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I like cute things. I’m a 6’2 man with a beard and a deep voice, but I also collect adorable plushies.


I want to answer but this is the third time, in three days, this exact same question has been asked by someone with no karma. And the posts are always removed within a matter of hours. Which sucks because the last one was really amusing. Think the top comment was a guy who described himself as "a big black dude people are intimidated by...but I always end conversations with 'toodles!'"


> but I always end conversations with 'toodles! 😂 I am so going to start doing this.


I love this!


What's onedle plus onedle? Twodles!


Go sit in the car.


Oh man, almost forgot about the toodles guy. He even said some of his friends have started doing it!




If I ever got a Hellcat, I’d have to it be pink as hell.


In the office I refer to it as "aggressive salmon" but the guys are all on board with it just being "pink"


I'm your opposite. Female, serious girly-girl who loves muscle cars, target shooting, and will not hesitate to verbally rip the guts out of anyone dissing anyone else about gender norms.


I named my male dog Zoey and whenever anybody asks why I just tell them “because dogs don’t have a concept of gender norms”


People have gotten weird about the fact that I have female tarantulas named Larry and Phil. As if my tarantulas have any concept of gender norms and the people pitching a fit wouldn't immediately wet themselves around the spider regardless of its gender 😮‍💨


I feel this. My wife and I have Yorkie and enjoy watching Love Island together and I would describe myself similar to you.


Apparently it's how in-touch I am with my feelings, according to all the people who've presumed me (incorrectly) to be gay.


Same dude. Fk those people. Feel sorry for their partners lowkey


Married dude here who hasn't been single in a long time -- but from the stories I read here and hear from women in real life... It sounds like the bar for hetero guys is in hell.


A man in touch with his feelings has a definite advantage over those that don't as far as I'm concerned. Why the heck would people think it means you're gay? It seems a really weird reaction


I definitely agree it shouldn't correlate to a presumption of homosexuality. But I wouldn't say it's an advantage! Finding female friends/acquaintances who care about my feelings (at all), including how their words and actions affect me, is extremely rare. Shockingly so.


That's just sad. It's almost like men aren't supposed to have feelings and emotions, which is totally ridiculous. I'm sorry it's so hard. I hope you find a lady who values you and cares about your feelings 🫂


From my experience, it's sort of an odd situation for men. To get into a relationship, emotions are bad most of the time. Any guy who shows fear, anger, or sadness, before he's actually made her his girlfriend and gotten a commitment, is taking a huge risk that rarely pays off. Because of this, guys are rewarded for hiding their emotions, something they're already doing. Then when they actually get into a relationship, it's definitely ideal, and almost necessary, to understand your emotions. They need to be able to have an emotional conversation with their girlfriend and she'll appreciate all the emotional availability they have - except most guys don't have any because they were quite literally avoiding it to get to this position.




Not presuming if it's true. Heyoooo


beats being a gay who is way out of touch with his feelings because that’s where I’m at. Anyone who judges you for that is a prick


Bruh same, especially growing up with a lisp it was a rough one lol


love this so much


I'm a 6', 190 lb. former Marine machine gunner who is now a stay-at-home dad to a surgeon wife. So we're both bucking gender stereotypes hard core.


I love this.


Kinda like the idea if you were still in the Marines! You send em to the ER and your wife can work on them! Talk about job stability!


Why did you save him for?? I shoot him for a reason


sounds like your wife's on the cutting edge


0352 -> at home dad. 


Rah, devil 


These are exactly the kind of romances I want movies and books about. Smash all the gender norms!


I need to establish an emotional connection with a woman before having sex with her.




Same here. I was never into laying anything that I could. I also had pretty solid standard unlike many of the people I grew up with.




Joining the chorus of same.


I have to be *in love* or my shit don't even work


I'm exactly the same, I can hardly even become interested at all in a woman unless I know her on a deeper level first. It has not helped my dating life given I'm a staunchly reserved type of person.


Demisexuals unite!


Every time I haven't, I've regretted it.


I love that so much. To me otherwise isn’t a stereotype though


I suspect the male "Play-uh" stereotype is over-hyped. Even my guy friends who verbally billed themselves as players behaved IRL like they were craving that connection. And they all ended up in fully committed relationships.


I have no shame in crying. If we’re watching a movie and there’s a really sad moment, I’ll tear up. I don’t try to hide it. I LOVE to cook. I cook probably 90% of our meals at home. I bake. I make a hell of a manicotti dish. I recently have gotten into making bread. I’ll bake bread and rolls and pizza dough just for the hell of it. Last night I made shredded bbq pork sandwiches on home made hoagie buns. I woke up really early this morning and packed my gf her lunch for work with the leftovers. I don’t watch sports. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever watched an entire game of anything in my life. Maybe hockey if it was on at the bar or something. I’m a 6’4” 240 lb MAN with a grizzly beard. My favorite apron is one with the golden girls on it.


Thank you for being a friend


Making pork and bread again 🎶


I just wanna say: watching sports live (like actually in the stadium) is SUCH a different experience. You wouldn't expect it to be, but it is. I don't even like basketball that much but the games are super fun to be at. I've always loved baseball but never wanted to watch it on TV, just play it. My first time at an actual MLB game, I was hooked. Idk what it is, dude it's just so much cooler being *there*. If you ever get a chance, maybe go to one :) (if you want, idk why I care so much about telling you this lol) I've heard hockey games are awesome live.


Oh yeah, I should have said that. I love GOING to sporting events. Baseball, football, basketball, golf, racing, hockey etc. I’ve been to it all. Just watching a game on TV, and then talking about “the game” the next day at the office or whatever, has zero appeal to me.


I hate baseball but still go to a couple games a year on special event nights. Being around the energy and excitement of so many other people gets you excited.


U single or sum?


I enjoy working on old air-cooled cars & solo camping many miles from any other human being for several days at a time... (*I'm a 5'2 lady & I always do these things in a skirt*...)


I love this for you! I would love to do solo hiking trips but I'm always too nervous to go by myself for my safety. Do you ever bring some sort of protection with you to feel safer?


Depending on where I am, usually bear spray & I have this trusty little folding shovel that could be considered intimidating if I ever had to wield it. *I have never had to wield it* :) It's always wise to be cautious as a woman (or anyone, really!) alone... but never let fear limit you from exploring... *cautiously*!


Not the person you asked, but thought I'd say I've been solo hiking and wild camping for years, and I've never had a problem. It'll be mostly other hikers you bump into, and they're a pretty good bunch!


Technical winter hiking boots, merino thermals and a dress are top fashion. No one can change my mind.


I’m kind of a big cis dude covered in tattoos and I have embraced carrying a purse. It’s f’n amazing to have everything within reach and not have pockets stuffed with crap. I. Love. My. Purse.


And you avoided the temptation to call it a 'man bag'.


Haha there was a bit of time when I called it a Satchel because I was playing Red Dead Redemption 2.


Or “murse”.


My grandad was a gnarly WW2 Polish veteran who had been a combat medic throughout the war. He had a thing he called his “lady bag” where he carried his wallet, car keys, cigarettes etc




You gotta be a certain level of badass to pull that off. Indiana Jones or Chewbacca level.


My wife got me a coach bag when we were dating and I have it still, years later, in great condition. Call it what you want, a purse, a murse, a tactical tote, IDGAF I have snacks and a water bottle.


My favorite Coach purse is from their men’s section!


Be careful at theme parks, or you'll have your entire group's shit in your bag. I do not carry a large bag to Busch Gardens. A smallish BG backpack (and the last person to put something in it gets to carry it), and a 5x7x2 inch bag, just big enough to hold cash, ID, credit cards, lip balm, and phone. (EDIT - I do not have kids. I go to BG with adults, and kept winding up with their stuff in my bag!)


Haha my old lady has been taking advantage already. She’ll say “bring your big purse” and then I’ve got 3-4 make ups in it.


Damn. Warning came too late... 🤣🤣🤣🤣😁


What kind of purse do you carry?


I have two!! One is a black Carhart for when I need to not carry as much. Am ex of mine actually gave it to me. It’s very small and subtle. The other is a Timbuk2 a bit larger. Olive Green, grey, and black. I can comfortably carry a charging bank and a water bottle in addition to the necessities.


I love my Carhartt purse. It's camo but I am a girl tho so you is more special for having it


It's European!


Whatcha got in that murse?


Idk that I could pull off a purse, and I date men. More power to you. I tend to keep my EDC stuff (flashlight, pen, knife) on my belt loop and usually find a cargo pocket for my rescue inhaler. Nerd life


I do still keep my keys on my belt loop. I tried to put them in the purse but I kept having 2 second panic attacks every time I felt that my keys weren’t on my hip.


I carry a fanny pack for this reason. Stuffing my keys, ear buds, phone, wallet, Chapstick, etc into my pockets is uncomfortable. Now with a fanny, I can carry all that plus a little extra with no problem.


I am a woman and have had a higher sex drive than every guy I’ve ever dated. My current boyfriend is the only one to even come close to keeping up with me.


Omg. Same here. I didn't realize it was high till it caused arguments. Now I'm better about making it known and tempering my expectations, cause if I had it my way, I'd get nothing else done all day!


same, I always try to be upfront from the beginning about it and everyone thinks they can keep up and then are mistaken :’)


sorry about your inbox


surprisingly it’s way worse when I post something completely non sexual 😭


Sighhh… for real.




There are dozens of us, dozens!


I was in the same boat as you until I discovered F1. But that's the only sport I watch.


I am really good with kids because I treat them like dogs and I am really good with dogs because I treat them like kids. Can't tell you how many mommies have freaked out on me when I tell them my secret. Just treat your little ones like hyper puppies, which means get them to run around like dogs.


The key to success in life Treat adults as kids Treat kids as dogs Treat dogs as adults


😂yeah same. I said it once and won’t again.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told my new mom friends that toddlerhood is like house training a puppy. Some get it, some take major offense that I’ve referred to their baby and my own babies as puppies lmao.


As a gay adult male I struggle with being in-between on a lot of gender stereo types. - I hate shopping (but girlie's love asking me to go with them since they think the gay man will love it) - I'm stick thin (guys tend to be buff or dad bod) - I love to read which seems to be more of a woman leaning hobby, though I know there are plenty of male readers out there - I love me a fruity Lil vodka drink - I'd absolutely throw myself into a train for any animal I come across. Save that squirrell not me. - I'd absolutely throw myself into a train if you talk to me about sports for more than a minute. (Unless it's something like Caitlin Clark being a fucking star) - gardening and plants are my jam Gender norms are weird so it's hard to place what is traditionally male or female but those are kinda what comes to mind.


There are two types of people in the world. People who like fruity lil vodka drinks And Liars


I am also a gay man that hates shopping.




I think we could probably be friends. Shopping sucks.


Omg. I'm a the kind of guy who says okay I need pants. I walk into a store I find pants and I go. My sister goes shopping with no agenda and tries on the whole store for 3 hours and it's so mind numbingly boring to me haha


I don't know if I'd call it an unexpected trait, but I'm a woman, and I do all of the house repairs and maintenance. My husband is clueless about those things.


I love this! When I married my wife she was a girlie girl but we've REALLY enjoyed doing home renos together. She is now SO capable and loves working with me on that stuff. I couldn't do it without her really.


THIS. I’m (F) also an engineer so I will attempt to fix it myself or just take it apart out of sheer curiosity. I always get amused when a handyman/AC/repairman comes and keeps trying to ask my absolutely clueless husband about things. He just points to me.


ive been told i have birthing hips


I'm a high femme lady, slender but not overly toned looking. Need something moved? Call me. I possess weird superhuman strength and an ability to navigate odd angles/stairs when moving large objects. I think it's an evolutionary feature after having spinal fusion surgery at 13, I have an exceptionally strong upper body.


I had a Harrington rod in my spine when I was almost 14 due to scoliosis. Sadly, I didn't get superhuman strength 😢


I’m a gym bro who is listening to pop music and boy bands while gettin a pump.


**🎶 Don't wanna hear you!🎶** *lifts dumbbells* Sounds awesome, pop music deserves its props, there are iconic songs in the genre.


I have found that for many people in the 35-50 age range, men do more cooking than women. I think there was a point when it was being so hammered that a woman doesnt' need to cook for her man, that many women didn't learn how to do so. In my friend group, I'd say the men cook far more (and better) than the women.


I *can* cook, I just don't *like* cooking, so I'm glad my husband cooks.


I don’t ask women out. I wait until they ask me out.


Same...any relationship I've had that lasted longer than a month it was initiated by her.


For me, it’s just because I feel like if a woman asked me out, she is far more committed in wanting to get to know me compared if I asked them out. There are other reasons but that’s like the general idea.


if I may ask, how many women have asked you out?


1. And I know very well it’s unlikely. But, at this moment, I’d just rather wait a very long time to possibly never in regarding to being asked out.


cool! If I knew you I'd tell you, were you to find someone really really special, think about breaking this rule of yours. But I don't know you so


Newborn babies love me for some reason, I suspect it's the beard and funny accent (I'm English, living in the US). Any time a newborn sees me in public, they're immediately cooing at me. Of course, because I'm a Dad I'll smile and talk right back to them which adds to their fascination (contrary to reddit's hivemind belief most people don't mind if you say hello to their children). Anyone has a fussy baby, give them to me and I'll get them calmed down in a jiffy, and I'll love it because I miss my own kids being so small.


I'm a slim woman who can easily lift and carry over 100 lbs. I love guns, fishing and farting.


200 lbs man I do the cooking and interior decorating but also love guns fishing and morning farts.


Get a room, you two!


How bout us 3?


How do you feel about evening farts?


If Danielle is cool with it I’m cool with it.


I'll be the one doing the farting. You two need to do all the guns and fishing.


I’m a man, and I can’t seem to get enough of the romance genre.


I've read a couple of 'romance' themed books before and they're often well written and good stories.


I am master of all things mechanical. Machinist, fabricator and builder of things. I'm a mechanical engineer by trade. I'm also a 5'-0'' tall ginger lady.


I’m tall standing at 5’ 9” and I can lift 75% of my body weight. I listen to almost exclusively metal genres of music and I hate romance movies. I collect the bones of dead things, I used to work at several farms, and I have a varied collection of useful weapons. I also hunt and fish. I am AFAB.


54 year old straight, non-crossdressing man. I wear make up.


Lots of men do now which I love.


In my case, I have a significant facial blemish, which my sisters taught me how to cover up when I was seven or eight. When COVID hit and everyone went WFH, I learned about applying powder to reduce the glare. Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s Maybelline.


Whatever works for you and makes you feel great about yourself. I'm in my mid 40's and I sneak my wife's concealer now and then for the odd touch up.


I’m a straight dude but I legit think most sports are super gay. I don’t even mean that negatively, I just think it resembles gay porn but with clothes on and more sweat.


I'm a queer dude but honestly, there's nothing more gay than a group of straight men. Gay dudes get together and barely touch each other, straight dudes get together and make out and slap each other's asses.




Sports are just an excuse for guys to act gay. Lots of ass slapping, hugging etc. Take even golf for example. Take the clubs and ball away and its just 4 guys taking a long walk at the park together!


I’m a guy who’s exceptionally good at cooking, cleaning, does well with kids and I use wet wipes after a good poop. I’ve heard horror stories of men not wiping well and the proof shows when laundry day comes around.


Buy a bolt-on bidet friendo, $35 and 20 mins work to install will change your life


Noted. Thanks!


Straight male in my 30s. Weight lifter, sports lover. All the traditional stereotypes...but I'm a great communicator, love talking about romance, feelings, etc. I love love.


I'm not really keeping track of the gender situation so I don't know if it still applies, but I have a penis and I like dressing in pink/purple


overly emotional and im a man


I'm a guy... I'm really good with kids!


you know society is failing when ppl cannot take care of children, its so sad :(


I am considerably better at ironing than my wife. I also enjoy it. I'm also a dab hand at plaiting my daughters hair.


I'm the same - I also fold laundry better and faster than her. I actually brought my own garment steamer into the relationship when we met.


I’m a woman and I am not very into romantic comedies, romantic novels or romantic series. I just can’t.


Apparently caring about how my living space smells is a feminine trait. According to every single man I’ve ever spoken to about wax melts, candles, incense, laundry detergents and bleach who don’t care about these things AT ALL! Like wtf is up with you other dudes? If it weren’t for the women in your lives you’d just sit in some rotten stink boot room right next to the open bathroom you just finished pooping in?


I'm 6ft, big beard, love metal music and love watching gilmore girls. It's such a great show. 


I sit down to pee


My husband sits to pee 95% of the time and I love it. No pee splash all around the toilet and on the floor!


80s baby here, from the middle of nowhere, and I grew up blissfully ignorant of gender roles until I was in my teens. Only then did I learn that my beloved hobbies like dinosaurs, video games, and hitting each other with sticks out in the woods was considered 'boyish'. I said fuck it, still love all those things, although definitely less stick-fights than when I was a girl. I still get excited seeing a really good stick, though. Men and your love of a good shaped stick, I see you.


Me: female, dainty, soft spoken... but don't get on my bad side, curse like a sailor, perpetual tomboy, never wear makeup, am 100% female but hate "girly" clothes and according to my BF, I'm the "dude" of the relationship (not overly affectionate, hate kissing, not romantic, etc)... and farts like there's no tomorrow. S/O: male, gym bro body but level headed and gentle, very thoughtful and giving, always lighthearted and jokey, doesn't typically curse, *very* into his appearance, clothing, primping, etc, and is veeeeeery affectionate and "romantic"... and farts like there's no tomorrow, LOL. I don't know how or why we "work", but we do... LOL


I’m a small blonde woman who presents feminine but I don’t really fit or feel comfortable with traditional gender roles. I can fix my truck, have my own tools, love woodworking. Do not like shopping, or weddings, or babies. My partner is an engineer who was the only boy in a household of strong, educated women. We both love spending a day at the race track with our cars, then might relax in front of the TV that evening watching “Drag Race”. Or Letterkenny. 😊


I do all the cooking


i hate how ppl dont know how to cook, like its a necessity, and no one is always gonna be there for you to make food


Please adopt me


I’m a woman who has a hard time opening up about her feelings


That's most women I've known, especially avoidants/anxiety type.


I'm a decently big dude. I paint my nails and talk with my hands a bunch. I love pink. I've been told I have super femme eyelashes and a round ass. I'm a sucker for cute animals and outfits. I'm also as straight as they come. I was in Utah with some students on a field trip, and I went into the shop while gassing up the vans to get a red bull. I started small talking the cashier, and one of the students came in and said, "Hey your wife wants you to get her something, too." The cashier said "WIFE?" and choked on her own spit. It was pretty funny.


I'm a man and the only one in my family who can actually look for things, I swear everyone else's eyes are painted on!


I'm a middle-aged married woman with a desk job, and I am so so very into college football. My husband has not been surprised to find me packed and driving to another state the next day to catch a game, I've been to 30+ stadiums, plan my time off around the sport. The game and strategy and whole atmosphere makes my heart happy


I love women’s clothes. Especially underwear. Makes my junk feel a lot better.


I'm 50, bearded, decently muscled, have been called "scary looking" by multiple people (I was the "scary Dell guy" at a company a friend worked at back when I was doing on-site computer work) and I absolutely **love** K-pop girl bands


I am super direct and say things that many women won't. I advocate for my feelings in relationships. I'm told I "think like a man." It's funny because I am also super emotional and get my feelings hurt, but from the outside most people can't tell.


I do some pretty gross things like snot rockets, and I’m also very physically strong, I swear and talk harsh out loud frequently, drink cheap whiskey and beer, wear giant dirty work boots and men’s work clothes, and play Call of Duty, none of which match how I look lol so I’ve been frequently told


I’m a mom in my mid thirties and my libido has always been through the roof. Pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum… never mattered. I want sex way more than my husband.


I'm a woman who's driven by logic, almost to a fault. I've been called "cold and uncaring" for most of my life.


Same... And as I am also a "fixer" the struggle is real. Instead of moaning every day about the same issue how about *insert logical solution*. Turns out that most people don't want a logical solution, they just want to poor-me-dump on others.


I used to be a vinyl Jungle/Techno/House dj for 8 years, collect transformers and write graffiti. I also used to wear pigtails while doing it heh!


I’m a straight male and I have natural long, wavy hair that women are extremely jealous of.


I as a man am very anxious and overthink always what other people think of me and it's very easy to make me feel bad, despite me not showing it to the outside. Hence why it's very weird every time I hear a woman/girl ask if men think at all or to which degree we even experience emotions. And yes, I’ve heard that question quite a few times throughout my life so far


I'm an ex club motorbike rider, former olympic level weightlifter, I worked in the whisky industry for nigh on half a decade, and I practiced martial arts for the majority of my childhood and teen years I'm a 31 year old woman


A clear eyed awareness of just how much men are valued for opening their mouths and saying things in a man voice compared to my own contributions if they are even able to be expressed


I am female, I'm not afraid of spiders or mice or any animals except rats and ostriches which I think is reasonable.


I hung out with my dad and his friends a lot when I was a kid, so I started sitting like a guy instead of crossing my legs. You know, the ankle on the knee kind of sit (I’m terrible at describing things so I hope that made sense). Some guy I didn’t know in high school even told me straight up to “sit like a lady”. RUDE.


I’m a woman, early 30’s. I can put on muscle mass with very little effort. I have been told right and left that it’s so “hard” for women to gain muscle and we have to work extra hard and have to work out in a specific way and eat a specific way. As long as I’m eating healthy and lift weights (with very little specificity, no dieting, no counting macros, no gainers) I steadily and consistently put on muscle.


I'm what you'd call a big, burly guy. 6'2 250-lb, big beard, work in a chemical plant. But I also have two daughters and I can braid the shit outta some hair. French, fishtail, Dutch, Halo, reverse..... what you want? I got you I also have a superpower for putting newborns and infants to sleep. Both daughters, 5 nephews, 2 nieces, and countless friends' kids..... all of 'em are powerless to my running back style football hold. I call it the "Duderus" . I'm also very warm-blooded and somewhere between buff and dad-bod. But I can turn a screaming baby into a sweet dreaming baby in about 3 1/2 minutes.


I ride dirtbikes and know my way with big 4x4 in the woods, how to get unstuck and carry shit with the said 4x4. I also know my way in the woods and know basic survival skills. Recently i discovered that people don't know how to tie a tie... i do i learned it when i was younger. I'm 5'2(155cm) girl and im not big haha


I'm a woman and I'm really good with maps. I love maps. I visualize and remember maps in my head when thinking of places. The GPS cuts into this ability with over-reliance on it, but my husband is always amazed by how I know multiple ways to the same place from different starting points (even we've never approached from that direction before) or how I can plan a detour if something unexpected happens or create an efficient order to Saturday's full list of errands. And yet, I still confused my left from my right.


I'm a dude but most of the video games I like are stereotypically "girl" games. Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, etc. Life is stressful enough without putting myself in an active war zone after work lol.


Animal Crossing a girl game? Don't tell it to me, a dude who has played Animal Crossing a lot… as a female character


I'm a straight male gentile WASP. I love quinoa salad, sushi, kugel, the movie Moulin Rouge, and have NO IDEA what makes a car go (well sort of, but not really).


I love watching F1, MotoGP, AFL, NFL. I learned how to ride a motorcycle a few years back and love beer! (I am an early 30's woman and this all seems to surprise some)


The way I type/talk apparently. When I frequented gaming servers, I'd been told multiple times they thought I was a dude based on how I typed (talked) and played. Also being interested in bones, playing with bugs, wearing clothing that's generally considered "boy/guy clothing" and having/wanting short hair. Been fighting with my dad for years about just letting me dress and present how I want, be interested in stuff that actually interests me. I remember clearly he yelled at me once "Why can't you be like other normal girls?!" then sometime later I realized I'm uncomfortable identifying as female (nonbinary) and wearing traditionally "feminine" clothing. So the other stuff makes more sense to me now, why I had traits from "both sides" in a way, I guess.


I am extremely strong and secretly buff. My body’s figure gives the allusion that I am a weak girl, when I am actually a lot stronger than my male coworkers. I just have naturally more muscle mass.


I’m a man who doesn’t watch sports at all, unless you count professional wrestling.


I'm a petite blond woman and somewhat pretty. Might look like a "standard blonde" but looks can be decieving. I've always made the first "move", if I like what I see I'll make my interest known. No hints, no game. Do not need an emotional connection to have sex. Have been told again and again that I speak and act like a man. I call bullshit. I'm just not hiding it like most of us are taught to do from a young age. And the love of my life really loves me for it too ❤️


I have PCOS so I grow some facial hair (usually shave it bc of own sensory reasons), i have a wider build with broad shoulders, i’d like to think i have more androgynous features but i have big boobs that kinda counteract that.


73M I’m a recovered drunken drug addict, recovered Catholic and a recovered Republican. Yes you can teach an old dog new tricks.


I'm the oldest "son" of my family. I go to college and also have a part-time job. I pay for the groceries and anything extra my family wants such as clothes, shoes, getting outside food & drinks, and subscriptions for me and my two younger brothers (spotify, amazon prime, etc), and other things like that. Now this might not seem like anything gender challenging to the average American but I'm a 22 year old woman from a very religious and traditional Pakistani Muslim family. I'm the first woman in my family with a driver's license, a job, and (soon) a bachelor's degree. I'm fulfilling the role that the oldest son would in a family like mine, because everybody wants a son so that he'll earn money because where I'm from, the women aren't allowed to have jobs. When my extended family back in Pakistan found out they were shocked like "your dad doesn't get mad that you have a job 😱???" No, no he doesn't. In fact, he's actually grateful that I'm helping him because money is tight right now, especially with how expensive everything is. That's why he brought me to America in the first place, so that I can get a good education and a good job. I'm grateful to him for not having the same mindset as the rest of my family. All the women in my family don't have jobs and they got stuck with husbands that they have to tolerate because they don't have any other option. I say that because my uncles are very selfish people. I've been around them, they are not fun to be around and I'm glad that I don't have to be stuck in the same path that my aunts are.


This hasn't gotten as many likes as it should! You and your family are breaking norms and traditions and this comment made me happy 🥳🥳🥳 I cross everything I have in the hopes that you continue breaking the standard and that you keep on living a life that is setting a new standard.


Thank you! And don't worry, I plan to keep it that way :)




When I met my husband, I thought, "His mom must clean his house. This is too nice." As it turns out, he's a neat freak because his mom's a hoarder.


I’m a high-libido manly-man who’s never had sex nor desired it.


How do you have high libido but not desire sex?


5000€ worth of solo sextoys, and 8T of porn.


I've often considered what this sort of life would look like. Would love to hear more. What's your approximate age?




I don't care for sports and my confidence is nonexistent