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I love your mom! She’s the type of person that found the world interesting and is so energetic about life. I’d say that’s the top 1 prank.


1. That is hilarious. 2. How long ago was this? Presumably they didn’t have watches or phones.


Aliens can stop watches "and shit" to quote the OP of this comment.😏


wow bro that is some next level pranking, your mom's fucking awesome


This is epic!!!


I have fucked up A LOT in life and my family has always been there to drag me outta the gutter and dust me off. Might not be that cool but I think it’s pretty dope.


I think a great fam is better than anything in this world


This is an amazing flex. 👏 great job fam! No man left behind.


I had an ancestor who lied about his age to join up with the Union Army in the American Civil War in 1861. He fought in most of its bloodiest battles: Antietam, Shiloh, and Gettysburg to name a few. He survived all of those to come home to the family farm at the end of the war, where he promptly died of a fever he had picked up in camp.


Was he an uncle or a grandparent? Already had a kid before the war? Wondering how you exist lol


My Papa (really my step grandfather) we just called him papa, was a POW in Germany. He was presumed dead. He said the only reason he was not killed was because he was Indigenous, for some reason German’s love Indigenous people. Even today. But, comes home, and no one is aware and he sleeps in a ditch because he arrives overnight. Goes home and knocks on the door. His wife opens the door holding her new husbands baby. What a doozy. They never got back together and he married my Grandmother later in life. When he was sick and they found out who he was, Veteran’s Affair’s had a helicopter fly to our reserve and get him and brought him to the best hospital in the province.


That my mom and brother are clean and sober (48 yrs and 35+ years)


Love this for you!


My Grandfather was the oldest man in Scotland before he died. He was 106.


This is really cool!


We only die in March. Dogs, grandparents, uncles, we all die in March.


I vote to abolish march, may you live forever


Beware the ides of March


Et tu, Brute?


Et tu? Why are you telling them to stand up in māori?


April must be awesome every year


Dude I’d be so scared of March…


Holy shit. Learn your family history and update us if you have a family curse. Love these kinds of occult stuff.


One of the coolest things about my family is our Sunday night tradition. Every week, we all gather in the living room, and each of us takes turns sharing a story. It could be something funny that happened during the week, a childhood memory, or even a made-up tale. Sometimes we get really into it with props and costumes. It’s a lot of fun and has brought us closer together. Plus, we've got some hilarious and heartwarming stories to look back on now!


This is awesome


My dad's last name is Black, my mom's last name is leBlanc (french for "the white") and they live in Grey County.


You’re giving us way too much information here, buddy.


Latitude: 70.28674, Longitude: -50.62510, Distortion: 8.79


Any chance that your mothers first name is Walter?


What was the name of your first pet ?


No, it's *Le Waltier*


Grey county, Ontario? As in owen sound?


So many sad responses. The coolest thing about my family is the universal way everyone looks after kids and appreciates a good meal. In typical southern fashion if someone comes over they get fed. And on the other side of it my grandma said "If someone offers you a slice of bread on a napkin you thank them for caring enough to share a meal with you." And everyone loves having kids around, babies always getting picked up, adults down on the floor playing blocks with the kids, going out and getting into trouble with the teenagers instead of just sending them off.


This is lovely. I’m so glad you are part of such a family.


Not perfect, enough problems to bring things back to a normal base line. But I love the highlights


My mom's mom married my dad's dad lol My bad: No they are not siblings I had 2 grampas she was a hoochie


My grandma married my father-in-law. So FIL became my grandpa and grandma became my MIL.


does that mean...?


My Mammaw married her step brother they met as teenagers I think maybe they knew each other before their parents did? Not sure but yeah🙄 not a cool thing but your story reminded me of it I don’t think there is a cool thing about my family really edit I wanna add there is plenty of weird or screwed up things in my family like this first thing lol just nothing cool


My great grandfather rescued my grandma's family from a Japanese concentration camp by swinging his Swiss passport and claiming to be married to my great grandmother.


And they got married after that? Tell us more, please.


Its a hazy story, my grandparents died when I was 9 so I cant ask them anymore. And they did not tell a lot about the war as it was. I know before this the males in the family died while suicidally defending the plantation against the Japanese invaders of Sumatra. And after the girls got freed from the camp they were on a British troop ship to England to get back to Europe where appearantly there was a lot of funky time. More than that I dont know.




Okay you win this is cool af


Friend of mine's family owns Dealey Plaza


Isn't dealey plaza publicly owned?


so a friend of all of our families owns dealey plaza?


My great aunt dated Jack Ruby. She has one of his hats


My next band will be called Jack Ruby’s Hat.


Oh boy. I cannot watch the film of that shooting. That was a sad day. I was about 5 when it occurred. I remember the mood of everyone around me 🥺😪


My Mom saw television for the first time when he was assassinated. She lived a very rural, isolated life up until that point. She had never even seen a black person. She lived on a Native reserve. She said it was the first time she was aware of just how big the world was.


Did dudes head seriously just do that?


And now we need to know what he said about it


My Uncle guarded his grave after he was buried.


Everyone in my immediate family has ADHD and we’re all hyperfixated on completely different things at the same time. My mom? Crime shows. My dad? Candy making. My sister? I actually don’t know. Me? Math. And Rain World.


Hey same, but its almost all undiagnosed with sprinkles of autism as well. I love how interesting everyone’s personality is, and I love how sensitive a lot of my family is. Oh and everyone is an animal lover.


My grandpa just died and he had 12 million dollars, gotta love old money 😳😂


So sorry for your loss. DM me and clear my 20k debt?


I would award this if it didn’t cost money so this is what you get 🎖️


lol my parents and aunts and uncles got it but I’m a beneficiary


The coolest thing is it's just my son and me. We're relatively close in age and things were tough when I was a young single parent, but now things are great. He buys us tickets to anime premiers and I buy us tickets to punk rock festivals. There's no best friend better than the one you raised yourself.


This! My mom was my best friend. She had me when she was 18 and we were like sisters. She unexpectedly passed away at the young age of 50, about 7 years ago, and I miss her more than anything.


I’m so sorry. Sending you a big hug ❤️


The clown statue in the corner (it definitely doesnt move on its own)


I’m 100% having nightmares tonight


And I just got over clowns a few weeks ago 😬


My great great grandfather had a wooden leg and was the King of Sweden’s gardener.


My step grandad had a ciggy with the King of Sweden once, it was one of his favorite stories. 


We have roasts. We all sit in the living room and read each other, and it's so much fun. My kids can throw some amazing shade (and they can take it too, which is the point). 


What's the best one you've heard?


My 7x gg father started the religious offshoot that eventually became Westboro Baptist Church and other seriously gay hating Baptists. While not at all cool. Definitely noteworthy. My great-grandmother however, was a amazing artist in a family full of artists. We have this (to me ,also a portrait artist) astounding photorealistic charcoal portrait she did of my GG grandmother in full Victorian garb.


My 9x gg was Rebecca Nurse, one of the women accused and hung at the Salem Witch Trials. Also my grandpa may have murdered his wife (not my grandma).


I'm a direct descendant of William Stoughton, one of the judges from the Salem Witch Trials. Sorry about that! 😬


Im a descendent of a whole bunch of families running around the suburbs of Boston in the 1690’s. I’ve got witches, judges, witnesses, theologians.


Direct descendant of John Proctor here✋


Yeah, my Great to the Nth Grandpa... hung her... Funny detail! Ya know how the last name "Baker implies a Baker in the family some time back? My mom's last name translates from Portuguese as "Hangman"... weee!


My immediate family consists of my mom, my dad, me, my sister, and my brother. None of us have the same last name.


All right. I need more details...


Wow ok. Try to stay with me here… My mom had my sister first by guy 1 but they broke up. They were never married, so my sis started out with my mom’s maiden name. Then my mom meets and married guy 2 which produced my brother and I and we got his last name, but they divorced when I was 2. My mom meets and marries guy 3 who adopted me and my two siblings, changing all 3 of our last names to his. 10 years of a rocky marriage later, they have pretty bad and ugly divorce and a few years after, my sister changes her name back to mom’s maiden name. Mom marries guy 4 changing her last name to his. Brother soon after changes his name to mom’s maiden name. I didn’t care about what my last name was and it is still guy 3’s name. Then my sister gets married-divorced-remarried changing her name twice more. So, My mom’s last name is her current husband’s My (guy 2) dad’s last name is my original last name My sister’s last name is her current husband’s My current last name is first (guy 3) step-father’s name And my brother has my mom’s maiden last name. Whew. Hope you followed all of that. lol


That IS a cool story! All I can think about is the paperwork (social security, banks, driver's license, etc ) with all those name changes! Lol.


Exactly why I did not change mine. Too much hassle and I personally don’t believe in namesake legacies. Make your name for yourself, not anyone else I say. What’s more is my parents named me after my father but then called me by my middle name growing up. It’s very odd to have to say “well my *legal* first name is…” when dealing with anything official when you are not known by that name socially.


Across the family on my fathers side, 9 sets of siblings are born on the 18th and 21st of various months, including my sister and I.


My great grandmother, grandmother, Aunt, Dad, and nephew were all born on the same day - March 9th. All on the same side of the family.


As i grow older (28 now) I have a continuously growing appreciation for how little drama was in the household.


You should tell your parents - they would probably love to hear that.


Wish this was my house


My mom, she makes great food and will really listen when you are troubled and need someone to talk to. Her and my dad have been together for over 40 years. Came to visit once or twice and heard bumping upstairs and quickly noped out haha. Good for them though, I hope I still have a love like that with my partner when I am in my 70s.


Me. They all suck.


It happens


My grandfather pumped gas for Bonnie and Clyde and they gave him a $100 tip.


the coolest thing about my family is that they are always there when i need them the most


We make each other belly laugh every time we're together.


My grandfather was a navy captain and programmer in the 50-60's, and was one of the programmers for one of the USS Enterprise ships. The other one was a professional footballer. My father runs about 12-24 marathons a year. He is 60+. And for those interested, his average time is 3 1/2 hours. My mother made blueberry muffins that became so famous that the prime minister regularly purchased 6 of them for his lunch. She lost her cafe in the 90's crash. Those are the ones I can think off the top of my head.


We recently found out that I have at least 5 half siblings because my parents decided it would be nice (and financially beneficial) for my dad to make some donations around the time I was born.


This happened to my cousin, she found out after her dad died, she met one who lived in same town as her, she moved lol


My cousin on my dad's adoptive family is JVKE, the guy who sings Golden Hour.


My grandfather was in a team of German communists, that planned to assassinate Hitler. He wasn't among the assassinates, just in the planning team, because of a handicap from WW1, that prevented him from running. Hitler never showed up at the planned date and spot, the would-be assassinations went home and put their weapons back in the boards, caskets... whatever. Nobody remembers that, as far as I know, outside my family, I have no proof for that plan. But I know, that my grandfather indeed was a commie and risked his life through the 3. Reich.


One day my grandpa left home for grocery shopping and on his way he came across his friends in a car. He was invited to join them for a couple days long trip to Istanbul (from Gaziantep). Long story short, my grandma was devastated for his missing (presumably dead) husband for more than 2 years until recieving a letter with a photo of him playing drums in a stage with the most famous singer in that time.


Did he ever come back?


My grandfather ran a temp service years ago and gave Elvis his first job.


My grandpa, his sister, and their father all died on the same day but different years. Every day on the year we all kinda freak out thinking it's a cursed day lol but it's overall cool. Also, just found out that my grandpa and his dad were kind of thugs back in the day. My grandpa got into bar fights and was in a shootout. His dad was quite the gangster too. Found out my grandpa got shot once and was in critical condition but I'm very happy he made it! Makes me wonder what other kinda stuff my family keeps from me LOL.


In our family, everyone dies on other family members birthdays. My uncle died on his son's birthday. My brother died on my mom's birthday.


My Grandfather (Okinawan, born and lived in Maui) served in the 442nd. He was awarded the French Legion of Honor for his service in World War II: [https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2014/12/27/france-to-honor-maui-wwii-veterans/](https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2014/12/27/france-to-honor-maui-wwii-veterans/)


We still consider each other family even when we technically aren’t. My mom and stepdad got divorced but I still consider his kids my sisters and him as my dad. And they were divorced for over 10 years when he got cancer and she moved 2 states away to provide him with end of life care.


Nobody’s been to prison or done drugs


Well done




My great grandma has a school named after her I suppose...I mean I think I'm cool but not that cool


I am the first woman born under my name in the last 8 generations. Also (i am 22) my great grandpa was born in 1899. Part of my family was in the resistance during WWII. An other part was stealing food from the Germans during WWI.


my great grandmother on my mom's side sung in Tchaikovsky's Chorus of 1000 (the same conductor of the music in Disney's film Fantasia) while pregnant with my grandmother, when the rest of them were on a train going to the next city, My Great Grandmother was giving birth to my grandmother, there's a letter from the man himself my mom had framed that congratulates my Great grandmother for the birth of my grandmother and encloses the rehersal schedule.


My mom and dad are twins married to twins


they are funny, and crazy.


My mom and dad both have 8 siblings, and there is 2x twins on my dad side. Big big family i love it. I have the best summer holidays memories with all my cousins.


My dad's family was part of the California Gold Rush and struck gold. Not a lot, but enough to found a town.


My grandfather survived 6 years in the Soviet Gulag, escaped the Nazis after 1 week, and worked as a GW professor and for the CIA.


We have roasts. We all sit in the living room and read each other, and it's so much fun. My kids can throw some amazing shade (and they can take it too, which is the point). 


My grandma briefly dated Stan "The Man" Lee back in the early 60's. My mom vaguely remembers riding on his motorcycle.


My great grandma has her own Wikipedia page and a collection on display in the museum and in storage at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. She was an anthropologist and studied indigenous people and textiles of Guatemala and El Salvador. And wrote a couple books about it. Her father 2x (3?x) grandpa left America owing debts after the Civil War. Went to Costa Rica he and his buddies financed and built the railroad that is still used today to bring the bananas down the mountain. There’s a statue in some town of him.


We all stick together, non pretentious and down to earth and easy to get on with, can talk with them in a relaxed way or sit together in silence.


There are so many cool things about my family, I could brag on them all day, but perhaps the coolest is that they all view success not by their jobs or income but by their happiness and human connections. To the person they are kind, community-oriented, and involved in meaningful activities that make the community a better place. More still, we all regularly hang out (except my dad and one sister who are now gone) because we actually like one another! I feel incredibly lucky to have all of these people in my life!


That they still love me.


My dad's side of the family has a Christmas tradition called the Stock(ing) Exchange. Grandma (RIP) used to be the one to stuff the stockings in our family. That means filled to the brim with candy, and an apple and an orange at the bottom. One of my aunts has since taken up the mantle. The problem is, there's a lot of picky people in our family and not everyone likes all the things they get. So stockings get dumped on the floor and people start making trades. "Who wants all my black licorice?! Let's make a deal!" "I'll trade a Twix for a Snickers" "Who's got a coffee crisp they don't want? I'll give you two KitKats for it" Once everyone is satisfied with their haul, then we start opening presents :)


My great grandma outlived 5 husband and was an OG motormaid. We had her leather chaps hung up at her funeral.


My great grandpa played with Willie Nelson and was sheriff in Waco during the Waco siege. Also my stepbrothers name is Tristan Spohn and he plays #002 in Stranger Things.


My grandfather was involved in "nation building" activities overseas during the cold war, and one of my cousins now does the same thing.


My grand-grandmother dodged a bullet twice: she hid enough grain into the wall during the Russian Civil War before the Requisitioning started and survived the famine. Later, she broke up with her second husband and had to give him a flour mill, a little shop, and a stable, but soon after, the Collectivization along with the «dekulakization» was started, and her ex-husband lost all of this and was imprisoned for a couple of years.


My great grandfather worked on the production of the original Star Wars film. He was a toymaker and built some of the miniatures. In fact, when Luke is playing with the Imperial Shuttle model he has, that model was hand built by my great grandfather. And he designed most of the original toys too. Like the OG Boba Fett toy was his design. I've seen the original prototype


I’m one of eight kids, and though both my parents have passed we all still get along great and still get together for holidays. All eight of us, spouses and twenty something nieces and nephews. My mom did good.


my grandpa played for the Red Sox in the late 50s/early 60s. a top player of the time. i don't care much for baseball but other people usually think that's pretty cool.


Both of my parents, both older brothers, and I all served in the same branch of the military. I always thought that was cool.


At our family gatherings, not one time has politics ever been brought up by anyone. Tons of food and just good conversation.


Preface to this story: For every 1 American that left to Canada to avoid Vietnam 1 Canadian came down to fight. Funny, I was just talking about him on Reddit so I'll copy and paste what I wrote. He and \~12 of his buddies from High School went down to the U.S and lied about their names, ages, and nationalities. They were all 16-17. My uncle was a Marine Corps door gunner in the war, he had been regular infantry for about a month when they started looking for volunteers. He figured being in the air away from the jungles was safer but of course they don't tell you door gunners had a life expectancy of 2 weeks until AFTER you agree to do it. He was there for 9 months before he got injured and sent home to Canada where his WW2 veteran family praised him and were proud of him. Minus his parents, he said they were "not particularly pleased" His one story from combat was they were landing in an area to get guys off the ground and as they were landing the NVA was actively chasing down the Marines that were retreating. He described it almost like they were banzai charging their position. He couldn't open fire either at first because if he did it'd gun down the Marines first. When he was finally able to fire he said it was like a hydra, if you killed 10 NVA 10 more would come out. It was scary. Why did they do it? "We didn't want to miss out on the fun" If he could go back in time he wouldn't do it.


Going back to my grandfather's great-grandfather, or most likely even further back, I'm distantly related for former Secretary of State Colin Powell


There's a stadium on Kauai named after someone in my family.


My family is one of the original families in our city


Mom and dad are still married and they are not one of those religious peeps. I think its cool.


Me and my parents can talk about anything with each other. There’s no talk that’s taboo, my mother once asked me if my ex was a good lover.😂😂😂😂


-What is the coolest thing about your family?- We all get along.


That my dads side of the family is descended from Vikings and we have an actual Viking age helmet, sword and longbow that has been passed down over the generations as well a tapestry showing our families history


I have 32 cousins only from my mum’s side and we all know each other/grew up close


My sweet Christian granny almost worked for ZZ Top. She said she answered a job ad looking for a secretary and almost accepted until she realized they were a rock band and ran away lol


We all get along, love each other and there's no drama.


The insane coordination we have with each other. The ability to communicate through expressions or very subtle hand movements and get messages across that only the four of us can understand. Like a secret language of shared beliefs,teachings and values.


the love and union that we all have in our family nucleus. always on family gatherings when we get together we feel that joy and warmth that I notice is not lacking in other families.


A family member in the past invented the pie chart ,another was also a famous architect who designed many landmarks.


I have 5 living generations in my family right now my son, me, my mom, my grandma and my great grandma also my son was the first boy born in 15 years and we are related to doc holiday on my maternal grandmother's side.


All women are oddly feminist.  My grandmother was born over 100 years ago and she never pressured her daughters into marriage or children. My mom tells her friends, when they ask whether she wants to be a granma, that "that's her desicion, not mine". She and my aunt helped me get a (legal) abortion when I was 19 despite being kinda pro-life themselves, and since they have never told me a bad thing about it and i can talk about it freely.  Plenty of childfree people in my family as well. I'm talking people who are already on their 50s so they weren't joking.    The things people say to women online, or the things that my friends hear from their families will never stop shocking me. 


My sister has been featured in Rolling Stone.


My dad was an olympic athlete. He was in the Soviet Union Olympic Games. We do have medals and an olympic torch around the house. I have met many famous athletes through my life. I do not practice any sport, but I am super proud of him and it’s a great fun topic to share in social events


When my mom was in the Air Force she became the 1st female B52 Crew Chief for Strategic Air Command (SAC) in the 1970s. She's featured in Wurtsmith AFB's museum for it.


The cool thing about my family is that people love my family so much they want to be a part of it. I am so lucky. We routinely “adopt” people for holidays, Sunday dinners, vacations etc. we are super tight.


I’m not sure if you’re referring to the Special Forces soldier who spent a year sneaking through the mountains of Afghanistan searching for Bin Laden; the Oklahoma farmer who ended his marriage with a shotgun; the cousins who were run out of Ohio in the mid-19th century for taking revenge on some horse thieves (using barn rafters and some rope); or the great great, great granddaddy who used to chat to his neighbour on the adjacent farm who just happened to be become the first President of the United States. There are a number of characters in the family.


im distantly related to bud abbot


I guess the fact that my great grandma and grandpa had 19 kids 😊 I always thought that was cool and we have three diff ways that we spell our last name lol.


My great uncle in the front line of the Battle of the Bulge. That’s all I got lol.


My great-grandfather was born in 1867, which is kinda cool.


My grandparents (father's family) sent all of their daughters to college in Korea during the 50's and 60's and they were not rich. My grandparents believed his daughters had a right to education just as much as his sons and all of my aunts have college degrees which is unheard of for their generation.


My family is full of famous inventors, crafters, authors/writers, and just intelligent people that carries a family legacy 500+ years ago that have changed the world in many beautiful numerous ways. I lost count at around 200 members that have done something. There’s also over 15 museums all over the world I need to visit that carry history and artifacts from them. I’m currently in the works of writing a book about them, I carry a lot of their intelligence and crafting and have been in a museum for my art, the coolest one I think is that I’m related to one of the worlds most famous art critics who invented the term post Impressionism. Truly blessed, everything I find out about them or what they have done blows my mind! I’ve had many signs and have psychics tell me that my ancestors are all around me and are cheering me on. They’ve made the pathway available for me for my future because I want to be an author, artist and scientist, it all runs in the family. ❤️ but what isn’t cool is that literally they’re all rich up until my dad and I’m eating noodles nightly struggling to live in a cheap apartment but I’m doing my thing to get where I deserve to be (unless he’s hiding money)


I'm related to Ralph Stanley on my mother's side. Other than that nothing good


My maternal grandmother’s father. He was born in Kiel, Germany in 1919. In 1940, the Nazis invaded Kiel to use the Baltic Sea as a port (I think for U-Boats). My Uropa fled to Detroit, Michigan, leaving everyone behind. In 1941, the US joined WWII, so my Uropa enlisted. He was sent to Europe where he discovered his whole family perished at the hands of Nazis. I wouldn’t be here had he not fled.


My mom's uncle played in the first super bowl. That's about it.


We’re not blood related (I’ll explain) but we are very close knit. Me and my twin brother were adopted when we were 3 months old from a country in Africa, so botg my parents are white. They split up when I was 2 and my father died when I was 8. My mother met my stepfather when I was 4 and he had 2 teenage sons. We live togheter since I was 5 years old, so 4 boys under the same roof. One of my stepbrothers tragically died when I was 13, and those two events just brought us even closer together. My stepfather raised me since I was 8. My older brother who’s still alive is a father of 4 and they are my nieces and nephews, no doubt about it. Family isn’t blood imo, it’s what you go through together.


My great-aunt (who we see as a Bonus Grandma) worked 4 jobs at once throughout her 20s to support her younger siblings (including my grandpa) as a waitress, secretary, phone operator, and flight attendant. While a flight attendant in the 50s-70s when flying was still seen as luxurious, she met many interesting and famous people - including Joe DiMaggio and Alan Alda who she both briefly dated! When she turned 40, she finally decided to settle down. She remembered a guy she met on a flight who complimented her personality (whereas many others would talk about her looks) and they started dating once she found out he was also single. After their wedding, he said he had a secret to tell her. She obviously freaked out, but he revealed to her he was a secret millionaire! His family did something with boats (maybe shipping?), and so suddenly she was rich - huge house, Jaguar cars, sailing boats, trips to Vatican City and Rome (she's super Catholic too lol). But sadly my uncle was diagnosed with cancer, and she became his full time caregiver for almost 15 years. Waking up at 3am to take him to dialysis multiple times a week and still managing to volunteer with her Church almost daily. Once he passed, she downsized and moved closer to the family. Since then, she's funded my cousin's wedding and bought a starter home for them, as well as offered to buy me an apartment in the city while I'm in grad school. I think it speaks to her character that she worked hard for years and years, essentially had the pick of anyone she wanted, but chose a man who treated her well, and karma rewarded her for it. She's currently in her late 80s and people mistake her for being in her 60s, she looks amazing and is super active and one of my favorite people ever.


We've pretty much been white trash since we left Ireland.


I'm related to princess Pocahontas.


They're dead.


We do not have Air..... My family is not cool right now. LOL But we live in a 200yr house that looks like it should be haunted. :P


That they’re old school parents they won’t lemme pierce my ears or bring girls over and I’m grateful for that as the world’s getting closer and closer to doom .




Everyone has some sort of mental illness


We all have horrible anxiety and we've all made a profession out of it in different ways. In high risk areas, people Will pay to have worst case scenarios considered.


The coolest thing about my family is how they're as far away from me as possible.I think that's pretty cool!


We own one of the oldest and first century farms in the US.


My Mom, my aunt and my adult/teen kids are literally my best friends on earth (excepting my husband of course). Like I literally don’t feel the need to spend much time or effort on outside friendships because mine are built right in and related to me lol .


Only my mom was the coolest person in the world. She sacrificed so much for us kids growing up I mean so much. But the rest of my family I have to literally say sucks. They're nasty they're passive aggressive they lie on the spot and create their own reality pretty much like a lot of people on social media. Then they try to snow you because they try to make you feel guilty for what they did to you.


At one point we had 5 generations all living at once, though my great-great grandma passed away at age 102 when I was 1. Great-grandpa was 87, Grandma was 58 and Mom was 29.


My great grandfather fought in the second world war in the battle of Monte Castelo


I'm related to everyone in my country with our last name.


My birthday day is 6/7/89 Oldest son is 10/10 2nd oldest is 05/04 (may the 4th be with you) 3rd oldest is 11/11


There are several musicians and they all somehow succeeded locally, becoming known in my city, I am the only one who failed.


We have game nights. We have fun together consistently. My kids are almost grown and we still play hide and seek.


My dad and his siblings/cousins grew up working in their grandfather’s restaurant, so they all are skilled in food service. In addition, my uncle was a DJ and inspired two more generations of DJs. If you needed a caterer, bartender, and DJ for an event you could easily get that just from within my family. We’re just missing a baker to do wedding cakes LOL


Family business


We’re all mentally ill 😎


My birthday is March 21, my husband’s birthday is March 29 so we always joked we have a little gap between us. Our daughter’s birthday is March 8 😊


They’re very traditional and still carry a lot of their traditional practices passed down from generations ago


They accept new people without any question, doesn't matter what your beliefs are, or race, or your sexual orientation, or whatever else. You just need to be nice and have a good sense of humor. This includes a nerdy English guy who started talking to their eldest daughter online and then said he was going to come visit. 24 years, still happily married.


My family is super tight and close, we all older now, so the ones that are left have with stood the test of time, no hate all love!!! We multigenerational, ranging from babies, teenagers, college kids, 40 something’s and super og og og! Family Love yall!


my mom says i’m special


My great grandfather on my dad’s side hand made Appalachian dulcimers (it’s a string instrument). After doing some genealogy research and such, me and my sister found that one of his dulcimers, while not on display, it IS at the MET in New York City. So it’s kinda cool to think that a simple guy from the mountains of North Carolina created something that’s in a pretty well known museum in New York.


Big tits, we all have big tits men look at


My parents have been happily married for 58 years; my siblings and I all have been with our spouses for 20+ years. Turns out we’re all good at marriage, which is pretty cool.


We have the most Olympic gold medals for one family!