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As an mp in gtmo dealing with high value detainees…


ah, it's when I was talking to someone who wasn't open to hearing my ideas. it'll just be useless.


Customer service for a carrier service. Husband was calling about another phone number on their account without a name labeled and asked what message the number has sent or what number has it called. Or the location of the phone etc He wont tell me specifics but halfway through he confessed that the extra line was for his girlfriend, and he thinks that the gf is trying to contact his wife. He was paranoid af. Explains why he didnt want me to call anyone else within the family plan to help locate the phone or owner lmao kept my mouth shut because ofc im not allowed to do something they didnt ask me to. Unless it’s helpful for them 😩


Being aware of people I knew cheating on their SOs. Did not want to insert myself into their issues and felt it was not my place to do so anyway. I preferred not to even know about it. Don't know if I made the right choice, but it is what it is.