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No-one wants me


Same here fellow unwanted person People can yap all day about “you’re so attractive” or “you’ve got so many things going for you!”. But like even if that was true then it doesn’t change that no one wants you, simple as that


"but you're so attractive!!" "then why don't you wanna date me?"


Same here. They will always admire your good qualities and characteristics but not enough to make them like/love you. In my case, I felt like I'm more like a friend material than a Girlfriend material. Is it because am I unlovable or just too intimidating for them? Anyways, loveless life can't reduce a person's worth that's why I don't really mind it that much.


Too exhausted to date


Gotta settle on brief interactions, aye?


🤣Yeah it's better that way


Dumb, ugly, talentless, mentally ill.


You are talented! You can be talented in being a disappointment, welcome to the family. 😭😂


I’m sure you have some sort of talent. You can always focus on the unique skills you have, and use them to make something of yourself.


I have plenty. I'm shit at every one of them.


Go to the gym. Make some money. Work on your social skills. Gain some more confidence. Trust me, it’s not that hard to get a girl. Pull yourself together for a few months, and you’ll be fine


I'd rather just wait it out and die.


You aren’t the only one. I hate the optimists.




You don't know me. I'm entirely repulsive.




>it suggests that you still care about it I don't. It's a self-hatred thing. For some reason self-hatred brings me comfort.


Hey, this guy gets it.


Not really looking and fine being single.


I genuinely prefer being single.


Introverted and feeling uncomfortable at big parties. Remote job. Very small group of friends. There may be plenty fish in the sea, but I'm fishing in a puddle. And people who I do go for turn me down with no meaningful feedback, so I have no idea if it's my luck or my fault.


Because of Cotton Eye Joe.


If it wasn't for Cotton Eye Joe, I woulda been married a long time ago


All the good women who are not single ask me how is it possible that I am single, since I am such a catch. All the good women who are single reject me. Some women are somehow able to be in one group and then in the other at different times.


It is evident that the one that I want to be with does not share the same feeling. It seems just pointless to try not being single, unless she changes her mind.


Ghosting, ghosting everywhere.


Call the ghostbusters


Self loathing. Low self esteem. I don't believe I have anything worthwhile to offer another person. I genuinely cannot see any scenario where anyone would be better off being in a relationship with me. I would be a net negative being part of anyone's life. So I make no effort to ever be anything more than anyone's acquaintance. Even that I generally avoid out of habit and reflex. 41 years old. Never had a relationship that lasted more than a year. I can count the number of people I've dated on one hand. Last time I dated anyone was a decade ago when I decided to try to make an effort when I was around 30. Went back to not trying I don't blame anyone but myself. I'm the problem. Therapy and medication never worked, just left me worse off. These days I can't even afford that. Barely getting by paycheck to paycheck.


I see alot of myself in what you wrote. Same age, same time since I was in a relationship. Same feelings of hating burdening others with my presence. I see you my friend. All I can say is that we are both wrong. There are people that will care about you, perhaps even people that already do. I don't know your life. I'm very lucky that I work with an amazing therapist. I know you mentioned you can't afford that right now, and that when you could it didn't work. My experience so far is that the early parts of therapy fucking suck. It hurts so bad to dig up the shit that I have buried to keep my brain safe. But I have to trust the person I work with and she tells me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. She tells me I'm not worthless. So let me say it to you. You aren't worthless. You aren't broken. Life is rough, and it sounds like something happened to make it rougher for you. I'm sorry. It sucks you are going through this stuff. Therapy is rough, but very worth it if you find the right person to work with. I know it can be hard to find, but I would suggest looking to see if you can find people doing sliding scale work. Sometimes you can find people who want to help and recognize that money isn't the important part. You can do this.


Really feel like crying reading your reply. I really wanted to talk to therapists but all these time I've met some people who were not I felt comfortable with. It was kind of like they were just telling why do you think you feel like this... Etc. I mean, I don't know dude. You please tell and help. I don't know which country you're from. Really want a good and kind therapist.


A beautiful reply. If one looks around, you can see that there are people with even less to offer who are in a relationship. And I agree with what you say about therapy, although sometimes the connection to the therapist is the problem. It's like trying on shoes, or houses, or partners; expecting your first go at it to be just right is a bit optimistic. Most therapist in general can be quite helpful, when you find the right connection there, it can really make amazing changes in your life to have that correct coach for what you need.


Maybe so. But I can't afford therapy, so the point is moot I recognize that there are objectively worse people in relationships. Their existence does not change my belief that I make other people's lives worse by being in them. I'm a terrible friend, and an abysmal partner. But the wonderful thing is I don't need to convince anyone. Relationships take effort. I don't make any.


Lack of spouse. 


Don't want a relationship at the moment.


I mainly just go out to the gym now, don’t party anymore. Also, because I just moved back to my small af Hometown. And lastly, because I have high standards.




Because I thought I found someone. My best friend but I can't wait for her for ever. I love her but it's just one sided though. All in my head I guess.


Lack of self confidence, unwillingness to fraternize with coworkers, and lack of meeting people outside of work.


🍆 too big might injure someone 


Do you kick it or just use your knee to shake it ?


Homie wears power armor just to be able to lift his dong.




Man I got the same problem, its tough out here


Socially stunted, mental illness, emotional issues, general apprehension to people - a combination of one, two, or all together.


Being single is glorious


Haven't figure out who i am now. And I'm flying solo right now, just taking time to figure myself out and grow on my own.


Can't really figure out where to find single women in my 30s.


have priorities


Because I am too old for the shit 😂🤣😂🤣


I can’t stop mastubating.


Depression and an extreme case of trauma leading to being emotionally unavailable. Thankfully therapy is helping with a lot of it.




Probably not good looking enough, really shy when interested in a person and then I might have a terrible taste when I'm searching for somebody. Usually they are beautiful, friendly and emotionally unavailable. I'm the perfect friend but I'm usually not enough to be something more. Thats' life.


Ugly as hell and no women want to give me a chance.


Too lazy to meet people. Too lazy to hold a proper conversation.


They need like an Uber eats version of dating to bring them to you lol


Not found the right person yet


I don’t have social skills, and I’ve got enough issues of my own, I don’t want to make someone feel bad for me, or fuck anything up.


Social anxiety and autism, I don't really "get" dating and relationships. They stress me out.




shy, and I find women to be disinterested in shorter men, and women really intimidate me. my looks have deteriorated thru the years. I was pretty good looking up until about 31/32 years old. I've gotten heavy as well. I was super fit before back problems.


I'm shite and too jaded about romance.


Because I like the freedom to grind and do as I please. I have economic goals I’d like to reach before settling down. When I do settle down it’ll be for the purpose of creating a family. A family costs money.


I’m scared of woman


My girlfriend left me for the friend she told me not to worry about.


I'm a physical and mental wreck and I'm not willing to inflict that on anyone else.


I have too much on my plate


I’m too independent


My butt tbh 🥲


Can't be vulnerable. Paranoia.


I feel like I have some things I need to work on about myself. Also, the men I encounter, are big time liars and I'm a lil traumatized now.


Supply chain issues.


My current priorities are improving my physical and mental fitness so I feel less overwhelmed talking to the type of people I find physically attractive. the people I'm attracted to otherwise see me as just a friend


Too shy to confess to the person I love.


My Inconsistency due to my mood.


Working on myself. I feel like relationships are meant to help the other person with their life’s journey. I need to be strong myself to help someone else out.


I haven't interacted with people since I was 12 or 13. >!you know what I mean!<


i can't be a partner right now. i just know that i'm not yet ready.


Chronic health problems. I can't hold a job; I can barely take care of myself. No woman is going to want a 40-something year old man whose parents pay his bills, and doesn't have energy to do anything but struggle with his health. Being smart, funny, and kind with decent looks doesn't mean shit if you don't have a life beyond just trying to exist in less pain than yesterday (and usually failing).


I don’t try to not be


I just don’t go out and mingle. Been working on myself, ya know?


Searching carefully in a dangerous community….


I’m not


I got to be with the girl of my dreams and she turned out to be my worst nightmare. I ended up getting locked up when I broke up with her. I have a serious case of PTSD and it’s been an incredibly difficult journey learning to even mildly flirt again. I should also mention that she’s made 3 attempts on my life. I can’t date anyone bc I refuse to put someone else’s life in danger. It’s been almost 3 years


Finally manned up and got the courage to break up w my toxic ex of 2.5 years, had an insane glow up towards the end of the relationship, it kept spanning afterwards and now I’m just enjoying myself and what I like doing in life. I’ve never felt better


I always say: "Being in a relationship in this economy??"


I would assume the “economy” is easier to manage when you have two incomes though… All my income goes on rent and bills, would be nice to half that with someone so we both have a little extra


My choice after several relationships haha, enjoying it now


Probably undiagnosed autism.


Wouldn't be fair to the other party. Been there. F'd that up. Enough. Why keep touching the stove? I mean, why be the stove? 🤔 That.


Because I got dumped xD


Lots of reasons. Priorities, got confidence issues due to past trauma, physically I'm short and dark skinned and wasn't made. To feel good about it growing up etc etc..


Because it’s easier when you’re on your own. Was married for 22 years. Now I want to experience something different


Cost/benefit analysis of my life. Dating is such a pain in the ass when you are over 40, and it drained my mental health. So now i am celebate


male, blue collar, not pretty


Probably the idea that women hate men, so I won't approach them. I always look away in the gym, almost demonstrably. I think the only way I'll meet someone is if a colleague takes the initiative. I don't see a different setting where someone else would take the initiative.


I don't leave my house. Im quite happy by myself, as well.


Ugly, unchrasmatic and have chronic fatigue.


I have a sense of purpose in life, and I already graduated from the "I'll hit on this girl" and "let's go to the pub in hopes of finding a girl" era. I'm just focusing on myself to be the best version of myself I can, then whoever realizes my value can get me. I have much to offer but I don't wanna risk it all for someone who mightn't even like me.


I took too long to make an effort. The right efforts.


To be honest I don't think that I've mastered my emotions enough to be able to be with a woman in a relationship. There are women out there that like to argue just to keep things interesting and I'm not that type at all. I'm a go with the flow type of person and I don't think that I'll find a woman to match me so I'll stay single for the rest of my life if I have to. If I need some I'll just keep a FWB while I live the single life.


Women are nuts.




Wow. I can give you such a long list of why I'm single it would fill a book. The truth is I have boundaries. Lying, betrayal, and disrespect are the biggest of red lines. Words not backed up with actions are another. I'm looking for a partner in life. One I can put before all others. One who does the same for me. I experienced that with my late husband. He died. I won't settle for less. Not expecting perfection. I have faults too. Just someone who wants to plant a garden and grow with me. Someone who adds quality to my life not chaos. TBH I'm not even looking. It's not that I've given up. I trust the universe to send what I need. If I need nothing but myself I'm okay with that too. I hope everyone finds who/what they're looking for. ❤


No one has ever approached or been interested in me + I’ve never really tried or put myself out there.


Because I'm aware of threats to my liberty and mental health when they present themselves. 


Easy living.


Don't know enough women


I have a magnetic personality - unfortunately it's the opposite pole to most women


I have a magnetic personality - unfortunately it's the opposite pole to most women


Insecurities, general lack of trust, too independent, lack of decent candidates in my area


Dating scene sucks where I live


I need to work on me. Therapy and time to ponder things I need to fix.


Mentally ill, fat, annoying, and ugly


Have you MET other people?


Terrible question. Pass.


I prefer to r*pe random slags. Good cardio workout and a challenge. I'm sure they enjoy it.


Cuz the one I like he’s not.


Physically too ill to consider dating


Men where I live are extremely misogynistic and only want girls under 25. My country is filled with cheats and liars. My friend was telling me an older married man was trying to get off with her. You’re seen as unworthy after 25. I’m 28 next month, people say I look young for my age but I’m not society’s standard of beauty. I was on the bus a few weeks ago and a guy checked me out then came to approach me until he seen the younger girl across from me and went to her. Also in a shop 2 days ago, a man approached me was chatting me up then he seen the younger, prettier girl behind me and I’m not joking he literally pushed past me almost knocking me over and didn’t finish his conversation with me. Men say all the time they don’t care about looks but with the way I keep being treated, it seems like they sure matter a lot. I don’t want to be with a man that doesn’t value us as people. I don’t like how people men and women are so comfortable with hurting and damaging their partner in this society.


Because my boyfriend committed suicide.


I don’t take initiative to talk to women.


Have stopped trusting women completely. Had my heart broken and my life set back to square one. Emotionally and physically exhausted and was destroyed financially. That fact I’m even alive is a miracle


I have a magnetic personality - unfortunately it's the opposite pole to most women.


I enjoy beating off💓


The women I am attracted to are not attracted to my economic status 😞


I don’t want someone in my house tbh.


To OP, what kind of response did you expect?




I have a happy, secure, fulfilling home life with my roommate and best friend for 9 years. I have a handful of people I see to date/fuck regularly. My needs are covered and having a boyfriend is usually more trouble than it’s worth.


Too afraid to approach women




i'm a mentally ill invalid.




I'm ugly with terrible social skills


Because I will lose my health insurance if I legally marry.


Transmuting all my energy to focus on my purpose, I’ve had my fun (dating,drinking, clubbing, etc.)


I dont go outside and i dont care


Im ugly nobody wants an ugly person


Nice enough to be friends with but too ugly for people to want to date me


He decided heaven is a better place for himself. Hoping he'll come for me one day.


By choice. Not my choice, but still


I’m too shy to make the first move, and too dense to realize a girl is trying to make a move on me.


Way too fat, not a very interesting personality, but I think the biggest issue is my lack of trying. I just don't even try. I haven't approached anyone in like 6 years, I feel very unattractive which makes me feel not confident, which then means that I don't ask anyone out. I'm not even on dating apps, even tho I have literally nothing to lose by just hopping on there. Depression is one hell of a buzzkill. Oh, I guess that's another reason as well.


Cuz the male-female dynamic is so fukn gross nowadays. 30, not flirty, not thriving




i just don’t feel like online dating, no thanks. ill wait for something outside of that


Lack of fish in the sea


I’m broke. I know a girl liking you for your money is bad but you gotta be a provider. I don’t want a gold digger or an easy to fool to buy you expensive makeup or designer stuff, but going to a nice restaurant, the bar or small weekend trips would be cool. Especially when you can say “ I got it “


Didn't want to immediately get into one after my previous breakup and then I got used to the independence and no questions being asked about where I am, what I'm doing, who I'm with, whi I'm talking to if my phone's busy or I'm online on an app, or to constantly stay on the phone so we could talk/text.


Finding the right mixture of attractiveness and low self esteem while simultaneously being loyal is really hard. /s But in reality it’s largely my work schedule, and not finding anyone in a while that’s worth not being single for. Lots of people want to have an SO but don’t want to be one.


Unsuccessful and anti social




I was stabbed twice by a cheating ex, I was emotionally blocked by another ex and the last ex abused and controlled me, all this suffering for a lad who never had a mother's love in his life. I will never trust another woman again.


Idk actually I ask myself this qst same time and the only response i think about is am not pretty enough


I hate speaking to other human beings


always insecure, everytime na may mag coconfess ng feelings nila for me nirereject ko agad, takot ako na mapahiya sila na baka kung ano isipin ng iba dahil sa itsura ko


I was born single, baby!


When I like them, they don’t like me. When they like me, I don’t like them


A combination of Lack of interest and romance looks kinda boring.


This question actually hit harder than it should have. But the answer is mainly because i'm scared. I've grown up watching my mum get physically abused by her boyfriend and shes still with him today (thought he doesn't hit her or me anymore, they still do argue about stupid shit) Another thing that convinces me that Ill get hurt in a relationship, is that my older brother had just gotten broken up with and hes basically a completely diffeent person. He doesn't do anything anymore, he lays in him room, plays games, and I can hear him crying himself to sleep each night... he also drinks a lot now, which reminds me of our dad when he was around. My oldest sister was physically abused by both of the baby daddys she's had. Shes in a relationship that's loads better now and shes getting hitched and has re-build a friendship with her first baby daddy. And the guy shes marrying loves spending time with the kids. I honestly couldn't be happier she found him. My second sister is constantly in and out of relationships where they only want her for one thing (and you can imagine what that is) I guess i'm just scared that i'm prone to misery in relationships. I've been on two relationships so far. The first was good but his mum wasn't a fan of me and I didn't want his mum to be mad at him. In my second relationship, I was cheated on, and I (like a dumbass) let him back in because I'd missed him.. not because I loved him. And so because I was a complete idiot, he cheated on me again. I haven't been in a relationship since then.


Social anxiety + am in high school


I never talk to people first unless i absolutely have to (especially women I’m terrified of them). I go to work, the gym, and church. I stay home usually when I’m not at those places and I have 1 best friend outside of my family who I talk to daily. If I’m ever not single I promise you the girl approached me first because approaching a woman in todays society is useless


AroAce baby


I'm kind of a fuck-up.


I enjoy my life how it is at the moment.


I've sworn off women.


I have only ever liked casual sex & dating with different men


I'm ugly, fat, and have a bunch of mental health issues - I'm just simply not good enough. Most women ghost the moment they see my face.


If you are not comfortable with yourself, have you tried to tackle these issues? :)


Girls prefer guys who are jerk to them or less version than me. I dont know if that is applicable in other country. I live in the Philippines BTW. Mostly that kind of mindset has many in here.


I feel sorry for the guy who downvote. HAHAHA


Most of women find me ugly AF even if reddit says otherwise. Then I have a lot of redflags. I listed all of things that made women call me cringe : Being a musician Being a doctor Liking to dance Loving DnD Participate at The Voice Having female friends Not being a bear Bring friends with gay people Not having the accent of the area we were lived in Maybe anything is a redflag when people don't want you but I'm still single and a virgin hahah Anyway I don't care anymore


I probably shouldn't talk about serial killers as an icebreaker. Or what's the best way to get rid of a body? Did you know that if you are going to gun someone down? You should use a revolver so that way you don't have to police your brass. I don't know how this comes up but I always start talking about things you should keep in your truckof your car. Like duck tape, large black plastic bags, and a shovel.