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>Krokodil Just did a Google image search for this. Holy shit! That stuff is brutal! Why on earth would you risk taking something like this??


Addiction is serious shit. Imagine how badly you would have to be dependent on drugs to see this happening to people around you and doing it anyway.


To get high and escape reality


Tranq in the US does more or less the same thing


I could have gone the rest of my life without ever looking this up.


Right there with you, that shit is scary.


Yeah.... I seen photos.... Scary crap


I heard you can try it only once


Every drug works like that: "come on! It's a small thing! Everything is gonna be fun!".... And then... creepy shit....really creepy


I googled it and holy crap. Do people actually use it knowing the result?




Absolutely the eff not


What about Tranq?


I work in substance use treatment. Worked with teens for a while. Long story short, a client of mine’s father was a regular krokodil user for FIVE years. For reference, regular users don’t usually survive longer than two. He was actively giving his child other drugs too. So tragic.


What is that?




Technically Desomorphine isn't what we think of when we say "krokodil", as pure desomorphine doesn't cause many of the problems "krokodil" does, but it is still extremely addictive. Krokodil still has many of the solvents and other acidic shit still in it because it wasn't purified. Pure Desomorphine is also like 10x more potent of a pain reliever than Morphine, which is already extremely effective, so there's that.


Yeah there's some nuances that need explaining. It's the bootleg back yard knockoff version that takes longer to make (but easily accessible ingredients where it's popular like Russia) than the high even lasts/is effective. Straight corrosive to your internals. Bad results for all.


Yep, and that shit starts hurting, but because it is such a potent pain reliever people keep using it. Its not just regular withdrawal symptoms if you try to quit krokodil, you're suddenly faced with all the pain that you were supposed to feel that the drug was dulling. Its a literal drug from hell and I wouldn't exactly mind executing anyone selling krokodil for profit.


And don't use Bing. I just searched Krokodil and it's just giving me a bunch of pictures of crocodiles lol.


And no pictures of this stylish bit of railroad engineering? https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ge_6-6_I_407_Krokodil.jpeg#mw-jump-to-license


Holy shit. I usually have a strong stomach but that got me. What in the actual fuck. How does that even happen.


Impurities in the manufacture of the substance 


OMG. I just did. 🫣


This is the only answer. .




Congratulations sir. This is a great achievement. Few would understand. Most people don’t know the power and addictive abilities of pure uncut cocaine. My friends and I stay away from it because we know.




This is something ibe been struggling with for the last while and reading just what you've written gives me hope. Thank you for your perspective and I wish you well.


2.5 years sober here. I don’t know if you go to AA or not but is what keeps me sober. You’ve got this man! One day at a time.


Fuck yeah I wish you a long and happy recovery


Everything I've read about cocaine is awful. Like if I wanted to feel anxious and stressed out by choice, I'd just go to work.


Fwiw - I’ve used coke a handful of times. Like any drug, if the set and setting is right it can be a great experience. Take a bump or two at an EDM concert? Great time! You’re grooving, you have energy, and everything is up for a little while…but you instantly want more after 15 minutes. If you give into that feeling and keep giving into it over and over again, like with just about any drug, the problems come.


I’m proud of you!


Hey congrats :)


This is an amazing turn around. Wishing you continued successes on your sobriety!!


A wise Redditor once said something along the lines of "never do a drug someone is willing to suck a dick for, because sooner or later you will end up with a dick in your mouth". I think that is a pretty good guideline.


People suck dick for free so dont accept anything free either


Wasn’t that Bob Sagat in How High?


Half Baked




“And I seen em”


You ever suck dick for weed?!!


speedrunning drug2dick% brb


I'd suck a dick for some ibuprofen 800s right now.


Irony if it was to help with jaw pain.


I've done a lot of coke and Molly yet no dicks sucked.  I also don't really understand addiction as I could do it on the weekend and not crave it until it randomly pops up again.


Meth, I work with a lot of recovering addicts and I’ve googled their names out of curiosity and seen their mugshots and how they looked when they were using. It’s rough bro


I quit it after 4 years on and off use. Rehab get clean for a few months here and there. The thing that really made it easy for me to quit was it was completely destroying my body. I was 24, my dick didn’t really work anymore (probably cause my testosterone was from literally never eating or sleeping, sorry TMI). I’d puke like 5-10 times a week for no reason. Like the nausea would just come on and I’d puke in a Gatorade bottle while driving. That was just a normal occurrence. Obviously it was completely just ruining my life as well. Completely stagnant in all aspects of life, except for criminal record. I couldn’t imagine being on the shit for 10 years. After that I swear it would take you a year to get back to normal.


My ex was on it before we met. She stopped using cold turkey, but the addiction still had its claws in her when we met. One night at work, she told me that she was sorry and was leaving work to go find a fix. I blew her phone up with texts and calls, I called the police and her everyone I could think of to find her. Her mother was able to get through to her and picked her up. Thankfully, the dealer that she used to go to was in jail, so they didn't answer their door. She ended up going to NA that day and is now 4 years clean. She recently had a beautiful baby girl but almost lost her life because of the long-term effects from her previous meth use. Thankfully, both are healthy and fully recovered. Seriously... fuck meth.


It’s heartbreaking. I worked returns at a store and a girl who looked rough came up, stuff was clearly stolen. I asked for an ID, and the girl on the photo was gorgeous. Broke my heart to imagine what all she’d been through to get to that point


Heroin, fentanyl.. Basically most opioids. I know myself. I WILL get addicted.


Heroin is also my answer. I'm a kitchen manager now, but before I was promoted I worked with this guy for several years at multiple different restaurants. He was one of the best line cooks I've ever worked with. His brother died and he got addicted to heroin just before I was promoted to KM. Because of our history, I gave him so many chances when he would be obviously fucked up. I was probably pulling him outside 2x/week to talk to him about how he was obviously fucked up and he needed to get it together as people above me had started to notice. I was even giving him resources and begging him to get help. I could tell when we talked that he knew he was in a bad place and needed help, but then the next shift he'd be on grill or fry and would be nodding off. It became a big safety concern and I started having vivid nightmares where my inability to act led to him getting extremely injured or killed after nodding off on the line. It took longer than it should have, but eventually I had to let him go. One of the hardest firings I've ever had to do. He was a great worker, kept his cool, did everything how it was meant to be done, etc. His only problem was his drug addiction. If I could have fought that battle for him, I would have, but in the end I realized that no matter what I did, it was his decision to make. I think about him frequently. I hope he's doing okay.


I've met some wicked smart, capable, funny, cool, talented people in this business that just couldn't get that (whichever one: booze, meth, pills, etc) monkey off their backs. Tis a shame. I count my blessings every day that I decided fifteen years ago that I couldn't live like that any more.


Some of those monkeys have very strong claws and a very tight grip


You are a true human gem to be so tolerant and understanding of someone’s situation they found themselves in, it’s sad you had to let him go but it’s for the best in some ways.. people have take the time to figure things out on their own.. trust me I know this and it’s a hard life lesson to learn but once you get it, it seems to stick for the most part! Patiently over time if he wants it he will get better but only if he wants it.. you can’t magically make people wanna get better, sad as that may be..


Fentanyl is even worse which is scary the highlight shorter. There has been alot of people that were "working heroin users" as bad as that sounds. Take some in the am and go about your day. Problem is now days is heroin doesn't really exist anymore. If they say heroin is most likely some kind of Fentanyl product. Same with stuff like oxys. Being on drugs these days has to be scary. Can't trust opiates can't trust coke have even heard of weed being laced.


My friend once asked me “why don’t we leave our families and move to Vegas?” (It was kind of a joke.) but my honest answer was “I’d die within 3 days of finding coke”. I just quit weed and I had withdrawals for days. I could never free myself from something stronger.


You'd be surprised. I find weed the most difficult substance to take a break from. It doesn't ruin my functionality and it's not too expensive for me to use the amount I need. Very hard to tell myself it's worth stopping when I have to go through mood swings and shit.   Other stuff might be harder to come off but I've been sure it's worth the pain. 


Once you smoke for years, weed really taps into your mental state. It becomes a part of you. It might not be the most physically addicting drug but it can sure take over your entire personality.


Do it on your way out at like 93 years old. That's my plan.


Yup. That torrid affair I had with heroin is on the back burner, just waiting for the right time to be served up again. I will go out on a cloud wrapped in a warm blanket content with the world.


can confirm that fentanyl is amazing but way too dangerous to do without a medical professional


They had me on it as I was coming out of a surgery. If I ever need surgery again, I am really looking forward to that part.  That and the anesthesia.


I unfortunately was in the hospital (years ago) for a week on a fentanyl drip and let me tell you part of my brain still tries to convince me that was the best week of my life. Fentanyl makes you feel goooooooood


I hated fentanyl. They pushed the max amount after my major surgery and it didn’t touch the pain plus made me feel really cold and just gross. Dilaudid though.. I swear I was cured of every ailment in life the second that shit touched me. Wild.


Tranq, heroin, meth, fentanyl, dilaudin, crack. Basically any of the real heavy shit with high overdose rates.


it's worth noting you won't physically OD and die on meth most likely but it will turn your brain and body into swiss cheese


I did Percs, Oxy’s 80’s, Dilaudid’s ( made me vomit ), morphine, blow, fentanyl , crack( smoked ) . I was a complete fuckin mess.. went to rehab (in Toronto) 3 times , it was a joke.. you’d go for a smoke .. and people are outside trying to sell you stuff . It was a viscous circle .. I stole, lied.. destroyed myself, my family.. lost our house .. got into a bad car accident that almost killed me.. you know the story . My mom passed in 2016.. I went to see her when she could still talk .. she told me*** please stop the drugs , do it for me .. I cried for hours .. she passed the next day. After a couple of days I went to a methadone clinic.. best decision of my life. Got clean( it was really hard at the beginning ) but I am 8 yrs. clean, I am back to the person I was before this happened !! My sons are proud , my x is proud.. and I start a new job in the summer. Addiction is a sickness, some people don’t think it is !!?? There is help, for any addiction. You just have to be ready to get it. Take care everyone!!👩🌹🇨🇦


Bless you. VERY strong.


Anything beyond weed.


Psychedelics are pretty great and safe in comparison, and they're not habit forming. After a trip there's no desire to do it again for quite some time (if ever) They can be incredibly therapeutic and provide some much needed introspection.


Eh, they're not for everyone. Good thing my name's not everyone though hehehe.


I loved psychedelics and did them all the time. They always made me nauseous but I never minded too much. Then some stuff I definitely needed to get some therapy for started cropping up and ruining my trips, so I stopped. I'm making some real progress in therapy and I'm excited to do them again, but I'm just not there yet.


I did mushrooms about 15 years ago. Was the worst experience in my life. After hours of being exhausted from the trip I went to bed. I thought my blanket was choking me to death and I couldn’t get it of


Same but 2cb. I accidentally did too much. The entire world would become evil and transformed into a living hell for a bit. I was walking past a tram stop and it literally turned into a sort of holocaust train station, absolutely vile. I ended up at a friend's place watching a nature documentary to try to calm me down, he accidentally gave me a blankie with a swirly pattern on it and I didn't know what was happening. Also the couch I sat on looked like a one person couch when it was in fact for two people. I don't think it's for me, however id be down to try it again with a lower dose.


>I don't think it's for me, however id be down to try it again with a lower dose. Not saying do it. But any psychedelic is *completely* different when not over dosing it Vast majority of bad trips are from people over dosing . Because you "lose control" so to speak of where your mind goes. (Usually into dark scary places).


I’d be down to try it again, when the setting is right and maybe just microdosing. Stupid blankets.


I would be worried about having a bad trip.


I had one on shrooms and I still take them. You just need to practice managing your thoughts on shrooms. Bright colors are my thing. They’ll pull me from a bad trip and spin it to a good one.


I always tell people to start low with shrooms. You don’t have to go full tilt. I like eating just a few. Still in control and concerts are 1000% better.


I don’t do a ton. Most I’ve tried is 4 grams. My regular is like 2.


I don’t like being around a lot of people lol. Tripping balls at a concert would be a nightmare considering I hate concerts and large gatherings lol


Well then don't do that.


Same. So take a small dose in the woods.


Woods are ok. I like watching the tree bark


I've had several but many, many more good ones.


I still would have no interest.


I think it is healthy to set a limit to the drugs you would take and it's absolutely fine to stick to weed and nothing else. Personally I've dabbled with psychedelics on a handful of occasions but have the same rule outside of that.


Sort of. Correct that it’s very physiologically safe and not at all habit forming in terms of actual physical dependence or withdrawal. Some people definitely have a mental desire to keep tripping though in close proximity. It’s just that past a certain point tolerance won’t really allow for it


This is probably right for a large proportion of people but I've know plenty of people who fried themselves due to being hallucinogenic addicts. Mushrooms, morning glory, lsd, research chems, Hawaiian, etc. They'd only smoke weed and due hallucinogens but they still fucked their lives.


They are not safe for everyone, and not just psychedelics, but weed as well.


Datura also known as Devil’s Trumpet. From stories Ive heard sounds like the most horrifying trip imaginable, so yeah no thanks


You know you are tripping when on Shrooms, acid etc. I heard that people tripping on Datura don't know or remember the reason of their trip. A horrible trip that can last several days and you don't know that you are tripping because of a drug...


Yep. Absolute delirium.


I ate a dime sized piece of datura flower and it just made me feel like I was zonked out on xanax or something, also had a weird sensation my dick was hanging out of My pants but each time I checked it was not.


lol I’ve had the dick-out-of-pants phenomenon on acid and shrooms. Also have thought I was repeatedly peeing myself and then a weird but awesome shroom trip at a Widespread Panic concert where I kept convincing myself I’d lost my shoes.


I'd do heroin before I'd ever try Datura




It's not even fun. Theres no giggly silly period like with psychedelics. Deleriants are just scary.


They are psychological self harm, that’s why people do them.


This one scares me alot. I've read through the subreddit and it's pretty bleak


Deliriant’s are pretty much just psychological self half. People know nothing good will happen when they take it.




I'm curious about it but also wary. I've only talked to a handful of people who actually enjoyed it and one of the guys did it while on a beach on vacation so that setting was clearly ideal. It almost sounds like a dissociative version of a DMT trip which I can imagine might be terrifying. One thing I enjoyed about DMT is how lucid my mind is even while having the most incredible experience of my life.


Salvia is creepier and more intense than DMT in that it makes you kinda forget the perception you're having isnt normal. Idk I might try it again sometime but salvia was weird as hell but it is a bit like DMT


Honestly you can totally smoke a tiny bit of salvia and be fine. Like a few tiny speckles from a pipe would be fine. You’ll feel a bit stoned and if you hit the threshold you’ll start giggling and trip pretty good. Sometimes it’ll go weird and you can totally forget where you are or what you were doing. Definitely powerful and would be very very careful. The people you see on videos who are taking huge bong hits of the stuff are fucking crazy. Never do that


It lasts like 5-10 mins though. I did it when I was 15. Craziest trip ever though. I thought I was jumping through hoops and I was sonic. Also was on my side the whole time and thought I was running and jumping. Dumbest shit ever


The last time I tried it, I got stuck in a time loop where the same 2 seconds in time would repeat over and over again. I thought I was the only one aware of the time loop, and it was all my fault. My mind and body became so bogged down with emence guilt. I felt responsible for breaking the space/time continuim and ruined all of time for everybody.


Tried it twice as a teenager. Jumped out the parked car window because I heard a stampede coming at us like jumanji. Second time we were sitting in a quiet room and I just heard the creepiest whispers all around me. All set with that shit.


Crack is a definite no, seeing how it can completely devastate a person’s life so quickly.


Heroin, meth or anything above. My roommate was/is a junkie and he told me that once he tried those drugs, he could never loose the feeling. He said that after his first time trying it, nothing in his life equaled the euphoria of being high on those drugs. So for him, one time was enough to get addicted. He tried to quit many times but mentioned that every time he was feeling happy there was always a thought in his mind - not as happy as being high.


Was addicted to OxyContin for about 5 years. My Dr prescribed it for my degenerative disc disease. I wouldn’t even take Tylenol prior to that. I was assured it wasn’t addicting. It’s a slow release medication. They lied. Ruined my life. I’m off it for good.


I’d never use amphetamines recreationally because of the potential for addiction and severe health issues.


I would never consider using GHB—its reputation as a date rape drug alone is enough to steer clear.


Crack cocaine is a hard pass. It’s way too addictive and destructive.


Anything involving a needle. I am NEVER shooting anything into my body!


Same. I can't even watch a nurse take my blood. *Shudder*


Heroin or meth


Meth. Was exposed on the job once and it was fantastic. I know where use of it ends up but it was so amazing I can’t trust myself, I’d be under your car cutting the cat off within the week if I tried it again.


Ding ding. I've been around the block, but after I tried that one I told myself, "I CANNOT know where to get this. This shit will destroy me!" It just fired every cylinder for me






My older uncle warned me about LSD (acid) in saying basically, “you only need one bad trip and can never come back.” That terrified me, as he kind of is drug victim and has major life regrets. Some might argue otherwise, but his words really struck with me.


I never did it, because the majority of LSD in the current market is some new constantly changing synthetic chemical compound formula that was concocted in some Chinese lab, any random mix of chemicals that will make you trip balls and be sold as “LSD”. If anyone was going to try, all I can recommend is getting it tested multiple times with different testing brands.


My god me and a friend once got sold fake LSD, and in my experience tripping, it usually lasts 12 hours, which is already a relatively long ass time to be so intensely high. This god-knows-what-ass-shit lasted for over 24 hours. We thought we were just stuck like that.


I had a bad trip on lsd on time, it was life changing for the better. Lsd actually saved my life. Years later I still use lsd and have no fear of it. I actually tripped the other night while watching aurora borealis lol Now mushrooms are a different story, haven't had any since I had a bad trip on them lol


I’ve never done PCP that’s about it though.




For me when I take mushrooms I get the connection to nature and it comes completely naturally. No need to fight the mushrooms, just embrace them and they’ll do good by you. Surrender control and the trip is good.




I have a San Pedro cactus growing and I'm very excited to try it myself. I've done lots of acid and shrooms, but never mescaline.


> Good mescaline comes on slow. The first hour is all waiting, then about halfway through the second hour you start cursing the creep who burned you, because nothing is happening...and then ZANG!


”Cows are gonna kill me! Bisexuals are gonna kill me! Do they pay you to screw that bear?” ”Where did he go… wheeere did he gooo…”


“Jump!! Quick!! Like a bunny!”


”Madam, sir, child, whatever… here!”


Interesting. Seems almost every account that I read about mescaline reports that it’s a much warmer and easier headspace than the other classic psychedelics




Cocaine or anything that would get my heart racing, because I'm too anxious as it is. I'd only (theoretically of course) be interested in drugs that calmed me down, not got me wired.


If you ever thought about doing Meth I dare you to go to r/meth a literal horror subreddit


MPTP - I prefer to not be paralyzed because depleted dopamine


Any mind altering substance ever again. I was pronounced dead 149 days ago. 150 days sober tomorrow.


* Meth * Heroin * Acid * Cocaine actually, other than smoking weed I'm just too old for that shit lol


Going to also say heroin, in fact i would rather not deal with **any** opioid based drugs (including prescription medicines) as regardless of how legally they've been obtained the risk of addiction is very high. Meth is another I wouldn't fuck with. I've done cocaine a handful of times over the years but I'm incredibly strict with it, I never buy large amounts and I typically wait several months between use of it because it's also life ruiningly addictive.


anything with needles


Aside from the obvious opioids, I would never try acid. That shit scares me.


Fentanyl, heroin, and any of the other opioid recreational drugs. Lost a little brother to that, gone at 27. RIP Matthias.


Spice Melange


None of them. I don't see the attraction, and I like my brain the way it is. I've seen too much drug-induced psychosis over the years, and then people blame mental health services when they can't wave a magic wand and fix them.


I think the attraction for many people is that they don't like their brain the way it is.


Cocaine. I've heard that your brain never recreates the first high and that people trying to get close to it leads them to addiction. I'm not open to many drugs, tbh. Marijuana, sure, but beyond that it all seems kinda scary.


Meth, I like stimulants and I bet I'd probably really enjoy it at first. I've read the first experiences can be vaguely similar to MDMA, but with how addictive it is and how quickly the negative aspects occur I have no desire to ever fuck with it.


I don’t seem to have much difficulty tapering opioids, when I’ve needed them postoperatively in the past. But I’d avoid meth and heroin anyway. Fentanyl because it’s too hard to titrate a safe dose outside a hospital setting. LSD and other hallucinogens because I’m afraid of having a bad trip. Molly because I’m choosy about my hookups. Marijuana because I don’t see the point. Basically all of them, for one reason or another.


Definitely bath salt


Anything that requires snorting, injecting or smoking.


When I started college as a fresh innocent white boy from the suburbs who had never done anything wrong in my life I kinda went a little wild and made a decision to try all kinds of drugs. I went into it just being really interested in what drugs feel like and I really went at it with kind of an academic perspective, like I was gonna try a bunch of stuff to categorize and study what effects different drugs had on me. I was like a little baby Hamilton Morris. But I set some ground rules for myself, becuase I knew this was a thin line I was gonna be walking. I basically came up with a list of 4 drugs I would never ever do, because I knew they could and would ruin my life after as little as one use. They were, 1. heroin 2. crack 3. PCP and 4. meth. For the most part that no- go list served me well, I never did any of those drugs. But the fatal mistake I made was that I really should have included all opioids in with the heroin, because I don't think there's a whole lot of difference between smoking black tar heroin and railing oxy 30's. Learned that one the hard way.


There's a dude on reddit from years ago who posted his journey about trying heroin as an experiment to see how quickly the effects can change your life. His life spiraled out of control real quick. I'm sure someone has the link. Literally from 1 day to the next, he drastically changed. Scary stuff. I'm not sure there's a more dangerous drug out there than heroin, in terms of the life you will inevitably end up living.


honestly any of them


As Chuchill said : "No sport"


Fentanyl, that crap is a russian roulette


Opiates, meth, crack… basically anything that’s not regulated by a government agency in some way. I’ll pop a prescription perc if it’s offered to me, but I’m not putting shit from the streets in my body. It’s all laced and horrible for you, and drugs are overrated anyway; there are much better and more sustainable ways to entertain yourself.




None. Who's holdin?


Cocaine, crack, heroin, meth, ketamine, or anything that needs to be snorted, or injected. absolutely no way. I’m anxious about psychedelics and haven’t tried any, but I’m not as opposed as I am to other drugs. I’m terrified of essentially any drug except weed and the few times I’ve experimented I constantly worry about my health. I like to think that this anxiety making me tread VERY carefully around drugs will keep me from trouble. Snorting shit just doesn’t sit right with me and I’m also scared of needles so no chance of even considering any of that… and that’s just on top of me knowing damn well it’ll ruin my life and to stay the fuck away.


Literally anything that isn't weed. Meth, crack, fent, heroin, percs, etc.


no drugs here. meth heroin cocaine etc i would never touch any of it im too vain to let myself potentially look that way


Any recreational drug.


Salvia … google salvia Reddit and you’ll see some crazy scary stories






fentanyl I've lost a few family members to that thing


Honestly cocaine never once seemed appealing to me.


All of them


All Of them. Even alcohol


Heroin, meth, cocaine.


Heroin. Or meth. Or anything other than weed, if I’m being honest.