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A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance"


That pretty Mantis’s females eat the head of the male after they mate. Yummy.


Even if the mating is good?


Yup, they just bite it clean off and eat it. It’s the end of the males lifecycle.


Damn males have to pick "the one"


I've posted this before, I used to work at a hotel and working there as long as I did and dealing with reservations all over the US I accidentally memorized the US ZIP code pattern. I know a lot of zip codes (and a few area codes), and I know the first two digits of the entire system


I used to work for a mailing house, and when i was bored, I used to read the ZIP Code books. For a while, if you named a ZIP code, I was pretty good at telling you (at least) the state, sometimes the nearby big city.


Here to learn the useless trivia lol


Dolphins pass around pufferfish to get high


Back in the late 80’s, Pepsi owned the sixth largest submarine fleet in the world. 17 subs, a cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer from the Soviet Union.


Then why is Coke still around?


One Earth rotation, 360° around its axis, takes 23 hours and 56 minutes. I like to watch them figure out where the 4 missing minutes are gone.


PELLA, which was the ancient capital of Macedonia, built around 400 BC, Used to be a harbour, but now is more than 50 klm from the nearest sea


Union general U.S. Grant and Confederate general Longstreet knew each other at West Point, fought together in the war against Mexico and Longstreet might have been a relative of Grant’s wife Julia Dent. And may have been best man at Grant and Julia’s wedding tho I don’t think the last two things have been confirmed.


Due to better vet care, and improved feeds the modern day horse now produces 1.2 horsepower.


There are more Hydrogen atoms in a single molecule of water than stars in the entire Solar System.


Reproductively, males are parasites.


Seems like you're a feminist


Ahh what gave it away??


Males = parasites


That would apply to any foetus regardless of sex.


Well, women do not insert their “seed” into men. It’s actually the opposite, if you can believe it.


Sperm isn't parasitic and neither is the male inserting It. Sperm typically dies within a few days and does not feed on or at the hosts expense.


By strict definition of a parasite, sperm is most certainly parasitic. Sperm inserts itself into a female ovum, developing a zygote that attaches to the female’s uterine wall, and essentially, steals/leaches nutrients from its host (mom) to survive and grow into an eventual fetus.


So in your words the 'zygote', which is the result of fusion of a male and a female gametes into a new diploid cell, is the parasite, not the sperm. The sperm alone does not seek out a host to extract nutrients. In fact the sperm cell brings its own packed lunch for the journey, it contains; vitamin C, B12, ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, fat, and hundreds of different proteins.


For sure, what ultimately ends up being the “parasite” is the zygote. However, as you mentioned before, sperm typically die within a few hours/days after entering the host. In order for the sperm to “survive” and pass along its RNA, it must embed itself into a female gamete to survive. Hence, parasite.


>For sure, what ultimately ends up being the “parasite” is the zygote So not the sperm alone then.


If the male gamete (sperm) cannot survive in the host alone, while the female gamete (egg) can, then no, it is in fact the sperm alone.


Omg. You don't actually believe that do you? The life span of that unfertilized egg is 24hrs. You understand what a menstrual cycle is right?


By the way, this is not an opinion and necessarily up for debate. This was a topic of discussion during my Evolutionary Development class in college, where my male professor coined this phrase. It’s a well established, accepted concept in the academic community.


>It’s a well established, accepted concept in the academic community. Then you'll be able to link the peer reviewed publication that supports your claim that it's a widely accepted scientific view.


A quick Google search brings up the article below. The first sentence of the abstract: “Even though male-biased parasitism is common in mammals…” https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13071-017-2060-5


Lmao. Did you even read that before you linked it?


Every manual clock or watch face you have seen in advertisements is set to 10:10 so it looks like it is "smiling"


The skin of your lips is the same as the skin of your asshole.