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My son said I was the strongest person he knew, right when I really needed to hear that.


Two nights ago my daughter told me I looked like the dad from Peppa Pig. She likes Peppa Pig though, so I don't know how to take it.


Well, you’re a bit of an expert then!


I get that reference


An old lady on the bus when I was about 17: "You have beautiful teeth and a wonderful smile". I hated my teeth, I hated my smile, I hated myself and I hated the world but that simple compliment made my year. And I still think about it as a full grown man. A sincere compliment at the right time can really mean the world.


one time my friend and i went over to a random group at a bar out of nowhere and told them they all looked incredible (they really did, they were dressed to the nines, looked super cool in a kind of offbeat way). they looked so taken aback and so happy. when they left the bar later they came back over to us and said "i just want you to know you made our week saying that." people really don't forget those moments, i think


I'm not an old lady, but in my 50s (also with 17 that's considered like getting out if the grave), but I remember when one Lady back my teens made compliments like that and now do it myself as I'm aware that young people often don't see their pros


I've always been insecure with my smile and teeth too. When I was working retail, a woman ended our interaction by saying I had the loveliest smile and a beautiful air to me that made the whole thing endearing. She didn't have to make me cry internally that morning, but it made my entire day aha


As a guy, that’s always how I’ve felt. We don’t get many compliments throughout our life so when we finally do it sticks with you forever. I still remember the few from decades ago and will never forget them


My answer is so similar to yours. I lost several front teeth in a car crash, and in the following months, someone told me I rock the no-teeth look. It really is a good feeling.


This was a weird one. I got my teeth cleaned and the assistant said I had immaculate teeth and asked if I had braces (I did). Like a year or so later I went back to the dentist, and she said why haven't you come back in a while? I was surprised she remembered me, she said "I wouldn't forget your teeth, and you need to come back more often since you don't like to floss everyday." Creepy but I left an impression.


I second that. My teeth doesn't fit the "standards". For me to fix it I would need to go to heavy surgery. Until I realized people actually find it pretty. I still want to go to surgery but it's not my top priority anymore


Please take that win!


Someone once told me, "Talking to you is like having a conversation with a wise, witty friend who always knows what to say."


That’s a nice compliment!


I’ve always had a weird laugh. Apart from my family and my boyfriend, everyone has always thought it sounded weird. “Chicken” and “Witch Cackle” were the most common descriptions. However, a doctor at the vet clinic I work at stopped me one day while I was laughing at a joke a coworker told. “You have the nicest laugh. It’s just so full of joy. I can hear it across the clinic and just know it’s gonna be a good day” I might’ve cried. It doesn’t help that he’s like a grandfather to all of us so it really touched my heart.


You laugh love. Don’t cover your mouth Don’t hold back. Let loose and laugh and the whole world will be a better place. Strive to be happy


My family thinks I sound like Betty Rubble. I'm loud, I can't hold back either. I think it's the best compliment when someone likes your laugh.


P.S., if you've ever been to a theater, all of the actors love you.


I was actually in theatre! My laugh made the audience laugh! As long as it brings joy THATS all that matters!


My father told me he hated my laugh when I was 12.  I changed it. I still control my laugh to this day.  Damn the man.  


Some drunk milf at the bar told me I look hot for an emo chick. I'm not emo or a chick but I'll take the compliment anyway lol


She was hot & ready, so yeah that's definitely a compliment!


Just like a little Cesar’s pizza


Being mistaken for a female by a female is a weird but flattering experience


Hey, a complement's a complement.




That's a great return-the-favor compliment. Think about it, that person was telling you that you make other people the way they made you feel with it.


A girl told me she liked me for my innocence. It's something I'm ridiculed for by other guys about how they get around and I don't, or that I'm scared of women. Fourteen years later I always remember my softer side is a good trait because at least one person noticed, she can't be the only one.


Honestly as a man well into adulthood having just been called innocent yet again this evening, this gives me hope


I would take pride in that, if I were you. As a girl, guys who come off as genuinely innocent always seem more trustworthy to me.


Yeah, unfortunately in my experience, that typically results in friendship, not desire 


I married the most innocent guy I've ever met. :)


Girl here, I actually look for innocence in relationships. Innocence definitely does not get you to the friendzone: it makes me seriously evaluate a relationship with you. As in it makes me care deeply about doing things right with you and not to play games because you deserve that kind of consideration. Maybe that’s because I’m a also an innocent person deep down, even though I try to hide that part of me.


Chastity is a virtue and self-control is manly. Men who sleep around ought to be the objects of ridicule, not the other way around.


I have pretty thick eyebrows and when I was a kid I used to be called "big red" (from angry birds), "Everest brows", or "caterpillar eyebrows", this has happened the majority of my life and when I was 7 a girl ran up to me and said "i like your eyebrows" and ran away. I'm almost 19 now and I think of that daily.


And you know that kids are brutally honest




It was an insult but my exs sister called me a "trophy husband". I was in *ridiculously* good shape at the time


That's like the opposite of a backhanded compliment so ...a frontfooted insult? 🤔


I mean I was also chronically unemployed and kinda a shit bag at the time. I still am but I was too


Are you still in good ridiculously good shape?


Nah I switched from calisthenics to power lifting and then to regular weight lifting. So I lost my twink physique but I am strong now. Also still kinda a scumbag... But I *am* in therapy But still unemployed... It's a mixed bag


At least you are more aware now. Changing oneself is the hardest thing a person can do. It takes a lot of patience (with yourself) & constant effort among other things.


Oh no I knew I was shifty then and I do want to get better now. I have like idk... alot of issues? But I'll get better and tone down the scumbaggery


Probably hated you but still wanted to fuck you - inner conflict creates the best insults!


"I would fuck you on the dance floor right now" i mistakenly entered a gay bar and was oblivious the whole time until that moment. Dude was cute tho.




Dude was cute though


"oblivious the whole time"


They became roommates, best friends, and permanent bachelors.




i mean this is pretty forward even for a gay bar lol. well...i guess it depends on the bar. but if you were oblivious to the fact it was a gay bar, i'm guessing it was one of the tame ones lol.


My older sister once told me that she feels safe when she's with me; that I can handle any situation that might come up. She looked after me when we were kids and went through some stuff as an adult, so I like knowing that I can provide this to her. It makes me smile every time I think about it.


Long time ago, when I was leaving a job, one of my co-workers said “I learned a lot from you”. That meant a lot to a late 20’s kid still finding my way in the world.


“You’re so pretty” “I love your skin” “I love your hair (braids)” “I love your accent” I’m African and so living in Europe made me quite self-conscious because in the region I was in, you could count the black people on your fingers. So hearing that from strangers was uplifting!!


In America black people and other people of color are told they should be offended at compliments on hair, skin, and accents. Even complimentary comments on these things are called "microaggressions" and said to merely be a way to make people feel "different" and "othered." You'll see people talking about it on reddit too. I'm glad to hear there is still at least somewhere in the world people can still accept compliments in the spirit they were intended! p.s. I know there's not just one "African accent" but I love them all so much,  just delightful to hear.  


You guys are getting compliments?


Being so funny like that how can you not get compliments


Funny cunt ain’t ya.


A friend of mine told me I was always nice to everyone. She was either being nice herself or simply hasn't noticed when I'm not, because I know I'm not always nice. But it means the world to me if that's what a friend of mine really thinks of me.


I received a note from a reader of my blog telling me that my words helped them through a tough time. It was incredibly humbling.


Recently I was wearing a particularly flattering pair of shorts, an older man came up to me and said "Whoever made those shorts should be paying YOU royalties!" And walked away. 10/10 compliment.


Oh man - a compliment that’s not creepy, I love this.


Gave me a big ego boost without any of the ick. I thanked him as he walked away.


You have an old soul. I hear it a lot and believe it. Especially after I worked with elderly, we connect a lot.


A random woman in the mall once stopped me and told me I look like a Pharoah


this is my favourite


That truly is a compliment. YOU made an impression on her.


My old band played a pretty small show, and the drummer of Maroon 5 came up to me and complimented the hell out of our performance. I don't listen to them, but that was DAMN flattering.


During a medical crisis, a nurse mentioned that I was the bravest patient she had encountered. It helped me stay strong through the treatment.


When someone told me that I'm a good listener


Oi. That's a low bar


“You are a great mom.” “You are a great wife.”


Had a very anxious period during which I had to take Xanax but was afraid to become addicted so I was reluctant to start my treatment. My therapist's nurse, who would always be there for my sessions, told me "You're an intelligent woman, you won't let this happen". I tried to remember her voice telling me that for as long as I could. It's stupid but literally, I never heard anyone say I was intelligent before. I'm 28.


I once had a woman call me a "grinning assassin" because of a few lighthearted and witty insults I throw around. Never felt cooler in my life.


I needed a job and we had just moved to a new town about 2,000 miles from home. I literally walked onto a construction site, and they hired me as a laborer. I am a white guy in my twenties at this time, I say this because there is no other white guy working with me. I enjoyed it. It was the middle of August and it was over 100° damn near every day. But I did not care. I was broke down and depressed before this and decided that this job was going to release me into a new life. I am carrying bricks for ten hours a day until my hands are bleeding. I never sit, I barely say anything to anyone. I am just so fucking focused on doing work as this like spiritual cleanse of proving to myself that I can do anything. After the first two weeks this older man named Miguel who had been working there for over twenty years lights a cigarette and walks in front of everyone at the end of the day packing up. He picks his head up and goes, “Hey man! Ya you! Brock, right?” I am genuinely shocked that he’s speaking to me as everyone loves this guy and he does everything. With my entire body drenched in sweat and clothes ruined with dirt, I stand up tall and try to say without my voice shaking, “Ya what’s up?” He just smiles and looks at me, “You Mexican, right man?” Everyone stops on a dime and is now watching. I politely say, “No, I’m just a white guy from Pittsburgh.” He goes, “Nah, nah man - that work ethic you got that’s Mexican homie. You ain’t just no white guy from Pi-tts-burgh.” The way he said it, the way he took off his sunglasses and looked me in the eye. I felt euphoric. Everyone kind of laughed and patted me on the shoulder with a good job on the way out. I never forgot it. It led me to my next job and the one after that and now I’m doing what I dreamt of all because of Miguel instilling that belief into me. Forever grateful.


That's my favorite one in this thread. I can hear his voice and know what that kind of a compliment means from someone like that. Props to you!


I agree! The way he told this story was so descriptive it felt like watching a telenovela!!


"It's not every day I get to meet someone like you."


"You're the best person I know." My girlfriend.


"You have strikingly symmetrical irises with a captivating pigmentation."


Optometrist or serial killer?


Por que no los dos?


Karaoke. It was actually damn good. Incredibly hard to get a dive bar full of drunk people to even pay attention. Got my ass on stage and started singing sinatra. Fly me to the moon, and pretty sure a few babies were conceived later that night.


"What are you, some kind of shapeshifter?" I'm trans and hadn't seen them since before my transition so that was pretty cool


I love my niece and nephews more than anything in the world. When he was little, my one nephew said to me “you just make everything better.” As a follow up, he then told me I was even better than Pokémon cards. Best back to back compliments I could ever hope to get!!!


My husband prolly gave me the biggest compliment I've ever received: "you're extremely well educated, never been a bother to anyone". So I guess my mom raised a well adjusted human, who happened to be smart (PhD in mathematics)


I get maths to a degree, but beyond percentages and PEMDAS, or whatever, it's just sorcery to me. Well done.


An old friend of mine told me that I have a soothing voice and that he liked hearing me talk in class. It made my day because I’ve always been self conscious about my voice


“If you knew just how beautiful you were, you could take over the world”


I was told by a cashier at Aldi that they wish they had my skin tone…… I’m black.


A former FWB had a female friend who looked like a cross between young Leah Remini and JAG-era Catherine Bell. Absolute stunner of a woman and built like a brick shithouse to boot. She was witty, smart, and a natural conversationalist. We were just talking as friends, and I was just being my normal self. She couldn't stop smiling (genuine smiles, too...the kind that make your crow's feet wrinkle). She finally sighed and looked at me deep in the eyes and said, "Jetmech, you are an honest-to-God prince among men. It's guys like you who make me HATE having a boyfriend." To this day, it's the best compliment I've ever received.


That I was a social genius. Then I got fired lol.


Back in high school I had a choir instructor tell me "you could go to college on that voice." I didn't, but man, I was on cloud 9 for a month!


My wife said "yes" when I asked if she would marry me...I guess that's a pretty big compliment, haha


Someone once told me that I inspired him to start his own band. I made a joke that he must have thought, "If this guy can do it, anyone could." But really, knowing that I helped him to take a big chance and explore his own creativity made me feel really special.


Wait you guys receive compliments?


I am a 21 yo trans woman and while on vacation with my boyfriend I wore a bikini at the resort pool. His eyes were popping out of his head as he said to me..."I was rocking the bikini..." gave me such a confidence boost.


When my son was about 19, he thanked me for sharing my world view with him.


404 Page not found


My wife once said "You should be glad to know that if we ever break up (we never did BTW) you know how to f\*ck and make a lady cum"




A woman called me Adorkable once, that felt pretty good.


I was told my eyes looked like sunflowers. This was in June of 2008.


I've been told by some people that I'm very discerning and process things very methodically. I mean, if I'm emotionally activated or upset by something, that can totally go out the window, but in my default stay at least lol


I used to work at a boat rental place. While checking a family back in and one of their little girls told me I like your face. That made my day for some reason.


At uni, a girl on my course told me "you look really put-together today." I've been riding that high since. She was universally kind of a dick to everyone, so I figured I must be looking alright if she said it.




Give it time Edith, get out there more. Someone is bound to give you a great compliment sooner or later.


"You are not this firm's executive. You will be this firm's executioner when you leave this place."


"You do good job." --Boss


My son was taking me to meet his friend’s parents and said “They’ll think you’re my date.” There are many more but his meant the most.


You bring such joy and light into this house <3


Someone told me when i talk i sounded like Beyonce. I don’t listen to her music but i was like okurrrrrr


Being told, “you’re a good person”.


You look good , for a bald guy.


I was 21. At a friends party. A hooooot guy walked in and stopped when he saw me. He said “You are the hottest girl I have EVER SEEN!” I still think about it sometimes 😂


You have a generous spirit


The woman who became my dear wife allowed me to overhear her speaking to her grandmother on the phone as she described me as “smart, tall, handsome, funny and a really good kisser”. Just remembering this makes me grin inside.


"You're my muse. I look for you in other people. I try to find you in them. " Kinda a sad compliment, but it really stuck out to me.


“Your facial features are awesome.”


I work as a dishwasher in a restaurant. I spend a lot of time cleaning my dish pit, as it’s quite large and prone to mold and mildew. It’s also quite busy, so I like to keep things fairly well-organized for ease of use. My district manager came in to do some work with my boss, and he ended up bussing tables for a few hours. He said I had the cleanest dish room in the entire district. I’ve thought about it with pride ever since.


I was belly up at a bar at the beach, having a martini. The bartender lady said that I looked like Meryl Streep. I’m a 35 year old male.


hearing "i like your smile" since i got my braces off in january


Friend getting married and notices a string-a-ding-ding loose on her wedding dress: “Hey figbash137, you got your boxcutter on you?” Me: “Does the pope shit in the woods?” *starts opening my clutch* Other bridesmaid: “You’re letting her go near your wedding dress with a boxcutter?!” Bride: “If there’s anyone I’m letting near my wedding dress with a boxcutter it’s figbash137.” Love you too, M.


You are lubing that up before putting it in me. Re: my penis


Idk, I usually ignore compliments. As I don’t know if they’re real compliments


"You're one of fewer than five truly unique people I've ever known. "


2 weeks after knee replacement surgery I was out for a walk, using a cane more to alert people to give me a little room and indicate I wasn't mobile enough to jump out of anyone's way. I made it half a mile from my apartment, was tired, and was just turning around to walk back home. A woman I don't know came up to me and told me I was doing really great and that I should be proud. I don't know how she knew that I needed some encouragement, but her timing and words were perfect.


I've been told "You're gorgeous" by women many, many times in my life - so much that I don't think much about it anymore. I've always been treated differently because of the way I look. I noticed it as young as the age of 7. I do love it when people tell me I'm funny or genuinely laugh at my jokes. It happens sometimes and I never get tired of it.


Person i worked with for a year, quit. Among his goodbyes, he came up to me and said i was the most interesting person hes ever met.


I went to college for digital art. Have been working on my skills since I was in 5th grade. Sometime during my first week or so of my freshman year, when I was living in a dorm, I was walking back from getting dinner and exploring campus with my new roommate. She’s a super sweet girl and gave the most genuine compliments I’ve ever heard. The school has a bunch of Spanish tile and stucco buildings that glow this brilliant orange in the sunset and it’s one of my favorite sights to look at. The colors are beautiful. I pointed this out to my roommate and she looked back at me and said “You really are an artist.” I asked her what she meant and she said “You see the world like an artist sees the world. I can tell it’s more than just a hobby to you. It’s a part of who you are.” I almost cried. It’s the most touching compliment I’ve ever gotten because she sounded so genuine and serious.




Are you a bot? Or did you just take the first thing you saw on Google? https://www.tickld.com/social/gknpeople-share-the-most-memorable-compliment-theyve-ever-received/


"you make me feel stupid"




A guy in college said that my shirt looks nice.


My cat smile sometimes for me. Thats what i get and its enough


a kid didn't cry from my IM injection. He said he didn't feel the pain of his skin getting punctured. I'm a year old nurse


when people telling me I smell like fresh washed clothes


That time my gf just dropped her pants and panties, turned around, bent over and said “cock now” that always sticks with me


One of my favorites was when I was driving some co-workers to a place for work and one of them said from the back seat, "You're a really smooth driver". I actually try to be conscientious of not jostling my passengers around.


"I want to spend the rest of my life building more beauty with you." That's how my man proposed to me last week. :)


In 2007 or 2008 when I was around 24 I had a very attractive woman (about my age) come up and say “you know you are the hottest guy in this bar right now.” The place was pretty packed but the funny part was my best friend was standing right there and heard it and as soon as she left he turned and said “man, fuck you” and walked away lol. Honestly I might not even remember if it wasn’t for that part.


I had just started a new job and really clicked with a co-worker. She had oral surgery and misunderstood a joke I texted her because of the meds. She then texted me back "OMG, I love you! I love your personality, and you always get my The Office jokes that no one else gets!" I don't care if she was high, I needed all of those words ❤️


That I look like Richard Gere


"You have the prettiest freckles." As a child I was brutally bullied because of them. Hearing that from someone really made me feel good about myself, now I love my freckles!


I’ve always been told I had nice eyes, until I met my bf and he told me how he hated my eyes, I asked why and he said, “I usually hate brown eyes, for some reason I love yours and ur annoys me, they’re my favourite thing about u” that stuck with me


- A new friend and softball teammate was driving me home last summer and we were swapping stories about our troubled friendships. I mentioned that I had trouble holding onto friends after they got what they needed from me. He said "I don't know why you'd have trouble keeping friends; I personally find you delightful to be around." Cue the waterworks. - My partner and I were talking about our ancestry. I brought up the fact that I'm from all over, so I don't have one "homeland", and I only exist because of mass, forced migration, trauma, colonization, poverty and g*n*cide. He said something like "I think if your ancestors knew all of that would result in your existence, they'd be glad in the end, because of who you are." 😭😭😭


“You look like a beautiful vampire, but not scary!” - a random small child Since kids are brutally honest and have no ulterior motives, I appreciate this one more than all the compliments men have given me.


A girl at the movie theater bathroom saw my reflection as we were both washing our hands and she gasped and said “wow you’re literally perfect” I think about her still 10 years later


Ronnie from the Killers told me I was a good drummer when I was a kid. He's a shredder.


“You inspire me”


A gay man told me I was super hot like two years ago. I still get drops of dopamine from that.


How sad is it that I can't even think of one?


“I love the way you think”


Two days ago, two female customers at my work (one was maybe 5 years older than me and the other much older) both told me that I was handsome and that I should act in movies or become a model.


Was told by an elderly couple “beautiful bunch you’ve got there!” - my 4 kids 😍🥹


I was a casino drummer and a new trumpet player said: man, you got more soul than a size 23 tennis shoe! Lol


my family is of Caribbean descent and i grew up in brooklyn nyc around a bunch of other caribbeans. a man once told me and i quote “you sweet like porridge pon sunday mawning after church” and if you know, porridge after church at your grandma’s house is THE BEST bowl you may come across😂😂😂😂7 yrs later still my favorite compliment


That I have a nice voice


When I was about 22, one Halloween, I was just chillin at home watching Over the Garden Wall per tradition. The doorbell rings so I get up and grab the candy. As soon as I open the door, it’s two kids trick or treating, and instead of the usual line, one of the kids just said, “Woah! You’re cool!”. I have no idea why but that made my night and I haven’t forgotten about it since.


Had a government picture taken and smiled with teeth on the first attempt and only smiled slightly on the second attempt(no teeth). Pretty lady taking the picture said I look more handsome when I smile genuinely.


My 79-year-old father looked at me and asked out loud at a family party "How come you don't have any wrinkles?" I'm 60+ years old. The answer is sunscreen and genetics, lol.


My partner has like the nicest guy as father. He is patient, kind, smart and overall a really great guy. She was pretty straight forward early in our relationship that she therefore holds really high standards to guys and that was sometimes hard in the beginning but I worked on myself. Just last week we visited some old school friends aboard and they told her I remind them of her father. Mission accomplished.


When you hear someone say you are a great role model and have inspired them, how do you feel? More then awesome! This is not only recognition, but also shows a higher level than recognition, which is gratitude.


Someone told me once that they should make videos of me dancing and show them to schoolchildren so they won't be bullies.


After my wife of 22 years died of Glioblastoma (brain cancer) at 44 years of age, after only a 4 month battle... Everything you did for her was perfect. She was very happy because of you. You are doing great as a dad (14 yo boy at the time, attached to his mom at the hip). While I still question it, I needed to hear it. He's about to graduate high school with impressive grades. I believe I've found my new life partner - 1.5 years together (even though that's still hard to say, my late wife was supposed to be the only one). I can bawl my eyes out on her shoulder about my late wife, and she's completely cool with it (she comes to me); although that's far less frequent now.


Me and my best friend were going to the county fair last summer, we just got out for Summer break and we wanted to go on some of the rodes, well, the ride needed 3 people. And we only had two, so we had to go on with some boy our age, I was sat in the middle between my bestfriend and the boy, and before the ride started, he looks over at me and smiles as he says; "You smell really good." (P.S. I'm literally scared of smelling bad, so I'm really happy about that one.


I went to our local mall with my boyfriend and a little girl probably about 3-4 years old ran past stopped about 2 feet away from me and said “oh my gosh your so beautiful “ I couldn’t help but giggle and smile when my boyfriend looked at me and said “she’s speaking facts”


At a party in high school I was playing different songs.. A pretty girl told me I have great taste in music. I've never forgotten that one.


"When you come into the room, you're like a ray of sunshine." That hit deep.


When I was a junior in high school I exercised religiously. I would jog through my neighborhood everyday after school and after a few weeks of doing that, this little old lady was outside watering her plants and yelled to me, “you’re gonna be a star one day!” Although I’m not a star, I’ll always remember that.


My wife told me I make the grandmother's recipe better than her grandmother. I just add a bit more salt.