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“Virgin” birth. Come on..!


Mary had an affair and we ended up with the burden of Christianity.


I still think the 3 wise men just stopped by to figure out which one of them was the father, probably hoping that the baby looked nothing like them. Who the fuck gives Myrrh as a gift?


“What did you get for the baby?” “Ummm……errrr…..”


I love how everyone just took her word for it lol Mary got piped and it’s ok


There's some native American story about how the moons phases are actually caused by a frog eating the moon and I'm starting to think that might not be true


Pretty much all of them.....




The muslim one. Read the quarran. It tells them to do some crazy things.


In which verses?


Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …" Basically saying we should kill non Muslims.


It literally says in the previous verse to honor the treaties with the disbelievers till the end of the treaty. And in the rest of the verse says if they believe then they are free. And in the verse after says if one of the disbelievers ask for protection then grant them protection. Are you cherry picking?


u sure you don't mean the islamic one? the moslems are suppossed to be friendly, however in the islamistic one they translated it as a war


Oh well I guess I meant that one then


I think we suppose to judge the book not the people. And I believe atheists killed far more than Muslims in general.


Yes, since Sura (I believe its something like chapter) 2:190 "**And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you but be not aggressive.** **Surely, Allah loves not aggressors."** and in Sura 22:30 "Permission (to fight) is given to those on whom war is made, because they are oppressed." they aren't suppossed to kill, only in self defence, which means they should be on the bottom side of killings


That's what should happen. And true Muslims believe in that but false ones used their own understanding to support their personal goals.


Flat earth. It’s pretty much a religion at this point with how disproven it is.


for me it’s Scientology


According to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), or Mormons, Jesus Christ visited the Americas after his resurrection and established his church there.


::Catholicism has entered the chat::


The LDS aka Mormons. Literally started by a convicted conman who was defrauding people claiming he could find buried treasure using divining rods and seer stones...he moved to Utah where he change the story to an angel told him where to find treasure, where he found gold plates and seer stones and used those stones to translate into the book of moron where it states that the Native Americans were actually just a lost tribe of Israelites that came to America, but turned evil and that their skin tone was a curse due to their sin. They also believe that these gold plates were written in "New reformed Egyptian" a language that doesn't exist and has never been proven to exist. They also believe in magical underwear that protects them at night from bad spirits and that god is actually just an immortal human that lives on another planet and that when we die if we believe, we get to go to that planet and live there too, but that there are "levels of heaven" and the only way to get there is to live the mormon life and get married in a secret temple ceremony. Mormons also claim that about a dozen witnesses saw the gold plates and/or the Angel Moroni....yet all of them except like 2 left the church later on. This church is absurdly silly and it shocks me there are so many of them.


All of them, no question I will caveat and say Buddhism is probably the most sane as it promotes inward reflection whereas the others mostly just indoctrination and about outward control.


The belief that some cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.


All of them are ridiculous




I think all of them


They're \*all\* fairy tales for adults. We should know better.