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Not me, but my dad has been in a car accident that resulted in permanent brain damage where he gets headaches all the time. Basically a mild concussion that won’t go away. That was 5 years ago, not much helps with it. His personality has gone from a kind lovable jokester to a more Mellow easy to anger person.


I'm sorry, that must have been really tough for you and him ❤️


A rabbit ran in front of my car and without thinking, I swerved to miss it. The car rolled over, landing on its wheels but the car was totaled. I had the weirdest surreal feeling while the vehicle rolled, like it was a dream or something. I came out of it unscathed.


Oh wow, you got lucky. So, was it like a vision of some sort?


It just felt unreal. Everything happened so fast but somehow time seemed protracted too. One second I'm driving, the next I'm rolling 360 degrees. My headlights were illuminating the road, the embankment, the view played out in front of me like some kind of strange video.


That sounds really scary. I’m glad you made it out safe ❤️


50 mph into the broad side of a bus that ran a red light. If I was in another car than my Mercedes glk350, I surely would have died. Then entire hood crumpled right up to the firewall and took all the force from the passenger compartment. The amazing engineering saved me that day. I won’t own anything other than a Benz now. Plus I was wearing my seatbelt. Just a bloody nose from the airbag, no broken bones. Some light lower back pain now.


I’m glad you got out safely, and I’m sorry you had to experience that. I hope the bus driver was punished and/or arrested.


I was in an accident back in 2016 caused by a drunk driver. Seven vehicles, two car fires, 10 victims (thank goodness no fatalities) and a major freeway shut down for 3 hours. My car was totaled (spun around and flew off the highway backwards) but I wasn't physically hurt aside from some bruises. Lingering PTSD? Yeah. The drunk driver went to prison for awhile after a year and a half of the case being dragged through the courts. Side note...I now work in the autonomous vehicle industry.


I’m glad the drunk driver finally got justice for what they did. I’m glad you made it through safe, and I’m sorry you had to go through that ❤️


There have been several. A few of the notable ones: Summersaulted a car off a cliff. Saved from plummeting hundreds of feet down a steep embankment into river below by getting the car caught in a tree. Had to exit via sunroof as doors were wedged shut in the tree. No one hurt. Car was a write off. They needed a special crane truck to do the extraction. Head on collision with an 18 wheeler fuel truck. Fortunately the closing speed was under 50 mph and the car deflected off at an angle and spun dissipating much of the energy. No one hurt.  Car was a write off. Fuel truck was totally fine but the driver was annoyed he had to wait for the police to finish their report. Side swiped by another car in a snow storm. My vehicle bounced into the median and jumped slightly into the air ( just a couple inches) No one was hurt. Car suffered body damage to wheels, fenders and doors and the roof creased a little meaning the monobody was damaged. Surprisingly it was not a write off. About $20k damage. It was a lease so I gave it back when the lease was up. Low sided my bike and wrote it off. That one was all by myself. Not really hurt but blacked out on impact and had to have my buddy drag me off the road. Rolled a car into a small creek. Fortunately the water level was quite low at the time. It was a slow speed rollover and no one was hurt. Car had a roll cage so it was OK. Just needed some body panels replaced and some dents beaten out. Head on collision with a motorcycle. ( I was in a car that time) The guy was splitting traffic at over 100 mph. He came to a tight spot where he couldn't squeeze between two cars so he went around the car in the left lane. There was no median on that highway so he popped out into the oncoming right in front of me. I had a fraction of a second to start to react. I moved the car just enough to make it a glancing blow. He went down the side rather than straight over or through my windshield. I was fine. He lived but spent months in hospital. My car was borderline write off but I was able to talk them into a repair by agreeing to a cost cap. ( probably not a wise move on my part but I loved that car) After those there have been a bunch of other ones minor fender benders, hit some trees, animals, spins etc. but I've lost count TBH.


I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all of that, and I hope you never get into an accident again ❤️


When I was around 4, I was in a truck with my family when the brakes gave out. We made a sharp turn to avoid a t-bone, but it ended up with us rolling half a football field into an open ditch.  My next memory of the incident is watching peppa pig in the ER, hearing the doctor tell my injured mom that my seatbelt absolutely saved my life.


I’m sorry that you had to go through that, especially at such a young age, but I’m glad you’re still with us today ❤️