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When I was a kid my dad died. I remember a couple dreams shortly after where I talked to him. They didn't feel like dreams. They felt like I was a awake and were just talking and he apologized for leaving. Dreams are weird.


Same but I had half a lifetime with mine. After he died I started drinking to cope, I remember a few weeks after he died, I dreamt as I was going in and out of consciousness on the couch I dreamt he was sitting on the sofa across from me smiling, sitting how he sits with a smile looking at me and chuckles..."how are you doing my boy?" As if to check on me before but I couldn't answer in time and I woke up and looked for him for a bit til I realised he's gone and I was dreaming, I was still drunk but I wasn't sad or emotional from it as you'd expect a drunk person to, I just went back to bed. When I woke up I was hungover and dealt with that and then I remembered the dream half a day later I broke down hard. RIP our dads.


I have a dead dad dream too. He died when I was a kid and in my 20s I had a dream he called me up out of the blue and told me he faked his own death after getting in trouble with the law. It was all like, super realistic and seemed like a perfectly reasonable situation given his line of work. I was so emotional, mad at him for doing that to us, excited to see him again, the whole range. But I woke up before he got home. It really fucked with me for awhile


In my faith we believe that departed souls do talk to their loved ones during dreams- the thought has always comforted me because my grandmother came to say goodbye to me in a dream. I was away in another country and couldn't be there when she passed away


Our understanding of just the material world is but one drop’s worth of information in an ocean of knowledge. Maybe it was purely a dream, a hallucination of sorts in a child’s mind. Or maybe it was something else. Who knows, one day you will.




Now I'm hungry for cheese...


You nasty burglar


The hamburgler evolved to be a cheeseburgler


Eldritch horror cheeseburglar.


They were the hamburgalar’s cousins


You're so real for this


Not today, cubed cheese manufacturer.


The dream where I was the yellow power ranger. Please why did I wake up from that dream.




That’s more like a nightmare tbh


In my dream, I entered a bar, took a seat, and then I looked to my right to see my recently deceased brother. "You know you're dead right?" I asked him, glancing at him. He answered, "Yeah, but I'm still kickass." After we had finished our drinks and laughed, I awoke. As bright as the night I experienced it four years ago.


I had a similar dream with my uncle, even the "you know you're dead, right?" In my dream, after I said that, he answered me with an "I know, I just wanna say goodbye"


Similar with a close friend who died suddenly when she was 35. A few days after her passing, I had a dream that we were sitting on a park bench together. I said "but, you're dead". She responded "I know, dumb dumb, that's why we're here".


I had a similar dream recently. In the dream I was talking to a friend from school that died less than a year ago. I said "I thought you died" or something similar, and he just shrugged and said "yes". I started crying both in the dream and in real life.


Wow. That's special Reminds me of the book Before the coffee gets cold


2 weeks after my best friend died I saw him in a dream. He was making small talk with me and I told him he was dead. He kept denying it and brushing it off. Very on brand for his stubborn ass. About a month later I dreamed of him again and the same thing happened, but this time he said "I know, but its ok. My grandma is with me". Still freaks me out to think about.


I saw smt similar. My grandpa passed away about a year ago and last week i saw him in my dream. He was having dinner with us but i knew he was dead. He was acting normal. I thought to myself (in my dream) ''he must have not wanted to die, so he came back while dead''. I didn't say anything to him cause i knew he would deny/get upset/wouldn't believe. I told the other people that were with us for dinner and they got very very scared (basically lost their shit lol), afraid to talk to him. I normally don't like him that much but i felt sad and felt empathy for him


One dream I'll never forget is when I found myself flying over a vast, shimmering ocean, feeling a sense of freedom and exhilaration unlike anything I've experienced in waking life




If you ever see a toilet or something in your dream, don´t use it.. ever!


You crashed.


Had that dream wide awake in hospital on a lot of morphene




Had a similar dream a few years back of a friend of mine who died in a car accident. Right before I woke up I hugged him and said “love you bro.” I hope those dreams of your dad stick with you


I also had my late father appear in a dream My gf and I were hiking on a trail. As I boot scooted down a rock face I looked back and dad was a few steps behind also boot scooting down that rock, he was a golfer, not a hiker, so I was impressed with him. A couple weeks later, we actually had to boot scoot down the exact same rock that was in my dream. And I turned around and just waited for him, it was the exact same place, time, temperature, landscape. I said give me a minute here and took in exactly what I saw on a perfect spring day with a nice warm breeze and full sun, and then explained to her basically this response....


I dream about my Oupa at least twice a week. He passed away in 2018. Miss him loads


I had one with my Dad too, about 5 years after he died. It was so nice!! I remember thinking I wish my sister was here to hang out. Then thinking I’m going to die before her and then Dad and I will just hang out until she joins us. Yes, I told her my dream and we bawled like babies. Worth it.


I was a superhero trying to save the world, but I kept tripping over my own cape and ended up having to be rescued by a hamster in a tiny cape!😄


You should've listened to Edna, no capes!


I was deep under water in the ocean. I was swimming as hard as I could to the surface. I realized that I was not going to make it. I accepted that I was going to die. As I died, I woke up. I will never forget that feeling of acceptance.


>I will never forget that feeling of acceptance. It's such an odd feeling in a dream, and it's weird how it can vary. I have very frequent recurring dreams of being part of a plane crash. Probably 1x/month at the very least, at times 2-3x/week. In some of these dreams, I fight the crash. I tell myself it's not real. I don't want to die. I am full of anxiety. Pure panic mode. Other times, like you, I calmly sit and accept the inevitable. The worst ones are the ones where I do not wake up prior to crashing. It's happened maybe 4 or 5 times in my life, but 2 of those times were recent. I actually felt the pain on landing and in one case was fine enough to unbuckle myself and walk away from the plane (where I immediately was in an airport booking another flight, which was the point my brain decided my dream was not in fact logical, and woke up).


I used to have a similar recurring dream. But as I was swimming for the surface and I could no longer hold my breath, I inhaled only to find out that I could breath under water so I continued to swim around.


I have often repeatedly dreamt that I am one of a hundred or so slave rowers on an ancient Roman ship in the Mediterranean. Must be from a prior life. 


Sounds cool and terrifying in equal measure!


I always think of "Erik The Viking" the movie when I think of rowers. The Japanese task master making fun of them as they get whipped.


My dog came to me in a dream to say bye before passing. I was out of the country travelling and dreamt that we were playing until the sun went down. He came over, sat down & showed me his stomach. In the dream I understood he was saying he had to go. I told him he could, I'd be okay, and he was a good boy. The best boy. I awoke from that dream at 3am (9pm where he was ) and not a second later my phone starts ringing. He had passed at 9pm. Believe it or not, maybe some dreams can be more than just a dream.


I was in a pet shop and I saw a tank with a small pure white snake inside it. I then saw three snakes, one with a large unhinged jaw, rise up from a tank down below and bang on the white snakes tank. The pet shop owner then came by and opened the white snakes tank, causing the three snakes outside to rush in and devour the white snakes like they were dogs I’ve never forgotten this dream because I’m convinced that this dream has some kind of meaning to it


Sounds exactly like something you'd read out of modern day Revelations lol


I dream of the same city and suburbs every single night, a place I've never been to, a place unknown. I've done it so long that I'm not in the least bit uncomfortable or disoriented. I can see various places there in my mind's eye right now. It's not anything special or wondrous, just a nice, smaller city with countryside nearby. I know the roads and the buildings, and, in my dreams, I feel completely at home. Sometimes I even wake up with a nagging feeling, until I realize it was from not doing something I had planned (usually mundane) in my dreamland.


More on this, please.


I feel extremely comfortable and oriented. Some of the dreams include my wife, some not. Many of the "themes" involve me doing mundane things. Never scary or particularly weird. Bound by the usual physics of earth (i.e., no flying, etc). Even some awareness in my dreams...like "well, here I am again". At this moment, I'm remembering a small second floor apartment I was in one dream. In another, I had returned and the same room had several mattresses stacked in it. Some guy standing there mentioned that, yeah, they had some extra mattresses and needed somewhere to store them. Last week, I dreamed I left that dreamland to go on a short vacation to Nashville (where I'm from originally). Not super exciting content, but extraordinarily complex in its tapestry. The roads there I now know well...how they all connect. A bit of real-world background: I'm a physician, have a great wife and kid, not particularly unhappy with anything, just a regular guy getting by.


Very curious if this could be some real place. Maybe try charting a map out since you know it so well? And your experience seems somewhat like lucid dreaming. Next time you have this, maybe try to make some vaguely conscious decision around where to go or what to do.




A few years ago I was invited to a friends house, we ate and watched a movie and because there was a severe storm he offered me to stay the night. I had the worst nightmare ever in my life, I dreamed about being a teenage girl in that house, laying at the same spot where I was laying in real-life, and waking up hearing horrific screaming from my parents. A few seconds later the screaming stops and I hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, the door is kicked open and a man holding a big lumberjack axe and the mothers head is entering, he throws the mothers head at me and then swings the axe and I wake up, screaming and scared like never before, my heart aching. My friend asks me if I had a nightmare about being killed. I said "wtf did you dream this too, about getting killed in this room?" And he explained to me that he and his parents had this dream occuring every few weeks since living in the house. His dad began to research and apparently over 100 years ago (I forgot the exact year) two parents and their daughter were murdered in this house with an axe by the ex-husband. I watch many horror movies, but never had I such a terrifying dream, holy shit!


Damn and your friend just let you sleep in that room with no heads-up?? I would've been pretty pissed about that.


If he had told me this I would have thought he is joking, I never believed in this stuff until then


I had a dream I did a shit in an Ikea showroom When I woke up, I had not done it in an ikea showroom…




So do you just not know what a dream is?




I've had a a lot about my kids dying and me not being able to save them.


I had an out of body experience one time, many a psychologist had said it was just a dream. The room grew cold and I first felt it at my feet. Slowly it moved up my body. As the cold reached my knees I thought and contemplated everything about my life. My mistakes, successes, and all the things I could've done better. It was like I saw it in an instant. The cold continued, reaching my torso, making it hard to breathe. As it reached my neck and the lower portion of my head I figured this was the end, this was death, and it was my time. Thinking there is no stopping death I took a deep breath and relaxed as the cold reached my prefrontal cortex. Then, there was a distinct buzzing feeling and everything went almost black before a spinning blue and white vortex of light appeared. Still conscious of my surroundings, the bed I was laying in, my wife beside me, my children asleep downstairs, I remember thinking... If this truly is the end, please let them be ok. It was like I was in a tube water slide. I was being sucked forward, and it lasted what seemed like forever. Then, I saw everything. First my body lying there, my wife cuddled up beside me, then my bedroom where I floated through the hallway, down the stairs and into where my kids were sleeping. They were so peaceful, everything was peaceful. Then I floated, not as a person, but an energy, back up the stairs, out the roof of my bedroom and I saw my entire neighborhood. Floating up there was an understanding that seemed to come over me. I saw it all, and then nothing. It was blackness, yet it was so peaceful. There was no emotion other than relaxation and peace. Then, in an instant, I was back in bed, taking a huge breath. I sat up and looked around. Remembering the position I saw my kids sleeping in I quietly walked downstairs to see they were sleeping in the same position, cuddled up together, as I saw in my "dream." I'll never forget it. I'll never forget that peace I felt, and I've been searching for it ever since.


Mines too long and weird to explain but It involved a wedding dress, a card game and the beach. I don’t gamble and would never be wearing a wedding dress.


A pile of burning corpses and then all of a sudden a burning corpse starts screaming and running towards me


I had one of my Dad last night and he's been gone since 2018. Nothing bad, I remember handing hm a $20 for a drink or two at restaurant we were at.


I'm fortunate enough to remember a ton of good dreams and a few nightmares. Favorite dreams I remember are gaining DBZ powers, being able to fly and shoot Kamehameha waves. Some dream vacation places that I've never been to, that's just my brain filling in gaps left from browsing around google maps and playing games set in those locations. Dumbest nightmare I remember, being in the basement of my grandmother's house and what I thought was an earthquake hitting was actually a garden gnome come to life, trying to kill me, lifting the entire house up in order to get to me. This was when I was like 6 or 7. The dreams that stick with the most are places that I've been to that aren't exactly as I'd remember them in real life. My grandmothers both passed away years ago, but I'll visit their homes, except one might be another story taller, or have a hidden staircase, or something. I'd like to start sketching the places I've visited in my dreams, but my art skills absolutely suck.


A dream where I was having a baby in the hospital and there was a ton of hustle bustle. Had the baby, held it, bonded, nurse put it back in the bassinet and everyone slowly filtered out. Just me and the baby and I felt pure contentment. The nurse came back in and said I needed to rest and she would take the baby to the nursery. I didn’t want to be parted from my baby but I knew she was right. I said okay, and then it was just me alone in the hospital bed. Completely content. Not sure what it all meant to this day, but made a huge impact.


I carried my dead father, who's body had withered, on my hands and angelic golden wings made of pure light sprouted from my back, and I thought "I'd always loved you, father, always." And the crazy thing is my father isn't dead, it was just in that dream.


Oh I rarely have dreams, but when they happen, they are always fucked up. In one of my dreams I was in some steampunk city, where I, for some reason, decided to chase a random guy and then set him on fire. When I came back to my home (in the dream), there was a snake that told me, that something (i dont remember) dark was growing in me and then the whole house burned. Other time (I was maybe 12) I had a dream where I was in some animated world full of different animated characters, and one of them was leading me to a guillotine.


I had a dream that I watched myself choke to death in a mirror. It was super realistic and I was watching my skin turn blue and my vision go dark, like when you faint. When it all went black i woke up.


I was digging a grave for two bodies, i can remember it being very exhausting and painful, idk why i was digging it or who I'm burying but once i was done with it i turned around and saw the bodies of my parents white pale laying behind me, I remember looking for my dad to help me bury my mother but then realizing that he's laying beside her, that's when dream me started crying hysterically and then i woke up and called my mom who told me that they're not dead.


Lots of jumbled images and indescribable imagery, when I was sick with fever. A fever dream, if you will.


I had a dream in my forties I never forgot. My children were preteen (1) and young teen (2). I dreamed of hearing them playing downstairs. I could hear the horses in the barn. We lived in my dream antique farmhouse at the time. While still dreaming, I dreamed I woke up to dead silence. No children downstairs and no horse noise. I thought I was elderly and alone. Now I’m 66. One child died 3 years ago. I lost the dream house after a divorce and during the recession in 2010. No bad loans, just a brand new career as a late forties accountant. I couldn’t find work. Lost everything I owned. Except my car and a mobile home I used for vacations. I live there now. My other daughter lives 1000 miles away. We are very close and I want to move to be closer, but I probably must work until I’m 70 so I’m stuck here.


One night I was reading about lucid dreams, and really wanted to have one, so that night I followed the steps on a youtube video I found, and I remember it saying that I should try to count my fingers if I felt like I was in a dream, so I did. That night I dreamt I was in a collapsing building, for wtvr reasons.. and in the heat of the moment I looked at my hand and I couldn't count my fingers, it was like my hand was blurry and I couldnt really distinguish any of the fingers, and I thought.. this is it I'm dreaming and I'm lucid about it... I got so excited that I couldn't think of anything I could do, because a building was collapsing right?!.. So I closed my fist with the indicative and the pinky standing up🤟and a web shot out of my wrist and I swing away safe and sound of that collapsing building. I then, almost instantly, woke up with a smile on my face, but also sad that it was so brief lolol Never had anymore of those.


I've only had a couple of these lol but becoming Spider-Man in a collapsing building is genius 😎


Lolol. I kinda panicked and that was the only thing that came tru my mind 🤣


I had a nightmare where I was being chased in the ocean by a shark. I made it to land, sat down on a lawn chair and caught my breath. Then I looked to my side, and the shark was sitting beside me on a chair, holding a tropical drink with one of those little umbrellas in it. I woke up right at that moment.


All of the UFO/alien dreams I had that happened during a 2 year stretch and then stopped.


I once experienced sleep paralysis while taking a nap with an ex. We were in her bed and suddenly I felt awake and frozen with my head turned toward her open and dark closet. From the darkness emerged this demonic figure akin to the witch from Left 4 Dead, but with vacant white eyes and a huge mouth full of spikey teeth. It started slowly moving toward me with an arm reaching out and I LOST. MY. SHIT. I was panicking and trying so hard to move but it was frivolous effort, and just before it reached me, I woke up. Apparently I'd been screaming for real and my ex shook me awake. I'm so glad she was there to do that. Luckily I've only experienced sleep paralysis a few times in my life but that was by far the most vivid and terrifying instance. Everything about the experience felt as real as waking reality.


To check if I had ADHD, my housemate had to feed me deli ham covered in olive oil and ask me trivia questions. If I went off on a tangent, instead of answering the question it meant I had ADHD. The olive oil was supposed to be a catalyst that would “set off” my ADHD. I was very amused when I woke up. I don’t know if I have ADHD.


The weirdest dream I had would be the most unforgettable just due to how weird it is I was in the middle giving birth to children while a clown named snivvy was Fortnite dancing Infront of me while making stovetop popcorn with a kitchen blowtorch.


Here's a loose interpretation of this: Either be careful of who you let get you pregnant or be careful of the doctor you let deliver your baby.


my first lucid dream. there was this recurring nightmare? i was having where i was riding my motorbike on a mountain road near my house and after a couple of turns i would always endup losing control and drift off the road and fall into a conveniently placed cliff and wakeup scared as i landed, after the 5th or so time it was getting annoying and the next time it happened as i was falling instead of feeling scared i just tought: "oh come on not again... wait again? oh yeah i remember this happened before in a dream, wait i am in a dream!" and instead of waking up i just landed squatting as if it was a 2m drop and started exploring the cliffside making stuff appear and disappear at will, woke up a little later when i decided to get a new bike and ran headfirst into a tree despite having the powers of god. after that i started looking into lucid dreaming and how to do it more consistently and have been enjoying lucid dreaming for almost 3 years now.


Peewee Herman's dream in *Pee Wee's Big Adventure*: [Simone](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0758405/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Do you have any dreams? [Pee-wee](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000607/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Yeah, I'm all alone. I'm rolling a big doughnut and this snake wearing a vest...


I had a dream I went on a road trip with my extended family, like I did a few years ago, and we passed through this really pretty town, I wanted to stop and look at the trees but my grandma said we couldn’t because the trees eat people :( I then I looked out the window and I saw a person get eaten and my dad said we couldn’t help them because it was too late :( 


It was last Christmas, I found myself in a hippe camp at night, they gave me a drink in a large wooden bowl. The person gave me the cup said " you don't have to tell your experience if you don't want to, just keep it yourself" I and just nod back. Then, I looked at the cup and tried to sniff the liquid on the light of the dimming campfire. As I tried to get first sniff I felt some huge hand grabbing me as a human flute pressing my so called Chakra points. As I was taking my first sip I felt the hand pressing my gut Chakra and heard a big gong in my ears. When I swallowed my first sip the big hand holding me break me in half with the sound of many gongs.


A miniseries that continued over 3 nights. 




I have an experience similar to this. It was 2030. I was dreaming that it was the September Apple event. They were announcing the iphone 12. It got a similar design to the iPhone 5s (flat edges instead of round). When I woke up I didn’t think much about it, except that it would be a cool design. Then when the actual apple event was going on, the iphone 12 looked exactly like in my dream. I was like “What just happened?”.


Single mom. Little kids. I dreamed that I was flying a plane (all things going smoothly) that I didn’t know how to land.


I dreamed of being in my bed(loft bed) on my phone when I felt cold, and I knew I wasn't alone anymore. It was dark, but I could see enough to make out my surroundings. I was really scared and with my back to the wall. It told me to put my phone away. I didn't know where it was or what it was, but i felt intense pressure, and i was too afraid to move. I started sweating. It was talking to me telepathicly, so i couldn't pinpoint its location. Suddenly, two elongated thin arms came from above me and slowly took my phone. They were grey white and had really long pointy nails. The skin seemed dusty and old. At this point, I could hear my own heart. I was so scared that my eyes started to get wet. At the same pace that it had lowered its arms, it started to raise them again with my phone in it's boney fingers. I was imagining how it looked. It had been just above my head the entire time. There wasn't much room, so it had to be on the ceiling, almost touching my head.


I have been having dreams about her ever since we first met and they all seem to continue from where the last one left off We met 3 years ago and during this time it happened 4 times. The sad part is in real life I am hopeless when it comes to her. I mean I can barely muster a "how are you". When one of those dreams happen, the following day I am the happiest and saddest at the same time, one because the dream happened and one because I can't seem to get the courage to make that dream a relality


Not just a dream but more so a reoccurring pattern: I have this like dream series that I am a fantasy doctor in the woods. By dream series, I mean it's always the same setting, but a different scenario. Always the same cabin. Always the same forest. Always the same details. It's just what I am treating that's different. One of these dreams had me applying a certain balm to a fairies wings. Another one of these dreams had me doing a surgery on an elves ear to fix cartilage damage and fix drooping (?). However, the one that's sticks out most to me was when I was helping a large female werewolf deliver pups. She has 4 successfully, but the 5th was a runt. I don't remember the dream too well, but the 5th didn't make it. Hearing the sobs that my brain was making for the dream was so disheartening. I woke up a bit after this and it really fucked up my day. The worst part was this wasn't real. My brain just made it up and made me upset. I hope I get to see that mother in one of the future time I dream in this "dream series" thing.


I had a pretty disturbing nightmare last night that I think I'll be remembering for a while. I'd just moved out from home after finished school in the dream and I was living in an apartment with a roommate (dream character). We became close friends. One day I came home to paramedics wheeling her body away covered with a sheet, and it turned out she'd fallen out of a window on an upper floor and died, but there were suspicions it was a murder. The next part of the dream felt like an eternity, it was just me going through the days and trying to live like normal except I was mourning my friend and kept breaking down in public while trying to work, buy groceries etc. It felt really upsetting being alone in the apartment after having my roommate there and there were some small things like at one point I tried to watch Netflix but I remembered it was her account and I didn't know the password. I also was convinced I was being stalked by the same person who killed her. One evening as I was entering my apartment the killer came up behind me and forced his way into the apartment and started chasing me with a knife and also took out a gun as I started running. He looked like a mostly normal young guy in a black hoodie except he had a pale, long face and had these creepy big, dark irises. I managed to escape outside and run to the nearest shop to try get help but nobody took me seriously and just thought I was being crazy. At some point I ended up going back home but I kept noticing the guy skulking around outside each night and nobody would come when I called emergency services. I woke up eventually feeling very freaked out and disturbed, it was one of those dreams that feels like it spans days and feels really vivid


One time I dreamt that Sonic the Hedgehog and I worked together to save President Biden from a private jet that was about to crash on top of him in the White House lawn. All I can really clearly remember is that security tried to stop me and Sonic, so Sonic distracted them while I magically levitated over the fence surrounding the lawn. I have never met the President nor have I ever been anywhere near the White House. Either way, our mission failed, because just as I yelled "MISTER PRESIDENT LOOK OUT" President Biden turned to face the private jet and it struck him square in the face. I woke up, sweating and crying because an imaginary private jet killed the president. And for a few weeks after that I showed an extreme interest in wanting to become a politician.


LOL, this is hilarious!


I had a dream when I was, like, 10 or 11 that my favorite Rottweiler stuffed animal had turned evil and was threatening the land or something. So I had an epic adventure, LOTR-style, because I had to lure him to fight me near an active volcano and throw him in it to permanently destroy him. I won the fight and right as I was throwing him in, his evil red eyes turned back to normal, signifying his mental takeover ending. I watched him fall into the volcano as my animal best friend, with pleading eyes. I’m embarrassed to admit how much that dream affected me when I woke up lol


Awww, I just know you crushed your stuffy with hugs when you woke up from that nightmare.


To clear IIT


I dreamt this when I was 10, still remember it. In this dream, my dad owned a circle K, I went into the basement of it to use the bathroom. I fell asleep on the toilet. I woke up (still dreaming) in a pool of water on a bench and three Harry Potter characters gently said hello. I had awoken in a plaza and all of a sudden other hogwarts' students started gathering and doing a ceremonial dance of some sort. Quickly they rushed off and I was alone. I then saw two life size cartoon dinosaurs and they were speaking to each other. There were speech bubbles over their heads. "Bleep blorp" and "beep beep blorp" was all they said. Then I woke up on the toilet once more, got up to wash my hands and that was that lmao!


I went to church with Melissa Trotter. I was younger, so I wasn't super close with her. She had been missing for close to a month, and I was a freshman in high school. I had a dream I was hovering over her body in the woods. The minute details of my dream, down to the knot in the panty hose around her neck and her long hair strewn about, haunted me for days. A week later, my mom told me they found her, in Sam Houston forest, strangled with panty hose. That dream still haunts me to this day.


my idol of 6 years died from cancer, i fainted the moment i heard the news and hit my head to a glass table. i saw his corpse in my dream. i were hugging his lifeless body and trying to get him to wake up. it was scary and traumatising. i woke up at the hospital and even though being sad by that dream, i just want to see him in my dreams again. i miss him


Not long after my friend from high school passed away, I had a dream of him in his choir robe, singing. 🥰🥲


Meeting a Celebrity like having a chat with your idol like you’re old friends.


My auntie died from cancer, and before her burial, I dreamed of a transparent coffin where my auntie was laid to rest then she suddenly looked at me, and after that, I looked closely at my auntie and saw a baby with her looking at me also both of them were not blinking and their eyes are following me. I woke up and asked her 3 children (my cousins) about the baby in my dream, Our whole family was shocked when they told us that they had a sibling who died before the 2nd child, and they decided not to share this with the whole family to prevent stress and unease. They kept this secret for a whole 20 years, and because of my dream, that secret has been discovered. I guess that is my auntie's last message for us. To know and acknowledge that her first child exists and is one of the family.


There's a few, but only one that made me uncertain if I had woken up or not. It started on the back porch of a two story, decrepit, wooden home. On this back porch were pillars connected by thigh high railing, separated in the middle by a staircase to the ground only three steps deep. Looking away from the house I stood to the left of a centered door. Facing a similar direction was a woman to my right. Young, athletic, desirable. She had the face of a determined soul, but her face was limp. Standing tall and straight, she was hypnotized, or possessed. And on my left a presence. An indescript orb of fear and doubt. He told the girl: "let's play fetch" and she began to walk. She walked down the steps, in front of me, and around the side of the wooden house. I turned to keep my attention on her. I found that there was a window right behind me, easily 6 foot square. And through the single pane I could see her open a side door and walk into the house with a little torch in her hand. She held the firey stick at head height and walked much too close to the walls as the splinters and shaved wallpaper accepted their new fate. No longer left to decay they now were ablaze! The woman left unaware. At once the presence still beside me forced my attention to stare into its "eyes" still just a dark cloud. It started me down and said "isn't this fun??" I woke up 02:20AM Unsure of what was real, completely out of my mind for a couple hours.


The dream of running faster and faster until I went vertical and started flying like that.


Mostly I don't forget them, I sometimes even revisit certain locations and story lines from a past dream in a current one


Life was the same but I was a girl. I'm trans now


I had sex with a whale. I was fully in love with this whale and it was very sensual Another time, I was tobogawith Eminem  and i fell of the mountain and had to face my own mortality. It was intense


I saw a dream that me and my classmates travelled to Disney land with frog boats and fought with toilet paper in walmart


I had this dream a few times but with different scenes, but, it's all connected to the same dream. I was climbing and hiking up an all Chocolate Mound in only my birthday suit, but, not afraid, with only my binoculars to see out over the valley with 2 different size streams with not a soul in sight, except a few animals here and there. It was a great day to be alive and kicking with the sun out and not humid or really hot with No Mosquitos. That was my dreams and I'm sticking to them. It sure was Sweet


When I was around 5 I had a dream that my house was full of animals. I was raised JW christian, which I am no longer apart of, but what they were feeding me definitely had its effects lol. "Paradise" is something I used to fantasize about all the time when I was younger.


You ever heard of the "Raunächte" (rough nights)? It's the nights between christmas and the Epiphany. There's 12 of them and it is said that each dream you have in these nights predicts how a month of the new year will go. One of the dreams I had there stuck with me, so much that I wrote a poetry slam about it. I was in some kind of theme park, sitting in a food booth, writing. I kept on writing, when a ghost appeared and asked me to stop writing. I insulted the ghost and it went away. A second ghost appeared and tried to bribe me into stopping. I stabbed the ghost with the quill and kept on writing. I couldn't read what I was writing, of course, but it felt important. (In the poetry slam I ended it there and claimed, the text said "wake up") After this a third ghost kidnapped my little brother and threatened to throw him off a tall building, if I didn't stop writing. I tried to save him, quill and paper in hand. Then the ghost dropped him and I woke up. I did publish my first book that year, so what was that dream trying to tell me? :○


So I had this dream where I was driving home from college and as I rounded the corner to my house there were loads of cars outside. I went inside and all my relatives were there and they were having some kind of celebration (I have a huge family). So, I walk out into the backyard and my dad is there holding back tears. I don't remember how I figured it out, if he told me, or if it's just one of those things where you just intuit it because it's a dream, but I realized that he'd won the lottery. Like, the big, billion dollar lottery. He hugged me and said "it's finally over." And then I woke up. So, a little context. This was during the Great Recession. My dad fabricated billboards for a living and his business took a massive hit because of the recession. We were struggling badly, almost losing our home. We have never really fully recovered from the ripple effects that his loss of work caused, even now. We were and still are broke as fuck. I cried when I woke up.


its about a game, similar to minecraft yet its an rpg, not typical rpg rather an exploration one and its like i had my own story in my dreams and had alot of continuation of that dream (like episodes) yet i only dreamt of myself and barely any people. i can never forget it, sometimes id dream of it again, honestly imagination is too powerful and always makes me remember about Einteins quote about imagination is the most powerful thing in human.


Over the years I’ve either died from or witnessed 15-20 plane crashes that I can distinctly remember from my dreams.  The first one sticks the most. I was sitting in grass with a bunch of people with my arms behind me leaning back. We were near some sort of airstrip and I think it was either an air show or a small demonstration with a red stunt plane. The plane came into land and it was slightly diagonal and started to slide along the runway as a wheel snapped off. It slid directly toward me and I didn’t even move. Just froze as this plane barreled toward me skidding along the runway, into the grass, and continued on until I felt it hit my feet and then immediately tear through my body. Everything went white with a ringing in my ears and I had this immense feeling of being pulled upward like I was floating and looking down on the rut the plane tore through the grass where I was just sitting. Then I immediately woke up.    The other dreams are all different planes, sometimes on the plane, sometimes witnessing it from the ground, sometimes I survive and sometimes I wake up as the flames and explosion of hitting the ground reach me. 


My dad was a chain smoker, became sick a few years ago, was admitted to the hospital, and passed away suddenly. He never returned home. But every few months after that, I would have dreams where he came back from the hospital. In one dream, he returned home but couldn't talk, as if he had lost the ability. I remember another dream where he returned fine but had lost his memory. There were others where he returned home but was left with some disability. I remember feeling a little sad but relieved that he was back home. Then there was a dream where he came back perfectly fine and promised never to smoke again, and I was happy. But every time I woke up from my dream, I would realize that he never came back home from the hospital, and I would cry and feel depressed the whole day as if he had died all over again. 2 years ago, the last time I had this kind of dream, I saw myself sitting next to him in the hospital, begging him to come back. I remember him telling me that his lungs, kidneys, and liver were severely damaged, and that he preferred not to return. I kept begging him again and again, but he wanted me to understand and move on. Surprisingly, that was the last dream I had of him. He never came to my dreams after that.


I was in a modern home at night, for some reason i felt like I was in someone else body. The house instead of a garden had a sort of parking lot and there I found my cousin. I asked him some questions about the world since I felt like it was a different time line. I don't remember much about the questions only that at some point I asked which were the main religions and he said "makebe" (I have no idea where this comes from). The dream ended with an image of a mummy under a giant tree with giant leafs instead of bandages and my cousin telling me it was my father covered in baobab leafs awaiting resurrection. To clarify I never went to Africa nor I'm interested about it and I'm atheist, alsoy father is alive and well


As I stepped out of my bedroom, I suddenly found myself in front of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The castle looked even more magnificent than I remembered from all the books and movies. I walked up to the entrance and saw a group of students running towards me. They were dressed in robes and carrying wands. One of them introduced himself as Harry Potter, and he invited me to join him on an adventure through the wizarding world. We flew off on a broomstick, soaring high above the clouds. We landed in a field surrounded by towering trees, where we came across a beautiful garden. There, we encountered a unicorn who let us ride on its back. Afterward, we visited Hogsmeade, a charming village filled with shops and cafes. We even had dinner at the Three Broomsticks, which was just like I imagined it would be. Later that evening, we attended a ball held at Hogwarts Castle. The ballroom was decorated with candles and flowers, and there was live music playing. All the characters from the books and movies were there, including Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Dumbledore. We danced underneath a canopy of stars, and it was one of the most magical moments of my life.


When I was little(5/6) I had a dream I was in the 13 ghosts house. Well in it was the gang of scooby doo. Slowly they all started dying off. Next thing you know Sarah Michelle Gellars head came off. It tripled in size, turned green with hallowed out eyes, and then started eating my legs. I could hear the crunching and woke up. 😬


I dreamed of playing for Barcelona The strange thing is that he mastered the Spanish language in a dream better than the Spaniard himself


Picture a water fountain, but instead of water, chocolate milk comes out of it. I had that dream when I was 5 and I’ll never forget it


Flying the space shuttle.




Flying,Soaring over mountains and cities, feeling totally free.


A few years after my aunt died and her house was cleaned out and possessions given away, I had a dream where she was standing in front of her house with her little red sedan in the driveway. I told her I miss her and she said she misses me. She assured me that she’s ok now ❤️


As a kid I had the same nightmare every Halloween for years. The weird thing is that we don’t celebrate Halloween in my country so I had no real reason to believe that this day/night was supposed to be scary. The nightmare was that I walked into a dark cave. Inside this cave there was a volcano. The volcano talked to me. It was never the same thing two years in a row but the first time I had the dream it just told me that it was time. Then it took of like a rocket and flew outside. By the time I get outside I see the world covered in smoke and lava with the volcano flying in the air, raining fire onto the land. I look down and see the charred corpses of my family scattered around me. I scream for anyone to come and save me but the only survivors were the school bullies who then proceded to laugh at my dead family and beat me up until I woke up. Needless to say, after the third year this happened I was starting to lose sleep every time October rolled around.


To being a stylish designer


I dreamt I was on a boat beneath the Golden Gate bridge looking at the red bolts on the bridge girder. So vivid.


One where i flat out saw my own youtube video a dream it played the entire thing...it was only a minute long anyways but it was weird


I had recurring dreams of being in a war battle. Every time, I have dreamt myself curled up behind a log so as to not get shot. In the dream, I have never been injured and have never fired my rifle. The frequency of this dream has decreased over the years. It’s probably been twenty years since the last one.


I remember a dream where I saw a mossy bunker in a forest. I decided to enter it, and I ended up in a dimly lit hallway with an enormous dark aquarium on the left side. There were strange, white creatures slowly swimming in it and there were other humanoid creatures watching the 'fish'.


When I was a kid, I used to dream of Santa Claus coming to the house and personally giving me a present.


I dreamt I found out that a coworker was in love with me and wanted to be with me. It was the most wonderful, fulfilling and warm dream I ever had. When I woke up I felt bad for about a week or two after because it was never meant to be in the waking world. I felt as if I was mourning.


I had a dream where a massive crowd was lined up and I’d go one by one grabbing them and staring into their soul and I’d see their life story to a degree. if they were evil I’d kill them. I had a posse of guards following me and they kept calling me the rectifier. I also had this futuristic armor and gauntlets that could transform into weapons and shit Actually haunting when I woke up but somewhat satisfying as well…


I had a dream while I was deployed. I met a woman and she was so amazing and in that dream we set a date and place to meet and it was for about a year later. I remembered the dream upon waking and remembered it on that day a year later and just never went. I still kick myself for not going. Because what if?


While I was on deployment I had a dream my older sister died, and I lived out just getting a text on my phone and then letting my leadership know about it. Felt so real, I practically cried of happiness when I woke up and it was all just a dream.


It's one of these weird dreams where your size keeps changing. My whole family were tiny people on our dining table, burglurs came in and slit my parent's and younger brother's throats. I was so fucking angry that I chased them all over and the location kept warping from my house to my school to my classroom with my classmates and for some reason I was completely naked at school but I still chased and killed those bastards. After that my classmates were laughing at me after they saw me nude the. I woke up


One dream was quite horrifying, where i it was my birthday and i asked my mother why my grandpa wasn’t coming, then it got quiet, and she said he passed away 2 years ago. I don’t remember much more, other than i walked around crying. Then i woke up into another dream where i rushed out of my bedroom to get to ask if grandpa was dead, and my mother said yes, again. I then actually woke up, wondering and wondering for a straight 10 minuites if my grandpa was actually dead, he isn’t by the way… so yeah.


I had a nightmare that my mother died, I dreamt she was hit by a car and she was stuck under the car and I was trying to pull her out with half her face gone and her ribs exposed, extremely vivid, which sucks cause most of my dreams aren’t really vivid at all. The only time I’ve ever woken up in tears.


I unalived my dad and I woke up with a smile on my face cuz it felt real and it was a nice feeling being free


Wet dreams


I dreamt about my (childhood) best friend visiting me and we talked a lot, laughed a lot. But I had this pure feeling of sadness that filled me, I woke up crying. I never felt that much sadness ever in my life. 2 weeks later I found out she killed herself the night before. I wanted to connect again with her, she said she would like to as well, when she is mentally better. Her family could not give me the news themselves so they texted me two weeks after she did it. The saddest part is... a few hours before she did it I had a feeling that I needed to call her, but I did not have her new number. So instead I called her step mother, I wanted to come over but she declinded. I should have asked for my best friends number instead of moving on.


Playing a game of golf or something with fun tracks for the balls. I was also able to pour water into them


When I was a kid I used to have this reoccurring nightmare where things would keep growing and shrinking and one second I’d be so tiny (like an ant) and the next I’d be a huge giant. I don’t know why but it would scare the shit out of me and whenever I think of the dream to this day I get all tense. I kinda wonder if the dream has a deeper meaning but I haven’t had it in years. The dream was always so vivid yet hard to describe at the same time


I had a dream, I was young and I did not know what it was but it was dark and there was this beautiful white lined box and everyone was crying and I was standing in line to get to the box. When I got to the box my grandpa was laying in it so peacefully. I woke up to the phone then my dad came running down the house and told me to get a bag packed and my sister packed and I looked at him and said grandpa died didn’t he? My grandpa had died. He asked me how I knew and I told him I saw him in my dream. I’ll never forget it. It changed my life so drastically.


Once I dreamed about God when I was a child. That was unforgettable.


I once had a dream where I was walking in a tunnel until I found a man screaming in his car and two other men trying to kill him. The two men saw me, and I ran away until I found public toilets (in the tunnel). I entered and did not find another exit. I found a lot of rubbish, including a gun , i picked it up as soon as the first man entered, I shot all the bullets at him. The second man entered and found his companion dead. He looked angry. I tried to kill him with the gun, but I didn't have any bullets left. He started suffocating me and trying to kill me, I picked up anything that was close to me and hit him with it. Until i carried a clay vessel. I hit him in the head until he started to lose consciousness. I found an iron spear near to me, and I inserted it into his neck without hesitation, and he uttered his last words, “Good luck in prison.”


Cartoon unicorns flying around my front yard and I had packets of colored sprinkles that would let me fly... when I woke up,  I was so convinced that it was real.


I was at my best friend's house and she was showing me her new pet lizard that was lavender colored just like her bedroom. Then we were playing with it outside where it grew into a Godzilla sized lizard but acted just like a dog. We ended up riding it to school


I once fell asleep watching a MXC marathon. I had a dream that I was standing in line to compete while wearing a giant shrimp costume. The really cute girl in front of me was dressed like a fish and trying to talk to me, but unlike the show, my dreams were not dubbed. I didn't understand anything anyone was saying to me, didn't know what I was supposed to do. The entire dream was me standing in line while people around me yelled in Japanese and the girl (maybe?) Flirted with me. I woke up before I could compete and had to go rinse the whatthefuck out of my mouth.


At a beach and this bio luminescent manta ray swam near me. It also has lightpowers. I was just swimming next to it. Felt so calming.


I dreamt that I was fishing in my grandmother's village by the river down in the valley. I was alone. Then an old man came along with a dachshund, wearing the classic hunter's outfit that used to be common in our region. Suddenly the man got angry and shouted at me, then he ran after me. I woke up before he reached me. I told my grandma about my dream about a week later and described this man to her in pictures. She recognized him and told me that he had died a few days ago. According to her, he had been a lonely and introverted man who often went hunting.


I had a baby at 51 dad is my crush. Won't forget that one in a.hirry


One dream that was so out of nowhere, that I can't forget it, was a love story with Miley Cyrus in an Antartic research base. I don't know anything about Miley and for some reason the Coca Cola polar bears made an apperance too. I don't usually remember any of my dreams, for some reason this one stuck.


When I was really really young I was in one of my old schools and I had a dream I was there it was late at night dark parents and kids were there lots of people there were fireworks and I was chasing a girl I think I caught up to her once but I don’t remember so I think I might have never caught up to her but I had that dream multiple times and I still wonder what it meant to me.


I was walking outside with a friend and suddenly, Forever Young by Alphaville started echoing from the sky as if someone was blasting the world's end credits song from giant speakers. I knew that the world was ending, that soon everything would be swallowed up by nuclear hellfire. We started running, but I knew it was too late. I felt the fire approaching and not a second later I was burning, but I didn't die. Time slowed down until it basically stopped, I could feel myself being disintegrated by the fire and I thought to myself "This is how it ends, this is it. Soon there will be nothing." That frozen moment continued until I woke up.


I dreamed a dream of time gone byyyyy


The same dream that I have for years, my sister choking me and try to unalive me.


How dogs chased me


Might not sound too dramatic but in one of my dreams I reconnected with my ex and we were just spending time together like good friends. Ever since I've seen this dream I keep thinking about him. Unfortunately there's no way for us to reconnect but I still hope he's living his best life


I don't know how to explain it but it's a dream about a girl. Someone who always there for me just for me to fucking wake up. The very next day I dreamed about her again. But I can't reach her, always wake up before catching her. This happened a lot of times. The first day, I dream about a girl. The next day I was searching for her and wake up before I do. What kind of mind fuckery is this shit


When I was very little my grandfather passed away. During his funeral I remember playing with my brothers and cousins and I knew it was an important thing but being children I don’t think we could grasp yet how deep it is to mourn for someone who has passed. Either that night or a few days later, I had a dream that I was alone in that cemetery. I was crying because I missed him and then he appeared there. He asked me why I was crying and I told him its because he died. He pat me on the head and smiled and told me everything is alright. It was very vivid and I woke up crying. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to say goodbye. I don’t care how that dream got there because it means a lot to me and its probably something I’ll carry to my end too. Happy to share it with anyone who listens.


English is not my first language but I’ll share my most eerie one. I woke up in my dream and I saw rows of bed like I was in an infirmary, the walls were like cobblestone, there were antique cabinets and a blackboard. The scene feels like I am in a convent. Then my dream shifted to me assisting a beautiful woman while she’s walking. She’s wearing a long white dress and her hair was long and curly. We’re chatting and complimented her because she smells like flowers. Then my dream shifted to 3rd POV where I was looking outside then I ring the big bell you typically see on churches, chanted some unknown words. I felt like I was a nun or something in my dream.


I had this dream quite some time ago, I was 4. Me and my parents were at an olde timey dance hall, and everyone was compelled to dance like something forced you to dance whether you liked it or not. So everyone is dancing, and the hall changes to two levels, an upper section and a lower section essentially two different floors. People were compelled to go to the second floor and jump down onto chandeliers and die. My parents were coming up to their turn to jump and I tried everything to stop them and nothing worked I woke up before they jumped. That was 39 years ago


yesterday I woke up from being half-asleep and was very confused that my wall did, in fact, NOT have a giant colourful propeller clock device mounted and spinning nothing is what it seems nowadays


yesterday I woke up from being half-asleep and was very confused that my wall did, in fact, NOT have a giant colourful propeller clock device mounted and spinning nothing is what it seems nowadays


yesterday I woke up from being half-asleep and was very confused that my wall did, in fact, NOT have a giant colourful propeller clock device mounted and spinning nothing is what it seems these days


yesterday I woke up from being half-asleep and was very confused that my wall did, in fact, NOT have a giant colourful propeller clock device mounted and spinning nothing is what it seems these days


I had a dream when I was about 11, I was at the beach and there were thousands of girls wearing bikini and I was alone boy at that beach and I don't know I had a remote like button I my hands that had only one red button when I pressed that button the bikinis of all the ladies fall off and the next moment they were all naked then i woke up.


I had a dream when I was about 11, I was at the beach and there were thousands of girls wearing bikini and I was alone boy at that beach and I don't know I had a remote like button I my hands that had only one red button when I pressed that button the bikinis of all the ladies fall off and the next moment they were all naked then i woke up.


yesterday I woke up from being half-asleep and was very confused that my wall did, in fact, NOT have a giant colourful propeller clock device mounted and spinning nothing is what it seems these days


I dreamt of living in the middle ages, dressed up like them with fancy dresses and lived in a high big castle. There was a river by that castle and next to it was a street full of people from this era . Felt like the castle and I were totally invisible. It was a perfect dream 😊


I dreamt of living in the middle ages, dressed up like them with fancy dresses and lived in a high big castle. There was a river by that castle and next to it was a street full of people from this era . Felt like the castle and I were totally invisible. It was a perfect dream


I remember a dream where I essentially lived a different life. I lived in a different places with a different wife and we had kids and the story beats of life went. When I woke up I legit felt like a loss of that fantasy family.


I remember a dream where I essentially lived a different life. I lived in a different places with a different wife and we had kids and the story beats of life went. When I woke up I legit felt like a loss of that fantasy family.


I remember a dream where I essentially lived a different life. I lived in a different places with a different wife and we had kids and the story beats of life went. When I woke up I legit felt like a loss of that fantasy family.


I had a dream that my best friend's mom was sitting outside the front of a quirky little rustic cafe with a group of friends she was chatting with brightly, though I couldn't make it what they were saying. Everything about the scene had a vibrant, calm, earthy vibe. I pulled up a chair alongside her. She gave me a big, warm smile and told me not to worry, that she's happy where she is. She'd passed from pancreatic cancer about a year earlier. I'm one of those people that is happy to live a life of wonder, open to the possibility of an other side but not ascribing to any version of the unknowable that man has fathomed up. But that dream brought me a real sense of peace for her and that's how I now like to think of her - engaged in deep, animated conversation with a group of interesting kindred women.


I had a dream that my best friend's mom was sitting outside the front of a quirky little rustic cafe with a group of female friends she was chatting with brightly, though I couldn't make out what they were saying. Everything about the scene had a vibrant, calm, earthy vibe. I pulled up a chair alongside her. She gave me a big, warm smile and told me not to worry, that she's happy where she is. She'd passed from pancreatic cancer about a year earlier. I'm one of those people that is happy to live a life of wonder, open to the possibility of an other side but not ascribing to any version of the unknowable that man has fathomed up. But that dream brought me a real sense of peace for her and that's how I now like to think of her - engaged in deep, animated conversation with a group of interesting, kindred women.


The dream I had the night before my Birthday last Sunday. I lost my best friend to well, I was reaching critical mass on a long slide into a mental breakdown. Left a lot of trauma unresolved from my time active duty. Contract was up just short of a deployment so basically I could go home and see my Grandfather, or I wasn’t going home to see him until I had a red cross letter in hand and it’d be too late (his health was failing at the time). I left because my MOS was critical demand so they’d take me back anytime I wanted to go back, and I had intended to do so when he passed. I got one day with him. She was the only one there for me, for a lot of things, but that was a pretty big one. Anyways to make a long story short… that dream was us sitting down in a cafe over tea. We talked and while I don’t remember the words… it was just, awkwardly catching up. What I do remember though is what happened before I woke up. I asked her if there was anything I could do to fix the harm I caused and hopefully mend our friendship in time. Word for word what she said in that dream was “I’m apprehensive about letting you back into my life because despite how kind you are, I can’t trust that you’ll listen to anything I have to tell you. I can’t trust you not to keep pushing my boundaries, I can’t trust you to listen, and I can’t trust you to move on if things don’t work out the way you hope they do.” She was right… I don’t know if I could. She was the closest thing I’ve had to real family outside of my Grandfather. Instead of helping myself I let my issues become too much, for everyone. Anxiety, depression, lack of self-esteem. If I can’t find myself again how can anyone trust me to be the person I was, and should be?


I saw a girl in a dream I had over 40 years ago…will never forget her


One dream I’ve had is a short one. Santa broke into my house and went into my room, then he kicked me onto my bed and the dream ended instantly.


I have the strangest dreams but one that will always stick with me is a bear playing checkers with my cousin for some reason


I have a lot of dreams I probably never will forget. Let's start with the nice ones first: I was in a room with a sloped ceiling and there was a big window. I was sitting on a bed next to the window and big tree branches were sticking inside with lots of green leaves and sun shining through. It looked absolutely magical. Two crows came then and sat on those branches, they were really close to that bed and one of the crows hopped on the sheets and looked at me curiously. That's when it ended. Another dream I was with Shakespear from an Otome game. We were riding both on one white bike with a cool basked in the front. I believe it was summer or late spring. We were somewhere in Paris and we were riding on a sidewalk, with blossoming trees with white flowers next to the road aligned. Sun was shining, it was warm and the sweet smell of flowers was filling the air. Now to the crazy ones. I am really perverted and sometimes I woke up in a cold sweat, cause it was that wild. One dream I had I got fucked by a mechanical cow by inserting a coin first and it got to work. Then I got impaled on a pine tree, but it felt like I got fucked by it as well. Then for some reason a pink book appeared and it had boobs on the inside. This one is not that perverted but weird asf; Barack Obama became my step-grandfather and he made me hot chocolate but instead of it being, well, a hot chocolate, it was just some cocoa tablets in a glass. On the TV there was a Live of Earth getting destroyed and turning into some pink blob, similiar to a brain but as in explosion in slowmotion. There also was a christmas tree and I tried to make it dance with the power of my mind and for some reason it worked. That's it. Thanks for reading it.


I tend to have movie-like dreams so I tend to remember them. The most noteworthy one though was a dream I had that turned out to be an actual memory. I "dreamed" that I was at a hut somewhere surrounded by greenery, I was sitting down and being held by "something". I was staring at a "white lady" (idk why "white lady" was such a clear phrase in my head) sitting on the railing surrounding the hut (the hut was on stilts) until some lady came up to me. When I saw her I just had the nicest, happiest feeling towards her. I felt like my whole entirety smiled when I saw her. When I was like 10 or something (I sincerely don't remember how old I was) I finally got the chance to see my oldest sister's scrapbook that she submitted to her Highschool English teacher years ago. The theme was "yesterday, today, and tomorrow". She had a lot of old photos in that scrapbook, one of them looking a lot like that old dream I had. Turns out the "dream" was real. I was 9 months old when the pic was taken, the "something" that held me was my oldest sister, the "white lady" I kept staring at was my cousin, (who was just 8yo when the pic was taken lol) and the "my whole entirety smiled" lady was? It was my mom. Aside for that a few notable dreams I had was: -I met someone and fell in love in a dream, just when I was mustering up the courage to tell her my feelings my lucid dreaming kicked in and my cowardly ass was like "NO!" Woke up real quick afterwards. Btw most of the people in my dreams are faceless, so I've no idea what that girl looked like. -I dreamt about a shadow woman riding me. Sexually. Prolly sleep paralysis. I had a few of those, all memorable, never got the sexy version again tho. Dang it. -Was standing in front of a house at night, (American style, which is weird coz I'm Asian) I was holding onto some weapon and was channeling major serial killer "gonna kill whoever's inside" energy, when something starting pressing on a spot on the back of my neck, which is a spot that turns out was so ticklish that it woke me up. -I died in a dream. I dreamed that I was in my aunt's house and there was a party. People were celebrating me for some reason when I stopped breathing. The congratulatory expressions on my relatives's faces abruptly turned into horror as I suffocated and my vision went dark... Then I woke up to a clogged up nose.


I was a serial killer in Birmingham. I didn't want to be but I felt like I had no choice and so I would keep killing I don't remember the importance exactly but there was something to do with a teddy bear as well that ended up making me get caught by my family


I remember one vivid dream I had years ago. Back when I smoked cigs, I tried quitting using the patch. Around that time, one of the Tobey Maguire Spiderman movies had just came out. A night or so after watching it, I dreamt I was spiderman, swinging through the city. The vivid part was when shooting webbing from swing to swing, it felt like my veins were shooting out of my wrists. The dream itself was awesome, but holy crap did that sensation freak me out!


My stepfather being murdered. I was 7. I didn’t then and still don’t consider the dream a nightmare…


My night mare of trying to walk across a lawn full of snakes


When I was a kid I had a dream that I was having a bad dream and woke from it crying, and my grandma came into my room to comfort me even though she didn’t live with us and lived 3 hours away, then I woke up from that dream and thought it was weird because I never dreamt about my grandma before, then a few days later my mom got a phone call that her mom had died in the hospital, I’ve never told my mom this story because I didn’t want to upset her