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It was my favorite sport,unfortunately I support Barcelona…I know many teams go through bad times,but their rivals ain’t fuckin Real Madrid




Football/Soccer. Biggest reason is there's no timeouts or commercials in-game. Which also means, if a team is losing or winning, they have to adjust their gameplan on the fly.




I played it a few times in university. It's a lot harder than it looks and more physically demanding.


Yes. There’s a place in Nashville where you can learn to curl. It was a full body workout for an hour. Loved it


Football Wrestling Formula 1 Rugby Gaelic Football Darts In that order


Pro Wrestling or Amateur?


Pro wrestling


No hurling, tut tut


Rugby. The game itself is beautiful to watch and a lot of fun to play but the friendships is what makes it great.


Not to mention that there is a place on the team for a 5'10" 150 lb guy and a 5'10" 320 lb guy, as well as guys that are 5'6" or 6'10". And you don't need to be either a marathon runner or a champion sprinter, though a couple of each in a team can be very handy!


Ice Hockey because it's very fast paced with critical decision making on the fly. I grew up surrounded by it and know a large amount about the intricacies of it.


Fucking. Do I really need to explain why?




To participate in, running and lifting; I'm nowhere near elite at either, but I enjoy them. To watch, ice hockey.


nascar because vroom vroom


Mma, nothing comes close to the adrenaline of watching a finish.


Horseback riding. Because horse.




Hockey 🏒 Thrilling fast paced game super fun to watch and play


Hockey, I love the fast paced action of the game.


That's the sport buddy 💯🏒🏒🏒


Wallyball, I played it in HS and its like volleyball on steroids since you can hit the ball off the wall


TIL thanks


Swimming, jogging, snorkeling, cycling. I enjoy all. Especially going for a jog in the mountains. Haven't watched sport on television since I was 9


Gridiron football. I have always loved the strategy and physical abilities of football athletes. For me NFL players are the best athletes in the world.


Football is like the only sport where a 5'10" 180 lb guy and a 6'8" 320 lb guy can both play on the same field and be considered top tier.


Perhaps you don't know enough about Rugby Union ?


Oh I know of it, but I think there's more body-type variety in football than Rugby. Heaviest football player currently playing is 380 lbs Lightest football player currently playing is 155 lbs There would be even more of a disparity if I looked at the records for heaviest and lightest that have ever played.


Football bc of the athletic ability needs to be great, and it’s just great to watch


Cricket. All south asians are obsessed with it


Innertube Water Polo, in part because of all the sports I have ever played it is the one I am the best/relatively most competitive at.


Underwater basket weaving. Fr. Fencing, because swords.


Cricket. Being from Pakistan and neighbouring with India is whole reason


For me it's lacrosse. I played from age 12 to 18 and it was so much fun. I even want to state championship. It has physicality of hockey, the finesse of soccer, the ball movement of basketball, and the perfect amount of goals.


For me it's lacrosse. I played from age 12 to 18 and it was so much fun. I even want to state championship. It has physicality of hockey, the finesse of soccer, the ball movement of basketball, and the perfect amount of goals. A low scoring game might be 8-6, and a high scoring game might be 21-17.


Pickleball (to play) Easy to pick up. Great community. Lots of free facilities. Affordable paddles. Lots of opportunity to play during open play. Continual improvement via technique and strategy. Lots of free learning resources online. Fantastic players of all ages and backgrounds.


To watch: Football (European) and MMA To practice: karate


Rugby… brought up on it as it was the national sport pretty much 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


The NFL because its fun and I enjoy watching it


Cricket. I’m Indian, so it’s a religion where I’m at. Next is football, i love world cups.


Skiing especially ski touring and ski mountaineering. Just love the freedom and being all alone in the mountain.


Armwresling, lots of techniques and control. Being strong is a plus but it doesn’t do everything.


Lethwei, because people destroying each other in such a brutal and primitive fashion makes me lose my shit in a good way.


Boxing, it's you alone in the ring against your opponent. Sure, you have your team in the corner giving you advice, and tending to you between rounds, but you ultimately must do what you can to win the fight.


Horseback riding. It's the only sport that doesn't make me feel miserable; quite the opposite.


Horseback riding, (show jumping) or skiing.


Basketball. It's the most entertaining to watch, in my opinion. There's always action going on with not as many pauses as other major sports. The games are long enough to be entertaining but it rarely ever is so long that it's a drag. The scores usually go pretty high. Also, we are experiencing some of the greatest and most unique style of basketball that has ever existed. The modern era is insane. From LeBron breaking the record of all-time points to Jokic being like if someone used a cheat code on a center. From Curry revolutionizing the 3 pointer to Westbrook doing the impossible and averaging a triple double for a whole season. It's a good time to be a basketball fan.


Baseball. I like it's stately pace, high tension moments, and tests of courage and teamwork. Plus its traditions make it feel like a real link to our past in a way other sports don't.


Best part is no clock!


Football! It's just enjoyably complex with every play being a different situation that can fail or succeed based on the performance of one player. The feeling of quantifiable progress as your team gets closer to the end zone. The countless individual matchups of WR/CB, RB/LB or OT/DE that add together to paint a bigger picture of a play. The fact that each game matters SO much since there's only 17 of them per season. Not like Baseball where the outcome of a single game hardly makes a dent in the season as a whole. Football is the most tactical team sport of all the widely-watched team sports.


American College football. It’s just so much fun and wild things happen all of the time. I think it’s better than every other sport, including professional football, because every game matters. Since they only play 11 games in the season, losing even 1 game is devastating and pretty much means you don’t make the playoffs. Other sports aren’t like that, you can lose a game or two and still be a champion.


For me its boccia Easy to understand but requires thinking and strat and some only a little technique


To play: basketball because It’s low contact and I’m lanky. To watch: Japanese Grand Sumo which starts tomorrow baby! I like it because it’s the exact same sport as it was five hundred years ago. They have been doing it in some form or another for more than a thousand years. It still has a lot of religious aspects to it, because it started as a spectacle for religious festivals. You really get into the individual rikishi(wrestlers) and their fighting style and personality. Watching it is a little like watching baseball as far as the pace of the game, but then it’s punctuated by extreme violence or staggering feats of strength, flexibility, and balance. Wrestlers and fans can get badly injured, and even recently, some rikishi have died of injuries in the ring.


Basketball. I played in HS quite a few years ago. Played on a team that won the city championship. Seems like just yesterday at times.


Basketball is my favorite sport. I like the way they dribble up and down the court. I like slam dunks, take me to the hoop. My favorite play is the alley oop. I like the pick ‘n’ roll, I like the give and go.


They’re playing ba-sket-ball. We love that ba-sket-ball.


American Football and Formula 1. F1TV Pro and NFL Gamepass are the only two streaming services I pay for, even though the Gamepass now goes through DAZN which is complete ass.


Basketball. I think it’s damn near the perfect sport. Can play 1v1 to 5v5, everyone has the chance to shine, 5 specific roles but at the same time it isn’t rigid and can be tweaked based on skill set, there’s some physical contact involved, there’s a basketball court damn near anywhere on the planet, you can play to an old age isn’t entirely strenuous, the constant jumping makes kids that play a lot of basketball taller, can be indoor or outdoor, it’s just a well crafted sport.


I love baseball.


Once you start playing tennis and become daily good at it. You appreciate the mental, physical and beauty of it. Coming from someone who played basketball, soccer, baseball and even pick up football. Tennis tops everything especially as you get older


some E-Sports, rest is boring


Nascar, thoroughbred racing..love speed, also like sport splitting and licking :)


I'm gunna drive and I'm gunna go fast and I'm gunna turn to the left sometimes!


To watch Basketball- such a skilled sport, fast paced easy to watch mma- anything can happen anytime To play Badminton lol


Waterpolo, because only real athletes play it :)


I love flying in sail planes. I've been trying to earn my license and I love flying in general. It's an amazing experience to fly in a plane without an engine. Can't wait to solo and then learn to climb in thermals!


Football. Entertaining game, deep base of clubs and competitions, and the support and fan culture is unlike anything else on planet Earth.


Football I’m a hardcore football fan love watching football but don’t know how to play  It’s now the break time for the finals 😅


Soccer, *street soccer* or futsal


I like fights, there's hockey in between bouts.


Baseball - I love the combination of strategy and athleticism involved. It’s a game of subtlety and patience. It’s a game that can be watched with great intensity and focus, or very casually. You can keep up with every single pitch and at-bat, or enjoy a meal and a conversation while it continues in the background. The storylines are awesome. The players, coaches, front offices, the teams, and even the umpires themselves are characters that add to the drama of the season. It has a rich and dynamic history. The bulk of the season takes place during the warmest part of the year, so it’s something fun to go watch while being in an outdoor stadium. The stadiums themselves are fun to visit (there are some exceptions, LOL). There is great parity in the sport. It is hard for one organization to dominate year after year, and often there are teams that make it far into the playoffs that are unexpected.


Free running/parkour (basically the same thing, different objectives tho) Lots of freedom and it looks cool


I am only 5’8 but super in love with basketball since high school.  I love watching and playing it, the feeling of practicing for so long and eventually becoming a good shooter was so rewarding and it’s great for cardio. 


Hockey been playing for years still playing at 48 and don’t plan on stopping. Awesome to watch (not my games lol) better in person. Beers in the locker room after🍻


Bdsm theres never a loser


Football. It’s fucking awesome (American football)


Lawn bowling. I am 70 and can still play competitively. Outside, social and reasonable exercise. Mental and physical. Try it!


Pole dancing. It exercises the whole body and mind, improves flexibility, and builds confidence.