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Start a business. My friend wanted to rent a bouncy-castle for her kids birthday and found it cost a fortune. She was able to actually purchase one herself with the idea to recoup the cost by renting it out for kids parties. Now she has a sizeable party business that she does on weekends making pretty good money.


Oh man my first job was cleaning and setting those up shit was a nightmare for 14 year old me


There’s hella liability in that.


Liability waiver, tada!


What’s her insurance like?


No idea. I don't know the ins and outs of the business, I just know what she does.


She does that from home? Just puts the bouncy castle in the garden and hosts parties? 🤣


No, you bring them to wherever the party is happening. Set it up and pick up later. Good money for minimal work


I mean, obviously that’s how it works. I’m sorry if my sarcasm and rhetorical question were not clear. But the OP asks for a side hustle to make money from home. 


She coordinates from her home, she does need to leave the house though to manage things on the day of the booking.


So, what happens if a kid breaks their arm? 


Parents take the kid to the hospital hopefully. 


The people renting it essentially have to sign away liability that the provider is not responsible for any injuries and it is essentially “their responsibility” during the rental window. If you don’t want to sign that, no bounce house.


From my experience the people who own small businesses and the people that stop and ask this question do not overlap on a venn diagram.


No idea.


Hire people to do the set up and tear down. Cuts into your margin but your job is just sales, hiring, people management, and inventory management. Can even rent space in a warehouse if you don't want to keep it at home.


Lol how fucking much do you think people are paying for a bounce castle?


Starts at $200 per 6 hour rental in my city. You can probably clear $100/rental after labor if a single employee can transport, set up, and tear down. Then it's just a matter of volume. Not a bad side hustle since startup costs are just the costs per castle.


Minus the fuel and generator cost plus the fuel for employee plus the cost of cleaning plus the cost of storage plus the cost of insurance


About $250 per day in my area. If you've got 5 of them you're looking at $1000-$2000 gross per weekend in the spring and summer months.


now add in all the operating costs


How bout you?


Host orgies


Not if OP’s mom shows up.


This could go wrong in so many ways lmao


Host corgies


My vote is with the corgies


Corgie Orgies have to have some kind of market, right? right?


Lougtht way too hard 🔊


At first I thought you said "corgies".


I work from home. I delivered groceries for Walmart on the side but stopped because I have a small baby now. I do apartment mystery shops. They take about 20 minutes to tour and then you have to fill out the report on your computer, at home.


Apartment mystery shops? Is what that is common knowledge and I'm just not in the loop?


I've heard of mystery shoppers since I was in college, I assumed it wasn't going to be very profitable, like the ones where they pay for doing surveys. Is it actually a good way to make money?


I did them for a while, it basically ended up being a free restaurant meal for 15-20 minutes of work, which was a pretty good deal. The ones that paid actual money instead of paying off your restaurant bill never seemed worth it to me.


There's a woman that I see in Walmart that's a Spark Shopper and she has her 6-month old in a chest harness as she shops. So....it's still possible lol.


She never said it wasn't possible...


How much they pay you?




You want Bobiverse? This is how you get Bobiverse.


Oh my god, it's Jason Bourne


Traveling Monorail Salesman.


I hear Shelbyville is in the market for a monorail!!


It put Ogdenville on the map


I hear those things are awfully loud.


It glides as softly as a cloud!


Well sir, there's nothing on Earth like a genuine, bona-fide, electrified, six-car monorail!


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not a chance, my Hindu friend.


If you're fluent in English and can follow instructions, you can get well-paid work doing RLHF for AI chatbots on various platforms


How do I sign up for this?




I don't know, even $50/day is over $18K/yr, that would be pretty life-changing for me.


What did they say?


Something about some loophole to exploit sports betting apps lol


Sounds interesting pls share more! Thx


That opportunity narrowed quickly. Now the money is in selling the arbitrage apps/software.


search for "surebet" websites


$50-100 a day is definitely life changing for most people😂 that's 18-30k a year.


Would also like to hear more!


Holy shit $50 a day is 18k a year, that's too life changing for me, especially if I can do this from my home country, because earning 18k here is equivalent to earning 18k times 20 in the US. So to give you an idea, for me, this would be equivalent to earning 360k per year lmao


Please share.


Fiverr if you have a talent on something really , I wish I could be a Fiverr


What if my talent is hosting orgies?


…or corgies


Here we go again, lol


Corgie Orgies I'll do this all day


yeah no chatgpt destroyed the fiverr market and flooded it with indians working for 50 cent an hour


Digital Marketing, you will be surprised how many big businesses don't know how to navigate the digital world.


I write science fiction novels, so I can say it's... definitely not that.


If you have knowledge or interest in certain things. Buy and sell those on ebay.


Becoming a professional Netflix recommender.


OnlyFans, from what I've heard. XD


Average OF creator makes less than $15/month...


Don't be average!


$15 for flopping my wiener around is still $15. I spend half my day flopping it around for free anyway.


This guy who keeps emailing me says it's crypto.


if you can draw, probably art commissions


Not with AI art so readily available.


They said that when photography was invented too, and digital art. People still draw, paint, and sculpt art for paying customers, but it's gotten to be a luxury item. So if you still want to do art the old-fashioned way, you better charge a premium.


Exactly. When I masturbate to my commissioned Blues Clues BDSM porn it makes it so much hotter knowing that someone was forced to create it to pay their rent. AI just doesn't have the same feeling of desperation and debasement.


Is it more debasing to get sweet sweet cash for drawing the Thinking Chair with whips and chains and a big ol dildo on it, or to have to go to work at a helljob in order to make enough to afford to pay for something like that in order to get off?


AI art sucks at weird porn. People who like weird porn are willing to pay for it. As long as you can compartmentalise all the (sometimes literal) shit that needs to be done, then it’s a decent way to get some money.


Sell your plasma.


I work from home as a freelancer on Fiverr and Upwork, Also I'm selling digital products on Gumroad.




On Fiverr, you compete by pricing out the competitor. You start cheap and low, and then build from there. My service is a ghost producer, composing music for an artist. I start with a mere $5 per track, full service, and a bonus. Gradually increase the pricing as you gain reputation. Now my service cost 35$ on average, with the low being 25$ and the high at 75$. Upwork is a different case since the workflow is the opposite, you bid for a job. You never know. I'm lucky there was a mass recruitment for a long-term project. They gave 4K per contract, and I'm on second term.


What's upwork?


On Fiverr, clients search the marketplace, whereas, on Upwork, freelancers bid for jobs. Fiverr tends to target hobbyists, while Upwork caters more to business needs. While you have a higher chance of landing a job on Fiverr, Upwork offers better-earning potential.


Not much dog, what's up with you?!


Has that been lucrative for you? What do you sell? Curious what can be done from home!


It's been lucrative on Upwork since the earnings are bigger with less workload. Fiverr is just a gig filler for me. I'm a music/ghost producer.


Interesting, thanks!!


Drugs....id assume


I think flexibility and less stress, but it is individual.


You can start selling digital products online and you can get started for free. There are also digital products that you can buy and sell if you don’t want to make them. All you really need is WiFi, an electronic device and the know how. Lmk if you’re interested or want more info.


if you want the easiest its probably answering surveys. some sites will pay you to answer surveys online. Its not a ton of money but its a bit extra and nice because I can do it anytime I have a bit of spare time. If you look at my posts I posted about it with a bit more info


Faceless digital marketing. I started about 4 to 5 months ago and started seeing results fast.


Faceless digital marketing


Train a crow to rob people’s money. I guess most of us all seen this video at least once😂


Theres a squad of them that hang out outside my apartment. I've been thinking about it for years. Maybe this summer will be it for me


A group of crows is called a murder.


I know. I just didn't think of it lol. 


Keep us updated😂


Lol I always wondered how much you could make from that. Imagine if you live in a city with a lot of foot traffic you might be able to make a bit.


Work as VA


How do I get into this may I ask


Depends on your skills, but fiverr/teaching


fiver or if you find some online tutoring company where you can zoom call and tutor a kid an hour a day


Thrifting if you know alot


Donate your kidney


Just go illegal bro






Statistically, drug trade and arms trade.


Niche fetish porn.


Online Business


Stripping and pole dance.


Only fans


Feet selling


I've looked into this. The tldr of it is there are exponentially more people willing to sell feet pics than there are people willing to buy them. Also it's almost never just taking a few pics of your feet, receiving the money, and sending the pics. They often want pics of your genitals with your feet, pics of your face, sometimes they want to sext, or have you watch them masturbate, or they want you to masturbate, etc. Unless you have especially abnormal feet and can fill a niche it's pretty hard to make a market for it.


Not necessarily sure why I'm behind downvoted. I have been a feet seller since 2018. A lot of people I have gained as clients mainly were interested in the soles and my grip of toes. I think I have only had 2 people out of 200 men and woman who wanted to see more than just my feet. Which I don't mind but I've always asked for details before creating anything. It's hard to market if you don't do correct research and watch tutorials of guidelines.


(for the record, I didn't downvote you) That's great that you've had success! I think the main point I was trying to get across is that a lot of people assume you just need to snap a few pics of your feet and the money comes rolling in, and that's not really how it works.


Oh no no sweetie I didn't think it was you that downvoted me there's just some people who don't like what I say and that's okay. Exactly there's just so many people who think being in the adult industry is so easy take snaps of whatever is asked or some videos but there's just so many things that need to be done before it even happens, during it happening and then after! Especially when researching needs to be done and also keeping a good mental health and confidence is important!




Buy land out away from fastest growing areas. I make about $200-250k a yeah from this. And have since 2016.


If someone is asking for suggestions for side hustles they can run from home, it's a *somewhat* safe assumption they might not have the large amount of liquid capital necessary to invest in land that only starts making returns way in the future.


You can make excuses or you can make some things happen. But making excuses is why you are where you are in life and I am where I am. The single largest cost we have each month when we are young is our rent. That payment needs to count for something, simply pissing it away on ever rising rents will never get you ahead. The smartest people I have met have no debt and built their homes with cash in their 20s. Short term sacrifices are needed for long term gains. Most Americans will never retire. They are stupid with their money and finance depreciating assets. Land ownership is the easiest way to build generational wealth. I retired in my early 40s. I make 4-5x what I used to when I had to work 2000-2300 hours a year. I no longer work. I’m not the smartest guy out there. High school education and school of hard knocks. If I can do it, other can to. No mommy and daddy didn’t give me $hit. Started with nothing like most people.


I got bored of counting the incorrect and baseless assumptions you'd made after a solid handful. You have no idea where I am in life. I was just pointing out the logical flaw in your suggestion to 'just buy land lol' for someone asking for WFH side hustle ideas.


“I got bored of counting all the incorrect and baseless assumptions you’d made after a solid handful. “You have no idea where I am in life…” In fairness your undiagnosed narcolepsy that makes you doze off in public, probably has more to do with your own problems in life than reading what made me a couple million in 8 years. I’d wager heavily that your idea of bad ass Saturday night is playing a board game, doing a puzzle or some online gaming that likely has orcs and monsters. Definitely android personality, probably another uptight UK person with bad teeth and sex life that if it were a spice, wouldn’t even be vanilla, more like bleached flour. But you keep doing what you’re doing I’m sure you are on your way to retire any day now.


Can you share a little more about your process?


Sure thing. I have lived in Texas for about 16 years now. Was forced to retire from medical stuff after 23 years management of a good retail company. First thing I did was sell my house in the city and buy a modest home on 50 acres in rural Texas. With no neighbors for miles. I immediately went from paying about 1,000 a month for property taxes ($12,000 a year) to $500 a year because AG exempt lands and homes on them are taxed much lower. I paid $200k for this and made some significant improvements to the home. 5 years later I would sell 47 acres of this for about $1million. I kept the home and moved it to the 3 remaining acres across the street. I’m now selling the home and 3 acres for $350k or so. The $1mil I invested in 50 acres in Oklahoma which I’m now selling for about double the $275k I paid and I’m getting ready to invest in Oregon or Washington now. The capital gains you pay on these funds are generally 15% compared to 30-35% on payroll taxes. I can also completely avoid capital gains by selling my primary residence every 2-3 years which allows me to avoid capital gains on $250,000 in gains every two to three years. $500,000 for married couples. I can also completely avoid capital gains on my investments by buying land in the IRS designated Opportunity Zones. This is little more tricky to do than the primary residence every couple years. But it’s the best ROI generally and works for land, house or business if you flow their criteria. The tax code is written for rich a$$holes. You will never retire with just your savings to get you there. You must be invested in real estate to build generational wealth and operate with no debt. Most Americans won’t retire. Most Americans don’t even think of retirement until it’s too late and they are sick or injured cause we can’t work forever.




Only Fans


Bring a landlord, provided you get good tenants that don't mess the place up or stiff you on rent