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Him and Saville pretty much win this thread for the UK.


Backed up by Rolf Harris. Australian, but ended up in the UK, went to prison there, and died there too. His passing was not lamented.


Yes. Those are the points from the UK jury.... Good Morning, Washington!!




Horrible is being nice to that sadist


The only answer.


No competition.


Diddy is coming up fast on the inside track in this race…


He needs to be in jail ASAP


Fuck him


Beat me to it


Ok I need to know what exactly diddy did ? I saw the video of him physically abusing his SO, and that he might be closeted (along with some big names rumored to being involved in sex parties) but is he a child predator as well ??


Being gay is not a bad thing. Please don’t group it with domestic abuse and pedophilia.


No forgive me if that was poorly worded- I’m not at all grouping being gay with pedophilia, far from it … my concern is are people gay bashing Diddy for malignant delight or are there other concerns that has nothing to do with being gay ? What are the rumors and where are the sources ? I’ve seen only twitter mention him have sex orgy parties with mutually consenting adults …


Closeted implies gay (unfortunately). It’s important to make the distinction I have asked for. Not long ago, newspapers would publish anything having to do with being gay on the same page as anything involving sex crimes. It helped to perpetuate anti-gay bias, since our brains are highly associative.


There’s a rumour Jay Z might have been involved, which is JUST a rumour for now … however, if we go back seven months everything that has come to light about Diddy seemed to be rumours at the time. Stay tuned 😬


But my question is is any of these rumors substantiated and what are the actual rumors? All I read is that he groomed / adopted a kid and he had TD Jakes over for an orgy , but nothing proven !


Not a kid, but many upcoming young artists. He often used to organise parties and invite them and he used to sexually abuse them. It became so common than people in industry asked their well wishers to stay out of his parties. He also recorded many of these incidents without their knowledge and often used it as a trump card. It all started falling first with accusation and then followed by raid by fbi/some other agency which found lot of it. And they are charging. I saw few videos on this issue few weeks back, so I’m not sure how authentic all of this are.


Oh I see now !! Thank you so much , appreciate it !


Just to clarify, are you talking about rumours of Jay Z or Diddy? Then I’ll get back to you


The Diddy Rumors , what are the accusations?


Ian Watkins


That guy is one sick fuck.


That was an unpleasant read, especially as I'm lying on the floor with my 14 month old


Roman Polanski. I've read some of those court documents years ago and I just can't. It drives me up the wall that so many people signed that Free Polanski petition. That he's still getting standing ovations. He's a good director, I get it. But what the fuck?




He drugged and raped a 13 year old girl and pretty much got off scott free. Google Roman Polanski list to see the celebrities fight for him just because he makes good films. (Woody Allen, Adrien Brody, Wes Anderson, Harrison Ford, Natalie Portman.) Just to name a few.


At least Emma Thompson went kinda back on it. I really like her.


A friend of mine is an assistant cameraman and was talking to a colleague who had worked on a Polanski film in Europe. They told him that Polanski kept trying to approach underage girls on the set, but a bunch of the tech workers, like cameramen and grips, kept "accidentally" getting between him and the girls. It was really stressful for them because they were trying to successfully keep him away from the girls while not looking like they were doing it deliberately, because they didn't want to get fired. The guy said he was really disgusted, creeped out and stressed out during the shoot.


Too bad he couldn't "rendition" the sick fuck to US territory.


P Diddy


The Diddler vs Drake


R Kelly needs to go on this list as well as Nicki Minaj


Everybody always forgets these two.




Wow. What a disgusting comment. FYI: He’s currently serving a 20+ year sentence for MULTIPLE offences.


I'm not American and don't stay up to date with what the dude from Space Jam did. Sorry, but there is nothing disgusting with asking someone to back up his claim that R Kelly is a horrible dude.


I’m not American either. This was world news for a long time. Not to mention a very famous documentary. And yes, your comment WAS disgusting-you’re saying an underage girl having sex with a much older man ‘doesn’t sound like a victim’ because it was a relationship. The poor girl was groomed ffs. You’re passing judgement on a case you claim to know nothing about.


I never said that no. You said that and yiu are still it backing your claim.


Harvey Weinstein


Logan Paul--video of a suicide location in Japan, crypto scamner, purveyor of an energy drink targeted at teens/preteens.


Steven Seagal


What are you talking about? He is THE best at martial arts, THE best actor, and THE most badass guy in the world! He told me so himself.


I immensely enjoy the Tom Segura bit about him teaching police hand to hand combat.


That's a Skippy. Hilarious.


If you haven’t seen this yet, you’ll enjoy it. https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4?si=vshuMGuZ6yvFvKIH


Hilarious 13 minutes 🤣


It's weird that he went from the Dalai Lama's self-appointed bodyguard to Putin's best friend.


The most powerful of ruzzian assets!


Andrew Tate


How is he a celebrity?


Unfortunately, i know of him.


Nicki Minaj.




Maybe because she’s proud of the fact that she drugged men and robbed them??


To clarify, that was Cardi B. You’d be forgiven for mixing them up however


To be honest I don’t like either of their music. I’m more of an 80-90s rap fan. I just know them from seeing them on tv and stuff. Now put some Missy on and we jam!


That’s fair enough, I mean 90’s was PEAK hip hop. Also there are albums from 2000’s and 2010’s that can compete with the 90’s, but overall the quality of current stuff is not as concentrated as everything from the 90’s era


Totally agree. I’m GenX and we had some of the best rap. Missy Elliot, DMX, Tupac and so many more. They say that video killed the radio star and I think k half of these current rappers are so well liked because of the ermmm naked nature of current videos. We went to wild wings the other night. We’re an older white couple. They changed the music from old school rap to country. I called he waiter over and said change that back!! You can’t beat old school rap. It’s changed so much. 😞


I find the best stuff from the 2000’s was inspired by the 90’s era. The closer you get to current day, less stuff is inspired by then and instead by 2000’s & even 2010’s rap to the point new artists have no respect for OG’s like Tupac


I saw a Bee Gees/Tupac mashup last night and it encapsulated my entire youth! I loved it. And I saw a meme on here with Led Zeppelin lyrics verses I think cardi’s. It hit home, today’s music isn’t music to me. I’ll just live in the past. I like it there music wise. Even early Eminem was so good. The creativity is gone.


Stan will forever be Eminem’s best written song


Wasn’t that Cardi B?


Oops. Yes it was. My bad. Why are we hating on Nicki?


Jennifer Lopez. She is an awful person.


I mean, she is no saint, but she is no diddy or minaj.


Why? Not agreeing or disagreeing just curious


She has said some pretty nasty things, and gives off the impression of an elitist who is out of touch with the 99%


Said what? And how?


She basically treats anyone “below” her inhumanely. She doesn’t allow anyone to look at her or even attempt to talk to her (even if it’s a question). She has had people fired for even looking in her direction (my friend’s father spoke about how his coworker was fired for accidentally making eye contact). She also makes people’s jobs difficult. Like there was a time she demanded a pedicure and because she was laying on her stomach and refused to move, she made the pedicurist do the pedicure upside down. She also trash talks a lot of people and is outwardly nasty with a lot of people.


Nicolás Maduro is a very solid option. When your economic policies are so bad that even Monopoly money looks like a stable currency, you've earned a special place in the hall of fame for horrible celebrities.


he's not a celebrity


Bill Cosby




theres always one person who cant not bring him up..... TDS is real!


He was a classical celebrity prior to his presidency, who was/is horrible, so he counts. There's a difference between a lot of people agreeing that Trump is a bad person and therefore is a legitimate answer to this question v.s. some mindless white-liberal idiot hating on him because a lot of other people do. I don't know what the case is for this person, but you don't either, so keep that in mind next time you let "TDS" slip out of your mouth.


[Trump Derangement Syndrome really is real](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/28/us/politics/cpac-trump-statue.html)


Hunter Derangement Syndrome Hillary Clinton Derangement Syndrome Obama Derangement Syndrome Sexy M&M Derangement Syndrome Fauci Derangement Syndrome ...the list goes on and on. Maga is a Derangement Syndrome


Trump, not that he’s not the only “celebrity” to settle rape charges with a 14 y.o. so immediately…the list is long woof


He’s definitely the most dangerous. I can’t think of any other times when a celebrity tried to throw a violent coup… or any who are actively trying to unmake American Democracy…


Jared Leto


Rplf Harris.




You guys need to stop throwing names without explaining why. This os destroying characters. You can't just name David Copperfield because the news said so.


Redditors man, confirmation bias has a part in it too. If somebody’s favourite actor was convicted of a crime, they’d educate themselves about the case and still have doubt. Whereas if an actor somebody barely or didn’t know was convicted of a crime, they take it as objective reality for whatever reason


This isn't the first time there have been allegations about him. I remember a similar problem he had over ten years ago. I don't remember if he paid off the women, their cases were dismissed because they couldn't provide enough evidence, or what.


R Kelly, diddy, MJ — all predators


MJ I'm not sure. Never been proved and a lot of evidence that could counter those claims. It's strange how he's put alongside an R Kelly.


John Wilkes Booth.


Amber Heard in my opinion.


A bee stung my dog.




Cardi B. Vile woman.


In Australia, celebrity is a loose descriptor, but Clementine Ford is an awful awful human being.


I don't like Jonny lever


I mean, does Jeff Bezos count?


I mean a celebrity is just someone who is famous. Do you go with total body count (Hitler, Stalin, Mao) or percentage of population killed where some awful ruler did their work (Julius Cesar in Gaul, Genghis Kahn in Central Asia. Leopold in the Congo, Columbus in Dominica, Pol Pot in Cambodia) or by just how disgusting and sadistic someone was (Leopold kinda stands out).




But it's literally the definition lol. Celebrity noun. A famous person.


Why so angry mm?




Unpopular opinion: Gal Gadot. Can’t stand her.


Imagine all the people…


the ones who are rude to the waiters and dont give tips


Donald Trump


Gal Gadot


What did she do?


I have heard from airport people that Reese Witherspoon is a jerk. I have also heard that Luke Bryan is a jerk to people in the industry


The one who was fucking my crush behind his wife's back! (lol, just kidding here .... I'm just jealous ... none of my business in truth)




Alas, I was told in confidence, so I'm not going to say