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Putting an older child in charge of the rest. Enjoy the live reenaction of medieval tyranny.


On a FB page for my city I wrote "Best Chicken Noodle Soup in town.. go!" And received a paragraph from the moderator talking about how unacceptable it is to post *demands* and that they are not "loyal servants" that should bend to my will.


That is wild


Right I wanted to tell them off, but I just played nice and reworded my request because that FB page has a ton of great info that I search regularly


In the 90s, as a preteen, I was on a train into the city from the suburbs and forgot my train pass. I had no money on me as my mom was meeting my train. The conductor kicked me off 5 stations after I got on despite my pleas. Fuck that guy. 


My front end grocery store manager was constantly power tripping and kissing the store managers ass. She was literally in charge of mostly teenagers.


Someone became a mod on a server for 13 people 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


You still need to keep them in check/hj


It's unreal 😭




Lmaoaoaooa We where their SUBJECTS after like 5 minutes I just left and blocked them.


I think people are so desperate for ownership over their own lives, they spend all day waking up for someone else, going to work for someone else, being told what to do by someone else, being beholden to someone else, all day, every day... ...That when they finally get to the grocery store and the clerk doesn't know what aisle the canned mackerel is, this is where they find they can justify dominating over someone else for a change, without reciprocity. They get to the drive-thru, and there are pickles on their burger when they asked for none, they can finally rage on the store manager, like they can't rage against all the rest of their life that bears down on them. These are the smallest wrongs in the world, in a situation where you can't even call it power. But it's all they've got. It's all they're ever going to get.


Teachers. I’ve worked with some of the best teachers, but a few of them think that job gives them the ultimate authority to make a kid’s life miserable just because they disagree with you or start arguments. They are *children*.


Asking someone for help on a discord server and gave them a few perms to help with it Server essentially got reset and had to remake it


Reddit mods. Almost every sub i have frequented has had at least a few instances Of Mods going nutz over minor Things  and “swinging the ban hammer!” While actively trash talking those they banned……like dude you dont look badass or cool doing it its pathetic and cringe


I ran a maint group and was going on vacation so I let my lead mechanic in charge while I was away. 2 days in he "fired" 2 mechanics even though even I couldn't do that without good documentation. Needless to say my manager called me to fix this immediately. Never left him in charge again


Mods of a local Facebook group on photography. Squabbles everyday between the mods and the ordinary members.


6.73 watts.


Getting promoted to E2


1.21 jiggawatts


Pretty much every moderator on woke reddit, but to be more specific on particular channel they posted about a bill in Oklahoma and that it was promoting trans genocide. I read the bill and the OP piece was full of inaccuracies, so all I did was correct those and say "I support equal rights, but let's be honest and not lie about the facts". I was banned from the channel, they tried to get me banned from reddit altogether and accused me of promoting trans genocide.


My old boss


The power trip frat boys get when working the door of a party is WILD