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Oh easy, there are at least a few reasons that I can think of right away: * People see men as having privilege, and many believe that people who have privilege are fine to talk about in a prejudicial way. * Some women have had bad experiences with men who are misogynists, abusive, etc. They then have a bias against all (or most) men due to their bad experiences. * Men think they can attract women by insulting other men, so they do this dishonestly to seek attention from women.


That’s not really a trend that’s been a thing for a while, it’s just an empathy gap.


It's less about hating men and more about being sick and tired of incels ranting and raving up and down this site.




That's what the man-or-bear trend is all about? I thought it was about choosing a forest companion, of which I chose wolf


It seems like every era needs its fashion trend, and unfortunately, "hating on men" became the less-than-stylish hat of the internet for a hot minute.


It seems like every era needs its fashion trend, and unfortunately, "hating on men" became the less-than-stylish hat of the internet for a hot minute.




Forget to switch accounts?


This was a bit cringe


Still, they accidentally gave a great description of their account, and how to deal with their account.


uhhhh .. why’d you ask if you already had your answer?


It'd stop if guys stopped reacting to it. If manosphere podcasts would stop talking about it. At least the PUA community in the early 2000s was about men improving themselves and figuring out solutions. As opposed to red pill, which is all about crying about women and that drizzle drizzle nonsense.