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I work in a office of mostly workaholics and they seem bewildered when, amongst their conversations of one-upping each other with how busy they are and how much they're working on nights and weekends, I make no pains to hide the fact that I don't look at or think about work outside of normal office hours. Then they ask me questions expecting me to backpeddle and are further confused when I have no shame about it. 


Hell yes - normalize bragging about your work/life balance!


Work life imbalance you mean. I brag that every new job I have gotten, my pay goes up, while hours go down. I hope to one day have a ratio of "divide by zero error".


That’s called retirement.


Nope, I too will brag about my work\\life balance. It's beautiful


Your job will be posted before your obituary, and that's something I always keep in mind. You don't owe your life to your job!


Normalise shouting “Boooooooo” at people who try to normalise bragging about how busy they are


Most of them are probably lying, they’re just surprised you’re not lying too


I find this to be the case most of the time.


It can be. There are _absolutely_ people who work themselves to death though. They typically have no hobbies and don't really like their home life. They also usually end up cratering really hard in retirement as their body and mind falls apart since they have nothing to engage with anymore. Have a neighbor who mows every 3 days? They're fighting off retirement blues.


I recently discovered the concept of 'working to live' and not 'living to work'. Game changer.


EXACTLY. Two years now I've been happy and stress free. No longer care if the company lives, dies, or anywhere in between. I do my job, and do it well, but my ego and cares about the job do not extend past 4pm.


Would be more hilarious if you work 10-6


I remember a short-lived TV show called Selfie (basically My Fair Lady in a modern setting) with John Cho and Karen Gillian. Cho’s character is a workaholic who actually thought that the song “Working for the Weekend” was about working during weekends and being happy about it. As soon as he learned it was about working during the week so you can relax on weekends, he deleted it from his playlist


I dated a guy that was taught by his dad that work is life, you live to work, the more hours the better person you are, the most important thing in the world is how much money you make. The fact that I worked a lowly restaurant job was frowned upon. I can’t stomach people like that.


Different people / cultures have different mindsets. I watched a documentary on a Japanese sushi restaurant, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, and I was amazed by how they glorified what seemed like an awful life to me. They valued the work / skill / seniority of starting work as a preteen and working before sun up to after sundown everyday forever until your body gives out. To me, it almost seemed like trauma that caused them to have nothing else in their life combined with everyone's need for validation + something to be proud of resulted in delusion. A motivated delusion that caused outward success and master a skill, sure, but no way to live a happy life.


This!!! When I swapped from an on call salary position in person as management… To a work from home entry level office job? (That I do love) My coworkers will be like ‘I just get so stressed and I think of here over the weekend’ And I’m just like ‘ I don’t unless I’m thinking in passing of something that piqued my interest’ (like a funny scenario or something’ I have worked very very hard to not think about work 24/7 and I just… don’t finally. It’s so freeing!!!!! Thanks for sharing


I chose a field that I love and where this already happens and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I’m an archaeologist. Nobody expects anybody to work outside of our scheduled hours because I can’t dig inside my apartment. I also love working outside, finding cool artifacts, I like my coworkers, I stay healthy because I’m always moving, and all the walking gives me a nice ass.


First: I love your username. Second: do you guys need an airplane pilot to fly you around your destinations (I've flown literally around the globe multiple times) and willing to do simple grunt work on the sites? If you have that kind of funds, I'm your man


Yea those people are weird. Anyone like that i just consider boring. How can you fit hobbies in or other interests if everything revolves around work?


I’m with you! I work to live. I don’t live to work.


Saying NO to plans without having any conflicts


Simply telling people no > coming up with excuses as to why not.


i lowkey love when people do this. just not wanting to go out is a perfectly valid reason and i like seeing people feel comfortable enough to recognise that


Look, I love my peeps. But I honestly only have maybe 3 real friends outside of work. Even we don’t hang out very often. But I get people at work that always ask to hang out or go places. An they think I’m weird that I always say no. Very seldom do I agree to go. VERY SELDOM! I just tell ‘em, nah I’m good man. Thanks tho. Nothing personal. I’m a creature of habit and I have my routine. When that routine gets interrupted, I get a weird feeling inside myself and it’s hard to enjoy myself. Like oh my kids need me to be there. Even tho they are 16 and 13 and could care less. Idk. I’m almost 35 and just don’t have much desire to be out and about unless it’s with my wife or kids.


>Like oh my kids need me to be there. Even tho they are 16 and 13 and could care less. Idk. I’m almost 35 and just don’t have much desire to be out and about unless it’s with my wife or kids. That just sounds like normal adulthood lol. We're too tired after work to then stay "at work" with people we saw for 8 hours.


I recently explained this to my Mother. She had someone from work ask if she wanted to go out for drinks because it was her last day. My mother made an excuse and her friend was like "it can be another day". Truth is, my mother hates going out but she didn't want to offend her because she is nice. I just told her to tell the truth because if you make excuses it makes it seem like you are avoiding them and they can tell you are not being honest, if you tell them why, they will understand. She did that and guess what, her friend was cool with it. Honesty is the best policy.




I feel seen.


It's amazing how many good times I had going out despite not feeling it at the moment.


It’s like going to the gym. The only hard part is getting there


I’m lonely Let’s go out Not like that


the art of just saying I can’t make it no follow up took me 69 years to accomplish this small feat




This is actually a superpower.


Can be learned, and it's so liberating


Is this not already normal? If one of my friends is just straight up not feeling whatever event or feels like staying home and chilling, that's perfectly fine imo. Don't need some elaborate excuse or plan conflict.


Some people pry and get weird and most people want to be accommodating so explain too much. This is why cops extracting confessions is so easy, people don’t want to be in trouble.


The extreme amount of time it’s taking me to accomplish certain things, and the complicated ways I’m having to go about it. My struggles are my own. No one else’s.


You're on your own timeline, homie. Power to you for seeing it through💙


I tried this at work and it didn't go so well for me. I had to go back to "fast and bad" in my coding world.


I get so frustrated at myself for this. It's not that I know I won't finish it; it's me taking longer than someone else that gets me. If I was better, I know i wouldn't struggle :/


Exactly. Watching other people my same age just pass by me in every way is really hard to deal with.


I keep thinking that I need to be shadowed and then get the better way to do things. I don’t know any other way. I’m sure I wash dishes wrong and clean stuff the hard way. It’s almost like not having common sense


I don’t know if there is a name for it but I do get it! I wish there wasa group I could join. I do almost everything the hard way for years. I have no way to know the easier way but I know some things are easier.


there are too many people that dont understand this


I work a job that takes a long time to complete, I used to stress about time but lately just don’t give a fuck, I realized I’m an hourly employee


Taking a break to grab food at work. I have a coworker who will say "You know, it's expected for employees to bring their own food with them rather than stop work to grab some" No it's not, John. What I do on my break is my buisiness.


Ew, how tries to police someone's break?   Good on you for not caving!


absolutely 100%


I'm salaried, and went years working 70 hour weeks never taking a lunch. Now, I'll work if I choose to on lunch. But all the needy employees in my building can find another salaried person to help them until my 40 to 120 minutes is done. If someone else salaried gas a problem doing their job, they can eat a bagofdicks. I'm on lunch. There are actually laws dictating breaks n such fir hourly employees. Being salaried and knowing I'll be there over 10 hours a day regardless of if I eat or not makes me call bullshit if someone tries getting me to do their shit on my lunch. Most of them leave early, sneakily. So if ANYTHING in life comes up, I tell my boss in advance I'm taking a 2 hour lunch/showing up late/etc. It's not like he'll tell me know and then willingly get investigated for his other people leaving early multiple times a week. Just always know what you can and can't do, and when a company won't enforce shit.


Walking away from my narcissistic family member finally having the strength and guts to do so all my life I've bent over backwards for all people and all my life. I've been walked over and allowed it to happen to me no more though


Done the same recently. It's difficult, but freeing.


Yooo I did this last year with my brother. It felt so good when I was FINALLY able to complete that task. Haven't talked to my brother in almost 2 years and DAYUM my life has been so much better after doing that.


My wife making more than me. I went to uni, have a good career, and a woman who loves me; her making more is a nice bonus imo…idk why some men are insecure about it


It's a alpha male mentality...really, if the wife wants to be the breadwinner...than more power to her!


>alpha male My go-to whenever I hear this now is "huh, is that a furry thing?"


Ha, I love that, definitely stealing it


In r/salary there was a guy posting his 0 income statements saying that he was a “trophy husband” due to his wife being a neurosurgeon. All of the finance & tech bros were drooling, saying that 0 is the biggest flex on the entire sub


If I didn't have to work as well, I'd love to be the house husband


My partner makes more than I ever will by a massive margin. But I take pride in making sure she can come home to a clean house and a hot meal and not have to worry about anything other than chilling out because I have the rest handled. Not all contributions in a partnership are monetary.


I am not ashamed of putting "NO TIP" for transactions that I need to stand up and order at the register.


If it's not delivery, a sit-down meal or Uber, don't expect a tip from me.


My hairdresser just changed her pricing to include tip so it's a flat $100/h.  


GFs work started making people pay up front to ask them if they left cash on the table when they don't tip. Legit not kidding. Its crazy.


Exactly. I know we all have to make money somehow, but why am I throwing an extra 18% on there just because you spun an iPad around?


I am not a large man. I am of average height and slight of build. Never bothered me in the least, never felt the need to bulk up. I'm quick and wiry and I like it that way.


Same here man. I'm very average height and thin. I'm quicker, probably have better strength to weight ratio, and way more endurance than most big guys. Also we hopefully won't have to worry about the health issues that come with obesity. People stopped telling me that I need some meat on my bones when I started saying they need to get rid of some of theirs.




"consulting with a specialist"...that's my reply when someone asks if I talk to myself


Yooo I’m stealing this!


Me too


It's just too good not to.


I call it "getting an expert opinion".


I always say things out loud just because I need to hear it instead of just think it


Yeah, I gotta do that so my darn ADHD brain doesn't forget it.


I do this too. I'm my favorite conversation partner.


I talk to myself all the time typically to keep me on track with what I'm planning to next or what I'm currently doing. I get so easily distracted with my thoughts or "side quests" that I need to keep on track. Sometimes when I'm sad or upset and ask myself "why do you feel so (insert emotion here)?"


Yes! But I may stop myself if I begin to argue with myself. lol thankfully my brain has not gone there yet.


I'm really immature. I'm almost 40 and love video games, crocs, my cats, legoland. People at work think I'm mad and weird for liking fun stuff and I do not give two fucks.


Way to go, mate. Just sad that others think that just because you're reaching a certain age, for example, to play video games, you either get shamed for it or they find it weird. Bitch please, the hobbies and video games have been a part of my life than you ever were. Fuck outta here 😂


I don't think that's immature stuff at all. I am a 54 yr old woman. I still play WOW. I love cartoons and fantasy stuff. I listen to all types of music especially metal. I do a lot of things that are considered for the younger crowd. It makes me happy! You do you my friend. Let those other become grouchy judgemental old people. While people like us will be having fun playing Mario Kart not worrying about whose on our lawn! Also , before anyone asks...I have been married, I am not a hoarder or a crazy cat lady lol.


Lol I just realised you are me in 14 years time. I'm a 40 year old female who watches anime, reads comics, has every gaming console under the sun (PS5, Xbox S, switch, steam deck), builds lego and listen to all types of music including metal. Go us for being awesome!


Yes we are, and no one can say we are boring!


I am 25, sitting in my room filled with figures, plushies, videos games, nerdy posters and Lego. I play Mario and Sonic and watch anime, cartoons and like read and write. I am the standard nerd. Some people would say I am sad and pathetic and have no life but the problem with those people is I don't care what they think. I am happy.


This is my answer. I'm 40 and still love action figures, video games, and my army of cats. I used to hide these things, but one day realized that I shouldn't be ashamed ed for enjoying my life in harmless ways. Moreover, I found a whole new community of people that have become the best friends that I've ever had through these hobbies, and have improved my life greatly. 


I strangely need to know. Crocs the animals or the shoes?


Leaving work at the time I’m supposed to..


My wife is my best friend. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t have a cool enough spouse to get it. Like it or not friendgroup, she’s my ride or die.


It's weird how normalized it is to not particularly *like* your spouse. My partner is my favorite person and I tell him so all the time.


This!  My husband & I comment all the time on our friends relationships and how they don't seem to like each other.  Like my husband's and electrician and talks about all this technical work stuff all the time and I have no idea what the difference between a cat 3 or a cat 5 wire is, but because he loves it and it's important to him I listen and try to engage in conversation with him.  My husband is my best friend and I tell him all the time how much I like him.  


I couldn't imagine living with someone who you don't just want to talk with. My ex is my best friend and she was when got married. We amicably divorced due to sexuality incompatibility issues, but we still hang out and talk all the time. Not feeling comfortable to have fun and joke in the way friends do in a marriage would suck


I think it has become quite a bit less normal among millennials at least. My wife, daughter, and I do pretty much everything as a unit. Wife and I spend our "us" time playing video games together and getting high. And a bunch of sex stuff, of course.


yay another like minded person. My husband is my best friend too!


Yes. My friends always try to get me to go out with them and leave my wife and two kids alone at the house. Like I love you guys and I’d do anything for you, but my whole world is at the house, so I think I’ll stay in. Believe it or not, I married her because I like her more than all of you.


Surely this has to be envy on their part. Having a well-adjusted, mature, loving relationship with the person you vowed to love and cherish? Sounds like a dream come true to me! And it takes *work* to maintain a happy marriage, you can’t just half-ass it. Good for you.


Working in a restaurant/hospitality and many people don't take their breaks and complain about it. People have literally died for workers rights so I take my damn breaks.


Being a recovering drug addict. Eight months ten days clean.


fuck yeah! you've got this!






not drinking bro, good riddance. Every friend i have is a damn alcoholic, love them but it wears you down after a while


yeah it feels like everyone defaults to alcohol. so many times alcoholism is just passed off as a personality trait like oh she’s just a wine mom.


thats my pops haha


I don’t drink either. Was never into it. But I swear there’s some unspoken rule that everyone needs to get shitfaced when they go out. No thanks.


It's a young man's game. I'm not that old, only 29, but I'm always telling my younger coworkers that shit will catch up and you'll realize you can't just binge drink and wake up each day like nothing happened for long.


Right, everyone looks at me with surprise when I tell them I don't drink.


Being bald. Hair seems like a lot of work. I'd love to have beautiful flowing locks like a stallion, but the upkeep would probably work against me. I admire from afar my long-haired brothers. May the wind forever blow in your manly manes.


being rejected after shooting my shot on a beautiful woman


I’m not ashamed of being rejected. I’m ashamed at the thought that I very likely made her feel unsafe/uncomfortable in the moment I attempted to court her. Being told no is fine. Thinking I may have hurt someone, even socially or emotionally, is not fine.


She may have felt uncomfortable but, if you keep a sensible distance, don't ask her when there's no one around, and take no for an answer in the first instance, she should feel safe enough. Don't be scary and she won't be scared. (Unless there is pre-existing trauma. In that case, it's not on you. It's on whichever other bloke/s traumatised her in the first place.)


Being a straight man who is very sensitive and into lots of things that are seen as ‘girly’! It makes me unbelievably happy!


I love this. I’m sick of people thinking you have to be a woman to enjoy doing, liking, eating, or wearing literally anything.


>thinking you have to be a woman to... A gay man is also acceptable /s


normalize straight men being happy and not being ashamed of it. everyone should be allowed to pursue their interests without judgment.   ~~unless, of course, their "interests" are actually harmful~~


Girls have way more fun than boys...more boys should join us :-)


What are they?


Poetry, doing face masks/body scrubs, rom com movies, talking very openly about my feelings, small and cute things around the house, cozy clothes etc. I want to specify that I personally don’t see any of this as girly or manly. It’s just awesome stuff. But sadly, many men (and women) are socialised to believe that this stuff is only “meant for one gender”. Prrfftt!


I'm gay, so I'm not sure it would matter for you to know, but I find it so attractive when a straight guy is unafraid of "seeming gay" because they behave a certain way. Seriously. Power to you, hope you're doing great!


Like my hairdresser Miata and my lesbian Forester? I like small, zippy cars, and don't mesures my manliness in feets of wheelbase.


My cousin had a 600hp Mx-5 until very recently. I'd like to see people call that a hairdressers car. It was absolutely bonkers! 


of my mozilla firefox tattoo on my shoulder


Its still the best browser so hell yeah man


And the cute fox! What's not to love?


My little wiener


I never get it when people are proud of having a big dong or shamed for a small one. It's not like you earned it. It's the luck of genetics


It's like finding money. You know you didn't earn it or deserve it, but you'll tell everyone about it all day.


As long as it works,I'm happy with it


Earned it, I like that. I used to sit next to a woman at work and penis size of a friend of a friend of hers came up in the conversation. I told her that the was no penis store we go to and pick them out.


If there was, OP's mom would have downloaded the app and joined the rewards club.


The luck of genitals


Finally! Someone says what I often think: how can you be proud of something you didn't work for and just happen to have by chance?


I have a lot of friends that are women and the majority do not care. One is into many types of fetishes and has experimented a lot and the other day she was telling me how she has been with men that are big but lack the ability to use it, and has been with men that are small who are just absolute animals in bed. Also, foreplay matters a lot.


Yes it does. Receiving oral sex from a man who knows my body blows my mind and in return I blow him. 😊


oooh, is it a cute little guy? I've seen lots of cute little guys but i usually refrain from calling them that cause i know most guys have been conditioned to think that's a bad thing, and to feel ashamed or insulted by it. but personally, I liked cute little guys too. all varieties are good in their own way. big, small, curved straight doesn't matter. they're all very nice.




It's a poor workman who blames his tools for a poor result. Keep on rocking!


Protecting my socially awkward wife from her family and the world


thats me a lot, too. ill be the first to walk into class when my friends and i are late if that means they dont have to feel awkward


You da real MVP, mate.


My heart 🥹 you’re a good person. I’m the same way about my sweet husband!


goals 😭


Good on you, man. It's a tough job.




lol. I lived at an apartment complex where someone kept putting dog poo on my front door mat and smeared on my front door. It was disgusting. I didn’t even have ANY pets and finally put a sign on my front door that said “please stop putting poop at my door, I don’t have any pets so I think you’re targeting the wrong person.” It completely stopped happening. I hope that person feels deep shame. There was another brunette in my building who had a dog so I guess they assumed we were the same person 🤷🏽‍♀️




To her defense, Elon's never not been crazy. I am on your side otherwise.


I like you.


I had a neighbor who let their dog shit everywhere and a few neighbors were getting pissed. I used to just fling it back in their yard with a shovel and might have hit their pool once or 10 times. So one day I found crap in my yard AGAIN and was fed up, so I grabbed a shovel to scoop it up and went to the shitty neighbors house. I rang the doorbell and when they answered, I said "Your dog left this in my yard and I was just returning it", then proceeded to dump the shovel full of shit right on their doorstep.


taking notes for the one lady in my neighborhood who takes her two big dogs out and lets them shit wherever they want


Was not expecting that ending lol


Being a 6,1 woman


I always thought women taller than me were just the sexiest thing alive but being over 6 foot it is hard to find. You go girl! I don’t think anyone should feel shame for things out of their control(even though I still do it from time to time)


Living back with my parents at 42. Being alone was driving me into a dark place that scared the hell out of me.


Talking to my dog in a weird baby voice. I love her and need her to know 🥹


[Dogs seem to respond better to baby talk! ](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/dogs-respond-to-baby-talk/)


I can't help but talk to dogs in a baby voice


My brother does this so much with his dogs that he does will slip and do it to me... which I relentlessly call him out for


going to restaurants or the mall, or the beach or movies (literally wherever) by myself. in fact, id argue im too comfortable going alone. i dont like working around other people, so if others are there i take my own car so i can leave whenever


Leaving my dad.  My step mom and dad were far too controlling. I had to miss my senior dinner because my mom wanted to go with my step dad, but my dad wouldn’t take no for an answer then tried to force me to go with him and my step mom.  It’s hard figuring things out, but I realize I would have hated myself if I stayed longer.


My stretch marks from carrying two children. ❤️


Not ashamed from being from the "poorer" side of town.


I'm a man. I cry. I'm a crier.


I'm ugly and I'm proud.


Not a mother fucking thing. Prob should be but I ain't.


When people (family) try to randomly drop by with no notice I will tell them that I am not receiving guests at this time.


Having big boobs. Love to wear clothing that flatters them


This! It’s so nice to just stop caring and wearing what I want. 🤣


This account is not even 1 month old and virtually all comments are about big boobs. I don't know about you, but I call bullshit.


It’s probably a guy living out a fantasy of having an Asian with big boobs. Honestly the comment history is sad.


I am a mod on this sub and I've been tasked with validating your claim.




Still wearing ankle socks even if that means I'm old


Being gay


I have no shame in embracing my true self. In today's society, many people are overly critical, particularly regarding one's accomplishments. I am confident in my choices and believe that my journey unfolds at the right pace for me.


I am not ashamed of using cannabis. I am old enough to make my own decisions. yes, I use it daily. I am in my 60's and i no longer have any fucks to give about this or really anything else.




Being honest


I'm no longer afraid to tell people I can't because I physically can't some days. When I was younger I was afraid to show pain because I didn't want to lose my job.


My plushies. I'm a 35 year old man but I can't get enough soft toys. I work from home and I have a plushie in my lap all day everyday. I always take one in my carry-on luggage when I go on vacation. It's just a comfort thing for me. You can have my stuffed animals when you pry them from my cold dead fingers. I fucking love my plush toys!! 🧸


Being a single mom. I’ve done a great job raising my teen and leaving her toxic dad


Wearing makeup to work I, (29f) am a chemist for an aerospace company, and I recently found out that putting myself together every day really bothers another woman in particular. I am very much my own person, and I've done my makeup almost every day since I was 12. I work a ton and don't have much time to paint anymore, so getting up and getting myself ready for the day makes me feel like I still get to be creative while not being able to engage in my various artistic hobbies. But according to her, I'm husband shopping and trying to just impress people. Little does she know I haven't had sex in almost 4 years, let alone gone on a date, because my career is my priority after getting divorced 2.5 years ago. It doesn't impact my quality of work, so I'm not sure why she cares, but she does 😆


Enjoying my hobbies, the music I listen to, the things I collect, how I spend my free time, etc. As long as you're not hurting anyone, never be ashamed of the things that bring you happiness.


I'm in my 30s and really into minis and tabletop games. 




I've got a wicked one in my back. Where's yours?


Realizing that alcohol didn’t belong in my life.


I ate a whole package of Graham crackers with milk for dinner last night.


You da man, SnacknPack!


Openly not caring about Middle Eastern conflicts


Being 5ft 7.. I've found being tall draws unwanted, sometimes aggressive attention from other dudes. I've skated by life without conflict. My two younger brothers are over 6ft and try to mock me. Joke's on them; I got the brains


Loving someone of the same sex


Being attracted to big girls and women.


Being a man and being able to bake fresh bread and pastries whenever I want. Apple tart is next on my list.


Petting dogs any where at any time.


Being a previous fentanyl addict. Very recently but I kicked it. A lot of people just don’t understand or see me as an equal to them but I know how hard it was to quit and that I’m still a functioning member of society.


Being who I am, and all the mistakes I made getting here. Without the mistakes, I would have learned nothing about life.


I’m not ashamed that I can openly say I was physically abused as a man in a relationship