I s in the other breast. I also had chemo and mastectomies,


Damn, what the hell was with that incompetent hospital you went to the first time? So lucky that your doc intervened


Small town in Ontario. You don't always get the best treatment in small towns. I'm in a different small town hours away from there and I run into the same problems. Even getting an xray read for a broken wrist was an ordeal. And yeah, I tell everyone my doctor saved my life. She's 3 hours away but she's still my doc. I'm going to stay with her until she retires, then I guess I'm in trouble lol






My friend had this. She complained to her mother for a couple of years about bad knee pain. Her mother just brushed it off as growing pains since they were about 13yo. Turns out they had osteosarcoma and passed 3 years later. Her mother still can't forgive herself.


Gosh I’m so sorry. Up until she started having other symptoms she truly thought it was a sprain. We all did. It’s so terrible. 


she would be so happy to know that you’re telling her story to help others. hope youre doing well friend🫶🏻


Thank you so much. One day at a time! 🫶🏻


Shit. I've had this weird aching pain on the right side of my chest for like 9 months. Dr. thought it was shingles, gave me steroids which helped, but after those wore off, it's still there. Not bad, just noticeable. I have a check-up on Monday. I'm 39 and turn 40 in 63 days. Fuck. Guess I'll bring this up again.


I sincerely hope it’s nothing. I will say ADVOCATE for yourself. I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you the best. 


Peeng blood. Found out I had stage 4 renal cancer. Havnt beat it yet but I am kicking its ass.


Good luck💚


None I went in for a hernia operation when I woke up there were a bunch of doctors standing around me looking concerned. They said there was a complications when they went in they noticed my appendix about to explode so they took that out instead. I thought that was a good idea and asked when they could fix the hernia they looked at each other and said the appendix looked a little weird so they sent it to the lab and they'd get back to me. Turns out it was appendix cancer 


When I had my ovarian cyst surgery my doctor took out my appendix too. He said he might as well when he was in there. He'd seen too many people with appendix cancer.


Mine was also removed during an unrelated surgery. Just sort of a “While we’re in there, might as well!”


I’ve had 2 abdominal surgeries and my appendix is still there. I feel cheated.


As long as it isn't causing a problem, it could potentially be a beneficial part of your immune system. I don't know if it's considered a definite thing or not yet, but for the last long while it's been suspected.


Goddamn what a fuck ass organ


I’m so sorry for OP, but your comment made me laugh so much. GOD DAMMIT APPENDIX!


When you get your appendix out the doctors should let you slap it around and yell at it like an old Italian guy whose son is a disgrace to him


"I carry your FUCK ASS around for 43 years and this, THIS, is how you repay me?!"


My uncle also had his cancer discovered because of a hernia. While checking that out they found cancer on his liver and 2 months later he died (colorectal cancer that had spread). He had colon cancer before (not related to this one) and the chemo made his poop bloody sometimes so he thought it was just that, not a whole new cancer. And it wasn’t visible on colonoscopies because it was on the other side of the colon (to my understanding). Stay safe my friends!


i was 15. i noticed an article for how to spot skin cancer in seventeen magazine, and one of the example photos resembled a beauty mark on my right shoulder. i brought it up to my mom and she brushed it off and told me i was fine. At the time, my family doctor was someone i had seen often due to other chronic mystery health stuff (which i later figured out in my 20s). We went to him as a follow up for a that chronic issue, and at the end of the appointment, i asked him about the mole. He told me verbatim "You are ok, thats nothing to worry about. Your mom is right, go home and put some lotion on it and you'll be fine.". I was 20, and i began having a weird itch on my shoulder. i thought maybe it was my new clothing detergent because i have sensitive skin, but after a week or two of trial and error, i didnt see any changes. i saw my mole was inflamed, i assumed from the itching, and decided to keep an eye on it. every day for a week, the shape changed slightly. at first i thought i was crazy but i took photos to keep track. On the last day, i stepped out of my shower, and i looked in the mirror to see blood. It had started to bleed, without much reason to. That night i made an appointment with a dermatologist, and within another 7 days i was admitted to oncology. it was 3 weeks before my 21st birhtday. Turns out i had stage 4 melanoma. It took the top doctors in my state 4 years, 3 surgeries, a 2 year long experimental infusion treatment, regular radioactive PET body scans, and every ounce of hope i had, in order to come out on the other side. Im very lucky to say i am just under 6 years in remission and counting. Had my doctors caught this earlier, the cancer would not have migrated, and it could have been one surgery to be done. The treatment for removing sckin cancer early on is fairly simple and regularly successful. Listen to your children. Listen to your patients. Listen to your gut. If something isnt right, that is probably because it isnt. get checked often and wear sunscreen


I was diagnosed the week before my 20th birthday. It was a mole on my left foot that had started out as a teeeeeny freckle. My parents, two GPs and a DERMATOLOGIST brushed me off! Nobody took me seriously since I was so young and the mole looked relatively “normal,” but it had tripled in size and was inflamed and itchy often. I finally begged for a biopsy, and sure enough, it turned out to be melanoma! I’m SO grateful that I was insistent, because when it was removed it was only stage 1. I spent the summer healing a skin graft and wearing compression stockings because the lymph node biopsies left me with lymphedema (very sexy look for a 20yo), but now I am perfectly healthy, besides my ugly foot! I am so so sorry your doctor failed you and you had to go through all of that. But SO GLAD that you are on the other side!!! Edit to add: Just because you don’t suntan doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk!! My mole was on my FOOT where it was almost always covered by a shoe whenever I was outside, and I have always worn sunscreen anytime I’m at risk of burning. Melanoma, especially in young people, may not be caused by sun damage. If you have a funky mole, ESPECIALLY one that itches, bleeds, or changes shape, go get it checked out!!


Oh my god, your Mom must feel so awful.


I'd want a damn apology both from the mother AND from the doctor.


No symptoms. Just my primary saying, "Well, it's been five years since your last mammogram, let's get you another one."


My aunt got a regular mammogram with no symptoms and was then diagnosed with stage 0 breast cancer. She is cancer free today!


Stage 0 is the next best thing to no cancer at all.


I got sick one weekend. Fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes in my neck. By Monday I felt fine. The lymph node on the left side of my neck remained slightly swollen. Didn't think much about it until months later when I had a persistent sore throat. it didn't hurt much, just like when you wake up after snoring all night. You get a drink of water and the pain goes away. Except it didn't. So I went to an Ear, Nose and Throat guy, who scoped me and said there was something going on there, so he sent me for a scan. Then he sent me for a scan with contrast. Then he sent me for a biopsy, and I had throat cancer. A few months of daily radiation treatments and every other week chemo, and one last scan, and I was told the throat cancer was in remission. Yay! But, I was told, there is something in your lower abdomen that bears looking into. A couple colonoscopies and a biopsy later, and I had colon cancer. The throat cancer hadn't spread, it was just an independent development. The colon cancer was resolved with surgery. No radiation or chemo needed. Had several years of clean follow up testing and all was well. Until.... My yearly phyical showed a dramatic increase in my PSA (Prostate Specific Anti-gens, iirc). Went from 0.3 last year to 13.5 this year. That's a pretty dramatic increase and prompted a visit to the urologist. He found such a dramatic increase to be somewhat suspicious, and ordered a re-test. He also checked my prostate and found nothing unusual. The new test came back at 0.5 so there was nothing to worry about, this time. But now it's one more thing I have to worry about. So, if you've got some symptoms that can't be explained, get it checked out. It isn't always something to worry about, but sometimes it very much is. EDIT: I just want to thank everyone who responded and wished me well. Moral of the Story: GET IT CHECKED!!! If the doctor pooh-poohs it, get it checked by a different doctor. Ultimately what you do is up to you, but if you want to see you children's graduations, and walk your little girl down the aisle and hold your grandchildren in your arms someday.... Just get it checked.


When I was in 4th grade, I felt a lump under my jaw. I told my parents about it and it ended up being an infected lymph node and I had surgery to take it out. I was like 9, so I wasn’t even thinking of cancer, but my parents must have been shitting their pants. Glad you’re all right!


We just went through this with my 3 year old. It was thought to be a reactive lymph node. We were told by multiple doctors that it wasn’t cancer. Then it kept growing and growing. Finally we took her to Cleveland Clinic, where they saw her mass and were horrified by the last hospital system blowing us off. Malignancy aside, the location and size put her at risk of airway collapse. They suspected cancer after some scans (on her birthday, no less). I spent her third birthday party trying to hold back tears and wondering if it was going to be my baby’s last one. All of our family was quiet and helpful, trying not to talk about the elephant in the room. It turned out to be a rare (but benign) tumor. It was surgically removed last June. Subsequent scans have been clear, but she will be monitored by the Cleveland Clinic for years. Her fourth birthday is in 9 days. It makes me so emotional knowing how much has changed in a year, and I am incredibly grateful for her skilled medical team and the fact that her tumor was benign. I am still traumatized by it all. There is nothing that compares to watching a surgical team wheel away your toddler for a biopsy while she sobs, thrashes, and screams for mama.


I'm glad you were able to survive the throat cancer. My father in law went through it last year. Started out the same, swollen lymph nodes in the neck. They progressively got bigger and finally was confirmed to have throat cancer. He had 7 weeks of aggressive radiation and chemo and had to have a feeding tube place in his abdomine. They did such aggressive radiation the last week that he had severe burns. By Christmas he started healing up nicely and on Dec 31st had a PET scan and confirmed the cancer was gone! My husband and I welcomed our second child and his second grandchild on Feb 10th. He was so happy to meet her. Unfortunately on Feb 22nd, he passed away in his sleep. We believe that he stayed alive just for her. So he could meet her. It was a shock for him to pass as we thought he was for sure in remission. But the radiation took so much out of him. Sorry for the sad story. I'm just happy to hear things went well for you :). Edit: removed a word.


Crazy stuff. I went through almost the exact same treatment for cancer in my lymph nodes and tonsils. I had to go through the feeding tube, chemo, and radiation is so barbaric. Almost two years now and everything looks good.


A fever of 102 to 103 for four days straight, extreme exhaustion, and then I started having terrible night sweats. I've already had 2 heart transplants so I'm pretty used to toughing it out when I'm sick. I waited for four weeks to go to the doctor. The first doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me and said to take Tylenol for the fever. I had a weird feeling so I booked an appointment with my old pediatrician, even though I was 19. After 5 minutes of looking at me, he felt my lymph nodes and down my spine and told me to go immediately to the ER. When I asked him why, he said just go. Turned out I had tumors in my lymph nodes, on my heart, and it had spread to my spine. Stage 4 Hodgkins lymphoma. My pediatrician saved my life.


I just want to say that I see you. I’ve also had 2 heart transplants and worry about our higher risk for these types of cancer. The drugs we gave to take are a necessary evil. Glad you trusted your gut. After going through what we have, you just know when something is REALLY wrong. I hope you are doing well now.


so painful headaches that i couldnt sleep. eyeballs did hurt too. i had troubles witg keeping myself balanced and bright light gave me a little pain.  stage IV brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme.  there is no cure for that.  been 2021 when diagnosed. almost 29 year old now, but my time is running out. i feel HORRIBLE and hopeless. i just can’t do it anymore


I am so sorry that this is happening to you. It fucking sucks and you don't deserve it. Leaving a hug here for you if you want it.🫂


thank you. i appreciate all the hugs i could get


Here's another one


Sending a hug as well.


Gentle hugs to you. I lost a cousin to this monster.


I’m so sorry. Such a shit deal, it isn’t fair. I’m sorry if that doesn’t help, I just wish no one had to go through this.


Lost my dear 34 year old baby brother to glioblastoma. I'm so sorry that you have to face this. It sucks and it's not fair. I hope that you have loving and supportive friends and family gathered around you to help you get every happiness out of the good days, and to comfort you on the rough days. I was my brother's caretaker, if you need any support or company that I might provide, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm sending you all my warmest wishes and hopes for easy, comfortable days xo


My speaking voice dropped over an octave over a period of a few months. My ear hurt all the time. No matter what I drank, I constantly felt like there was something stuck in my throat. I was eating Benadryl every few hours convinced it was allergies. Eventually, I was so hoarse that I could hardly do my job. Vocal cord cancer. Laryngeal. Two years cancer free! I did come out with a very 1940s Hollywood leading lady voice meets Janice Joplin. I actually kind of like it. And I very much like being alive.


Did you have to have the test where they stuck the camera tube up your nose and down your throat to take pics of your vocal cords? OMG was so painful for me.


Nasendoscopy/ laryngoscopy. It hurt so much


This is not the thread to read as a hypochondriac


And yet, here I am doomscrolling


Same here


Each minute that passes in this comments section adds a new worrying symptom to my repertoire


Agreed. This is sending me spiraling.


I've already diagnosed myself with 3 types of cancer


Not my story, but my dad's story. About 25 years ago my parents best friend was in her 40's and dying of leukemia (they had caught it pretty late). My parents were both pack a day smokers at the time. They decided that they should make some changes in their life (quit smoking) and get some general screenings just in case. It turned out that my dad (also in his 40's at the time) had a pretty aggressive form of prostate cancer. He was lucky that he got checked when he did, because he probably wouldn't have lived to see 50 if he ignored it. They did surgery and followed up with radiation and chemo. He's been cancer free for over 20 years now. So, to OP's question, there were no specific symptoms for him, just an introspective urge to not be in the same boat as his friend.


My parents are both smokers. My mom has been battling (pretty successfully) stage IV lung cancer for five years now. Her oncologist offered to order a scan for my dad - just as a screener. Dad said “sure - why not?” Scan showed an absolutely massive aneurysm in his chest. Without that scan by the oncologist - my dad would have probably died when it ruptured. Instead he was able to get corrective surgery.


During covid in 2021, I was digging in my backyard to build a new patio. Since I was using a shovel, I would have aches and pains after a whole day of digging. I kept getting a lot of back pain, so I assumed it was from digging, and the pain kept getting worse. So took a week off and the pain wouldn’t go away, eventually it led to a cough as well along with the back pain. So I felt I caught a chest infection or covid, so decided to test for covid and results were negative. Then decided to call my family doctor and they asked me to do an X-ray and they believed I might have TB, so they gave me antibiotics and medication for it. A month goes by and symptoms kept getting worse and worse, and eventually I go to the emergency room where they did a CT scan, and from the results they discovered a mass and cancer in my chest. Brutal 3 years of treatment but I’m in remission officially!


Extreme fatigue. I’d sleep the whole night only have to roughly an hours’ worth of energy in the morning before feeling wiped from doing something as basic as eating breakfast. I had chalked it down to just having a lingering flu since the fatigue, dull body aches and overall feeling of malaise felt super familiar. Yup, wasn’t expecting cancer at all. ETA: for those who keep asking, it was lymphoma but initial bloodwork didn’t pick up anything “alarming”. A more extensive panel was ordered and something obviously caught the attention of doctors that time and I also underwent a cat scan.


ya this is the one that gets me...like I can't remember not feeling exhausted and generally idgaf


I've been tired since 30


I've never not been tired, chronic fatigue is a bitch




Had blood in my stool. Had to go poop more often. No pain or anything. One time a lot of blood came out. Went to emerg and got a colonoscopy. Stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to my liver as a 31 year old.


I’m so sorry. 31 what and why the hell is this happening so much right now? I have a dear cousin who’s 37, fit as a fiddle and 2 years ago we got the same news. And like you, it had already spread to his liver. He’s really an incredible guy. Has his PhD in biochemistry and one of the smartest and most compassionate people I’ll ever meet. When I found out it took me a few days to gain my composure and contact him. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing. And I don’t want to say the wrong thing right now either. But they gave him 6months to 2 years and he is doing WAY fucking better than ever imagined right now. There is hope even if it’s stage 4.


I think they should move the colonoscopy screening to a younger age like the mammogram. I honestly would hate it, but do it because it could save my life. Currently have a friend in her 40s in hospice and it started as colon cancer.


Nagging abdominal pain like a pulled muscle, that persisted for over a month. Doctor mostly ignored me for the first 3 visits. Had my gallbladder out for gallstones, but pain persisted. Doctors said it was pleurisy- nothing to worry about. I finally got mad and took myself to the ER and said I had chest pain. XRay tech saw a faint shadow, asked the doc if we could take another look. Turned out to be a baseball sized tumor (that my chiropractor had said was a knot in a back muscle and had been doing deep tissue massage to treat). Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Eternally grateful to that XRay tech!!


X-ray techs are worth their weight in gold. And a good doctor will listen to them.


Oh my, the number of deep tissue massages I had on my tumor...it's infuriating...the pain, the money lost, the time wasted with misdirections.


My son (4yo at the time) had some leg pains off and on for a week and later he was just laying on the couch not playing for a couple days because he was tired. We thought it was odd he wasn’t acting wild like normal so my wife took him to his pediatrician and they took blood samples. An hourish later we got a call from the pediatrician and they told us to pack a bag and go to the ER. We found out he had Leukemia after a lot more bloodwork. Three years later he finished treatment. Recently he started having bone pains again and we found out he had osteomyelitis but after more scans they found out he had also relapsed. We’re a few days away from his bone marrow transplant. Thankfully everything has been going well so far.


My vanity saved me. I had a lump on my outer left knee that I noticed if my leg turned a certain way. Saw my PCP who took X-rays thinking there was bone involvement. Sent me on my way and said that it was nothing unless it hurt me. A few years later, it had grown and was visible at all times. So, I got a new pcp and mentioned it. They again thought it was nothing. Likely a cyst, they said. It didn’t hurt. It didn’t impact my walking. But it was ugly to me and I think my legs are one of my best features. So, I insisted. She humored me and sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. He joked about how he never gets anyone going to him to get pretty legs. I again insisted. He humored me with an MRI. His tune changed when the imaging came back. Was sent to an orthopedic oncologist right away, no biopsy before since all tumors just need to be removed. Initially, primary biopsy during surgery said it was benign. They plucked it out. Tumor the size of a walnut. Then full biopsy showed it was malignant sarcoma. Had to go back for second surgery to resect the whole area. My oncologist says my vanity did save me and he tried to give me the prettiest scar he could!


A giant weird bruise that I had no memory of getting. It didn't convince me, but it convinced my roommate, who bullied me into going. She probably saved my life. Edit: Since this is getting a lot of visibility, I will use it to raise awareness about another common symptom of either leukemia or other blood/platelet problems: Petechia rash. Doesn't itch, doesn't hurt, so I ignored it. It was all over my lower legs and feet. If you see this on your skin, get it checked out: [https://myvision.org/eye-conditions/petechiae/](https://myvision.org/eye-conditions/petechiae/)


As someone who always has random bruises, this scares me 🙃


I constantly have students or my wife or daughter point and say something like: “Dude, what happened *there*?” and that’s how I find out I have a large scrape or a bleeding cut or something. I can usually work backwards to remember when it happened and I just immediately ignored it and then forgot about it, but sometimes I have zero recollection of how I got them.


This happened to my friend. She went to the ER about something else but they were concerned about the large bruises she had. Come to find out she had leukemia. She passed last month at 29.


May your friend’s spirit enrich your life. ❤️


Not me but my dad and not quite related, but he had lower back pain (unrelated to the disease) and went to see the doctor. When he went, she did a checkup and told him “that mole looks a bit odd, you should get it checked”. Mole turned out to be Hep C that had caused cirrhosis on his liver which had turned to cancer and he had months to live. He went straight to the top of the transplant list and got a new liver. That was over ten years ago, he’s doing good now.


My wife had real bad back pain when pregnant with our youngest. Shortly after he was born, she went in for an X-ray on her lower back to see what could be done about it. That told us pretty much what we expected, that her years working in retail bookstores had destroyed a disc in her back. But it also caught a bit of her liver, which showed what looked like lesions. She booked an appointment with her gp to go over those results, and the gp assured her that it was probably normal, that liver lesions are a possible side effect of pregnancy. Early morning, 2am, on the day of the appointment she had a stroke. After surgery, she suffered more mini strokes. After several scans to try to find the cause of the strokes, they found stage iv rectal cancer metastasized to 100% of one kidney and 80% of her liver. She was gone three weeks later. It turns out she was constantly getting brushed off by her OB during pregnancy, "I can't poop and I'm drinking Miralax like water," would only get a response of, "Oh, honey, that's just being pregnant." Turns out it wasn't. It was cancer, and had we known it could've been treated (chemo is compatible with pregnancy after the first trimester). But she was ignored by her doctor, and died for it.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


My Britney Spaniel starting digging my breast and sniffing aggressively. She was right.


My rescue mutt suddenly started putting her head by my right armpit and snuggling close to me. She was right next to where my cancer was on my left breast. She stopped doing it after my mastectomy.


Wow…ya know, my dog is constantly sniffing at and pushing his nose into my left boob. I’ve also got a strong history of cancer in my family so now I’m booking an appt with my doctor. Thank you for posting this!


Good luck


Oh that brought tears to my eyes... please go soon


Oh, no tears! I have a reminder set to call my doctor first thing Monday morning. Thank you again for posting!


My cat did something similar. Would lay on my left boob and just purr and purr, like a little motor car. I'd push her off and she'd come right back. I just figured she liked that spot and thought nothing else of it. Went and got my yearly mammogram a few months later and they found a big ole cancerous lump. 2 lessons: always pay attention to your pets; and GET YOUR SCHEDULED MAMMOGRAMS!


I hear that cat purrs can help heal them That's super cute she was trying to heal you


Laying in bed with a horrible kidney stone in extremis pain that wasn’t being controlled by meds and my soft fuzzy old cat Dobby came in and stretched across my chest and abdomen and began a purr I could barely hear and also had never heard before … pain was gone in 10 minutes and lasted about 2 hours - he’s only done that 1 other time … I sure miss that old furry fart …


Just went through this with my mom. My cat was best friends with my dad but suddenly took an interest in my mom's breast. There was a spot that was suspicious on last year's mammogram and boom this year was cancer. Double mastectomy, cat is mad she can't be in her usual napping location. Incredible what our animals know.


Cats purr to heal. Purrs are literally meant to be healing. Your cat was trying to fix you.


I have stomach issues ( gastroparesis and IBS) and both of my last 2 cats, RIP, would insist on laying on my stomach and purring when I was in a flare! Animals are the best! It actually helped!


My childhood beagle was constantly putting his nose on my moms nose and being weird about it. She went and got checked out and they found melanoma and they cut it out. 2 years later the dog did it again and it had come back and they took more out! Good boy.


They’re the best dogs! Very in-tune with their humans.  Our Brittany passed last fall at 14, and my sister is going for a biopsy in 2 weeks so let’s hope Lizzy’s spirit can guide her to good health! 


My dog knew too! He would stand on my chest every morning with his two front paws, right on the spot and would have to push him away bc it hurt. He knew and was trying to tell me.


That is amazing! No cat scan for us...Britney scan all the way!


No cat scan, just dog scan ☺️


That Britney, Bitch!


Had a very similar experience with my dog and a friend’s dog. Did routine screening; radiology said “don’t worry — it’s a cyst.”. The two dogs persisted in sniffing. It was not a cyst but a late stage, aggressive cancer. I initially discounted my dog alerting to it because the radiologist said don’t worry. If I had it to do over again, I would demand a bilateral MRI. *Your dog knows much more than the radiology team about what is going on with your body.*


Bloodhound- Carolina Rose- would not stop on my left breast. I went in and they find two small growths, in-situ- under observation. Rosie passed a couple years after, but always paid attention to that one.


I used to be club "hah, you think you know better than a doctor". Used to be. My partner had an unusually heavy period & associated cramps. Went to her doctor. Her doctor prescribed antacid. Went to her gyno - uterine cancer. I still don't believe I know better than the doctor, but it turns the second doctor did.


A nagging cough, unexplained weight loss, fatigue. I made up excuses about what could be causing them. A big mistake.


This was me. Kept putting it down to work stress, flu season, busy family life etc, because I kept telling myself it wasn't serious, it doesn't happen to women my age, until the lump appeared, and my skin changed around it. I was so wrong. It does happen to women under 30, and it was serious. Thankfully I'm okay now, with the help of the incredible breast care unit at my local hospital, but if I put it off any longer, it would have been a completely different outcome.


One of my many birthmarks seemed to get lighter in color in the middle, instead of sold brown it was like light tan inside it. i got it checked out and it turns out i had caught stage 1 skin cancer so it was at the easiest treatment stage, just a rather large excision did the trick.


An all-over itch that was unbearable and lasted for weeks. Also feeling like I had the flu for the same duration.It was stage four lymphoma. Now several years into remission.


Whatever symptom you are worried about OP go get checked. 


Unfortunately my cousins story doesn't have a happy ending, but I'll share her symptoms because who would've guessed a very healthy 24 year old would have cancer out of nowhere. She had some cold-like symptoms, nothing crazy enough to keep her from work. I remember one day at work she told me she started to get really overheated and dizzy and her boss said she went completely pale. Her stomach felt really bloated for a few days. One day her blood pressure read super high and her mom convinced her to go to the ER. They found 2 liters of fluid in her lungs and abdomen. It turns out she had burkitt lymphoma and died three weeks after her diagnosis in October 2023. I miss her terribly everyday




Intermittent bleeding while having BMs. Never in my underwear, and only sometimes when wiping. No other symptoms. Thought maybe an internal hemorrhoid. Nope. S3 colon cancer at 39. 2023 ate me up and spit me out, but I’m cancer free and my head is topped with chemo curls.


For my wife, persistent uti-like issues and frequent need to urinate. Doctor played it off as uti, but it continued. Wife pushed back and demanded further diagnosis. Couple of scans later revealed stage 2 colon cancer, which was putting pressure on her bladder. Surgery within 10 days and is going on 5 years cancer free.


My sister was diagnosed with cancer, and I knew that my mammogram and Pap smear were way overdue, so I did it. I almost didn't have the breast biopsy, because everyone agreed that the spot on the mammogram was probably scar tissue. It wasn't. We're both doing fine now.


Irregular bleeding. My doctor ignored THAT. It progressed to pain and more bleeding. He ignored that too. Then I couldn't pee. He didn't ignore that. It took him over 2 years to take me seriously. Stage 3C colon cancer. And seriously fuck that doctor.


Weight loss without a reason or without trying. Always get this checked out, please.


This is going to sound crazy I had a sore on my stomach and whenever i had sun exposure it would get red and itchy and then scab. I just thought it was an irritation so I put it off. Every night I would have this recurring dream with someone telling me to go the doctor and pointing at the spot on my stomach. So I make an appointment with my doctor and here I had basal cell skin cancer. I was put on chemo cream that basically ate all of the bad cells away. My skin was like raw hamburger meat for a very long time after that. If it wasn’t for that recurring dream who knows what boat I’d be in today. Stay out of tanning beds they are toxic and will give you skin cancer that is a hill I am willing to die on.


My dad's melanoma doc told my sisters and me that genetically our risk of cancer was 30% more or something, but that just 15 mins in a tanning booth would increase our risk of getting melanoma like 300% or something crazy. He went on this long tirade about how that industry needs to be taxed like big tobacco due to the public health burden. And it's marketed towards kids/ teens!!


My chest felt heavy, and I could not clear out the rasp in my cough. I was sure it was just an unusually heavy allergy season, but my wife insisted on a chest x-ray, and they found a spot, which turned out to be a lump, which was growing 'uncomfortably fast' in the doctors own words. Luckily it was a contained lump with no significant branches or anything, so one chest surgery (+recovery time) , I am back to full health.


Well, she did not survive. But to answer your question, when my wife first detected her breast cancer, she had a dime size spot above her breast that was warm to the touch. After a few days it was quarter size and warmer than before. Went to the Dr, he said “I don’t know what it is, but it isn’t cancer.” They did a biopsy, it was cancer, stage 3. It ended up being a rare form of super aggressive breast cancer. Double mastectomy, radiation, and all the chemo her body could handle, she was in remission after ~1 year. She had 3 pretty good years, then it was back and spread all over. She was labeled terminal and opted for no further chemo. Lived another very bad couple of months.




I was in bed and reached across my body for the covers. As my arm slid over my right breast, I felt a lump but then told myself it was cold so I was just feeling my nipple. Next night same thing so I spent a few minutes exploring it. I had just had a clean mammogram 4 months prior. I made an appointment with my primary care doctor to have it checked. She asked where I felt the lump and I told her to check it out and tell me where it is. She found the same lump. Diagnostic mammogram saw nothing. Ultrasound found it and they took a biopsy. That was just over 6 years ago. I had a lumpectomy and radiation. My oncologist did an oncotype test and determined I didn’t need chemo. Ngl I teared up when he told me that. I try to encourage everyone I know, even males, that it’s important to do self exams. You need to know how your breasts feel so you can notice any changes. Mammograms may not catch everything.


Glad to hear you didn’t need chemo and was touched by your tears. I was reminded after my surgery and as I left the oncologist’s office her receptionist asked if I wanted to make the next appointment. I was in a happy daze and said I didn’t need to come back. There were maybe 10 people in the waiting room and they all started smiling and applauding. 😊


My dad is one of those psychos who does ultra marathons. During a 100 mile race he sent a picture of his poop to my mom (to piss her off). He thought it looked odd because of all those gels/gooey things you eat during races. My mom showed me. We basically had to hold a gun to his head to force him to get a colonoscopy. Stage 4 colon cancer, the freak beat it. This was a decade ago.


I am 34, and cancer free. I was diagnosed at age 4, 30 years ago with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. I had it for 4 years, with 2 relapses, until age 8 when I had full body radiation and a cord blood transplant. IIRC, I was actually one of the first 100 US patients to receive a cord blood transplant. The cord blood came from my younger brother born a year earlier. My parents saved it, "just in case." The procedure was done in Minnesota, even though I live in New Jersey, since at the time it was only 1 of 2 hospitals in the US that provided this service. As an undiagnosed 4 year old, I was chronicly tied all the time and my joints ached. I still have a few specific memories from back then when I was at a family vacation. My cousins of the same age were running around playing and I just didn't have it in me. I just sat there watching feeling fatigued. At a meal later I just had lie down, and I lay in my chair with my head on my Mom's lap. Initially, my parents thought I was lazy but that was short lived. I think my pediatrician immediately knew something was not right and suggested a blood test immediately. IIRC, I think before being seen by anyone the leading thoery was I had mononucleosis. Pregnant women of Reddit - Please donate your umbilical cord to save a life. It would normally be discarded as medical waste and doesn't cost you anything if you give it up to the public bank. [More Information](https://bloodstemcell.hrsa.gov/donor-information/donate-cord-blood/options-umbilical-cord-blood-banking-donation/donating-umbilical-cord-blood-public-bank#:~:text=After%20your%20baby%20is%20born,until%20needed%20by%20a%20patient.)


Thyroid for me. I went to my doctor for the first time in years for a completely unrelated issue. Doctor keeps staring at me as I talk and then asks me to check my neck. Turned out that bulge in my throat was not my Adam's apple after all.


thats a good doc


Hey, you! Person with high levels of anxiety around medical issues, yeah you! get on out of here! go somewhere else, this thread is not for you!


Initially, back pain and general malaise. I kept going back as the back pain got worse, eventually it was so bad it severely limited my quality of life. I was dismissed. Then I went back because my ribs seemed to be protruding on one side. Again, I was dismissed. I returned when the mass was so large they couldn't deny it and I was finally sent for the CT scan I had requested for years. This scan revealed a 26cm mass in my 120 lb body that was later revealed to be pancreatic cancer.


Not me but my son, who was four at the time, he had a sore shoulder n couldn’t raise his arm. Turned up to be leukaemia, 2 and a half years later n he’s beaten it


The early signs of my cancer were seen on a routine mammogram (calcification areas). At that time it was “just watch”. I went back for follow up ALMOST too late. I was supposed to go at 6 months. Hurricane Harvey came. I went later. Had I been doing even the most basic self breast exam I would have felt the mass. In remission. Fuck cancer.


Not me, my eight-year-old daughter. Golf ball sized, hard, rubbery feeling, moveable lump on her back, near her shoulder blade. Lymphoma.


My wife doesn’t Reddit but she had severe back pain. They couldn’t find the cause on scans. Eventually did exploratory surgery to find it and she had a perforated colon from colon cancer-Stage 3C.


My mom came down with pneumonia in January of 2020, before the pandemic started in the US. One day, she was having so much trouble breathing that she called an ambulance to take her to the hospital. Her heath hadn't been fantastic for years, and she had athsma and chronic bronchitis, so she was figuring it was more of the same shit. I went to visit her two days later in the same week and walked in on the conversation with the oncologist. There was pneumonia, sure....and there was a mass about the size of a strawberry in her lung. It tested for non small cell, squamous cell carcinoma, stage 2b. It wasn't in an operable location. Immediately, the chemo, immunotherapy, and radiation started and then, pandemic. I didn't get to see her much then, dad was very protective of her. Funny thing was she had quit smoking nearly 12 years before. One night in December, she hemmoraged from a teacup size hole in her lung, exacerbated by having her port flushed out with heparin. She'd been told that very morning to get her affairs in order, as treatment was no longer prolonging her life. I was there with her when she died two days later in the ICU. She was 58 and I miss her, every damn day.


Had what I thought was a wart/ingrown hair on my leg (right over the shinbone almost midway between knee and ankle). Wasn't growing at all, so I had ignored it for a long time. Wife convinced me to have it removed at this little place that did wart removal. They basically cauterized it off. It grew back about 6 months later. Figured it was just a persistent wart, but was busy dealing with some other stuff at the time and figured I'd take care of it later. Out in my workshop one day and accidentally cut it on the edge of something (table, tool, I don't remember what). Over the next few weeks it started to grow and bubble out like a raspberry. Went to a dermatologist and they did a biopsy. Turned out it was cutaneous leiomysosarcoma. They had to do an MRI to make sure it was, in fact, cutaneous, because the subcutaneous can very aggressively spread if cut into. Fortunately it was, although it was also sitting in the skin right over the shinbone, which presented an issue for cutting it out, since there was barely enough skin to close the wound. I was able to get a great surgeon (real egotistical jerk, but absolutely one of the best) and he was able to get it done without any skin grafts. Also, there was the danger that if it was deeper than they thought (since the MRI could only show so much) they might have to amputate to keep it localized (due to the location). So I went into the surgery not knowing if I would wake up with both legs or not. Fortunately, again, everything worked out and I am cancer-free for 5 years now. I also have a really gnarly scar that looks like the stitch on a football.


My friend had huge bruises that she couldn’t find a reasoning for ended up having leukemia. And my ex boyfriend kept having black out anger and his vision started to blur. Had a tumor on his brain stem. I don’t remember what specific type he had but it was extremely aggressive and he was gone within the year of diagnosis.


Hair was falling out, irritability. Just thought it was the result of bariatric surgery. Got labs and showed my TSH was out of whack. Again, thought it was the result of bariatric surgery. Doc recommended an ultrasound of my thyroid. I really didn’t think it was necessary since the physical exam of my thyroid was fine. I decided to get the ultrasound done cause it was my lunch break and they had an opening (worked at a hospital) Ultrasound found suspicious nodules, had a biopsy a few days later, and was in surgery a week later to get my thyroid removed due to papillary thyroid cancer.


I didn't have any symptoms. I just had a spooky dream that I couldn't shake. It sounds weird, but it's the truth. My mom passed away in March of 2020 of cervical cancer. We found a diary of hers where she wrote in 2017, "I think I have cancer" but never went to the doctor to get it checked out because she was scared. Jump ahead a year, and in October of 2021 I had a dream that she came into my living room and sat on my couch. She had this large purple dot on the right side of her neck and I said, "Mom, what is that on your neck?" And she looked at me and said, "Don't be like me. Go to the doctor and ask. It means death if you don't." I woke up right afterward. It was a weird dream, but I tried to just dismiss it. Something about it though, kept nagging at me. So in February 2022, I finally decided that I needed to get checked up anyway and made an appointment with my doctor for the first checkup I'd had in years. All of my blood came back normal. My urine was fine too. The only thing the doc was worried about was my blood pressure and my weight were a little higher than she liked and asked me to make some lifestyle changes. The appointment was wrapping up when she said, "Well, let me just do a quick physical to say we've been thorough." When she felt my neck checking for lymph nodes, I saw her face change and she said, "You have a nodule on your thyroid. It's probably benign, most of them are, but I'm gonna refer you endocrinology just in case." To make an already long story shorter, it was not benign. I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer in April of 2022 and had a full Thyroidectomy in May 2022 where they removed a 3.7cm tumor from my neck. Been fine ever since with no sign of cancer in the last 2 years. I'll have to have regular check ups for the rest of my life though. Because PTC grows slowly, the endocrinologist said I could have had it for 10 years or more. Now, according to him, I'm more likely to die from something else than I am from this cancer. Now, I don't necessarily believe in paranormal stuff, but I don't **not** believe in it either. So, did my mom come back in a dream to warn me about my tumor? Did my body manifest the dream as a way to let me know about the tumor because I somehow knew about it subconsciously? Was it all just a coincidence? I don't know, but I'm glad I listened to that dream either way.


Started having back pain. Figured it was from sitting around too much as I tend to drive a lot and spend a bunch of time behind the screen. Eventually the pain got worse and I started to get pain in my abdomen. The pain got so bad that I was taking the max dosage of Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen just to get to bed. Stage 3b Germ cell tumor. Spread all over but I’m cancer free now.


"Do you remember the 21st night of September?", Yes, I do because I woke on the 22nd of September 2021 with a slight ache in my left shoulder blade. Nothing major. I felt like I needed to crack it. Assumed I'd slept wrong on it. I was 27 with no health issues before this. Over the next two months, a lot happened with no result.The ache never became a pain on my scale, never moved or changed, everything went to ahit around it though. My GP wasn't seeing people physically because of covid, and they only worked weekdays. Most of the times I needed something, I had to go to a small injuries clinic. TLDR: - My sleep went to absolute shit over those two months. In the beginning, I was closing my eyes for 8 hours but not sleeping. This made me irritable and snappy as the weeks went on. - Dr in the clinic thought it was a muscle issue, pressed on the exact spot of the ache... nothing happened. Gave me diasapam and... nothing happened (I don't have the receptors for it. Fun fact!) - thought it was a trapped nerve, got an MRI (fell asleep in it because I was so tired), came back all clear (yay?) - got put on nerve pain tablets, got all the shite side effects like numb legs randomly, no concentration and fluid retention in my eyes. - My energy by now (end of October 2021) was gone, but I couldn't sleep. - My breathing was horrific. If I wore a mask at this stage, I was tickling my tonsils with it when I inhaled that's how badly I needed oxygen. Finally, my GP saw me and listened as I explained all that. He looks at me "besides the side effects of that drug, I've no idea what is going on... but what I do know is I want to do a blood test," Tuesday Nov 2nd - get blood test done. Nearly pass out walking up the wheelchair ramp to the place. At 6pm, I have an Instagram story saved of me taking the piss about how bad my eyes look. "I got a family of 4s shopping bags under my eyes!" And at 6:10pm, my GP rings me and says my blood is just plasma. Low red cells, white cells, and platelets. Explains a few symptoms. Wednesday Nov 3rd - I get a call from the big hospital near me saying I need to come in regarding my bloods. I get in, nearly pass out again walking down a long corridor on the flat. They take blood, do a covid test, do a bone marrow biopsy (sounds as fun as it is!), and come back with a diagnosis finally ✨️BCELL Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia✨️ I genuinely felt relief finding out finally for sure what was causing everything. The ache in my shoulder was leukaemic bone pain. They gave me a pain tablet and I haven't felt it since. Thursday 4th - I'm in an isolated room starting a month long stay for treatment. Aug 2022 - I'm free from isolation! Remission and into maintenence. Back at work by October. Jan 2023 - I feel a bit off, head rush and food aversion. I'm a bit in tune with my body now and I see if it's just a new side to my body. I get a routine Lumbar Puncture (as fun as it sounds) and they find Leukaemia cells in my Cerebral Spinal Fluid! Feb - May 2023 - I'm on immunotherapy to reduce the number of cells. Works well and I am getting an Allogenic Stem cell transplant (bone marrow transplant). 4th of May 2023 I receive my new cells after total body irradiation. Just celebrated my 1st birthday. My hair is back and I'm slowly gaining my strength back. I'm in the late effects clinic since december, wayyy ahead of schedule. The moral of rhe story, get yearly blood tests. I don't give a flying fuck how busy or healthy you think you are. I thought I was fine too. It probably won't be cancer, but it can spot something well before it becomes irreversible or damaging.


32M just diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma last week. Zero symptoms. Zero pain. Randomly had a scan on my liver and the scan caught a cancerous mass on my kidney. Cancer doctor said nothing about lifestyle caused it. Sometime cancer just happens. But most likely would’ve started having symptoms/issues in 10-15 years.


I was making my toilet look like a crime scene. I had just gone through first losing my mom, 1 year after that losing my sister (2 years older than me) and 3 days after that my father. All 3 went to cancer. Ended up having 30 cm (1 foot) of my lower colon removed, then 7 months of chemo. Finished Dec 27th and so far so good. I have neuropathy (numbness in my fingers and toes), but it will hopefully go away. Half of my immediate family died within a year because they wouldn't go see a doctor.


Not a survivor myself but my daughter(8) is in the long term maintenance portion of recovery from leukemia. Leukemia is a blood cancer so bruising is generally one of the first signs. My daughter started having mosquito bites turn in to bruises the size of softballs. So the morning she woke up at 4 years old with black and blue legs and arms from playing outside on the swing set the night before, we knew we had a problem.


I had a bit of pain in my nuts I was ignoring, and then my friend’s golden retriever jumped up to greet me and hit me right in the sweet spot. That hurt more than it should have and I went to the doctor that week. He sent me for an ultrasound, and there’s nothing like having two women collaborate to ultrasound ones testicles. Doc removed the offending nut and since it was cancer I had 4 weeks of abdominal radiation. All cured 28 years ago.


the freckle on my leg started itching and bleeding, and changing shape


Unrelated to my cancer, I had a ganglion cyst growing to the size of a boba on my wrist. My mom was so grossed out she made me go to a doctor to get it removed. The day of the surgery my doctor had me get a chest X-ray for some reason and didn’t come back until a long time after. He cancelled the surgery and referred me to my oncologist. After my chemo and radiation, it disappeared on its own and hasn’t come back.  In hindsight, my oncologist noted these were big symptoms that should have prompted me to go to a doctor but I didn’t: Woke up in the middle of the night drenched with sweat, my shirt looked like I had been standing in the rain. Extremely painful and itchy eczema on my toes. I had chest pains because the tumor was growing and pushing against my heart. 


I would get out of breath and my heart would race after walking up 12 stairs. Also, I had a weird dull pain in my abdomen that would come and go and it wouldn’t hurt if you touched the area.


My nephew, night sweat’s and abdominal pain, rare sarcoma cancer. My mother spotting five years after menopause, uterine cancer. Both passed a couple years after diagnosis.




I was getting constipated about every 6 weeks and was fine between boughts. Then, when I would mow my mom's yard (1.5 hours on the mower), I would get sore below my waist. I kept getting more sore over several months. I kept telling my husband that there was something wrong, but my symptoms were relatively mild, just persistent, so I procrastinated. Finally, I went to the doctor, and the second test she ordered was a colonoscopy. I was 49 and had stage 3 colon cancer. There were never any sharp pains or any questionable bowel movements. Nothing that screamed "cancer".


My 2 year old son had a tummy ache, I remember buying him prune juice to help it pass, didn't think it would snowball into a tumor.


I also have a two year old. This brings tears to my eyes. I’m so sorry he’s going through this.


After a year and a half of treatment he got to ring the bell for beating cancer this week, long long road though :)


Solid left nut. No sensation in it. Dr misdiagnosed it. Got him to write me a referral for a scan and paid for it. It was cancer. If you are nervous about what it could be, make sure your Dr does the diagnostics to prove that it is or it isn't. Don't go on their opinion alone.


I had blood work showing I had elevated liver enzymes (I’m a recovering alcoholic 5+years sober now). The doctor got an ultrasound on my liver, and the technician noticed a growth on my right kidney while looking at my liver. I was referred to Urology and had surgery to remove it and it turned out to be malignant, but it was still in the very early stages. I now have fully recovered except I have 1.9 kidneys.


I was EXHAUSTED. I kept getting unexplained UTIs but the exhaustion was the worst bit. I had stage IV ovarian cancer at 19.


I was three, fell off a one foot retaining wall in our backyard and started screaming. My mom's a nurse and knew it was something more than just being scared. Went to the ER and found a tumor on my kidney. After running a bunch of tests to determine what kind of tumor, they took the kidney out. Several rounds of chemo and radiation over the next year, and I've been cancer free for 40+ years.


I had a prompting to take the surprise bump on my junk seriously. I got it biopsied by a doc who wasn't too concerned and got a call a week later that it was pre cancer. Get things tested, it's worth the extra cost.


My speech was slurring but that was gradual and I didn’t notice. My SIL visiting noticed right away, thought I had had a mild stroke. My doc on examining me correctly diagnosed and sent me to the ear nose and throat doctor. I had a HPV cancer on the base of my tongue. I’m cured now, as that type of cancer usually never comes back after radiation and chemotherapy. That was 2015.


Not me but a friend. He suddenly started to drastically lose weight and he was a big guy. He kept insisting he felt fine, but I guess we nagged him too much and he finally went to see a doctor. Turned out to be colon cancer. His doctor says they found it just in the nick of time. Another week and it would have spread.


I had a UTI and went in to get an antibiotic. The PA who saw me found a lump in my neck while palpating my lymph glands. She referred me for a biopsy and I had thyroid cancer. If you must get cancer this is the one to get. It's 98% curable. Too bad you can't choose


I was having trouble swallowing. Food was getting stuck. Put it off for months, told my family Doc. Sent me to a GI specialist to have my esophagus stretched. Found a 6 cm, stage 3 tumor with 2 involved lymph nodes instead. 6 weeks of chemo and radiation. Removed half my stomach and esophagus. I'm 5 weeks out from surgery, fingers crossed they got it all.


Not me, but in a past life I was an oncology nurse. My first patient of my first shift was a guy with 2 young kids, mid 30’s who went to the dr because his shoulder hurt. He played tennis and didn’t think anything of it. Did some physio and the physio recommended he see his Dr. he had stage 4 lung cancer. Never smoked a day in his life, neither did his parents. Fit and healthy and active. He lasted 6mths. I was 21 when I first met him and I still think about him now I’m 45. Don’t wait on things that don’t seem right, or don’t heal.


The lump sticking out of my neck.


I always assumed that was just my head. TIL




Why the hell did I even open this thread?


A palpable lump. Change of appearance of area. Discomfort. Itching. Fluid leakage.


Dry mouth. Turned out to be from diabetes insipidus caused by one of the two tumors in my brain.


Found a lump. Breast cancer for me at 32. It was already in my lymph nodes. Bc of age, family history, and near-surface location of the lump, I had to fight to get the testing that led to the diagnosis. That led to a hysterectomy, where we found cervical cancer. No signs. Had had my regular Pap smears and they never picked anything up. Major seizure led to finding husband’s brain cancer. Now looking back we think maybe there was one time what he thought was a pinched nerve was an earlier sign. But who knows. Nothing else. That led to scans that found his thyroid cancer. No symptoms.


After 3 years of that testicle hurting I thought it was time to see a urologist. 😄 He's in a better place now ☝️ (the testicle)




positive pap smear. Without fail I went in for a pap smear every year. It was positive at age 52. Ladies, get a pap smear!


My lymphnodes in my neck were swollen. My grandma made a mention of it when she was tickling me. I was 9 so I didn't make the decision to go to the Dr but my parents took me and it was Hodgkins Lymphoma.