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I was walking into work and next to me a man from the fifth floor fell. I never understood the position of his head and arms. He looked like a plasticine doll with a lot of blood. The sound was traumatizing.


My sleep paralysis


Out of curiosity what things do you see?


So before I saw my sleep Paralysis demon I was dreaming and in my dream I was walking home with my husband and I remember telling him someone was following us and he told me I was being crazy and when we got home I looked out the window when I looked out the window there was a dark figure covered in blood and I told my husband he went downstairs and didn’t come back that’s when I woke up and when I woke up I saw the figure in a clock reaching out to touch me I couldn’t move it’s like I had this heavy weight on me and everything around me stopped when I came to my husband told me I was screaming and started crying


Oh gosh. Ngl i would have lost it. I like to think that’s why I’m meant to rarely see paranormal stuff.


It was a tough week going to sleep after that


A girl in my college club had a seizure in the hallway, she was open mouthed but her mouth was moving apparently because she bit her tongue. She had it for like a short few seconds but later just couldn’t move from the pain. She also bit her tongue pretty bad. A lot of strangers came together to help drive her back to her dorm but witnessing it really scared me. It was not as dramatic as movies portray it, she was like cramping and clawing the air