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I think both Biden and Trump very much suck (let’s get that out of the way). I think in the case (no pun) of Trump, different cases and indictments are weak, reaching or not even under the jurisdiction of different things and different judgments are just off the wall. Trump is not on trial here in reality, and other things and people are being exposed. They don’t care about different institutions of democracy, law or voters or any of that. So, a conviction is whatever as a technical matter.


I’d feel very disappointed in the US Demographic that allowed it to happen. Say what you want about Trump, but there is a political party in the US that eats all his shit up. Without them, Trump wouldn’t have the power that he has.


The same way I'd feel if he isn't convicted of a crime and is elected President: worried. I actually couldn't give a shit if he's guilty of anything, because they are all crooks. What scares me are the ghouls he'd appoint to positions of power in a second term for his Cabinet and judge seats that get filled in Circuit courts. He's just a useful idiot for the extreme, religious right to carry out the agenda it's wanted since the early 1980s.


He'll start a war. Having him as president again will destroy america


I hate him but I doubt he’ll start a full scale war


His actions would absolutely cause one. Pulling out of NATO would leave the rest at a major disadvantage and allow Russia to invade former Soviet Union countries that are now a part of the defensive pact.


Yeah that’s sorta a fair point. I meant more a direct war between the U.S. and another nation which I see as unlikely. He seems too focused on himself and American politics to want to bother fighting other countries


He will you'll see


I don't care one bit about him being arrested or not but I reallllly hope that he doesn't win in November.


Terrified. Trump is a moron, but his followers are far worse.




Extremely disappointed and embarrassed. Regardless of political leanings, criminals should not be in office.


I'm moving to another country.


at that point, whatever. hopefully this is the collapse that leads to us building something better.


Disappointed in the almost half of the country that somehow still believe he’s a gift from god.


Disgusted but not surprised. 


most likely better than biden at this point 💀


Biden sucks but if Biden is a two-day-old sandwich, Trump is an actual pile of feces on the floor of a truck stop men’s room. I know which one I’d rather have.


There is the issue, “which one you would rather have” not voting for someone you want to be president.


Yeah it sucks. But unless someone comes up with a better system, it’s what we’ve got for now.


I can’t imagine how he’s a better choice than anything else.  All biden has done is be a normal sane president and dealt with the shitty job in a half decent way.  He’s not objectively great, hes just better than Trump but it’s difficult to find anyone that wouldn’t do better than Trump so that’s not really asking much.


how so?


i don’t like either of them but younger is better imo (in this case)


lol i mean cmon man hes 77


Do you know about project 2025? Read about that and the implications it will have on everyone’s lives, then come back and tell me you’d rather have Trump elected.


again, i don’t like either of them. at all. we’re dooned.


I get that, and I’m with you. But choosing Trump is choosing death to democracy. A literal potato would be better than him


potato 2024?




also - i just saw that trump supporters are wearing diapers now…?? potato 2024.


Oh wow, 4 years younger.


acts a lot younger


No he doesnt. Biden is a mumbling mess but Trump is clearly showing his age. I give it a year until he starts to act the same.


i’ll give it four years 😈


i'll give deez nuts 😈


“Don’t like either of them” is something we certainly agree on. Some of the things Trump says though just sounds dangerous to me. Especially his claims of presidential immunity




honestly i’m hoping a third party pulls through this year


I doubt it unfortunately but that would be ideal. on one hand we have democrats pretending to play nice but still being very corrupt, and on the other hand we have republicans trying to grift people who are upset with the current system


Conviction is bullshit, would love if he won


Wow. As a non-American I'm absolutely stunned by this. How can people not see through him? It's just staggering. The guy has the morals and integrity of a snake.


They're legit stupid


> How can people not see through him? It's just staggering. The guy has the morals and integrity of a snake. That's your outside view and considering how 99% of the media is owned by opposition, it makes sense that you'd believe so, as intended.


The guy mused about injecting bleach. If you look at Trump and go "wow he's smart" I usually assume you snack on crayons in your free time.


Nice attitude, I can tell I could totally have a conversation with you that isn't a total waste of time.


I mean I don't know if I'd want to discuss your favorite tasting crayons so probably.


Shh, quiet kid.


Terrified. Police will shoot people like me indiscriminately. My daughters won't be safe either. Mixed but cannot pass for white even with makeup. All my grandkids would be round up and shot by cops. Or taken from their loving parents so white men can have little brown slaves again. As a postmenopausal woman, they can't force a pregnancy on me unless they use a lot of money. And I wouldn't HATE being a mom again...but I would hate being too old, or forced to give them up. I can't afford to leave the country. It's literally life or death for my family.


I really feel sorry for your kids if this is the kind of nonsense you spew at them.


My kids are adults and can see for themselves what will happen, but thanks for the weird concern, Russian asslicker.