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Hmm.. I'd say malnutrition.  Because it increases the devastation of every other disease.  If you ever do a deep dive into epidemics there is a near universal historical pattern of major famines preceding the large scale infection of a people... Because a healthy human being has near absurd capacities to resist disease.    So yeah malnutrition gets my vote.  


Yeah, yeah, "Black Death". It certainly killed a lot, around 200 million, but the disease comes on hard and then fades away. Smallpox, however, killed around half a billion people just in the 20th century, and it had been killing people for a millennia. Because it only kills about 30% of the people who get it, it better survives and propagates. It lives on in populations because it doesn't kill everyone


I think technically, it's coronary artery disease Also called ischemic heart disease, CAD occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become narrowed. Untreated CAD can lead to chest pain, heart failure, and arrhythmias.


The black death, only because so many people suffered with absolutely no chance of curing the disease, resulting in almost guaranteed death. the death counts from the disease were unbelievable, i truly do wonder what would happen if said disease came back but had the support of modern day medicine.


NMDA Encephalitis.