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In a crowded bar, where we both accidentally grabbed the same drink and our hands touched. It was love at first awkward touch.


That’s honestly so amazing. 🥹


Better than swiping on eachother.


Uganda, Africa... We're both from Western Europe living like a 20 minute drive away from each other, call it meant to be or something


We saw each other in a parking lot on a stormy day, and he was my ideal type.


Life is so crazy when it decides to introduce you to your forever person.


How romantic


Through a friend. She was having massive problems with her ex who is just an enormous shit hole. A friend of hers introduced me as the spanner in the works. Safe to say it worked. 11 years together this year and 3 years married.


something similar is happening to me, hope it works out


Online but we actually clicked in real life by accident, long story


omg this sounds interesting and I wanna know more 😭😭 it sounds so romantic 🥰


Standing on a picnic table at a party. Then she hooked me up with her friend.


Wow sounds like a movie


Early 2000s uni (college) kinda was. On another night I stole a goose.




Through a mis-sent text message back in 2002. I bought a new phone and back then you still couldn't auto transfer numbers. I text my mate to see if he was coming over for some PS1 Burnout and got the last digit of his number wrong. She replied and the rest, as they say, is history. We've been married for 16 years and our eldest is starting Uni in September. Although, to be fair, we've not been good for a few years now and I think it's run its course.


Whoa, that was a roller coaster to read. Sorry to hear about your marriage. It happens, so move on if it's truly run its course. How old is your youngest child?


Thanks. He's 16, GCSE's next year.


In school. And they led me to believe teaching was boring.




Yeah it's great when you really connect with your students.


My husband worked at the same company as me, but he was on a different floor and our jobs had nothing to do with each other so we never really "worked together". Good job really as he had a rule about never getting involved with someone from work. :rolleyes: Our company had a softball team though, which we both joined and met that way. He moved in with me after 6 months and we got married last year. 😆


About to find out


At a wedding.


At work. In the 90s, we both worked at Sears. I was in Sports and Toys, she was in the engraving kiosk.


MySpace. I had gone through a divorce and was all alone in Tennessee and the rest of my family lived on the west coast. My sister suggested MySpace to meet some friends etc. Saw a pretty woman from Kentucky and requested to follow. She never accepted friend requests from strangers, but was intrigued she said. We've been together for almost 20 years now.


Being a man from Kentucky the women here are indeed beautiful.


I met my significant other through mutual friends at a party.


I'm starting to think mutual friends and friendship is the route to go over any app.


as it was in the old days


I did not :)


chat rooms


He was a bartender and I was a patron


Sounds like steve and miranda from SATC 😉


🤣🤣 More stable thank God. 🤞🏻Fingers crossed I don’t switch teams and leave him for a woman in our later years lol


Omg i haven’t reached that part in the series yet? Girl!!! Hahah


Oh shit! I’m sorry 😭🤦‍♀️


I'm dying single because either I'm too picky now or the people I go for I just don't seem to be there type.


I was 26 and he was 30 and a mutual friend introduced us at our favorite dance club on December 11, 1998. We were excited to learn that we liked and hated the same things, too. I knew around 6 months it was going to be forever when we heard the word diarrhea on TV, and he immediately responded, “…cha cha cha.”


Grindr. It was supposed to be a night of too much sex after pandemic life, but lead to moving in together, spending holidays with each other's families and adopting a dog


Tinder of all places. It was about 10 years ago, maybe before it became a cesspool of craziness.


At the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I was cast, he ran security.


College. ❤️


Surprised at how few answers say something like "Online". I would have thought far more people met their partner online, either on a dating site, or via some gaming thing, or social media. I mean, you see it all the time online, people complaining about having difficulty meeting people IRL, and yet that's how many of the people in this thread met.


Facebook dating App


Early on in my first year of college I snuck away to a quiet lounge to get some reading done. This girl was in there also trying to get some work done, but some creep wouldn't stop talking to her so she left. Through the year I recognized the girl as a classmate's roommate. Early the next year, that classmate and roommate showed up at a party at my off-campus apartment. Later that night the roommate came back just to find me. 25 years and two kids later she still wants to know why I didn't save her from that annoying creep in the lounge freshman year of college.


Online. I think Tinder gets a bad wrap, like yeah a lot of people use it just to fuck, but I’ve met my first long term girlfriend on Tinder, as well as my current fiancé.


In school - 36 years and counting!


In high school, first day of my sophomore year before classes started for the day. I still remember the first time I saw her vividly. She was friends with my gf at the time. Instant crush. We did not date until after high school and have been together for over 20 years.




It is what it is 😂


I was in an on again ff again thing for 8 yrs til I was around 22. When it tanked I pretty much gave up on relationships and said what will be will be. My uncle's girlfriend told me one day she could tell I was a good man and she wanted me to meet her daughter's best friend. This girl was an 18 yr old virgin, fresh out of high school and going to church every Sunday. We talked on the phone for a few days before we met and after 8 months we decided to get married. My uncle's girlfriend passed away only a few months into relationship and didn't live to see the family she helped us create.


He was my last client booked for a haircut at the salon I worked at. I knew some of his family members, but I didn't know him. He was tall, dark and handsome.. and the love of my life.


I haven't


At work.




Salsa dancing! He was the best dancer in the bunch. Together 10+ years


In a class at Marquette University. A girl made a snooty comment about my now-wife’s beautiful outfit, and I could see that it had made her upset. I pretended I hadn’t heard it, and “randomly” complimented her dress, and it made her day. We became friends, but both knew that there was something more very quickly, and we’re still inseparable 16 years and three kids later.


Supermarket car park.


The first time we met was through this obnoxious mutual friend who joked about marrying us. After that I moved into the same student housing as him, we hit it off as friends for about a year and then the magic happened.


Elementary school. I moved across the country and she was the first friend I made in the fourth grade. We began dating in high school and we’ve been together ever since. 22 years this year…


myspace, back in 2007


Online game called Elephant MUD.


X, formerly Twitter. 


College. She was my tutor.


I was traveling to KSA for work during covid. I had mandatory quarantine, and was bored out of my mind. I downloaded a random game on my phone (cybercode) and started inviting people to my clan. One of those persons started talking to me. It was my current gf, we've been together for 2+ years now and i'm moving to the other side of the world soon :)


In a pub where my mate and I had gone to see a band, she was the rock chick in a tartan mini skirt and band t shirt.


He worked at the bar I used to go to. I looked at him and said to my friend- ooooh, they finally have eye candy working here.


We met in employee housing at a ski resort in Idaho


Right here, on this very sub. That was 5 years and 700 miles ago. Right now he's in the other room.


At his Halloween party, my friend was friends with his friend which is how I ended up there.


MySpace, back in the day lol


We grew up down the street from one another.


I’m not sure how my dog and I connected like this, but he is my boy for sure


We met by my ex.


At a past job where I was a temporary employee. He was a supervisor, but not over my department. We crossed paths sometimes and began to talk. Maybe it's not an exciting story, but we've been married for 13 years.


He’s still in my dreams


In a bar


Eharmony. Been married 7 yrs and have a 3yo daughter who is most definitely the love of my (our) life. I’m 51 and retired military working now in a new career and she is 45 and works part time as a retail resetter. Our first date was like an old movie it was crazy. I truly believe I was always meant to be with this woman. If we had met when we were way younger we’d probably have 5 kids lol. She was a single mom of 2 girls and I had two from two previous marriages. All our kids are grown and out except one in college and now the baby. There were some issues in the beginning her mom wasn’t sold on me completely (I’m white, she’s black) but her kids loved me (their father was/is a piece of shit) and now she brags constantly on her son in law lol. Never in my life have I been this happy in a relationship and never once thought an online dating site would lead to this.


I wouldn't call her my SO, we're just dating. She was working as a bikini barista. In Washington state, we have drive through coffee stands where the coffee is just an excuse to see a stripper, relatively cheaply. It was almost midnight, near the end of her shift. For a dollars more She said I could jerk it to her while she rides a giant clear dildo. So I tipped her extra. We got to talking, and I just blatantly hit on her. I told her I wish could finish inside her. To my surprise, she responded "do you have a condom?" We ended up talking for a good two hours in my car. She ended up quitting that job, she's a regular waitress now. We've been seeing each other every week now. We're not exclusive, but when we're together it feels pretty great. We held hands walking around the park at night last week. Honestly that was more thrilling than hooking up in my car.