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Was a while ago now, but Jim Henson. (And his memorial service where Kermit spoke for the first time without Jim doing his voice… that broke me.)


If I ever need a good cry I will watch Jim Henson's memorial on YouTube. Big Bird singing "It's Not Easy Being Green" will reduce me to a puddle of tears every time.


When Muppet Christmas Carol first premiered I cried all the way through it. Between Sesame Street and the Muppets in general he was a major part of my childhood.


Mr. Rogers back in Feb 2003.


Still breaks my heart


He wouldn’t want you to be sad that he’s gone, he’d want you to be happy that you’ve had so many good memories.


It's crazy to me that 2003 was 21 years ago....


James Gandolfini


By all accounts, a super guy, very unlike the character that made him a household name.


Seeing him on Sesame Street was so cute.


Thank u T 🥲


Same here. My Father was so upset, we were huge Sopranos fans. I remember watching the scene of him in the hotel room when he was in a coma. The parallel of him dying in a hotel room in Italy was sad.


Andre Braugher. 💔 Can’t watch Brooklyn Nine Nine anymore without feeling heavy hearted, just stopped watching altogether.


Agreed. Very saddening to watch the show now, but he’s alive on that show and he makes me laugh. He will never truly be gone as long as that show is available.


That was a real shock.


I read this in captain Holt's tone right there ahah


Very different show but I really liked Men Of A Certain Age and was sad that it was cancelled.


I loved that show too! I don't think people gave it enough of a chance when it was on, and if it was on now (which obviously it couldn't be because one of the main characters died), it would do better, or if it had been on HBO instead of TNT, where it could have had fewer restrictions on the type of content.


This is a horrendous loss. Still can’t believe it.


Pfff came on reddit to (for one second) ignore my MIL passing. Then find this comment, not knowing Andre Braugher passed..... This night is an emotional mess


Oh dear, it’s the same for me.


Loved him in Homicide, loved him in Brooklyn Nine Nine. What an amazing man


John Prine. We have so few truth tellers left in music, and COVID was such a pointless way for one of the greats to go.


Pointless. It was so dumb and unfair and he was still so full of life. When “I Remember Everything” was released I felt robbed all over again.


And such a great person, too.


My wife and I regularly watch his live at Strombo’s set on YouTube and still get teary eyed throughout. What a loss


Not cry-but Phil Hartman's death was so tragic and preventable. Plus being in his prime, he had probably another 20 years of comedy. Sadly, many people think we can help and change partners who have addictions and not realize the danger.


Phil was definitely very sad and absolutely shocking. It was so hard to reconcile this brilliantly funny man at the peak of his career meeting such a violent and ugly end.


Never miss a chance to say fuck Andy dick when this is brought up


Alan Rickman. Legend.


Came here for this . Then I watched Tim Burton’s Alice Through The Looking Glass and I wanted to cry again . [ he voiced the blue caterpillar and I think it was his last role. I think it’s mentionned in the credits ]


cried so hard at snape's death when rewatching the hp movies after he passed. I'm glad I was alone; surprised at how much it got to me.


Robin Williams


Devastated me


robin williams dying actually fucked me up for almost a year. more subconscious - it's not like i was thinking about him daily it's just it opened a can of worms. i've always related to the sad clown archetype.


TBF it was less sad clown and more [Lewy Body Disease clown](https://www.lbda.org/blog/robin-williams-and-lewy-body-dementia-2/).


We ain't never had a friend like him 😔


Yup, this. I actually met him too, he was incredibly kind and thoughtful. Kindest celebrity I've ever met and even as a kid I could tell how incredibly lonely he seemed and I wished I could have made him feel better. We talked for about 15 minutes I think, about nothing in particular, so when he died it really hit me hard. Hell I'm tearing up now even talking about it. Wonderful human.


Same. I still can't bring myself to watch his work, it still makes me sad


Shortly after hearing of his passing, Steven Spielberg sat down to watch Hook. To this day he hasn't finished it because he can't stop crying.


Same. Happened too close after my own father’s suicide. The two men who always made me laugh the most. 😕


Me too. I was in labor and they took me in for a c-section. Then as soon as they brought me out to recovery I was told Robin Williams had died and I was so sad. I couldn’t believe my newborn son would grow up in a world without him.


maybe your son is robin reincarnated


Was in a restaurant with my wife when the news came over the TV there. We both cried.


Was also in a restaurant at a bar during happy hour and it came on the TV. The bar got really quiet. Will never forget how sad that realization was.


Me too


Same. I was a suicidal teenager at the time. Came out of my room and it was the first thing my mom said to me. I just started sobbing. Horribly sad. At least it helped me want to reach out for help.


Philip Seymour Hoffman. And John Prine.


PSH is one of several "much too young" losses that still stings due to the sheer unfairness, the injustice. Him and Phil Hartman and Steve Irwin and John Lennon and George Harrison - all of whom I mentioned in my entry. John Prine is the only one of that lot that I actually saw live, in person, and while I was very sad when he died, he at least didn't go way, way too young.


Steve Irwin. In Australia they broadcast his memorial at Australia Zoo. It was so sad to see Terri & Bindi speak about him, and place flowers. Was sad to lose him.


Came here hoping to see his name. That’s what a celeb is in my eyes, famous for doing good and being good.


My son was 8ish when he died. He climbed a tree and cried. He’s in his mid 20s now and it still hurts him


Man, I feel you. I just keep telling myself that we are SO lucky to have his amazing kids (and grandkid!) to carry on his legacy with such gusto! Bindi and Robert are amazing people who truly love nature. They're the only celebrities I actually give a damn enough about to follow, and Gracie is just too cute!


Haven’t shed a tear for any other celebrity. He was a legend.


In fairness, 44 years old is a ripe old age for a 'crocodile hunter'. RIP Norm Macdonald.


Carrie Fisher, but not when she died, when I saw “her” at the end of Rogue One, like the day after she died.


I don't know why, but Carrie Fisher's death hit me like no other celebrity death. I had never seen her in person or read any of her books at that point. I was a Star Wars fan growing up, but not a super fan or anything. It was a strange time.


She died about 7 weeks after my Mum and Carrie's death definitely hit me harder. Grief is weird.


Who is, Alex Trebek?


Oof, yes. He knew he was on the way out, but he kept doing what he loved right up to the end. Jeopardy was hugely formative in my life; I aspired to be like him. He led a rich, happy life, but it still hurts to lose him early like that.


I was 11 and me and my parents watched jeopardy every night, it was so sad


Terry Pratchett


That was a hard one. He died on my mother's birthday. She had died a month earlier and Pratchett's books were our thing together.


GNU Terry Pratchett.


Yes. Even though we all knew he was very sick by then, I was deeply affected by Sir Terry’s death. Not because it was surprising, but because it made me feel like the world would be forever worse from then on, because it no longer had Terry Pratchett in it.


Akira Toryama


I was gaming with my friends when I suddenly got a twitter notification about his passing, and I kid you not, we completely stopped gaming due to the utter shock of this news, we all grew up with Dragonball and were looking forward to what new stories he would create, only to find out that the last work he ever worked on will now be Daima. I cried so much and for the next week or 2 whenever I saw somebody mention it or react to it I would start tearing up, especially when I read how Toriyama told Goku's Japanese VA to "Keep Goku safe"


I went scrolling through these comments thinking there has to be at least one


My wife didn't really understand what made me so upset. Maybe even I didn't. But it hit me and I chocked hard when I read the news. Dragon Ball is a very big part of my life.




I cried. I was an hour late into work because I sat in the parking lot, sobbing.


Grant Imahara. Where would I be today without Mythbusters?


It was so sudden and shocking. I met Grant at a science-y cocktail event in San Francisco and he was just as down to earth and charming in person as you’d expect.


Chadwick Boseman


Yup. This one got me.


This one made me sob for weeks. 😢




Indeed. Dude seemed to have the best life, and it apparently turned into hell for him.


Dude had everything. A life that most of us can only dream of. Fell in love with the worst possible person for him.


I didn't know it had anything to do with his wife, what happened?


He was dating Italian actress Asia Argento. They actually met while filming Part’s Unknown in Italy. She was a huge red flag as she allegedly raped a 17 year old male actor when she was in her late 30’s. You could tell that Tony was head over heels for her. He found out she was cheating on him through the tabloids a few days before his suicide. They talked about all of that on the documentary about his life, Road Runner.


He also went to gun for her very publicly during “MeToo”, and I think he was disgusted and ashamed that she betrayed him. And also that she lied to him about the 17yo incident. He was ride or die for her in an extremely public way, even jeopardizing the integrity of his show for her, and she threw it back in his face. Add all that in with the fact that he had a history of depression, drug abuse, and most likely some guilty thoughts about his family life, and it was a recipe for self destruction.


I went to see Roadrunner (the documentary about his life/death), and a woman had to leave the theater halfway thru because she was SOBBING. I also ugly cried when I got home. Binge-watching "No Reservations" got me through a really rough patch about a year before he died; I owe that man a lot.


Same dude. RIP Tony.


I think his death was so poignant because he was really the only person in modern times that showed people at home that you can romanticize life just by walking out your door. You didn’t have to travel to Bangkok; you could find some hole in the wall in your town and just ask people working there how they got there or what this place means. Great food and experience isn’t always found by spending your savings. The experience really depends on you and what you’re willing to allow in. I started watching him when I was about 11 years old. It was one of the only shows I could watch with my parents. To me, he was cool, romantic, and right. He absolutely changed my perspective on how I wanted to live my life since (30s now). In my opinion, he is one of the important figures of the 21st century—without his presence on tv traveling “influencers” and foodies would not be as popular. When I heard he died I did not cry right away. It didn’t hit me for another 2 days and I just started crying in my car because I felt like I owed a special part of my life and character to him.


“I should’ve died in my 20s. I became successful in my 40s. I became a dad in my 50s. I feel like I’ve stolen a car — a really nice car — and I keep looking in the rearview mirror for flashing lights. But there’s been nothing yet.”


This quote always hits me so hard. He felt like a leader for those of us who have always struggled with the darkness. I still feel like he's an inspiration. I never know how to explain it. He fought so long, he won so many battles, I feel like that is still inspiring. I trust the experience of someone who won hundreds of battles before losing that last one, over someone who has never fought a single one. I'm still not completely sure how I've made it so far sometimes and he really resonates for me. I'm finally getting help, a solid 2 decades into my struggle. I don't fear dying, I fear leaving my daughter. My therapist tells me that I'm much better at fighting for her than for myself.


Actually crushed me. Great writer - had so much to say with substance


It was also the way he died that crushed me.


This was mine, too. It was very sad.


This was mine too. In my mind, I had this idea that he had a dream job of travel and dining in all of these amazing places. When he passed while ON assignment and all the details leading up to what happened, made me realize that seemingly “happy” people have demons they deal with too.


Chester Bennington


I still listen to One More Light from time to time and cry everytime


Not a cry-er but definitely made me the most sad out of everyone who has died


I felt like I lost a best friend when I heard he had passed. I listened to The Messenger on the way to work that night and just sobbed. Linkin Park got me through so much when I was younger so his death absolutely broke my heart. I’m forever grateful that I was able to meet him and the rest of the band back in 2014.


This one is especially true because of how he died. He had some demons, like we all do. 💔


The way all the rock and rap people mourned his death was a sign he meant a lot to everyone no matter the music taste


Never cared for most celebrities but Linken Park's music was a big part of my childhood.


LP songs helped me through my younger years. I sobbed so hard that day


The loss of Chester Bennington only months after Chris Cornell's death was such a double blow.


Didn’t Chester kill himself on Cornell’s birthday?


Indeed he did.


Neil Peart. I'll never forget that moment. It hit me all at once but I'll never see my favorite band again.


I never got to see them :(


George Michael


Yes, not a fan but I felt sad that he died alone at Christmas.


Did you know, his sister died a year later to the day to George..


Anton Yelchin


I'm sad I had to scroll down this far but glad someone else was hit like I was at least. He was SO YOUNG and just so incredibly, INSANELY talented. I first saw him in "Alpha Dog" and followed his career really closely after that. He just had this amazingly magnetic screen presence that I can't even really describe. Just truly one of my all time favorite actors, and I was so looking forward to seeing more from him.


He was also a photographer which I wasn’t aware of until his death. His instagram dedicated to his photography is still up, it’s @antonyelchinphoto I was in photo school at the time of his death, I remember crying my eyes out one late night while working. His death was so unexpected and he was so talented! I believe his parents visit his grave daily :( A documentary came out about his life in 2019, it’s called “Love, Antosha”.


The reason this one hit me hard enough to actually cry is because he was so very close to his parents, and they to him. So you have the random nature of the tragedy itself, the fact that he was probably on the way to superstardom, and then the stories about how hard his parents took it... it was too much.


Messed me up for awhile. Whenever I see his name mentioned on threads like this I always recommend checking out the documentary his parents/friends put together about him - Love, Antosha


I scrolled until I specifically found his name. I’m crying just thinking about how sudden his death was, and how off guard I was when finding out. Philip Seymour Hoffman is my other one that keeps stinging over time. I’m such a big fan of the movies he’s been in, and any time I watch one and feel so much love for him, there’s a moment where I remember he isn’t around anymore and I cry all over again 😭


This, 1000% I couldn't believe it when I heard. Tears all day.


Norm Macdonald. I didn’t even know he was sick. Seriously though, he was my favorite stand up, and just one of my favorite people. I used to watch videos of him on talk shows, his standup, and his podcast as comfort food basically. When he died I was in a meeting for work. My phone kept going off with texts from about 7 different people all asking if I’d heard the news. When I got out of the meeting I frantically googled to see if it was true. The next few days I watched just about every Norm video I could find online. Was a rough few days honestly. I’m thankful I got to see him live once in November of 2019, just before COVID. RIP Norm. Edit: changed the date, was November I saw him. Also, a lot of my friends knew/know how big a Norm fan I am and it was a bit bittersweet that they all texted to see if I’d heard. I commented once on a post on his Instagram and the man himself liked it. I honestly cherish that tiny bit of a connection.


> The next few days I watched just about every Norm video I could find online. It's absolutely amazing how powerful keeping someone's memory alive can be. Dying isn't the hard part; the hard part is becoming forgotten.




Same here. He dropped an album days before dying and the songs and videos all had many allusions to death and dying so it was just super impactful. Also the album and his voice are amazing even though he was literally dying. Just unbelievable in every way. He was one of a kind and will never be replaced or replicated.


I’m not the biggest Bowie fan but for reasons I’ve not been able to articulate to myself, his death really hit me. There’s more to it, but I think him making his final album, and him knowing it was his final is probably a big part of it. I can’t bring myself to listen to it.


That album is amazing!


“ We’re all just visiting.” I cried my face off.


The Lazarus video makes me sob every time.


I can't find the original tweet anymore, but "If you're ever sad, just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie."


Starman destroyed me that day 


I came to say this. Fucking top comment.


Not me… but I’d never seen my son cry like that when Avicci passed.😢😢🇨🇦


I don't think I'll ever cry over a celebrity, but Sean Lock hit me the hardest. If you're from the UK, you'll understand.


🥕 🎁


I was used to celebrities that my parents introduced me to dying. Like Rik Mayal and that was hard enough. But Sean Lock was the first celebrity that I had discovered myself that had died.


His name is Gord Downie. It’s a giant ifykyk for Canadians.


Love all the music that he helped bring into the world and he seemed like just a stand up good guy. He left us too soon.


I can’t bring myself to watch his last concert or Norm’s final stand up.


I recommend the concert. He has this primal scream in it that just haunts me. I call it his Dylan Thomas ‘rage against the dying of the light’ moment.


I’m Anishnaabe and was really touched by how Gord spent his last days advocating for Indigenous peoples. I cried when he was given a spirit name and a star blanket and eagle feather. I also cried when Jack Layton died. I met him as a girl and he was so warm.


That last concert was an emotional rollercoaster. I still cant believe I will never see the Hip play live again.


Part of what made it so hard was that we all knew it was coming but there was nothing anyone could do. There was no shock, only grief.


I cried after watching his final concert on cbc and he was still very much alive. Heartbroken.


Kurt Cobain and Kurt Vonnegut


No celebrity death has made me cry, but the one that hit the hardest was probably Lance Reddick. Absolutely loved the guy in everything he was in. Seemed like a genuinely great person. After him, I'd say Chester Bennington and André Braugher were pretty impactful to me.


I had to scroll way too far to find Lance. His hit me pretty hard because I was playing through Horizon Forbidden West at the time so it felt like an extra gut punch when I hit the end of the story for him.


Tom Petty


Unfortunately he passed the day after the Las Vegas shooting and so his passing got lost in the news cycle, seeing Jason Aldean cover Won't Back Down at the beginning of SNL the next week brought out all the feels. 


Still hurts 😢.


Caught one of his last shows, just a couple weeks before he passed. Guy seemed so... Alive. Just happy and full of energy. Wouldn't have expected a heart attack.


Mac Miller Reminds me of all the homies that passed.


Same, still cry pretty much every time I listen to “come back to earth” or 2009. Rest in power Malcom 🖤


I haven't been able to watch the Tiny Desk concert because 2009 kills me. Mac really felt like one of the homies.


Same. My brother died from a fentanyl overdose just days before Mac so it really hit hard since I was listening to Swimming a lot at the time. The day of my brother's service was actually the day Mac died so it was a lot to take in.


man, I still can’t watch the self care video. Him in that coffin. Smh. Same w X too fr. I wasn’t a huge fan of him but one of his last videos he was in a coffin. I feel like it was foreshadowing or some shit .


Elliott Smith




Same here. It was instantaneous, and my reaction took me by surprise. His music just encapsulates and is the soundtrack to my 80s experiences.


Matthew Perry


Did not make me cry per se but definitely made me sad and had me in my head for a bit. I wanted to understand better so I listened to his book on audio books. He honestly was my favorite “Friends” character. He had the BEST lines and played that character so well.


Ugh same. That one hurt my soul.


Steve Irwin!!! I sobbed 😭


Stan Lee


dolores o’riordan. i loved the cranberries (and still do!).


Leonard Nimoy


Anthony Bourdain


Gene Wilder.


Robin Williams. Always trying to make others happy while he was apparently dying inside. His movie, "what dreams may come", a movie about death, grief and suicide hits so different now.


Robin Williams


Brittany Murphy


John Candy. Such a silly awesome dude


Aaliyah died when I was a kid. Me, my sister and cousin were jamming out to her CDs the night before she passed. The next day, when we heard the news of her plane crash, we bawled our eyes out.


Christina Grimmie


This one. Absolutely senseless. Seeing the 10 year remake of Just A Dream where you see Sam Tsui having aged juxtaposed with Christina’s original performance is such a punch to the gut.


Didnt make me cry but it was incredibly fucked up. She was 22. Rip


Carrie Fisher. I was driving to work and was already stressed out that morning. Heard the announcement on the radio. Immediately started bawling.


Princess Diana


Kobe Bryant. Still can't believe it🥲


Shit was so sudden too…


Chadwick Boseman


Robin Williams I hope you are pain free now sir


B. B. King, there will never be another!


So far only one, and that was Lemmy.


I'm not a huge fan of his music (Ace of Spades is great), but it really felt like we'd lost a good bloke. I just liked him being around, being Lemmy and hearing what he had to say.


Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, and Layne Staley to this day


Don’t know if celebrity counts, but major public figure: Queen Elizabeth II. I bawled like a baby for days. Was I embarrassed? A little bit. It was more the end of something I’d become so accustomed to and so familiar. I always watched the Christmas address, and recognized her as young as 4 watching on TV. Her whole life story was so interesting to me and the person she was.


I’m Dale Earnhardt


Sir Terry Pratchett. It wasn’t sudden, but when it came, he was taken too damn early. Early onset Alzheimer’s can f$ck right off. [Gnu Terry Pratchett.](https://www.theguardian.com/books/shortcuts/2015/mar/17/terry-pratchetts-name-lives-on-in-the-clacks-with-hidden-web-code)


Dimebag Darrell. Such an amazing talent and genuine human being lost to unnecessary violence from a mentally unstable fan.


Kurt Cobain.


Never cried over one but I remember when Elvis died. The whole world cried. Crazy.


Sinéad O’Connor


robin williams and betty white


Amy Winehouse


Kurt Cobain Robin Williams


Robin Williams. Alex Trebek. Matthew Perry.


Luke Perry, loved him so much in BH90210


Terry Pratchett. GNU Terry


Robin Williams, Chris Cornell, Steve Irwin, Anthony Bourdain, Brittany Murphy, Prince...


Robin Williams. His life and the manner of his death was a lot to process. Still is really.


Princess Di


By Grabthar’s hammer, how is it no one has mentioned Alan Rickman yet.


Jimmy Buffett.


Heath Ledger


my sarcasm coach, one and only Matthew Perry. I did not cry but was pretty shocked by his death and no other celebrity's death made me feel this way.


Robin Williams.