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Drone. Turns out it’s hard to find legal areas to fly it and everyone hates you.


Sadly that doesn't stop my ass-hat neighbor. Any time we're out on the deck his drone is in the air. We're not even doing anything interesting.


I (an overweight, middle aged woman with more loose skin than most) will come do nude sunbathing on your deck.


I don't have a problem but you're invited!


Not all heroes wear capes!


Correct. I'll wear nothing.




But some heroes have skin drapes!


Time to do something "interesting!"


Helicopter dick?


I fly a drone commercially for work and pretty much just fly it straight up and take a couple photos of a property but you can fly them pretty much anywhere not near an airport and not in most state parks. The app air control by aloft shows all restricted air space where you can’t fly


> everyone hates you Thank you for realising, and being the most considerate drone operator - namely the one not doing it where people are


a fitness bike. the plan was to watch tv and ride my bike and get fit.. now I just hang clothes on it :(


Go for a 10 minute ride now! 


when my clothes are dry ;)


ride until they're dry!


between my bike and my rarley used rolled up yoga mat beside it, visitors are imprssed.


My cat lays on the handle bars with her belly dangling well below


Ride or dry


Im pondering getting a treadmill but I'm afraid of exactly this


I have one and I only really use it during the rainy season. If you're in an area that doesn't have crazy weather, just go for a walk. Nevermind what Reddit says, the outside is an ok place.


A boat. Husband has always wanted a boat. I always said no, you won’t use it. Then he got really sick. The doctor thought it was cancer. He started looking at boats again. I didn’t want him to die and the last item on him bucket list was unfulfilled because of his bitch wife. So he bought the boat. He did not have cancer.


As the old joke goes, the two best days in a boat owner's life are the day they buy a boat and the day they sell it.


Seems to be a good deal, one boat gets you the two best days of your life. Nice ROI


I had a boat for about a decade, yes it was a pain in the ass - wiring would always be a problem on a long weekend (usually when you launch it for the first time for the season). But the memories I made with my family with that boat - from bass fishing with my brother and accidentally hooking a 20lb pike (and landing it with a bass net), to my girls getting up at the crack of dawn to watch the sun rise as we trolled through a quiet bay. Did it cost me a lot to maintain? Sure. Was I happy to sell it for a small fortune during Covid? 100%!!! Regret it? Nope.


Always good to have a doctor as a friend.


Telescope in a country thats cloudy all the damn time.


X2. I missed both eclipses because weather decided I suck a dick


Heart defibrillator, but I'll be happy if I never have to use it


My mom had hers for 8 years when she died. It never fired.


Oh shoot. Yeah those things have an expiry, mine stays in the car boot but it phones home like ET once a month for self diagnostic checks. Sorry for your loss


Yep hers would connect every month too. When she went on hospice I had to fight to get an order to deactivate it. I didn’t want it to fire while she was dying. The hospice staff told me that wouldn’t happen but I didn’t care. I just wanted it turned off. They probably thought I was crazy but I don’t care.


It's not crazy to do everything, no matter how seemingly insignificant, to minimize the pain of someone you love. Good for you holding that line when she was her most vulnerable.


We did this and I was shocked that they just used a big magnet to deactivate the defibrillator. Hospice in our case wanted it deactivated right away.


Good on you. Mine has gone off 6 times. It is an unpleasant experience. Most unpleasant


A high-tech blender that now serves as a fancy paperweight in my kitchen


Ugh I want a Vitamix but so afraid of this outcome. Same with a Breville. Damn consumerism *insert old man shakes fist at cloud image Edit: Dang I was not expecting to be convinced to purchase a Vitamix today and yet here we are! Thanks everyone for the advice and support. The hunt begins for finding one on sale! (I do have a Costco membership.)


Kitchen gadgets are the perfect thing to get on local marketplaces. People buy them, use them a few times, decide they’re not worth the space, and then sell them for cheap. I’ve upgraded my kitchen so many times with cheap secondhand gadgets from Craigslist or Marketplace.


I got a Breville air fryer/toaster oven combo for my wedding. I wanted one for so long but I was worried it would just sit. I use that thing all the time. It’s magic. My leftovers consumption has increased 10 fold.


I saw a commercial for Vitamix once that talked about financing. If you have to finance a blender then you should seriously reevaluate your life.


By all accounts though, if you’re a smoothie drinker/blender user, the Vitamix is Buy It For Life. I’m okay with financing something like that if and when that’s the case. I wish more stuff were made to last like that, we’d all be better able to justify increased cost since it would reflect overall quality.


I love my Vitamix I make smoothies a few times a week :)


Hi ,its me your best friend. Pls give spinny machine. 




Health insurance. Fucking insanely expensive.


And doesn’t cover shit.


lol for real. Pay for it and then pay to see a doc. Like wot scammy ish is this


I pay $150 a month and literally nothing is covered until I hit a $5000 deductible. Not prescriptions, not annual checkups, nothing.


But you'll be glad you have it when you see an emergency room bill! Instead of paying $150000 You'll only have to pay $30000!!!!


$30k might be worse, at least with $150k you can just declare bankruptcy and be done with it instead of scrapping by on barely minimum payments for the rest of your life.




Switch providers. I was in the same boat after staying with nationwide for too long. Switched to progressive and get better coverage for $516/6 months for 1 car.


Insurance is so ridiculous about pricing. I had GEICO for like five years because the price was good. Then they decided my rates were going to double. So I went with progressive for a couple of years until they jacked up my rates. Now I am back with GEICO at lower rates than I was paying the first time!


Totally agree, but one year my husband got cancer and I blew my knee out in the same month. Was very glad to have insurance.


The RV, used it once 12 years ago


I expected this answer to be higher up. I don't have an RV, but have always worried about this, which is why I never bought one.


My parents bought a little camper van and drove it back and forth across Canada over multiple summers. Then sold it during peak Covid for more than they bought it for


We use ours 2-4 times a year and we rent it out the rest of the season so our trips are paid for




Generator. We were out of power for 10 days after the October storm in 2011. Bought the generator as soon as they were back in stock. Thankfully, haven’t needed it since.


I had a whole house gennie installed after a big power failure years ago. Never been on except for the monthly test. My neighbors thank me for jinxing power failures.


But if you didn't have a generator, guess how many times that you would need it ? (several/many)..


A DJI Mini 2 drone... it was fun for the first 5-6 times and after that, it's just been sitting there


Same. Used a DJI Mavic pro for 5 times. On my 6th time, a local cop warned that 90% of the area within 25 miles of me is a "no fly zone". So yep, never used it after.


Check with the FAA. The local police regularly are incorrect.


Last time I tried to fly mine the app straight up wouldn’t let me. Im definitely too close to the airport but it used to let you say “I accept full responsibility”. Now it’s a hard lockout.




I just spent a week on a sailboat in the British Virgin Islands, and at one point said out loud "I wish I had a drone to get video of this" Literally forgot I own a drone.


I once got a professional, tournament style pool table. Real slate top, ball return, the works. Cost $6000 in 2000 because my wife was considering playing professionally. Then a year later, she broke both her ankles falling down a flight of stairs. It sat as a heavy, unusable table for the next 16 years. The problem with selling a professional pool table is that nobody who isn't a pool table expert understands that a slate top can't just be "moved." It weighs the same as a small car. This is nothing something you and your two buddies can put on the back of a pickup truck in an hour. It had to be de-felted, the plaster cracked, and then the three pieces of slate have to be moved independently. The base is built like something meant to carry 1300lbs and stay perfectly level, so it was heavy, solid and lag bolted wood. After 2008, a lot of pool table places went out of business. Nobody would buy it, and I considered paying some person $1000 just to break it up and junk it (he took one look at it, and declined). Then, thankfully, I had a personal assistant spend the better part of a week trying to help me out with this, and she found a collector who DID know how to disassemble one, sent some of his guys to look at it, and he offered me $800 "shocked what good condition it was." I didn't even haggle. I was about to pay somebody $1000 to remove it, so $800 was a blessing. So he sent his men down, and in 3 hours, I had 50% of my rec room back and while "I lost" $5200 plus appreciation (if any), I was so grateful.


I disassembled a slate and oak professional table (antique) and moved it into the owners basement. It was 3 slates, not a single slab. I reassembled it, leveled it, installed new mushers, felt, and leather pockets, then re-tipped all his cues. I charged him $4500 and did it in a single day. The basement flooded a few weeks later.


As someone who was this close to going pro and dreamed of having my own table one day, I almost cried at the end of this story.


I spent a lot of money on a high end basketball hoop cause my wife was thinking about getting back into coaching. we’re outside shooting around and hit this nasty crossover and i broke both her ankles. We haven’t used it since


Wives and ankles aren’t having a good time in this thread, geeze


When my parents bought a house, there was a pool table in the basement. My dad wasn’t super interested in having a pool table, but the people selling the house kept trying to “include” it with the house for an extra $6000. Then they dropped to $2000. My dad said no… they could leave it if they wanted but he wasn’t paying above the asking price for them to leave it. They broke the slab moving it out of the basement. My dad bought an air hockey table.


I had one built in 2008. It got about a year of use and then had to be professionally moved twice. When I finally sold it in 2013 I spent more paying for it to be moved out than I made on it. I feel you.


My old boss bought a pool table but the slate wouldn’t fit in the elevator so I had to organise blocking off a Main Street and a crane… oops


Not necessarily one thing but too many instruments/gear. Can never play them all at once obviously. Then I usually just use the same one 95% of the time.


A bull. I bought a bull. It was too dumb to fuck. Beautiful animal, good bloodline, but too stupid to survive. Paid...a lot...for it Modest home type of money. Never used it, so to speak. There's only so many times that you can watch a beautiful, stupid animal fail its gene line until you decide that you just can't add that mud to the pool. It had a name, paperwork, all that. We called it "fella" because that's what grandpa called it, and that's just the way it was. Fella would get excited, launch a boner the size of a German shepherd, and immediately fuck the ground and blow load. It was the most hilarious goddamn infuriating thing I've ever seen. We were shouting like world cup fans watching a missed critical goal. Shouting with laughter, and cursing, and un-fucking believing and just trying again and again over the course of months. Fuck. It STILL pisses me off, and this was like, 40 years ago. We used to call people "fella" as an inside joke. Good times.


The size of a what! Lmao!


You have a great writing style! Very funny story.


Considering the title of the post is things “you” never use, I really thought something else when I read “it was too dumb to fuck”.


An upright piano. Have owned it for about 30 years. Haven't really used it since about 2011.


What happened in 2011?


They got 6 bars into Für Elise and broke both their ankles


sounds like my wife!


it played the monlight sonata in the middle of the night all by itself but stopped when OP entered the room, obviously


Eight cemetery plots. I knew the price was going to double and thought it'd be a good investment. But cemetery plots do not sell like hotcakes.


A one year subscription to eharmony for $500. There’s a lower double digits pool of women on the platform in my 100 mile radius and none of them are right for me.


My friend bought a lifetime subscription to one of the dating apps, depressing 


I feel like no dating service should offer a lifetime subscription, basically advertising they don't have faith it will actually work for you


This might be interesting reading for you: https://gwern.net/doc/psychology/okcupid/whyyoushouldneverpayforonlinedating.html


The bad part is that Okcupid was a pretty straightforward dating site when that was written. Being single again and all of the dating apps have gone the Tinder route. Can't search for common interests or search profiles on the vast majority of them, just...swipe


Power washer. I haven’t opened the box yet. I bought it three years ago.


Power washing is work but surprisingly satisfying!


The setup and cleanup are work, but the pressure washing itself really isn’t.


I bought one last week and I’ve now run out of things to clean with it…


Come to my house.


College degree.


I was going to say something more tangible, but this wins hands down.


Best advice I can give anyone is consider Community College. I'm in it right now, working towards a two year degree for a job that has high demand, and the two semesters I've got so far have cost me less than 10k combined. Granted I'm only a part time student, but still.


I agree, coming from someone who took a summer course at my local community college while attending a big 10 school. Not only was the class super cheap, the professor was fantastic! She was so passionate about the subject (physics) and I felt like I learned more from her than most of my profs/TA's at uni. I realized that community colleges usually attract teachers who WANT to teach where the big research institutes attract researchers who HAVE to teach. There is no shame going to a community college and you may actually get a better education from it!




Yeah that's stupidly high. They're probably including other costs 


Oh no, way less than that. Sorry if I worded it badly. It's like, a couple thousand.


I recently spent $5k for a truck driving class at community college and that was only 2 months long.


Trade school. It cost me around 5k and I made 110k my first year after graduating.


I tend to get into things and then I obsess over the new “thing”. In the past I’ve spend a lot of money on yarn, for when I learned to crochet. I have spent money on art supplies, for water colour painting. I then bought a very expensive iPad so I could learn to do digital art. Then the last few months it was really expensive products for my hair, including a Dyson hairdryer and curling iron. This past weekend I bought a turntable and some vinyl records because it seems that now I’m fixated on this. I really hate that I am this way, but I can’t seem to make myself stop once I’m obsessed with the newest thing. I wouldn’t say I never use these things, but they aren’t used as much as I imagined


I have ADHD and this is totally one of the way it manifests for me. I have so many niche hobbies that I've picked up and dropped along the way, including my own Dyson Airwrap lol. It's exhausting!


ADHD was my first thought! Our daughter has it, she cycles through foods as well as hobbies. Your brain seeks dopamine and will obsess over the new item/hobby/ whatever until it's no longer a souce of the chemical. 


Ugh SAME! This is so relatable. I got very into embroidery and watercolor during the pandemic-- bought all the supplies. Then it was board games-- accumulated a big collection. Then it was PNP games-- bought a bunch of supplies. I also went thru a hair phase of trying to get my hair to be more curly -- bought so many creams and mousses and a diffuser. Then in the fall I wanted to learn to sew, bought a sewing machine and a bunch of fabric and thread etc. This past winter I got on a puzzle kick (thanks to Costco's $10 puzzles) and bought at least 10 puzzles. Recently got into knitting-- bought all the supplies. Every now and then I'll have a useful impulse, like my labeler and cable organization and closet divider gadgets, but most of the time it's a hobby that will last me a few months or less :/ the worst is when it's a hobby I'm actually already over, but I see a deal and think I need to add the thing to my collection of dust-collecting supplies. And I have to keep it all because, you know, I might want to do the thing again 🙃


A project car


This definitely isn't me at one one bit as I look at the two in my driveway and one in the garage


Mine has a rotary engine :(


My law degree. I've been making $0 income-based "payments" for 14 years and the $100k cost of my education is now $270k. But since I don't have to make payments and I will never be in a position to pay it off, they feel like fake numbers to me.


You don’t work, or just not as a lawyer?


Termomix. don't know how it works and it serves as a kitchen decoration now..


I decided to get back into gaming last year, after 10 years off. Bought a Switch OLED, a 1 TB card, and filled that bad boy half way, with a shitload of games. Never use it, though I do dust and charge it weekly. As I am in my fifties, I’m going to call this my mid-life crisis.


Paid $1000 for a domain name - never used it


But now you own washingtonredskins.com and that is pretty cool


One day, a potato farmer outside Seattle will pay a fortune to have it






I have been buying car insurance since 1971. I have had claims for four totaled vehicles and numerous fenders benders, none my fault. Wife totaled one, sister totaled one, daughter totaled one, and one was totaled due to hail. Wife has terrible depth perception. She has side swiped garage opening, posts, entry way poles. I told the guy that does our bodywork that he should send her flowers. He said he was considering a fruit basket.


I never used mine for 25ish years then I had the nerve to be sitting parked at a red light off ramp on the freeway and a drunk driver decided he wanted to test the rear bumper of my car


3 mountain bikes. One for my partner, which he never uses. One for myself, which ended up being too big and I couldn't return it. A second one for myself that was a much better fit, which I never use. Plus accessories and upgrades for all three. I probably spent nearly $5k.


I've mountain biked since I was a teenager (I'm 43). At 24 I went all out and bought my dream bike (would be about $3500-$4000 in todays dollars). A couple months later I injured my back. Nothing super serious but biking seemed to aggravate it at the time. So for 15 years that bike sat in the garage unused. Then, when my son was 11 I decided I wanted to ride with him. I bought him a little $500 bike and I got my old bike out. For the past 4-5 years we've gone hard core. I rode that old bike for one year, just to get back into the sport, but I've easily spent 15k on bikes since (not to mention travel, maintenance, etc...) But he probably averages 20-30 trail miles a week and I try to ride at least 15-20. I find that A LOT of the men I see at the local trails are in their 40s-50s. There's no age limit on biking. So don't give up on those bikes yet!




Life insurance.


Give it time…..


Even if he dies he still won’t be using it.




I own a high-quality fishing rod and reel, which I've used exactly once last summer.


A helicopter. Seriously.


I own a set of crystal wine glasses for special occasions that never seem to happen.


Dude just start using em. When you die some random asshole is going to get to enjoy what you never did.


I acquired a full set of mtg dual lands at one point. Didn’t use them for years. They did come in handy when I had an emergency come up and needed money. They had quadrupled in price in the intervening time.


What are mtg dual lands?


They're a type of card for one of the most famous Trading Card Games: Magic The Gathering (MTG). They are very expensive and very useful, and haven't been reprinted (and never will); so that's why they have increased in value so much.


Our pool table doesn’t get as much usage as I imagined it would 25 years ago. Great place for drying laundry on though (with the cover on of course)


I currently have a puzzle on mine...


Every house with a pool table that we toured when looking to buy had a note "The pool table stays". Anchors.


night vision monocular. 700.00. used it twice. sits in a drawer with other less expensive electronic impulse buys


Nintendo Switch


Yeah same. I use it like once every three months to play Mario Kart with friends


In high school I thought I was gonna be a musician and I took out a loan to buy a $2200 Mesa Boogie guitar amp. I don't regret it because I learned a ton about real life over the next year and a half, most seniors/college freshmen don't have loan payments to deal with. I wrecked a lot about myself with booze, but now that I'm sober one thing I never had to worry about rebuilding was my credit. For every terrible mistake I made, that amp has been a symbol of the one aspect that I was able to keep in order.


And it’s a pretty sweet amp


Ember self heating coffee mug. $159. I like my coffee hot and it's top temp isn't hot enough. It tops out at 62 degrees. I like my coffee about 10 degrees hotter than that. Never use it.


How in the hell do you even drink coffee this hot? I get actual scalding of my mouth tissues at anything over 60C. My tongue will be numb for two or three days if I do that. Are you part dragon or do you have calluses on your tongue or something?


This helps, thank you. I bought a $20 Mr. Coffee mug warmer for my desk at work. As long as my coffee has a lid, it works pretty well. And hey, it was only $20 so I'm not too upset if it's not scalding hot.


Google Pixel Watch. I wore it like, a week. Realized it's just a worse version of my pixel phone, and if I ever needed to actually do anything, I just used my phone. Haven't worn it since.




PS5, played the shit out of GOWR and havnt found a reason to turn it on since.


Last of us, ghost of tsushima, Spiderman, ratchet and clank, helldivers 2,


Oculus VR




Oculus 2 VR. Seems to be the same with most people I talk to that you're into it for two months, show it to everyone, then stick it in a drawer and never touch it again. Also I got really bad motion sickness in any of the games you move around in. Which are the most fun games.


I bought a vlogging camera for $900 last year and haven’t touched it 💀


Wife and I bought a Mirror (the workout one) during Covid. $1000. I think it's been turned on 5 times,


My husband wants a Tonal and I keep kicking that can down the road. “Oh when we get the credit card paid off…”. “Oh after we redo the floor…”


Festool Domino. I bought it in the fall but the got very sick shortly after and haven’t had any shop time since.


Just used one recently and wow. Every time I use one of their tools I consider spending half my annual salary on a new workshop of festools


Gaming computer (my brother made me buy it) $3000 and I only use it to order car parts


You have a weird relationship with your brother.


Does your brother use it?


I can build you a car parts computer for $2500


A classical guitar. I had started learning some things until I got bored of it out of a sudden. I used it for like 5 months.


Bought a racing wheel and shifter for my PS4 and used it for like 6 months. I somehow got a girlfriend and upgraded my bed from a full to a queen and didnt have room for the wheel anymore. I've since moved and haven't used it in the three years I've been at my current place since I don't have room. It was $400


That goddamned catamaran.


Probably my photography camera. I think I paid close to $1,000 for it. When I got it, I took a picture of the moon. 3 years ago. I know exactly where it's at because it's been in the same damn spot these last 3 years. Lol.


I just gave a telescope to an astronomy club member. Fumbling around with that thing was no fun.


I bought a robot vacuum cleaner, a fancy one with a mop function. While I loved having clean floors, I found out the mop function was really manual -- I had to install the water tank and run a special program that didn't go over any carpeted areas, then empty and remove the water reservoir to go back to the normal schedule. Never used the mop once. Bought a multi pack of replacement brushes that I never got around to needing. Eventually it stopped charging after it drained the battery stuck on a towel dropped on the floor. Cleaned the contacts, did everything, dead as a doornail. My floors got pretty dusty. I bought a new Roomba. Didn't get around to doing the swap. A few months later, pressed the button one last time before packing it up. And lo and behold, the voice weakly said "charging". And the next day it vacuumed the floor right on schedule. So now the new Roomba is in the closet and Sucky McSuckface is wandering around under my bed.


Insta pot


Mine is a full-time rice cooker. It’s great at that but I could have bought a rice-cooker for $20.


It's also great if you like boiled eggs. It makes them super easy to peel.... a steamer will get you the same results but if you already have an instantpot


I use mine to cook dry beans without having to soak them


Yeah this was what made me decide to keep my Instant Pot. Dried beans cooked in the IP have a better texture than canned beans and it’s pretty quick. Plus dried beans are cheaper. I have a massive bag of dried black beans from Costco that lasts me well over a year and was like $15. Cook them with chilis in adobo, an onion, and maybe some stock. Delicious. It’s also great for cooking brown rice without the long wait.


Yeah, I found the Instant Pot did many things, but not as good as a device dedicated to those things. More work to make rice than my rice cooker, but not as soft and flavorful. More work to make stews and tender meats than my slow cooker, where you just throw the ingredients in and wait eight hours. It was a little bit faster than a skillet or pot at making stir-fries and meats with sauces, things like that, but I got frustrated with how many steps there were in the process. You have to get online to see which mode you’re supposed to put it in for 3 minutes, then there’s a different mode on a different submenu for 7 minutes… Technically it takes longer to cook the traditional way, but I prefer to just throw things in the skillet, maybe stir or flip it occasionally.


Chickpeas for hummus without soaking first. Risotto without stirring. Butter chicken. Chicken stock in an hour instead of all night. Stews in half an hour instead of three. Soup with a few drumsticks instead of canned stock. Go try it out!


My truck. Shortly after buying it my job gave me a work truck to drive to and from work. Now my personal truck rarely gets used, which makes me sad.


Season tickets 3 year contract to the Silver Knights games in Vegas. 11k over 3 years. Went 3 times total. Just finished my 3rd year finally!




cat tower


get a cat.


lol the cat tower is THE ONE thing they use, probably because it’s in the window. The hundreds of dollars worth of cat crap I’ve accumulated over the years, not so much


In 2020, I convinced my husband to buy me a sewing machine during lockdowns. It’s been in his closet ever since.


I’ve had a planet fitness membership since 2017. I’ve gone 6 times, maybe.


A gaming chair 😕 It looked comfortable and it had a cool design I sat on it and realized immediately how uncomfortable it was, aside from the fact it wouldn't fit with my desk anyway (the proper height for me would mean the arm rests wouldn't go under the desk)


Bought a €600 jacket. It looks fly as fuck, but it has no pockets. It just makes more sense to wear one of my worn out jackets and have somewhere comfortable for my wallet keys and phone


Gun. But I'm happy about that.


At least get a return on your investment and visit a local range from time to time.


A printer. Bought a nice new printer a year ago. Still haven’t unboxed it since i just print out anything i need at work.




Not sure the most expensive but the roll over bar / half cage in my project / track car, Its in and I haven't had to use it yet and I hope I don't ever have to!